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School of EECE




MULTIPLE CHOICE: Select the most appropriate answer from the given choices.

1. It is a system by which certain data or information is represented in numerical pattern.

a. system representation c. analog system
b. digital system d. none of these

2. A datapath, when combined with the control unit, forms a component referred to as ______.
a. central processing unit c. output unit
b. input unit d. memory unit

3. The equivalent of the decimal number 7562.45 in the octal numbering system is _________
a. 11612.646 c. 11612.346
b. 16612.346 d. 6612.436

4. The decimal number 175.175, when converted to binary, is ______

a. 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 . 1 0 1 c. 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 . 0 0 1
b. 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 . 0 0 1 d. 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 0 1 0

5. Using the 2’s complement method, the result of subtracting 11011101 from 10100110 is _______
a. – 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 c. – 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
b. 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 d. – 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1

6. Each of the following 4 numbers has a different base. Which of the four numbers have the same
value in decimal ?

(a) 20225 (b) 120113 (c) 33124 (d) 19A12

a. b & d c. a & c
b. c & d d. none of these

7. Given two decimal numbers 694 and 835. Their sum in BCD is ________
a. 00111111001001 c. 0001010100101001
b. 01011111001001 d. none of these

8. The result of subtracting 654253758 from 740152368 is ___________

a. 6367541 c. 6267641
b. 6367641 d. 6367541

9. The Boolean expression (X+Y+Z)’ = X’Y’Z’ is an example of which Law/Theorem?

a. Commutative Law c. DeMorgan’s Theorem
b. Involution Law d. Idempotent Theorem

“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.”

- Heber J. Grant
10. The Boolean expression (X’)’ is an example of which Law/Theorem?
a. Involution Law c. Idempotent Law
b. Consensus Law d. Inversion Law

11. The Boolean expression X + Y = Y + X is an example of which Law/Theorem?

a. Commutative Law c. Idempotent Law
b. Involution Law d. Associative Law

12. This is the basic mathematics needed for the study of the logic design of digital systems.
a. Combinational Design c. Boolean Algebra
b. Sequential Design d. Quine-McCluskey Technique

13. This has one or more inputs and one or more outputs which take on discrete values.
a. digital system c. finite state machine
b. switching circuit d. algorithmic state machine

14. This part of the design of digital system involves determining how to interconnect basic logic
building blocks to perform a specific function
a. structural diagram c. iterative design
b. behavioral design d. logic design

15. The simplest form of the Boolean expression (a + b’ + c’)(a’ + c’) in product-of-sums form is _____
a. (a + c’)(c’ + b) c. (a’ + c’)(c’ + b)
b. (a’ + c’)(c’ + b’) d. none of these
16. The reduced form of the Boolean expression (A’ + C)(A’ + C’)(A + B + C’D) is _______
a. A’B + A’C’D c. AB’ + A’CD’
b. A’B’ + AC’D’ d. none of these
17. The minterm expansion of the Boolean expression A’B’C’D’ + AC’D’ + B’CD’ + A’BCD + BC’D is
a. ∑m(1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14) c. ∑m(0, 2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13)
b. ∑m(0, 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13) d. none of these
18. What logical reason/s can you give why NAND and NOR gates are considered universal gates?
a. they can appear anywhere in the circuit c. they can imitate function of other gates
b. they can produce universal operation d. they cannot be partial

19. A race condition happens in an R-S latch when ______

a. R = 0 and S = 0 c. R = 0 and S = 1
b. R = 1 and S = 0 d. none of these

20. This is the time needed by a gate in processing its input signals before the output signal can be
a. setup time c. hold time
b. threshold time d. none of these

21. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. AND gate c. Buffer
b. OR gate d. Inverter

“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.”

- Heber J. Grant
22. What code is used in labeling the cells of a K-map?
a. gray code c. excess-3 code
b. BCD code d. two-out-of-five code

23. What will happen if the function v(w+x+y)z would be implemented using NOR gates?
a. Not possible using NOR gates c. Six NOR gates will be used
b. given function must be implemented d. none of these
using OR and NAND gates

24. The simplest form of the Boolean expression X’Z + W’XY’ + W(X’Y + XY’) in SOP form is
a. XZ’ + X’Y + W’XY c. X’Z + XY’ + WX’Y
b. X’Z + XY’ + WXY’ d. none of these

25. The binary signal at the inputs and outputs of any gate has one of two values, except during ____
a. threshold c. transition
b. saturation d. steady-state

26. This is a diagram made up of squares, with each square representing one minterm of the function
that is to be minimized
a. K-Map c. Truth Table
b. Prime-Implicant Chart d. Flowchart

27. In a 4-variable map, which of the following is not true?

a. 8 adjacent squares represent a 1-literal term c. 4 adjacent squares represent a 3-literal term
b. 1 square represents a 4-literal term d. 16 adjacent squares produce a function F = 1

28. Two adjacent 1’s form a prime implicant, provided that they are not within a group of ______
a. two adjacent squares c. four adjacent squares
b. three adjacent squares d. none of these
29. The simplest expression (in sum-of-products form) for the function F(A,B,C,D,E) =
∑m (1,3,5,7,8,12,15,18,19,22,23,24,27,28,31) is

a. ABE + CD’E + AB’D+ADE+BD’E’ c. ABE + CD’E + AB’D+A’DE+BD’E’

b. A’B’E + CDE + AB’D + ADE + BD’E’ d. none of these

30. Use K-map to find the minimum SOP of F(W,X,Y,Z) = ∏M (0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14)

a. F = Z c. F = W’Z
b. F = Z’ d. none of these

31. Simplify the Expression (wx + yz)(w’y’+xz’) using Boolean Algebra:

a. w’x’y’ c. wx’z
b. w’xz d. wxz’

32. Given the function F(a,b,c,d) = ∏M(1,3,5,9,12,14,15) determine its canonical form.

“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.”

- Heber J. Grant
a. F = M1 + M3 + M5 + M9 + M12 + M14 + M15 c. F = m1m3m5m9m12m14m15
b. F = m1 + m3 + m5 + m9 + m12 + m14 + m15 d. F = M1M3M5M9M12M14M15

33. A Boolean function has a minterm expansion of F(W,X,Y,Z) =

∑m(1,3,4,5,9,10,11,12,13,14,15). Determine the essential prime implicants.

a. XY’ c. X’Z
b. WY d. none of these

For questions 34 to 40, refer to the behavior of the synchronous sequential circuit below. Assume that the
states are identified as the combination ABC.

34. What is the next state for an input of 0 if the current state is 000?

a. 010 c. 111
b. 011 d. none of these

35. What is the next state for an input of 1 if the current state is 001?
a. 100 c. 010
b. 101 d. none of these

36. What is the next state for an input of 0 if the current state is 010?
a. 000 c. 100
b. 001 d. none of these

37. What is the next state for an input of 1 if the current state is 011?
a. 100 c. 110
b. 101 d. none of these

38. What is the next state for an input of 0 if the current state is 100?
a. 100 c. 111
39. b. 101 d. none of these
What is the next state for an input of 1 if the current state is 101?
a. 000 c. 110
40. b. 001 d. none of these
What is the next state for an input of 0 if the current state is 110?
a. 100 c. 110
b. 101 d. none of these

“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.”

- Heber J. Grant
For questions 41 to 44, refer to the given J-K flip-flop excitation table below.

Line Q(t) Q(t + 1) J K

1 0 0
2 0 1
3 1 0
4 1 1

41. In line 1 of the given table, what should be the value of K if J = 0?

a. 0 c. X
42. In
b. 1 d. undefined
line 2 of
the given table, what should be the value of K if J = 1?
a. 0 c. X
b. 1 d. undefined
43. In line 3 of the given table, what should be the value of J if K = 0?
a. 0 c. X
44. b. 1 d. undefined In
line 4 of
the given table, what should be the value of J if K = 1?
a. 0 c. X
b. 1 d. undefined
45. This element of the ASM chart is connected by directed edges indicating the sequential precedence
and evolution of the states as the machine operates.

a. decision box c. conditional box

b. state box d. all of these

46. This element of the ASM chart describes the effect of an input on the control subsystem.
a. decision box c. conditional box
b. state box d. none of these

47. This is a device in which the output depends in some systematic way on variables
other than the immediate inputs to the device.
a. combinational circuit c. state machine
b. programmable logic device d. programmable logic array

48. This is a graph with labeled nodes and arcs; the nodes are the states and the arcs are the possible
transitions between states
a. Nodal diagram c. Venn diagram
b. state diagram d. none of these

49. The master-slave is a pulse-triggered flip-flop and is indicated as such with a right angle symbol
called a ______________
a. dynamic input indicator c. postponed output indicator
b. static pulse indicator d. none of these

“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.”

- Heber J. Grant
50. The control sequence and datapath tasks of a digital system are specified by means of a ___.
a. software algorithm c. program control unit
b. hardware algorithm d. arithmetic & logic unit

“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.”

- Heber J. Grant

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