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Royal University of Phnom Penh Subject: GS202

Institute of Foreign Languages Lecturer: NCP

Department of English Academic year: 2022-2023

Chapter 2 Society vocabularies

Name: Meas Soklin

Class: A 2.1

Instruction: List down at least 20 vocabularies and Key terms from page 96-148 with

their part of speeches and definitions.

1. Macrosociology(n) the analysis of social life focuses on board features of society such as

social class and how group are related to one another.

2. Microsociology(n) the analysis of social life focuses on social interaction.

3. Social structure(n) refers to the typical patterns of a group.

4. Social class(n) refers to a large group of people who rank close to one another in

property power, and prestige.

5. Prestige (n) respect and admiration given to someone or something, usually because of

a reputation for high quality, success, or social influence.

6. Status(n) the position that someone occupies in a social group.

7. Status set(n) all the statues or positions that an individual occupies.

8. Ascribed(adj) to believe or say that something is caused by something else.

9. Achieved statues(n) a position an individual either inherits at birth or receives

involuntarily later in life.

10. Statues symbols(n) signs that identify a status.

11. Master(n) the status overshadows our other statuses.

Royal University of Phnom Penh Subject: GS202
Institute of Foreign Languages Lecturer: NCP
Department of English Academic year: 2022-2023
12. Status inconsistency(n) refers to the condition where individuals hold different social

positions that are not compatible or in alignment with each other.

13. Role (n) the behavior, obligations, and privileges attached to a status.

14. Socialization(n) refers to the lifelong process through which individuals acquire the

knowledge, values, skills, and behaviors that enable them to function as members of a


15. Group(n) refers to a collection of individuals who interact with each other, share

common goals or interests, and perceive themselves as belonging together.

16. Social institution(n) refers to a complex system of roles, norms, and social structures

that governs and organizes specific areas of societal life.

17. Conflict(n) is a situation where there is a disagreement, clash, or divergence of interests

between two or more individuals, groups, or entities.

18. Functional(adj) designed to be practical and useful rather than attractive.

19. Privilege(n) a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor.

20. Social integration(n) the degree to which members of a group or society feel united by


21. Mechanical solidarity(n) people who perform similar tasks develop a shared


22. Division of labor(n) the splitting of a group’s or a society tasks into specialties.

23. Organic solidarity(n) the results from the division of labor.

24. Gemeinschaft(n) a type of society in which life is intimate.

Royal University of Phnom Penh Subject: GS202
Institute of Foreign Languages Lecturer: NCP
Department of English Academic year: 2022-2023
25. Gesellschaft(n) a type of society that is dominated by impersonal relationship, individual

accomplishments, and self-interest.

26. Group(n) a number of people or things that are put together or considered as a unit.

27. Society(n) a large group of people who live together in an organized way,

making decisions about how to do things and sharing the work that needs to be done.

28. Hunting and gathering society(n) human group that depend on hunting and gathering

for its survival.

29. Shaman(n) an individual thought to be able to influence spiritual forces.

30. Pastoral society(n) a society based on the pasturing of animals.

31. Horticultural society(n) a society based on cultivating plants by using of hand tools.

32. Domestication revolution(n) the society revolution based on the domestication of plants

and animals.

33. Agricultural revolution(n) the second revolution, based on the invention of plow, which

led to agricultural societies.

34. Industrial revolution(n) the third revolution, occurring when machines power by fuels

replaced the most animal and human power.

35. Industrial society(n) a society based on the use of machines power by fuels.

36. Postindustrial society(n) a society based on information, services, and high technology,

rather than on raw materials and manufacturing.

37. Biotech society(n) a society whose economy increasingly centers on the application of

genetics to produce medicine, food, and material.

38. Category(n) people who have similar characteristics.

Royal University of Phnom Penh Subject: GS202
Institute of Foreign Languages Lecturer: NCP
Department of English Academic year: 2022-2023
39. In-group(n) groups toward which people feel loyalty.

40. Out-group(n) group toward which people feel antagonist.

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