People Believe That Natural Problems Are Not Concerned As Seriously As It Has To Be by Their Citizens

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People believe that natural problems are not concerned as seriously as it has to be by their citizens.

of main reasons are irresponsibility and misunderstanding of these phenomena. In my point of view, this
announcement is absolutely right.

To begin with, humans are usually lack of responsibility for their mother planet. First, they hardly think
that their actions can affect directly to their lives, community, and other living creatures. Therefore, they
poison the surrounding environment without any awareness. Second, they push their duties to others as
they ensure somebody else will take responsible. For instance, drivers often litter the street when
involving the traffic, and they regularly suppose cleaners will make it clean. Last, terrestrial residents
assume their rights more essential than any other things, such as ecology, fauna and flora, so on. As the
result, they destroy their habitat to make profit for themselves.

In addition, they are ill-informative about the environmental signs and disasters and how to solve them.
Those solutions for natural troubles can just be solves by governments and international organizations
which they choose to be only affective method. That is why they think whatever they do will not make
any changes. Moreover, many people do not consider this issue is emergent. They are still sure they
have plenty of time to duel with this. Consequently, they initially remedy other problems, like economic,
social problems.

In conclusion, natural problems can be worsened by carelessness and lack of knowledge. If they cannot
be changed as soon as possible, next generations will get the dramatically negative effect which can be

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