Informative Speech

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A pleasant morning to all Student’s, teacher here at GWNHS. I am Althea Tabago

Grade11 HUMSS student here I want to talk about bullying in my persuasive speech. Everyone
has probably been bullied at least once in their life Its not the best feeling isn’t it?

It makes one feel insecure, humiliated, and verry uncomfortable. It has the power to
destroy life’s mentally, physically, emotionally. bullying behavior is no longer confined in school
room or playground but exists throughout adulthood.

As well bullying can be communicated via text ,mobile phones ,social media forms and
especially in person. Bullying has been major problem across the world we need to stop this
because first bullying is not phase of growth.

It had been proven that bullying causes depression, anxiety and death. Being, hit, kicked
pinched or trapped is called physical bullying. Verbal bullying ,is being called names ,tease and
put downs. Social bullying is being ignored, having rumors spread about you, or telling lies
about you

Personally, I think that physical bullying is the least one dangerous type because when
you get physical bullied there will be scars or marks and your parents wouldn’t know you have
been bullied.

Bullying is a verry serious problem and we need to stop, because nothing good comes
out we love each other and respect , Don’t be a zero be A hero and refrain from being bully,
Don’t let anyone ever dull your sparkle, don’t stand by stand up, stand together, stand up
against bullying


Prepared By:
Speech Writer

Copyread and edited:

Oral Communication Teacher

Principal 1

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