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and left the base, following a route determined by the handles off of their
toothbrushes in order to BS
» Danish military officers. lighten the load. Jesper and Rasmus, on the other
Sirius patrollers travel by dogsled. In this 11 hand, don't worry as much about
speed, and they
modern age of Humvees and tanks, there's still bring all the clothing they need to
keep warm.
no better way than dogsledding to travel long
distances in Greenland, where the engine fail- At the end of the day, Jesper and
Rasmus stop 1
ure of a motor vehicle can be deadly. Not only the sted and start their nighttime
routine. While
are sled dogs reliable, there have been many the northern lights” blaze overhead in
bright pinks
instances where they have saved patrollers’ lives. and greens, Jesper sets up the
tent. Rasmus takes
Sledding during the endless night, especially in care of the dogs. spending a litte
time with each
fo, is often performed half blind. The dogs have one. “They become your family,"
Jesper explains.
stopped short at cliff edges and refused to move. Rasmus hugs their proud lead dog,
Johan; their
They also make a specific polar bear warning cheerful female, Sally: thei resident
sound—a hissing growl—that lets patrollers know Indy; and their legend, Armstrong.
who is in his
when to be alert. tenth winter as a sled dog. Armstrong has pulled
Any mistake in the far north can be danger- 12 a sled at least 25,000 miles (40,236
ous; if you put your gloves down in the wrong which is the equivalent of more than
once around
spot for an instant, theyll blow away. “You'll be the equator.
punished if you're not doing everything right,” Inside the tent, Jesper and Rasmus
finally 15
Rasmus warns. The only fatality in Sirius history warm up. As their dinner cooks,
Jesper finally has
occurred in 1968 when a patroller became sep- time to take care of his wound. He
climbs out of
arated from his partners on a training ride and his ski pants and examines the deep
gash in his
died. Lost in a snowstorm, he hadn't been able to eg an the blood that continues to
ooze. For most
survive alone. people, this would require a doctor's visit at the
Relationships between patrollers aren't very least. However, Jesper simply takes
out the
always friendly, but separation is not a viable firstaid kit and patches himself
up, ready to con-
option. Fortunately, Jesper and Rasmus are a tinue his work. He is, after al, a
Sirius patroller
good mateh. While some Sirius pairs prefer
traveling light and fast, Jesper and Rasmus have

chosen a slower and warmer approach. Other then lights: colored lights that appear
in the sky

far nostheen parts of the world: aiso called the

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