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4 Effect of Paint Waste Concentration to the Flexural Strength of Ceramics

In this study, an experiment was conducted to manufacture ceramics using paint waste
supplementary materials of coating and spray types with variables 0, 2, 4, 6, 8%. After
testing, the flexural strength data obtained for each waste variable will be analyzed for
the relationship between the two and presented in the tables and graphs below.

Table 4.4 Flexural strength values on ceramics with paint waste

Variable Flexural strength (N/mm2)

Paint Waste Type
(%) a b Average
Coating 0 0,42 0,37 0,395
2 0,45 0,73 0,59
4 0,8 0,88 0,84
6 0,86 0,78 0,82
  8 0,54 0,43 0,485
Spray 0 0,42 0,37 0,395
2 0,57 0,64 0,605
4 0,92 0,93 0,925
6 0,67 0,55 0,61
  8 0,41 0,31 0,36

0.84 0.82
Flexural strength


0.6 0.485
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Variable (%)

Picture 4.4 Correlation of Coating Paint Waste Concentration to the Flexural

Strength of Ceramics
Flexural strength (N /mm2)
1 0.925

0.605 0.61
0.395 0.36


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Variable (%)

Picture 4.5 Correlation of Spray Paint Waste Concentration to the Flexural

Strength of Ceramics

Based on the tables and graphs presented above, it can be seen the
relationship between the concentration of spray paint and coating waste on the
flexural strength of ceramics. The flexural strength of ceramics with paint
coating waste at variables 0, 2, 4, 6, 8% were 0.395, 0.590, 0.840, 0.820, and
0.485 N/mm2 respectively. While the flexural strength of ceramics with spray
paint waste at variables 0, 2, 4, 6, 8% respectively were 0.395, 0.605, 0.925,
0.610, and 0.360 N/mm2. In ceramics with the type of paint coating and spray
waste, a phenomenon occurs, namely an increase in flexural strength at
variables 0, 2, and 4% and then begins to decrease at variables 6 and 8%. The
highest flexural strength value for both types of waste occurs when the addition
of 4% variable is 0.84 N/mm2 for spray waste and 0.925 N/mm2 for coating
waste. The trend seen in paint coating waste ceramics is an increase, while in
spray paint waste there is a decrease. The introduction of
sludge in the system led to the decrease in the flexural strength but that the
differences between the strength of the mixtures with are very low. Addition of
sludge paint waste led to a slight decrease in bulk density of the mixtures and
increase in water absorption so that effect to the decrease of flexural strength
(Govedarica et al., 2022). The higher the percentage of sludge, create more
empty spaces generated, which can eventually be occupied by water during the
process of absorption. In addition, this directly affects the behavior of the
flexural strength; as the concentration of sludge increases, the flexural strength
decreases, due to the generation of pores as a result of the release of CO2 (Jairo,
Jhon et al., 2021).

So the phenomenon of decreasing flexural strength that occurs in

ceramics with spray paint waste is in accordance with the theory and previous
research. The phenomenon of increasing the value of flexural strength in
ceramics with coating paint waste can be explained in a study by Riviera et al
(2012), paint waste contained fly ash. The addition of fly ash can increase the
flexural strength because fly ash increases the workability and durability of the
sample (Gunawan, Ari. 2016).
4.1 Effect of Paint Waste Concentration to the Compressive Strength of Lightweight

In this study, an experiment was conducted to manufacture lightweight concrete using

paint waste supplementary materials of coating and spray types with variables 0, 2, 4, 6,
8%. After testing, the compressive strength data obtained for each waste variable will be
analyzed for the relationship between the two and presented in the tables and graphs

Table 4.1 Compressive strength values on lightweight concrete with paint waste

Variable Compressive strength (Mpa)

Paint Waste Type
(%) a b Average
Coating 0 0,231 0,247 0,239
2 0,284 0,335 0,3095
4 0,119 0,297 0,208
6 0,223 0,212 0,217
  8 0,139 0,086 0,114
Spray 0 0,231 0,247 0,239
2 0,269 0,266 0,2675
4 0,227 0,162 0,1945
6 0,253 0,316 0,2845
  8 0,318 0,387 0,3525
Compressive Strength (Mpa)

0.208 0.2175

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Variable (%)
Picture 4.1 Correlation of Coating Paint Waste Concentration to the Compressive
Strength of Lightweight Concrete
Compressive Strength (Mpa)

0.4 0.3525

0.3 0.2675


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Variable (%)

Picture 4.2 Correlation of Spray Paint Waste Concentration to the Compressive Strength
of Lightweight Concrete

Based on the tables and graphs presented above, it can be seen the relationship
between the concentration of spray paint and coating waste on the compressive strength
of lightweight concrete. The compressive strength of lightweight concrete with paint
coating waste at variables 0, 2, 4, 6, 8% were 0.239, 0.309, 0.208, 0.217, and 0.114 Mpa
respectively. While the compressive strength of ceramics with spray paint waste at
variables 0, 2, 4, 6, 8% respectively were 0.239, 0.2675, 0.194, 0.284, and 0.352 Mpa.
The phenomenon that occurs in lightweight concrete with coating paint waste is a
decrease in compressive strength values at 0, 4, and 8%. Meanwhile there is an increase
in variables 2 and 6%. while the phenomenon that occurs in lightweight concrete with
spray paint waste type is an increase in the variable 0, 2, 6, 8%. while there is a decrease
in the variable 4%. The highest compressive strength value for coating paint waste
occurs when the addition of 2% variable which is 0.309 Mpa. For spray waste,
compressive strength value occurs when the addition of 8% variable which is 0.352 Mpa.
The trend seen in coating paint waste is an decrease, while in spray paint waste there is a

According to Revo Adrian et al (2022) The compressive strength test is the

amount of load per unit area that causes the test object to collapse when loaded with a
certain compressive force generated by the press machine. Based on ASTM C 869-91
(1999) the minimum design compressive strength is 1.4 MPa. The increase and decrease
in the value of compressive strength can be influenced by various factors. The reduced
compressive strength is due to the less of ideal composition of the mixed materials so
that the cement granules do not maximally bind all of the paint waste sludge granules.
The presence of oil in the product makes the compressive strength not optimal. Duff and
Abrams (1919) in Rosie Arizki (2015) state that if the water-cement factor used is low,
the water between the cement parts is small and the distance between the cement grains
is shorter, the result is that fresh concrete is difficult in workability. This affects the
compressive strength of the concrete, because the more difficult it is to work, the lower
the compressive strength of the concrete. Meanwhile, the increase in compressive
strength can be caused by the presence of chemical elements such as silica and alumina
which can increase the adhesion of the resulting lightweight bricks (Khusna, Himnil et
al., 2013). Using paint waste into paving block mixture with a maximum of 5%
composition fulfills the standard of compressive strength (Purwanto el al., 2020)

Based on the phenomenon of the compressive strength value that occurs and the
theory from the results of previous research, the cause of the decrease in the compressive
strength value of lightweight concrete with paint coating waste can be explained due to
the presence of oil which causes the failure of the lightweight brick dough to blend
considering the hydrophobic nature of waste paint coating and makes the water content
in light brick becomes dry. Lightweight brick with this type of coating waste has denser
characteristics and has no air bubbles. Whereas lightweight concrete containing spray
paint waste experienced an increase in compressive values because based on the
characteristics of the paint waste content in Riviera et al (2012) there was silica and
aluminum content. Lightweight concrete with spray paint waste has a larger volume
characteristic with the formation of air bubbles which increases the compressive strength
value. However, the compressive strength values obtained for various variables do not
meet the minimum standard for compressive strength values, namely 1.4 MPa. In this
study, product casting was done manually so that the compressive strength value was less
than optimal. This happens because in manual molding, the compaction is not evenly
distributed compared to lightweight concrete that are machined, as a result there are still
cavities that can make the porosity large. The magnitude of this porosity then makes the
empty cavity then filled with water resulting in reduced compressive strength of the
product (Ayu, Syifarahma. 2012)
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