TPK Morgan Style Exemplar

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For the most part, it doesn’t matter where you start drawing a letter. There are some letters, however, where
the starting point makes a difference. For those letters, a star has been drawn near the starting point.


1. Feel free to modify any of these letters; all letter formations and styles are only suggestions!
2. You can create these letters with any type of pen, but I prefer a straight dip pen fitted with a Nikko G nib.
The Nikko G is strong enough to provide you with consistent lines, but flexible enough to produce contrast
between strokes (thick downstrokes, thin upstrokes).
3. If you want to, you can draw horizontal pencil guidelines before you start working on a piece that will
feature Morgan Style lettering. I usually draw one guideline to denote the base of the letters, and one guide-
line to denote the top of the letters.

Morgan Style Lettering Exemplar | © | Personal Use Only, Please

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