Understanding The Self

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1. For Plato, what matters more?

= Soul
2. According to Aristotle, what should govern all of life’s activities of man? = Reason
3. Based on Aristotle’s thought about the self, what self-development should educational
system aim at? = Holistic Development
4. What is the belief that describes the Self as made up of two separate aspects namely
body and mind? = Dualism (Rene Descartes)
5. Socialization is the whole and lifetime process by which people learn the values,
attitudes and behaviors that are appropriate and expected by their culture and
6. It refers to the collection and construction of an individual’s thoughts, feelings and beliefs
he/she holds about himself/herself and the responses of others about him/her. =
7. Blank Slate is to John Locke: Dualism is to Rene Descartes
8. His understanding of the true self is not based on what we own in life, neither our
present social status, our body or even our reputation, rather our true self is our soul.
Whose idea was this? Socrates
9. People experienced several situations and problems in life. Man needs a quiet world and
rational mind to experience the beauty of a quiet reflection. What is the best thing to do
such? = Introspection
10. God is the “summum bonum” according to Plato and Aristotle. This Latin word simply
means that God is the = highest or supreme good (Cicero)
11. What is the nature of self according to Socrates? = A reflection of the soul
12. According to Plato, how can one develop a strong sense of self? = By exploring one’s
thoughts and feelings
13. For Aristotle, what is the highest form of self-fulfillment? = Wisdom
14. How does one achieve true self-knowledge according to St. Augustine? = By
understanding the purpose of one’s actions
15. What is the ultimate purpose of the human person according to St. Thomas Aquinas? =
To serve God
16. What is the most important factor in understanding oneself according to Descartes? =
17. What is the self according to John Locke? = It is the soul or mind
18. According to Immanuel Kant, what is an individual’s highest moral obligation? = To treat
others as they would wish to be treated
19. Self-socialization is a process of = Developing core values
20. What is the primary component of George Herbert Mead’s concept of self? = Social
21. What is the most important element of Charles Cooley’s concept of self? = The looking
glass self
22. What branch of Anthropology focuses on the study of the physical and cultural
development of humans? = Physical Anthropology/Biological Anthropology
23. In anthropology, what are the two main characteristics of studying humans? = Universals
and Variety
24. Which of the following is not an advantage of the stratigraphic approach to archaeology
= It allows for a reductionist approach
25. What role does understanding the self play in understanding culture? = It is a key
26. Which model of the self suggests that the self is seen as an integrated whole? =
27. What is the difference between Cultural Relativism, Ethnocentrism and Xenocentrism? =
Cultural Relativism is the belief that all cultures should be respected and accepted as
they are, Ethnocentrism is the belief that one’s own cultures is superior to others,
Xenocentrism is the belief that foreign cultures are superior to one’s own, thus, one’s
own culture is inferior to others.
28. What is the concept of the Id, Ego, and Super Ego according to Sigmund Freud = The
three parts of the human psyche
29. What is the central idea of William James Theory of the Self? = The self is a product of
our individual experiences
30. According to Western thought, how does the self relate to the external world? = The self
is part of the external world
31. According to Oriental thought, what is the Self? = An expression of an eternal spirit
32. How can physical activity improve your physical self? = All of the Above (Improves
balance, Improves cardiovascular health, Increases muscle strength)
33. How does one’s self-image affect their self-esteem? = Positive self–image leads to
higher self-esteem
34. What are the main environmental factors that can affect growth and development? =
35. How is biological sex determined in humans? = By chromosomes
36. What is the typical age range for the onset of puberty? = ages 10-14
37. What is a common abnormality in sexual development? = Klinefelter Syndrome
38. How is gender expressed? = All of the above (Through behavior, Through physical
characteristics, Through societal roles)
39. What is the current term for an individual who is attracted to both men and women? =
40. What is the primary factor contributing to sexual orientation? = Biological factors
41. What is the main focus of the Multidimensional View of the Sexual Self? = Examining the
psychological and emotional aspects of sexuality
42. Which of the following is not considered an erogenous zone? = Elbow
43. Which of the following is an indicator of a healthy relationship? = Love
44. Which of the following is a common symptom of a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)?
= Rash
45. Which method of contraception is most effective in preventing pregnancy? = Intrauterine
device (IUD)
46. How does our attachment to our possessions affect our overall well-being? - It
decreases our overall well-being
47. How can we understand our spiritual self? = All of the above (By engaging in spiritual
practices such as meditation and prayer, By living in accordance with ethical principles,
By observing the teachings of religious traditions
48. What is the primary purpose of spiritual practices? = To connect with a higher power
49. How does Political Self shape the Filipino Identity? = It shapes the Filipino Identity by
creating a sense of solidarity and unity.
50. What is an example of a Filipino trait? = Respect for elders
51. What is the most important element of the Digital Self? = Digital Identity
52. How does online interaction impact one’s self-esteem? = It significantly reduces
53. What is an important boundary to consider when it comes to the online self? = Not
sharing personal information
54. What is the best way to demonstrate metacognition when developing a study strategy? =
Breaking down tasks into smaller goals
55. Which of the following is an important component of self-regulated learning? = Setting
realistic goals
56. According to Albert Bandura’s Self Efficacy Theory, which of the following BEST
describes self-efficacy? = An individual’s belief in their own ability to complete tasks
57. How does Carol Dweck’s Growth Mindset help people overcome challenges? = By
focusing on the process of overcoming challenges
58. According to Locke and Latham Goal-setting Theory, what is the most important factor
for goal setting? = Specificity
59. What is the primary cause of stress? =Unresolved problems
60. What is the most important component of self-care? = Self-compassion
61. It is the study of acquiring knowledge through rational thinking and inquiries that involves
in answering questions regarding the nature and existence of man and the world we live
in. = Philosophy
62. His philosophy underlies the importance of the notion “Knowing oneself”. For him, men’s
goal in life is to obtain happiness and such goal motivates us to act towards or avoid
things that could have negative repercussions in our lives. = Socrates
63. He is a French philosopher known to be the Father of Modern Philosophy because of
his radical use of systematic and early scientific method to aid his ideas and
assumptions. = Descartes
64. He believes that our notion of ourselves and our idea of existence comes from a higher
form of sense in which bodily senses amy not perceive or understand, and the more one
doubts and question his life means that person is actually living = St. Augustine
65. He authored “The Republic” where he said that the world can only be led by a
Philosopher king, a person who is virtuous as well as intelligent. = Plato
66. In Plato’s idea of souls, this part of the soul can be attributed to the courageous part of a
person, one who wants to do something or to right the wrongs that they observe =
Spirited Soul (Thumos)
67. In Plato’s idea of souls, this part of the soul could be said as the driver of our lives, this is
the part that thinks and plan for the future, “the conscious mind” it decides what to do,
when to do it and possible results one could have depending on their actions. = Rational
68. In Plato’s Idea of souls, this soul is the part of the person that is driven by desire and
need to satisfy oneself. This satisfaction both involves physical needs and pleasures and
desires. = Appetitive Soul
69. Is known for the statement “Cogito Ergo Sum'' which means in English as “I think
therefore I am.” According to him, a person is comprised of mind and body that
perceives from the different senses and the mind that thinks and questions or doubts
what the body has experienced. = Rene Descartes
70. He is considered to be the Father of Classical Liberalism. Some of his works on this
subject matter paved the way to several revolutions to fight the absolute powers of
monarchs and rulers of his time that led to the development of governance, politics and
economic system that we now know. = John Locke
71. His work on the self is the most represented by the concept “Tabula Rasa” which means
Blank Slate. He believed that the experiences and perceptions of a person is important
in the establishment of who that person can become. = John Locke
72. According to him, there is no “permanent self = David Hume
73. He argued that the sense called “Transcendental Apperception” is the essence of our
consciousness = Immanuel Kant
74. Artistic Tradition which seeks to revive the past glory in various forms = Classic

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