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Subject : English Language

Class/ Expertise Program : X / All Expertise Programs

Part I : Multiple Choice


1. I am ... some new books next Sunday. (Aku akan membeli beberapa buku baru minggu depan.)
a. go to buy
b. going to buy
c. gone to buy
d. went to buy
2. Will you ... here all day long? (Apakah kamu akan bekerja di sini sepanjang hari?)
a. work
b. be working
c. has worked
d. has been working
3. Cania ... video games in a year. (Cania tidak akan bermain video game dalam setahun.)
a. will not play
b. will not be playing
c. will not be played
d. will not have been playing
4. Kalimat positif: The singer will sing three songs. (Penyanyi akan menyanyikan tiga lagu.)
Kalimat interogatif: ... (Akankah penyanyi menyanyikan tiga lagu?)
a. will the singer be singing three songs?
b. will the singer sing three songs?
c. will the singer have been singing three songs?
d. will the singer have sung three songs?
5. Make an indirect question: What time is it?
a. Do you know what time it is?
b. Do you know what time is it?
c. Do you know what it is time?
d. A, B, C are correct
6. She ... the class tomorrow at 8 a.m. (Dia akan menghadiri kelas besok jam 8 pagi.)
a. will attend
b. would attend
c. will be attending
d. would be attending

Part II: Complex Multiple Choice

7. Which statements are true?

a. The board is blue

b. The board is rectangle

c. The board is big

d. It is useful board

8. Which statements are true?

a. He is ugly

b. He has short hair

c. He has straight nose

d. He has slanted eyes

9. Which statements are true?

a. She has straight hair

b. She has blue hair

c. She has long hair

d. She has oval face

Part III: Matchmaking Questions (Soal menjodohkan)
Match the first half of the sentence with the second half to make some New Year’s Resolution.
(Cocokan paruh pertama kalimat dengan paruh kedua untuk membuat beberapa resolusi tahun baru)

Question for 10 to 14

a. I’m going to be i. Healthy food

b. I’m going to join ii. A brilliant politician
c. I’m going to iii. Stop eating chocolate
d. I think I’ll go iv. A gym in my town
e. Maybe I’ll get v. Eat hamburgers
f. I’m going to eat vi. A new job
g. I’m not going to vii. On a diet

Part IV: Short Fill

Complete the sentences below with the correct answer!

15. I ..… a new house next month. (buy) 

16. Farikha …. Book to her friend next time? (give)

17. We …. the salary next week. (get)

Part V: Description

Complete the following sentence with the word “is, am are going to, will”
18. I am sure we …….. pass the exam.
19. He ……was his car.
20. Look at he clouds. It …… rain soon.


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