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John Albert L.

PHIL 411.N1

An Essay on Culture of Honor: The Psychology of

Violence in the South

General Statement:

For many years now, the concept of honor has long been the
basis for a lot of people on how to live a respectable and
dignified life. Despite living in a world teeming with natural
wonders and resources, which are all pertinent to one’s
The desire to become greater, or to ensure the survival of
one’s species still remains strong. Hence the reason why in the
face of imminent threat, human beings are more likely to react,
whether through intellectual or brutal means, to ensure not just
their survival, But also the survival of their kin.

Thesis Statement:

In saying this, this essay will delve into the concept of

violence and honor in the Southern United States. And find out
the reason why they are frequently characterized as a brutal
group of people. Who in trying to defend their honor, would
never shy away from violence, if ever that aforementioned honor
is tarnished by people who are quick to retaliate, unknowing of
the consequences of their actions.
Furthermore, the goal of this essay is also to make
comparisons between the Southern and Western part of the United
States, and to know if it is indeed true that unlike the
Southern part, which are heavily inclined to choose violence in
the face of threat. The Northerners on the other hand are more
likely to be more understanding and non-violent.1
In saying this, there is a steady increase in the homicide
cases in the South and a lot of these crimes can be attributed
to how their culture works, and the way in which past
generations were able to influence the present. Violent “games”
such as purring, kicking, and beating are a favorite pastime
among Southern youth and unfortunately.2
They are able to find delight in such activities. Since it
serves as a way for them to show that they are indeed one of the

Nisbett, R.E., & Cohen, D. “Culture of Honor: The Psychology of Violence in
the South”,Westview Press, 1996, 1.
John Albert L. Florendo
PHIL 411.N1
alpha males of the group. And if anyone who were brave enough to
tarnish their reputation will be dealt with accordingly.
But what constitutes this violent way of life in the first
place? To answer the question, researchers were able to find out
four possible reasons. These are temperature, slavery, poverty,
and lastly is the culture of honor. It has been suggested that
there is a correlation between temperature and a person’s
temper. And since the South is characterized by high
temperatures. It is possible that the resulting heatwave serves
as the cause why there is a sudden rise in violence and
homicidal acts in that region.3
In addition, another reason why the South is quite violent
is due to how they dealt with slaves back then. Of course
slavery is a valuable source of income , but the attitude that
the white people have projected upon them have also become a
basis on how they treat others. Especially the ones that they
deem as undesirable.
Furthermore , poverty has also been linked to the rising
homicidal cases since poverty itself is already highly miserable
on its own. And if coupled with unwanted deeds associated with
poverty such as stealing and robbery, would of course result in
But the most probable reason for the violence of the South
is due to its culture of honor. Cultures of honor exist in a
wide array of civilizations. And it is defined as the
willingness of an individual to protect his reputation at all
cost. Even if violence is involved, which is of course
considered valid in the Southern context.4
This has continued through many generations and the two
main reasons can either be because an individual is faced with
economic collapse and that he needs to ensure his economic
Another reason is the lack of a state or a proper
government. In this case, individuals are meant to take care of
themselves, and this lack of rules would of course prompt some
people to take matters into their own hands. Knowing that the
system is devoid of any form of ethics.
Another problem that has boggled researchers are the
differences in the homicide rates of the Southern and Northern
regions in the United States. To put things into perspective.
There is an ongoing notion that Southerners are more violent
than Northerners.
Fortunately , new data suggest that there is indeed a huge
difference between the two factions. Andrew Reaves conducted a

Ibid., 3.
Ibid., 4.
John Albert L. Florendo
PHIL 411.N1
survey regarding the homicide rates in agricultural regions of
the Southerners, and his findings suggest that Southerners are
more likely to be prone to commiting violent acts rather than
their Northern counterparts.5
It has been shown that a problem regarding race is
basically nonexistent due to the fact that the homicide rates in
black communities are also the same with their white
Poverty on the other hand is clearly one of the
contributing factors that drives people to commit crimes so it
can never be ruled out.7
Furthermore, unlike their Southern counterparts who are
usually more agreeable, and who tend to shy away from conflicts,
which they see as an act of self preservation. To further
understand the differences involved, a couple of researchers
gathered a group of subjects that are meant to further shed
light on this matter.
The findings indicate that upon subjecting the Southern
students to acts that they would normally deem as undesirable
such as insults and physical assault. They would normally get
agitated, and thus put them on the brink of actually hurting the
people which were hired by the researchers, but not agitated
enough to actually inflict harm. 8
The Northerners on the other hand, upon exposure to insults
and physical manifestations of domination, would generally feel
amused and in no way willing to retaliate. Since the need for
retaliation is not really warranted.
Knowing that the amount of physical or verbal language that
has been inflicted upon them, is only minute. The Southerners on
the other hand are very agitated since they view such acts as a
direct attack on their masculinity and reputation. The very
thing that they hold with such significance.9
Since it has for a long time, become a part of their
culture. In addition, a survey was also conducted regarding the
willingness of parents to resort to violence, if ever their
children were to show acts of disobedience, and a large majority
of them agreed.10
Since it has for a long time become the standard in their
culture to spank a child, so as to correct his or her ways. Such
tough love is also the reason why a lot of adults from the
Southern regions also possess such low temperaments.
Ibid., 18.
Ibid., 22.
Ibid., 31.
Ibid., 34.
John Albert L. Florendo
PHIL 411.N1
Furthermore, aside from children, the culture of the South
also allows its people, men in particular, to beat their wives,
which is a way for them to discourage their spouses from
committing adultery.11
Moreover, a lot of findings indicate that there is a
limited amount of gun control in the South. A lot of people
treat guns as an absolute necessity, along with their basic
needs such as food and water. Guns are not just considered as
tools to ward off attackers, but also a necessary tool for
Whether in protecting oneself from being harmed by an
assailant, or to protect one's reputation in the face of
individuals who fail to show the right amount of respect towards
them. This culture of honor that so many Westerners often
follow, is one of the main reasons for the high mortality rates
which are all due to the rising homicide cases in the South.
In saying that, it has been observed that higher cortisol
and testosterone levels are present among individuals of the
South. Especially when they are faced in stressful situations.13
It is due to these sudden fluctuations that some
Southerners would often choose a more drastic approach to
solving problems, rather than actually contemplating first, and
then choosing the correct measures that can prevent any further
harm to transpire.
Aside from men participating in culture of honor, women on
the other hand have also been shown to also share the same
belief systems of their male counterparts. This paper has
mostly focused on the male perspective since a huge number of
the homicide cases that have been documented in the South are
But the statistics do not prove that men alone are the sole
participants, and that women can also be violent when it comes
to protecting their reputation.
A huge part of this is shown on how most women raise their
children, particularly their sons. Historical findings suggest
that in the olden days. Some of the mothers of warriors from
Sparta, would often encourage their sons to fight and show acts
of bravery, regardless if their lives would be at risk in the
This view that men should always fight and never show acts
of weakness has remained relevant until present. Especially when
the excuses that most men provide for their violent acts is that
Ibid., 65.
Ibid., 60.
Ibid., 47.
Ibid., 86.
John Albert L. Florendo
PHIL 411.N1
they are afraid that women would see them weak, if ever they
were not able to assert their dominance towards an opposition.
Thus deeming them undesirable to the opposite sex.
Seeing that mothers for the most part, are the people whom
children get a lot of time to spend with. It is possible that
the concept of culture of honor is not just a trait that
children get to adapt from the community, but from their
parents, specifically their mothers.16
Moreover, aside from doing domestic activities, Southern
women were also shown to be considerably much more violent than
their Northern counterparts. And they would also not shy away
from a good brawl. Especially when the situation demands it.
Hence the reason why a lot of white Southern women were
shown to be involved in violent actions such as homicides caused
by infidelity, alcohol brawls, and arguments. This is not at all
a positive outlook on women, but it does break some stereotypes
against them.17
Stereotypes such as women often being considered weak and
whose only purpose is to cook and clean, solely for the
servitude of their husbands. This shows that they are also
strong willed and would never shy away from violence. If ever
someone attempts to harm them whether in the physical or
emotional aspect.
Despite how well some people understood the culture of
honor. It is still quite difficult to narrow down exactly where
it originated. A lot of researchers agreed that its origins stem
from the early herding communities, and gradually made its way
into the present.18
In conclusion, the culture of honor is indeed a phenomenon
that has greatly impacted the Southern United States, a lot of
people have met their demise because of it, and the problem
seems to stem from the willingness of individuals to do
everything in their power, including killing, just to protect
their reputation.
Fortunately as time progresses, the culture of honor seems
to be toning down, and that there are a lot less homicide rates
now in the South, compared to the past. Only time will tell,
when the culture of honor would gradually diminish.

Ibid., 87.
Ibid., 89.
John Albert L. Florendo
PHIL 411.N1


Nisbett, R.E., & Cohen, D. “Culture of Honor: The Psychology of Violence in

the South”,Westview Press, 1996.

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