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Name: MEAS Soklin Class: A2.

Reflection writing in Part 1 “Theme Culture”

As a result of studying the global studies 202 textbook, I have understood the theme of
culture. It has shown me how different cultures interact with each other and how their values can
be shared and embraced in our globalized world. It has also highlighted the importance of
respecting different cultures and recognizing that our differences should be celebrated, not

In the mentioned textbook, the theme of culture is explored extensively. Culture refers to
the shared beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and material goods that are characteristic of a group
or society. It is an essential concept in sociology as it shapes individuals, institutions, and
societies as a whole. Culture is divided into two aspects "material and non-material culture". The
key components of symbolic culture include gestures, sanctions, folkways, mores, language,
values, norms, beliefs, and symbols. These elements contribute to societal cohesion by
promoting understanding, cooperation, and a sense of belonging. Although there are many
cultures in this world, the textbook offers two types of cultures. They are categorized as
subcultures and countercultures. A subculture is a group within a larger society that shares
distinctive beliefs, behaviors, values, norms, and interests. These subcultures can exist within
various domains such as music, fashion, sports, hobbies, and more. They often form a way for
individuals with similar interests or experiences to connect, express themselves, and establish a
sense of identity separate from mainstream culture while counterculture definite as a subculture
whose values and norms deviate from those of mainstream society. It often emerges as a
response or opposition to prevailing social, cultural, or political norms. Cultural universals are
common patterns or traits found in all cultures. They are the fundamental aspects of culture
shared by people regardless of cultural differences. Finally, the book also raises up the concept
of technology in the global village that is the impact of technology on the interconnectedness and
interdependence of societies worldwide.

After studying culture in the textbook, diverse backgrounds, traditions, and perspectives
within society should be valued and acknowledged and respected. Human society is also shaped
by culture. It provides individuals with a framework for understanding their world, influencing
their behaviors, and guiding their interactions.

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