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Bluebook 21st ed.

Raymond C. Farfante Jr. & Camille J. Iurillo, Exemptions for Florida Debtors, 67 FLA.
B.J. 22 (1993).

ALWD 7th ed.

Raymond C. Farfante Jr. & Camille J. Iurillo, Exemptions for Florida Debtors, 67 Fla.
B.J. 22 (1993).

APA 7th ed.

Farfante, R., & Iurillo, C. J. (1993). Exemptions for florida debtors. Florida Bar
Journal, 67(5), 22-33.

Chicago 17th ed.

Raymond C. Farfante Jr.; Camille J. Iurillo, "Exemptions for Florida Debtors,"
Florida Bar Journal 67, no. 5 (May 1993): 22-33

McGill Guide 9th ed.

Raymond C. Farfante Jr. & Camille J. Iurillo, "Exemptions for Florida Debtors" (1993)
67:5 Fla BJ 22.

AGLC 4th ed.

Raymond C. Farfante Jr. and Camille J. Iurillo, 'Exemptions for Florida Debtors'
(1993) 67(5) Florida Bar Journal 22

MLA 9th ed.

Farfante, Raymond C. Jr., and Camille J. Iurillo. "Exemptions for Florida Debtors."
Florida Bar Journal, vol. 67, no. 5, May 1993, pp. 22-33. HeinOnline.

OSCOLA 4th ed.

Raymond C. Farfante Jr. & Camille J. Iurillo, 'Exemptions for Florida Debtors' (1993)
67 Fla BJ 22

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by Raymond C. Farfante, Jr., and Camille J. lurillo

between exemptions and the immunity given to

tions and immunities available to Florida property owned by a Florida debtor as entireties
T debtors under
his article Floridaa and
provides federalof law
checklist and
a starting point for further research for
property. The following is intended to be used as a
practice aid for attorneys representing debtors or
each exemption or immunity available to Florida creditors in Florida.
debtors. Included is a discussion of the distinction

State Exemptions exemption of proceeds from an annuity definition of an annuity as provided in

The exemptions listed in this section contract must be liberally construed the applicable statute. See F.S. §222.14.
are all a product of Florida law. Each in favor of the debtor and therefore See also Individual Retirement Ac-
exemption is alphabetically listed and, apply to an annuity purchased by the counts.
except for the interest in a spendthrift debtor from a trust administered by - Crime Victims Compensation.
trust, is based on a Florida constitu- the debtor's own daughter. In In re Awards made pursuant to F.S. Ch.
tional or statutory provision, which is Benedict, 80 B.R. 390 (Bankr. M.D. 960, "Victims of Crimes," are exempt,
cited for convenience. Caselaw is also Fla. 1988), the court held that exempt except for claims for the expenses re-
cited in many instances to illustrate proceeds of an annuity contract de- sulting from the injury or death which
how the courts apply the exemptions, posited in a segregated bank account is the basis for the claim. See F.S.
and to provide a starting point for retained their exempt status. The court §960.14.
further research. in In re Ebenger, 40 B.R. 436 (Bankr. - DeferredCompensationPlans.Dur-
- Annuity Contracts;Cash Surren- S.D. Fla. 1984), held that the lump ing its 1987 session, the Florida Legis-
der Value or Proceeds. The cash sum value of an annuity contract is lature enacted Ch. 87-138, which was
surrender value or proceeds of an an- exempt. approved by the governor on June 30,
nuity contract issued to a citizen or See also In re McCollam, 955 F.2d 1987. This law, which took effect Octo-
Florida resident are exempt from the 678 (11th Cir. 1992), in which the court ber 1, 1987, provides for the protection
claims of creditors of the annuitant as certified to the Florida Supreme Court of certain money, cash, and securities.
well as from creditors of third party the question of whether an annuity Although the act was intended to
beneficiaries. This exemption does not contract which is established in lieu of amend F.S. §112.215 dealing with the
apply if the insurance policy was ef- a creditor paying a debtor a lump sum deferred compensation plans for gov-
fected for the benefit of such creditor. presently owed, is exempt. The Florida ernment employees, the newly created
See In re Mart, 88 B.R. 436 (Bankr. Supreme Court held that the contract §112.215(10)(a) and (b) appear to be
S.D. Fla. 1988), which held that the at issue was exempt because it met the extremely broad in their coverage. The
Art by Joe McFadden
section provides that the monies, pen- ruptcy cannot force a debtor to exercise fits. F.S. §632.619 exempts all money
sions, annuities, or other benefits ac- the right to cancel the policy and or other benefits, charity, relief, or aid
crued or accruing "to any person" un- receive prepaid premiums thereby ren- to be paid, provided, or rendered by
der the provisions of any plan pro- dering the premiums nonexempt. any fraternal benefit society complying
viding for the deferral of compensation - Educational Funds. F.S. §240.551 with F.S. Ch. 632, "Fraternal Benefit
as well as the accumulated contribu- provides a method for individuals to Societies." These benefits are not sub-
tions, cash, and securities in the funds enter into advance payment contracts ject to attachment, garnishment, or
created thereunder are not subject to for college registration and dormitory other process, nor are they to be seized,
execution or attachment or to any legal residence. The 1988 legislative session taken, appropriated, or applied by any
process whatsoever by a creditor "of created F.S. §222.22 in order to exempt legal or equitable process or operation
the employee" and shall be the funds paid into the Prepaid of law to pay any debt or liability of a
unassignable "by the employee'" The Postsecondary Education Expense member or beneficiary, or any other
difficulty with this statute is that the Trust Fund program provided in F.S. person who may have a right thereun-
first sentence bestows the rights pro- §240.551. der, either before or after payment by
vided in the statute to any "person." - Employee Retirement Income Se- the society. See F.S. §632.619.
The word "person" is not defined in the curity Act of 1974 Plans; Employee - Hazardous Occupations; Injury
statute. The second sentence in the Stock Ownership Plans. A debtor's Proceeds. Any money due or likely to
statute deals with the term "employee," interest in funds held in an ERISA- become due as damages under the
which is a defined term in §112.215(2). type plan may be exempt property provision of F.S. Ch. 769, "Hazardous
At the present time, no Florida court where the plan qualifies under Florida Occupations' is not subject to garnish-
has interpreted this section of the stat- law as a true "spendthrift trust." ment, execution, or any legal process.
ute. See 1987 Fla. Sess. Law Ch. 87- See Matter of Lawson, 67 B.R. 94 See F.S. §769.05.
138. See F.S. §112.215(10)(a) and (b). (Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1986), J. Paskay, - Homestead. a) A debtor is entitled
0 Disability Income Benefits. Ex- holding that a particular ESOP was a to a constitutional exemption for the
cept when the policy or contract of spendthrift trust and excluded from homestead in which the debtor or the
'insurance is effected for the benefit of the estate under 11 U.S.C. §541(c)(2). debtor's family resides. This exemption
a creditor, disability income benefits The hotly contested issue of whether applies to the extent of 160 acres of
under any such policy or contract of a pension plan meeting the require- contiguous land and improvements
life, health, accident, or other insur- ments of ERISA is exempt from the thereon, if located outside a municipal-
ance of whatever form, are not subject bankruptcy estate has been answered ity; or if located within a municipality,
to attachment, garnishment, or legal by the U.S. Supreme Court in the case one-half acre of contiguous land. See
process in any state, in favor of any of Pattersonv. Shumate, U.S. , 112 Fla. Const. Art. X, §4.
creditor of the recipient of such disabil- S. Ct. 2242, 119 L.Ed.2d 519 (1992). b) The extent of the homestead ex-
ity income benefits. The exemption can The Court concluded that the meaning emption may be limited by the owner's
be asserted by any recipient regardless of applicable nonbankruptcy law con- use of the property. In In re Shillinglaw,
of whether that person is a resident of tained in 11 U.S.C. §541(a)(1) included 88 B.R. 406 (S.D. Fla. 1988), the court
the State of Florida. See F.S. §222.18. federal as well as state law. The Court held that an owner who resides in the
See In re Prestien,427 F. Supp. 1003 further concluded that the anti- owner's home outside a municipality
(S.D. Fla. 1977), holding that benefits alienation provisions contained in an may also operate a business at home
lose their exempt character once they ERISA plan satisfied the literal terms without losing the homestead exemp-
have been paid and are deposited in a of §541(c)(2) in that the transfer res- tion. However, an owner will lose the
bank account. However, see In re Deni- trictions were enforceable as required homestead status of the portion of the
son, 84 B.R. 846 (Bankr. S.D. Fla. by §541(c)(2). homestead which is leased to a third
1988), holding that a trustee in bank- - Fraternal Benefit Society Bene- party to operate the third party's busi-

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ness. Id. at 408. In In re Schillinglaw, residence. A legal residence is where a property appraisers in determining the
the court concluded that the analysis person has a fixed abode with a present applicant's homestead: Formal declara-
applied to determine the homestead intention to make it a permanent home. tions; informal statements; the place
status of property used to operate a See Walker v. Harris, 398 So. 2d 955, of employment; the previous perma-
business is no different for a homestead 958 (Fla. 4th DCA 1981). nent residency by the applicant in a
located within a city or a homestead g) See In re Imprasert, 86 B.R. 721 state other than Florida or in another
outside a municipality. However, see (Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1988), for the stan- country, and the date non-Florida resi-
In re Israel, 94 B.R. 729 (Bankr. N.D. dard which must be met to prove dency was terminated; the place of
Fla. 1988), which held that a debtor's abandonment. A divorced husband who voter registration; the place of driver
lease of a portion of her rural property owned a marital residence occupied by license issuance; the place of a license
did not waive her homestead exemp- his former wife and child retained his tag issuance on any owned motor ve-
tion as to that portion. The court fur- homestead interest in the home and hicle; the address as listed on filed
ther reasoned that where land is rural had not abandoned his homestead in- federal income tax returns; the appli-
property, the homestead exemption ap- terest. Cain v. Cain, 549 So. 2d 1161 cant's previous filing of Florida intan-
plies to the total acreage allowed with- (Fla. 4th DCA 1989); see also In re gible tax returns. See F.S. §196.015,
out regard to the use that is made of Ehnle, 124 B.R. 361 (Bankr. M.D. Fla. "Permanent residency; factual deter-
that portion of the tract not covered 1991), regarding the standard for aban- mination by property appraiser'
by the residence. Id. at 730. However, donment. i) See Public Health Trust of Dade
according to the court in In re Makare- h) Given the similarities between the County v. Lopez, 531 So. 2d 946 (Fla.
wicz, 126 B.R. 127 (Bankr. S.D. Fla. policies behind the designation of 1988), and In re Estate of Boyd, 519
1991), the key to the question of homestead for tax purposes and So. 2d 692 (Fla. 4th DCA 1988), as to
whether rental property can be in- homestead for purposes of exemption the interesting question of whether the
cluded in homestead is whether the from forced sale, at least two commen- majority opinion in these cases have
rented portion of the property is sever- tators (see Michael G. Williamson and created a loophole which might allow
able. Benjamin P. Butterfield, "Florida Ex- a party to claim two homesteads. The
c) The fact that two pieces of prop- emption Laws-Haven for Debtors or court held that a spouse living apart
erty are contiguous is not enough to Protection from Destitution?'" 15 Stet- from her husband at the time of his
establish that both pieces of property son L. Rev. 437, 449 (1986)) have death was entitled to his homestead
may be claimed as homestead. The looked to the factors considered by exemption. Id. at 693. The dissent
court must look at the underlying in-
tended use of the property, the actual
use of the property, and surrounding
circumstances. In re Drake, 106 B.R.
741 (Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1989). E'Ie-Iz eseII heg
d) Forfeiture of homestead under the
RICO Act is forbidden by Art. 10, §4
of the Florida Constitution and thus
maintains its homestead exemption.
See Butterworth v. Caggiano, 605 So. 011eee
2d 56 (Fla. 1992); In re Lot 20, 603 So.
2d 714 (Fla.4th DCA 1992). Whter you~r X.,ve
nprtI rs r you need fast,
authoritative ans .rV......I...i -Mlliam Eleazer
e) Any owner and occupier of a house,
mobile home, or modular home on
and Glen Weissenb g Zv4
....... ii 6im Manual is
an indispensable reference to the FI.0da1 'dDesigned for
property he or she does not own, may easy access in the courtroom, the iin :2i H::ban exclusive
exempt such a residence. See F.S. combination of research features, in t.iii
§222.05, "Setting apart leasehold"; F.S. - Florida Evidence :
§222.02, "Designation of homestead by (Chapter 90, Flori. ia
owner after levy"; F.S. §222.01, "Desig- - Authors' Commeitiry
nation of homestead by owner before w Illustrations
levy" Constitutional Consil V*
f) In deciding whether property is the Comparison to FeditI
actual residence, courts may look at w Current Trends
whether there is an intent to make the * Incorporated Statutes"
property the permanent residence, and w Quick-reference Index
whether the property is actually occu-
pied. See Hillsborough Inv. Co. v. Florida Evidence Courtroom Manual, I
Wilcox, 13 So. 2d 448 (Fla. 1943); In 1992, softcover, 625 pp., at $42.50 each.
re Cooke, 1 B.R. 537 (Bankr. N.D. Fla. To order, orfor more information, call our 2
1979), J. Paskay, affirmed, G83 F.2d
130 (5th Cir. 1982); In re Boone, 134 tollfree number, 1-800-582-7295 (FAX 1-513-562-$i 16)
B.R. 979 (Bankr. M.D. Fla 1991). Gen-
erally, a person can have only one legal
asserts that the homestead amend- in the will that the house is to be sold
ment deleting the head of household and the proceeds are to be given to the
requirement permitted the surviving adult children, no homestead exemp-
spouse to establish a separate tion exists as to the proceeds. Estate of
homestead prior to the husband's death.
Therefore, the practical effect of the
The property claimed Price v. West FloridaHospital, 513 So.
2d 767 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987).
majority's opinion was to allow a spouse exempt must be o) There are exceptions to the exemp-
who had left one homestead and estab- classified as a tions. Homesteads (and personal prop-
lished another to have claim to two erty otherwise exempt) can be sub-
homesteads. The dissent concludes that homestead at the jected to forced sale for: The payment
this clearly was not the intent when of taxes and assessments thereon; obli-
the legislature revised the homestead
time judgment is gations contracted for the purchase;
provision. Id. at 695. See also Rohan entered in order improvement or repair thereof; or obli-
Kelley, "Homestead Made Easy, Part I gations contracted for house, field, or
Understanding the Basics," 65 Fla.B.J.
for the exemption other labor performed on the realty.
17 (March 1991), and "Part II,Home- to apply F.S. §§713.03, 713.05, 713.06.
stead in the Real World,' 65 Fla. B.J. Homestead exemption does not pro-
19 (April 1991). tect a former husband from forced sale
j) The homestead exemption pro- of his home to pay alimony arrearages
hibits attachment ofjudicial liens. This when the court finds that the purchase
section reads in pertinent part: "No property. See Freedom Properties v. of the home was an attempt to defraud
judgment, decree or execution shall be Alderman, 589 So. 2d 424 (Fla. 2d DCA the former wife. Gepfrich v. Gepfrich,
a lien thereon . . . ." 1991), which held that residents of a
Fla. Const. Art. 582 So. 2d 743 (Fla. 4th DCA 1991).
X, §4(a). See In re Jackson, 86 B.R. 251 life care retirement center are not See Fla. Const. Art. X, §4.
(Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1988), and In re entitled to homestead status for devise - Individual Retirement Accounts.
Brewer, 117 B.R. 712 (Bankr. M.D. purposes. The resident has no owner- The 1987 Florida legislative session
Fla. 1990), as compared to In re Wat- ship interest because he or she merely created F.S. §222.21(2) in order to
son, 116 B.R. 837 (Bankr. M.D. Fla. has a license to occupy the premises. settle the hotly debated question of
1990), and In re Bird, 84 B.R. 858 A debtor is entitled to claim a whether individual retirement accounts
(Bankr. S.D. Fla. 1988), for conflicting homestead exemption in the debtor's are protected from the claims of credi-
opinions as to whether a judicial lien spouse's separate property to the ex- tors.
impairs a debtor's homestead exemp- tent of equitable interest. In re F.S. §222.21(2)(a) creates protection
tion and thus such a lien should be Wainsztein, 116 B.R. 300 (Bankr. S.D. for any money "or other assets" which
avoided. Fla. 1990). The property in In re are payable to a participant of certain
k) The property claimed exempt must Wainszteinconstituted the debtor's mari- qualified plans. (Emphasis added.) Ad-
be classified as a homestead at the tal home to which he contributed mone- ditionally, the not yet payable "inter-
time judgment is entered in order for tarily and therefore the court held that est" of any participant is also pro-
the exemption to apply. See In re he had an equitable interest. See also tected. The following are the Internal
Russell, 60 B.R. 190 (Bankr. M.D. Fla. In re Robinett, 47 B.R. 591 (Bankr. Revenue Code qualified plans provided
1986), J. Paskay. A judicial lien which S.D. Fla. 1985); In re Sanders, 72 B.R. in the subsection: §401(a)-Numerous
attaches to real property before the 124 (Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1987). pension, profit sharing and stock bonus
property qualified to be a homestead m) The doctrine of equitable conver- plans; §403(a)-Annuity plan; §403(b)-
(and thus could be claimed as exempt) sion is inapplicable when the potential Educational annuities; §408-IRA's;
remains a valid, enforceable lien even vendor is physically residing on the §409-Employee stock ownership plan.
though the property does later acquire property as a homestead and thus a Subsection (b) carves out an excep-
the homestead character. Russell, 60 contract for sale of homestead property tion for the benefit of domestic rela-
B.R. at 193. executed by the deceased prior to death tions disputes and extends the benefits
I) Before a person can obtain a does not destroy the homestead status of this exemption to the payee of a
homestead exemption, that person must of the property. In re Estate of Skuro, domestic relations order.
have legal title to the property or a 487 So. 2d 1065 (Fla. 1986). The court in In re Knowles, 123 B.R.
beneficial interest in it. See In re Estate n) The proceeds from the sale of a 428 (Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1991), held that
of Wartels, 357 So. 2d 708 (Fla. 1978). homestead are exempt if they are in- ERISA preempted Florida exemptions
See also Ostyn v. Olympic, 455 So. 2d tended to be invested in a new from a creditor's claim for interest in
1137 (Fla. 2d DCA 1984). homestead within a reasonable time. a retirement or profit sharing plan
The court in In re Estate of Wartel See Sun FirstNationalBank of Orlando which qualified under the specified
held that although a cooperative is v. Gieger, 402 So. 2d 428, 431 (Fla. 5th Internal Revenue Code section. Cases
considered a homestead for tax pur- DCA 1981), and OrangeBrevardPlumb- such as In re Knowles may now be
poses, it may not be considered ing & HeatingCo. v. La Croix, 137 So. essentially overruled by the U.S. Su-
homestead property pursuant to Art. 2d 201 (Fla. 1962), for a discussion of preme Court case of Pattersonv. Schu-
10, §4 of the Florida Constitution be- the requirements which must be met mate, _U.S._, 112 S. Ct. 2242, 119
cause the owner's interest is in shares in order to keep the proceeds exempt. L.Ed.2d 519 (1992). See Employee Re-
of a corporation which holds title to the However, where the deceased provides tirement Income Securities Act of 1974
Plans. See F.S. §222.21, "Exemptions to reach an individual partner's inter- partnership party to action, could not
of pension money and retirement or est in partnership property. In order reach partnership assets.
profit sharing benefits from legal proc- for a creditor to attach and liquidate a - Pensions; Florida Highway Pa-
esses." partner's interest in a partnership, the trol. No pension under the provisions
- Life Insurance Policy; Cash Sur- partnership must also be a party to the of F.S. Ch. 321, "Highway Patrol," is
render Value. The cash surrender action. subject to legal process issued out of
value of a life insurance policy issued See Atlantic Mobile Homes, Inc. v. any court against the beneficiary. Such
upon the life of a Florida citizen or LeFever, 481 So. 2d 1002 (Fla. 4th pension shall be paid directly to the
resident is exempt from attachment, DCA 1986), holding that creditors pro- beneficiary thereof. See Alvarez v.
garnishment, or legal process in favor ceeding against a partner individually, Board of Trustees of City PensionFund
of any creditor of the person whose life who did not seek a charging order for Firefighters & Police Officers in the
is insured. The cash surrender value against the partnership, nor make the City of Tampa, 580 So. 2d 151 (Fla.
is also exempt from the claims of credi-
tors of the beneficiaries of such a pol-
the insurance policy was effected for
the benefit of such creditor. See supra
paragraph regarding annuities. See F.S.
See In re Ebenger, 40 B.R. 463
_06 d /
4.~2~. I
(Bankr. S.D. Fla. 1984), J. Britton,
which states that "for almost 60 years
the cash surrender value of life insur-
ance policies has been exempt from the
claims of creditors of the insured as
well as the claims of creditors of his
survivors" See also Annuities, supra.
- Life Insurance Policy; Proceeds.
The proceeds of a life insurance policy
are generally exempt from claims of
the insured's creditors. "Insurance shall
inure exclusively to the benefit of the
person whose use and benefit such
insurance is designated in the policy,
and the proceeds thereof shall be ex-
empt from the claims of creditors of the
insured unless the insurance policy or
a valid assignment thereof provides Sanibel is better from
otherwise." F.S. §222.13(1). The in-
sured must be a resident of the State
of Florida in order for §222.13 to apply.
our point of view.
See supra on Annuities. Overlooking Sanibel and Captiva islands lies the area's
- Municipal Property. "No money
judgment or decree against a munici- only AAA Four Diamond resort. Nestled on 80-acres of
pal corporation is a lien on its property pristine nature preserve, we offer a world-class spa and
nor shall any execution or any writ in fitness center. Championship tennis facility Daily chil- z
the nature of an execution based on the
judgment or decree be issued or lev-
dren's program. Rooms with spectacular water views
ied." F.S. §55.11. This exemption would from private balconies. And luxurious two-bedroom 2
be relevant to a municipality seeking resort condos with full hotel services. Everything a
relief pursuant to Ch. 9 of the U.S. Florida vacation should be. Only better. For reservations H
Bankruptcy Code. See 11 U.S.C. 901, et
seq., Ch. 9, "Adjustment of Debts of a
call 1-800-767-7777. Or contact your local travel agent. -
Municipality' z
- PartnershipProperty.When a cre-
ditor has a judgment or claim against
San1ubel Hiarbour
estort 4% Spa
an individual partner in a partnership,
the creditor cannot attach or levy upon L17260 Harbour Pointe Drive * Sanibel Harbour
specific partnership property to satisfy SFt. Myers, FL 33908 # (813) 466-4000 ° Fax (813) 466-2150
the claim of judgment. F.S. §620.68(2)
(c). However, F.S. §620.695 and
620.153 permit a judgment creditor
1991), which may be construed to carve 580 So. 2d 151 (Fla. 1991), although Ch. 185, are not subject to execution,
out an exception to exemptions in the not interpreting F.S. §122.15, may have attachment, or any legal process.
case of income deduction orders en- implicitly carved out an exception to Although Alvarez v. Board of Trus-
tered pursuant to F.S. §61.1301. See this exemption. See Pension Trust tees of the City Pension Fund for Fire-
F.S. §321.22. Funds;Municipal Firemen. fighters & Police Officers in the City of
- Pension Trust Funds; Municipal - Pensions of the United States. Tampa, 580 So. 2d 151 (Fla. 1991), did
Firemen. Pensions, annuities, or other The 1987 session created F.S. §222.21, not interpret F.S. §185.25, the court
benefits provided in F.S. Ch. 175, "Mu- subsection (1), which protects "money" may have implicitly carved out an
nicipal Firemen's Pension Trust Fund," received within three months prior to exception to this exemption. See Pen-
as well as the accumulated contribu- the issuance of an execution, attach- sion Trust Fund; Municipal Firemen.
tions and cash securities in funds cre- ment, or garnishment. The statute ap- See F.S. §185.25.
ated under Ch. 175 are not subject to parently does not protect distributions - Spendthrift Trust; Interest In.
execution, attachment, or any legal in kind of either nonmoney personal There is no federal, state, or local law
process. See F.S. §175.241. property or real property. However, which exempts an interest in a spend-
See City of Miami v. Spurrier, 320 an exception to this exemption exists thrift trust. However, §541(c)(2) of the
So. 2d 397 (Fla. 3d DCA 1975), cert. in the case of a qualified domestic Bankruptcy Code excepts from the es-
denied, 334 So. 2d 604 (Fla. 1976), relations order. tate interests in spendthrift trusts to
holding that a firemen's municipal re- See F.S. §222.21, "Exemption of pen- the extent their restrictions are en-
tirement fund could be garnished for sion money and retirement or profit- forceable under applicable nonbank-
alimony, child support, and medical sharing benefits from legal processes." ruptcy law. Spendthrift trusts are en-
payments by pensioner's divorced wife. • Personal Property. A debtor may forced and upheld as valid in Florida.
Now, an exception to this exemption exempt up to $1,000 in any personal An exception to this rule is made,
clearly exists for income deduction or- property. This exemption shall inure though, to permit garnishment for ali-
ders entered pursuant to §61.1301 re- to the surviving spouse or heirs of the mony and suit money.
garding dissolution of marriage pro- owner. F.S. §222.061 provides the pro- See McLeod v. Cooper, 88 F.2d 194
ceedings. Alvarez v. Board of Trustees cedure by which the debtor can desig- (5th Cir. 1937), holding that the gen-
of the City Pension Fund for Fire- nate and select personal property which eral rule is that a writ of garnishment
fighters & Police Officers in the City of is exempt from the claims of creditors. cannot be used to seize spendthrift
Tampa, 580 So. 2d 151 (Fla. 1991). See Fla. Const. Art. X, §4, "Homestead; property which benefits a debtor.
- Pensions and Other Benefits; Pub- exemptions." See F.S. §222.061, See In re Kelleher, 12 B.R. 896
lic School Teachers. Pensions, an- "Method of exempting personal prop- (Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1981), J. Proctor,
nuities, or other benefits which accrue erty; inventory." See F.S. §222.07, "De- holding that an interest in a spend-
to a person under F.S. Ch. 238, fendant's rights of selection." thrift trust, although not exempt, is
"Teacher's Retirement System," as well - Retirement Benefits; State of Flor- not property of the estate.
as the accumulated contributions and ida. Benefits which accrue to any per- See Bacardiv. White, 463 So. 2d 218
cash securities in funds created under son under F.S. Ch. 121, "Florida Re- (Fla. 1985), holding that a trust may
Ch. 238, are not subject to execution, tirement System," as well as the accu- be reached to enforce alimony.
attachment, or any legal process. Al- mulated contributions, securities, or See In re Nichols, 42 B.R. 772, 776
varez v. Board of Trustees of the City other investments in trust funds cre- (Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1984), J. Paskay,
Pension Fund for Firefighters & Police ated under Ch. 185, are not subject to holding that when a debtor can termi-
Officers in the City of Tampa, 580 So. assignment, execution, attachment, or nate a trust or reach its corpus, a
2d 151 (Fla. 1991), although not any other legal process. The court in spendthrift clause does not secure prop-
interpreting F.S. §238.15, may have Buzzard v. Buzzard, 412 So. 2d 388 erty from creditors. See also Fehlhaber
implicitly carved out an exception to (Fla. 2d DCA 1982), held that the v. Fehlhaber, 850 F.2d 1453 (11th Cir.
this exemption. See Pension Trust husband's state retirement benefits 1988).
Funds; Municipal Firemen, Alvarez v. were exempt from any legal process, - Unemployment Compensation
Board of Trustees of the City Pension including the wife's claim for alimony. Benefits. All benefits due under F.S.
Fund for Firefighters& Police Officers However, the holding in Alvarez v. Ch. 443, "Unemployment Compensa-
in the City of Tampa, 580 So. 2d 151 Board of Trustees of the City Pension tion," are exempt from all claims of
(Fla. 1991). Fund for Firefighters & Police Officers creditors and from levy, execution, at-
- Pension Benefits; State of Flor- in the City of Tampa, 587 So. 2d 151 tachment, or any other remedy for
ida and County Employees. Pen- (Fla. 1991), may render the holding in recovery or collection of a debt. This
sions, annuities, or other benefits which Buzzard invalid. See Pension Trust exemption is subject to the child sup-
accrue to a person under F.S. Ch. 122, Funds; Municipal Firemen. See F.S. port intercept exception in F.S.
"State and County Retirement," as well §121.131. §443.051(3). This exemption may not
as the accumulated contributions and - Retirement Funds;Municipal Po- be waived.
cash securities created under Ch. 122, lice. Pensions, annuities, or other bene- - Veterans' Benefits. "Except as pro-
are not subject to execution, attach- fits provided in F.S. Ch. 185, "Mu- vided by federal law, payments of bene-
ment, or any legal process. nicipal Police Officers Retirement Trust fits from the Veterans' Administration
Alvarez v. Board of Trustees of the Fund; Policemen Generally," as well or the Social Security Administration
City Pension Fund for Firefighters & as the accumulated contributions and to or for the benefit of a disabled
Police Officers in the City of Tampa, cash securities in funds created under veteran or the widow or dependents of
a veteran are exempt from the claims (Fla. 1980), discussing head of family
of creditors and shall not be liable to requirement and purpose of exemp-
attachment, levy, or seizure by or un- tions.
der any legal or equitable process what- See In re Welch, 115 B.R. 374 (Bankr.
ever, either before or after the receipt M.D. Fla. 1990), holding that head of
of the payments by the guardian or the household's wages can be commingled
beneficiary?' with spouse's wages so long as they can
See F.S. §744.626, "Exemptions of be traced back to the head of house-
benefits from claims of creditors." hold.
- Wages. Any money or other thing See In re Truas, 104 B.R. 471 (Bankr.
due to any person who is the head of a M.D. Fla. 1989), holding that a debtor's
family residing in the State of Florida, federal income tax refund is not wages
when the money or other thing is due within the meaning of F.S. §222.11.
for the personal labor or services of See also In re Locke, 99 B.R. 473
such person, is exempt from the claims (Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1989), concluding
of creditors. This exemption applies to that income that is exempt as wages
any wages deposited in any bank ac- does not include income earned on
count maintained by the debtor when passive investments.
said funds can be traced and properly - Workers' Compensation Benefits.
identified as wages. However, this ex- Compensation and benefits paid or ac-
emption may not be asserted to pre- crued in accordance with F.S. Ch. 440,
clude the enforcement of orders for "Workers' Compensation," are exempt
child support, alimony, suit money, or from all claims of creditors, and from
other orders entered in such proceed- levy, execution, and attachment or
ings. See F.S. §222.11, "Exemption of other remedy for recovery or collection
wages from garnishment?' See F.S. of a debt. This exemption may not be
§222.12, "Proceedings for exemption." waived.
See F.S. §61.12, "Attachment or gar- See In re Fraley, case no. 92-64-BKC-
nishment of amounts due for alimony 3P7, dated December 15, 1992, but not
or child support?' See In re Fraley, case yet reported, in which Judge Proctor
no. 92-64-BKC-3P7, Dec. 15, 1992. held that a lump sum settlement of a
See Matter of Szuets, 22 B.R. 805 workers' compensation claim on de-
(Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1982), J. Paskay, posit in a directly traceable account is
holding exemption intended to protect exempt under F.S. §440.22 but not
wages of residents and citizens of Flor- under §222.11. See F.S. §440.22.
ida. However, the Florida exemption
only protects wages earned by the Legislative Proposals
debtor while residing in Florida. During the 1992 regular legislative
See Refco, Inc. v. Sarmiento, 487 So. session, two bills were presented which
2d 75 (Fla. 3d DCA 1986), discussing would have significantly affected the
necessary elements to be an employee current Florida exemptions. However,
receiving wages. See also In re Schlein, the proposed bills were not passed by
114 B.R. 780 (Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1990), the legislature.
in which Judge Proctor concluded that As of February 25, 1993, the date
income earned by an independent con- that this article was submitted for
tractor is not wages for the purpose of publication, there are three bills pre-
exemption under F.S. §222.11 and pro- filed for the 1993 regular legislative
vides a definition of the words "inde- session. Be aware of the following topics
pendent contractor?' However, see In which may be affected by this legisla-
re Glickman, 126 B.R. 124 (Bankr. tion: Limitation on wages exempt from
M.D. Fla. 1991), where Judge Baynes garnishment, clarification of the ex-
held that the issue in F.S. §222.11 is empt status of wages on deposit in a
not whether the debtor is an independ- financial institution, expansion of indi-
ent contractor or an employee but vidual property exempt from legal pro-
rather whether the work performed cess, denial of exemption of fraudulent
was in the nature of personal labor or asset conversion, and preclusion of dis-
services rendered. Further the Glick- charge of restitution debt in bank-
man court clarified that the statute ruptcy. WAGNER'HOHNS INGLIS INC.
does not limit the term "person" to an Construction Consultants
employee as opposed to an independent Federal Exemptions
contractor. While this section does not represent Mount Holly, NJ * Naperville, IL•
San Francisco, CA * Pasadena, CA.
See Killian v. Lawson, 387 So. 2d 960 a complete listing of every exemption
available under federal law, it does of state law exemptions, the issue of are exempt from claims of creditors.
offer a broad compilation of what ex- whether a pension plan meeting the See 5 U.S.C. §8130, "Assignment of
emptions currently exist. This section requirements of ERISA is exempt from claim."
should give the practicing attorney a the bankruptcy estate has been an- - InternationalOrganizationsIm-
broad view of the type of federal ex- swered by the U.S. Supreme Court in munities Act; Covered Property.The
emptions which are available so the the case of Patterson v. Shumate. The property of those organizations desig-
attorney can be aware of the types of Court concluded that the meaning of nated by the President as being cov-
exemptions to contemplate and assert. applicable nonbankruptcy law con- ered by the International Organiza-
* Annuities; Retired Servicemen's tained in 11 U.S.C. §541(a)(1) included tions Immunities Act is not subject to
Family ProtectionPlan.No annuity federal as well as state law. The Court attachment or any other judicial pro-
payable under 10 U.S.C. Ch. 73 (An- further concluded that the anti- cess. See 28 U.S.C. §1611, "Certain
nuities Based on Retired or Retainer alienation provisions contained in an types of property immune from execu-
Pay), subchapter I (Retired Service- ERISA plan satisfied the literal terms tion."
men's Family Protection Plan), is of §541(c)(2) in that the transfer res- - Klamath Tribe; Judgment Fund.
assignable or subject to legal process. trictions were enforceable as required The judgment fund and the capital
- Annuities; Servicemen's Survivor by §541(c)(2). See 29 U.S.C. §§1001, et reserve fund set up for Indians of the
Benefit Plan. No annuity payable seq., §105(6)(d)(1). Klamath Tribe are not subject to any
under 10 U.S.C. Ch. 73 (Annuities - GarnishmentRestrictions.Unless debts contracted prior to the passage
Based on Retired or Retainer Pay), an individual falls into the exceptions of 25 U.S.C. §543 (August 7, 1939) and
subchapter II (Survivor Benefit Plan) provided in 15 U.S.C. §1673(b) or 15 25 U.S.C. §544 (March 29, 1948), re-
is assignable or subject to legal pro- U.S.C. §1675, the maximum part of spectively, by any Indian of the Kla-
cess. However, an exception is provided an individual's aggregate weekly dis- math Tribe except debts to the United
in subsection (1)(3)(B) which provides posable earnings which may be sub- States or to the tribe. See 25 U.S.C.
that the remaining amount of an annu- jected to garnishment is the lesser of §§543 and 545.
ity may be collected from a beneficiary 25 percent of the individual's dispos- - Lighthouse Employees; Benefits
under the plan if that beneficiary was able earnings for the week or the to Surviving Spouses. Payments
the recipient of the annuity payments amount by which the individual's dis- made under 33 U.S.C. §771-775 as
made by reason of this subsection. posable earnings for the week exceed benefits to the surviving spouses of
See Powers v. Powers, 465 So. 2d 30 times the federal minimum hourly lighthouse employees are not subject
1036 (Miss. 1985), concluding that a wage prescribed by §206(a)(1) of Title to any legal process. See 33 U.S.C.
divorce decree may not require a hus- 29. The exceptions to these restrictions §775.
band to maintain his former wife as include the cases in which there is a - Limit on Amount Recoverable on
the irrevocable beneficiary of his mili- support order, an order of any court of Voyage. "When a seaman is on a
tary survivor's benefit plan. the United States having jurisdiction voyage on which a written agreement
Commissioned officers of the Public over cases under Ch. 13 of Title 11, or is required under this part, not more
Health Service or their surviving bene- any debt due for any state or federal than $1 is recoverable from the seaman
ficiaries are entitled to all the rights, tax. by a person for a debt incurred by the
benefits, privileges, and immunities See Kokoscka v. Belford, 417 U.S. seaman during the voyage for which
provided for commissioned officers of 642, 94 S. Ct. 2431, 41 L. Ed.2d 374 the seaman is signed on until the
the Army under Title 10. See also 42 (1974), holding that the term "earnings voyage is ended?'See 46 U.S.C. §11111.
U.S.C. §213(a)(5). See 10 U.S.C. under this Act" do not include an - Longshore and Harbor Workers'
§1450(i). income tax refund. See Donovan v. Compensation Benefits. Compensa-
* Annuities for Survivors of Judi- Hamilton County Municipal Court,580 tion and benefits due or payable under
cial Officers of U.S. Annuities cre- F. Supp. 554 (S.D. Ohio 1984), conclud- Ch. 18 of Title 33 (Longshore and
ated under 28 U.S.C. §376 are not ing that wage assignment for child Harbor Workers' Compensation) are
assignable, either in law or in equity, support takes priority over judgment exempt from all claims of creditors and
except as provided in subsections (s) creditors' garnishment. The Donovan from all remedies for recovery or collec-
and (t) of 28 U.S.C. §376, or subject to court further held that court-ordered tion of a debt, except as provided within
execution, levy, attachment, garnish- wage assignment for child support is a the chapter. See 33 U.S.C. §916.
ment, or other legal process. "garnishment" as defined by 15 U.S.C. - Officers of the National Oceanic
; Central Intelligence Agency Re- §1672(c). See Dyche v. Dyche, 570 S.W. and Atmospheric Administration.
tirement and DisabilityFund. None 2d 293 (Mo. 1978), regarding the excep- Active service of commissioned officers
of the money mentioned in the Central tion to garnishment limitations for of the National Oceanic and Atmos-
Intelligence Agency Act of 1964 for enforcement of order for support. See pheric Administration shall be deemed
certain employees, as amended (78 Stat. 15 U.S.C. §1675, "Exemption for state- to be in active military service for the
1043, as amended; 50 U.S.C. §403 regulated garnishments." purposes of all laws administered by
note) is assignable or subject to legal • Injury Compensation; U.S. Gov- the Veterans' Administration. See 33
process, except as provided under 50 ernment Employees. Compensation U.S.C. §857.
U.S.C. §403 note; Executive Order No. to U.S. Government employees (as de- - Pensions;Paidto Winners of Con-
12023. fined in the chapter) for work injuries gressionalMedal of Honor. The spe-
- Employee Retirement Income Se- and claims for compensation which fall cial pensions paid to winners of Con-
curity Act. As above in the discussion under 5 U.S.C. Ch. 81, subchapter I, gressional Medals of Honor are not
subject to any legal process whatso- wise may be provided by federal law. Life Insurance or Veterans' Group Life
ever. See 38 U.S.C. §1562. Under §4060(b) certain court orders or Insurance, 38 U.S.C. §1970(g), made
* Property Exempt From Levy. This spousal agreements may allow legal to, or on account of, a beneficiary are
section enumerates the property, in- process on such benefits. See 22 U.S.C. exempt from claims of creditors and
cluding personal property, which is §4060(c). not subject to any legal process whatso-
exempt from levy as follows: - Savings Deposits; Members of ever.
1) Wearing apparel and school books. Armed Forces. Amounts deposited by * SocialSecurityFunds;FuturePay-
2) Fuel, provisions, furniture, and per- a member of the armed forces on a ments. The right of any person to any
sonal effect. permanent duty assignment outside future payments under 42 U.S.C. §401-
3) Books and tools of a trade, business, the U.S. or its possessions are exempt 403 (Social Security-Federal Old-Age,
or profession. from liability when deposited with any Survivors, and Disability Insurance
4) Unemployment benefits. branch, office, or officer of a uniformed Benefits), is not assignable and not
5) Undelivered mail. service under 10 U.S.C. §1035. The subject to any legal process, including
6) Certain annuity and pension pay- protections provided by this section bankruptcy. See 42 U.S.C. §407, "As-
ments. now extend to certain members of the signment."
7) Workers' compensation. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- See In Re Treadwell, 699 F.2d. 1050
8) Judgment for support of minor chil- ministration and officers of the Public (11th Cir. 1983), discussing the fact
dren. Health Service. that a debtor may forfeit the benefit of
9) Minimum exemption for wages, sal- - Seamen's Clothing. "The clothing exemption if the debtor does not elect
ary, and other income. of a seaman is exempt from attach- the state and nonbankruptcy federal
10) Certain service connected disabil- ments and liens.' See 46 U.S.C. §11110, exemption, when such choice has not
ity payments. "Seamen's Clothing.' See Steur v. Ned- been made by the state of the debtor.
See United States v. Barbier, 896 erl-Americk Stoomvaart Maatschappf, The court in Citronelle-MobileGath-
F.2d 377 (9th Cir. 1990). Although the etc., 362 F. Supp. 600 (D.C. Fla. 1973), ering, Inc. v. Watkins, 934 F.2d 1180
debtor's property may be of the kind for test of whether person is a "sea- (11th Cir. 1991), created an implied
listed as exempt from levy, this exemp- man." exception by holding that the right to
tion does not protect such property - Servicemen's Group Life Insur- exemption of Social Security funds may
from the attachment of a lien. See 26 ance. Payments of benefits due or to be limited to the amount the debtor
U.S.C. §6334. become due under Servicemen's Group requires to satisfy basic needs.
- Railroad Retirement Act of 1974
Annuities. No annuity or supplemen-
tal annuity which is payable under the
Railroad Retirement Act of 1974, 45
U.S.C. §231-231v, is subject to any
legal process except as provided by 45
U.S.C. §231m. See 45 U.S.C. §231m.
* Railroad Unemployment Insur-
ance Benefits. No insurance benefits
payable under Ch. 11 of Title 45 (45
U.S.C. §351-368), "Railroad Unemploy-
ment Insurance," are subject to any
legal process under any circumstances.
See 45 U.S.C. §352, "Benefits, subsec-
tion (e) assignment, taxation, garnish-
ment, attachment, etc., of benefits!'
* Retirement Benefits; U.S. Gov-
ernment Employees (Civil Ser-
vants). Retirement, survivor, and dis-
ability benefits paid under 5 U.S.C.
Ch. 83, subchapter III, are not subject
to legal process, except as otherwise
may be provided by federal laws. These
exemptions are subject to the excep-
tions in 5 U.S.C. §8346. See 5 U.S.C.
§8345 (1976).
- Retirement and Disability Bene-
fits; Members of Foreign Service.
All money and benefits distributed un-
der 22 U.S.C. §4041, et seq., "Foreign
Service Retirement and Disability Sys-
tem," are neither assignable nor sub-
ject to legal process, except as other-
See United States v. Devall, 704 F.2d 609 (Ark. 1989), holding that certifi- Stevens, dissenting, criticizes the ma-
1513 (11th Cir. 1983), holding that the cates of deposit purchased with veter- jority opinion and urges that equitable
Social Security Administration is re- ans' benefits were exempt from execu- principles be applied to achieve both
quired to comply with a bankruptcy tion and garnishment due to the fact equitable results and fair administra-
court's deduction order which required that it retained the quality of money tion of the case. Accordingly, the Court
that a portion of each debtor's benefit and had not become a permanent in- would be free to extend the time to
be sent directly to the Ch. 13 trustee. vestment. object when the debtor's claimed ex-
See Kirk v. Kirk, 577 A.2d 976 (R.I. - Wages of Fishermen, Masters,and emption fails to satisfy any statutory
1990), holding that Social Security bene- Seamen. No wages due or accruing to basis. Id. at 1650-1652. See Rule 4003
fits may be reached by a former spouse any fisherman, master, or seaman are of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy
for alimony or child support but not for subject to attachment or arrestment Procedure.
property division. from any court, except for any order of - Prebankruptcy Transfer of Non-
- Stay or Vacation of Execution of a court regarding support and mainte- exempt Property to Exempt Prop-
Judgments for Servicemen. Under nance of a spouse and minor children. erty. Although numerous state and
the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief A prior assignment of the wages does federal exemptions are available to
Act of 1940 (50 App. U.S.C. §501-591), not bind the party making the assign- debtors, the bankruptcy courts do not
courts have the power to vacate or stay ment. See 46 U.S.C. §11109, "Attach- look favorably upon the debtor who has
the execution of any judgment, order, ment of wages." appeared to abuse the system im-
attachment, or garnishment being exe- - War-Risk Compensation. All rights mediately prior to filing bankruptcy
cuted against a person in military and benefits paid or due under 42 by converting an excessive amount of
service. The stay may be ordered for U.S.C. §1701-1706 (War Hazard Com- nonexempt property to exempt prop-
the period of military service plus three pensation) are not subject to any legal erty. However, no bright-line test ex-
months, but the power to stay is sub- process. See 42 U.S.C. § 1717. ists to determine whether the debtor
ject to certain conditions (i.e., whether has merely engaged in valid prebank-
ability to comply with judgment or Exemptions in Bankruptcy ruptcy (estate) planning or whether
order is materially affected by reason - Objection to Exemptions. The Su- the debtor has crossed the line and
of military service). See 50 App. U.S.C. preme Court strictly construed the time abused the system. By relying on the
§523, "Stay or vacation of execution of limitation set forth in Rule 4003(b) of legislative history of 11 U.S.C. §522,
judgments, attachments, etc." See 50 the FederalRules of Bankruptcy Proce- many courts have held that the debtor
App. U.S.C. §524, "Duration and term dure as it applies to objection to exemp- is permitted to convert nonexempt prop-
of stays; co-defendants not in service." tions, listed by the debtor pursuant to erty before filing a bankruptcy peti-
* Veterans' Benefits. Payments of 11 U.S.C. §522. Taylor v. B. Freedland tion. See In re Levine, 139 B.R. 551
benefits due or to become due under and Kronz, _ U.S. , 112 S. Ct. 1164, (Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1992); In re Decker,
any law administered by the Veterans' 118 L.Ed.2d 280 (1992).The Court held 105 B.R. 79 (Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1989); In
Administration are not assignable ex- that the 30-day period for objection is re Blum, 41 B.R. 816 (Bankr. S.D. Fla.
cept to the extent authorized by law, absolute. Therefore, a Ch. 7 trustee 1984).
and such payments made to, or on cannot contest the validity of a claimed However, in a recent decision dated
account of, a beneficiary are not subject exemption after the 30-day period for October 29, 1992, by Judge Paskay but
to any legal process whatever, either objecting had expired, even though the not yet reported in In re Schwarb, Case
before or after receipt by the benefici- debtor had no cognizable basis for No. 92-1647-8P1, the court criticized
ary. This exemption is subject to claims claiming the exemption. Id. at 1645. the reasoning of prior decisions based
of the United States arising under such The Court acknowledged that such a on this legislative history. The court
laws and any other exception in 38 deadline may lead to unwelcome re- analyzed the hearings referred to in
U.S.C. §3101. sults, but produces a necessary finality the committee report and explained
See Jones v. Goodson, 772 S.W. 2d to the bankruptcy. Id. at 1648. Justice that the committee members strongly


condemned prebankruptcy planning. the debtor and the debtor's spouse that property received as a wedding
The members strongly criticized the exist. See In re Koehler, 6 B.R. 203 gift constituted proof of entireties' prop-
deliberate enlargement of exemptions (Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1980); In re Book- erty.
out of the usual and customary manner man, 57 B.R. 522 (Bankr. S.D. Fla.
of living. Therefore, the much-quoted 1986); In reAmici, 99 B.R. 100 (Bankr. Conclusion
legislative history permitting the con- M.D. Fla. 1989); In re Podzamsky, 122 If asserted and applied properly, fed-
version of nonexempt assets into ex- B.R. 596 (Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1990); In eral and state exemptions, as well as
empt assets on the eve of bankruptcy re Shaland, 133 B.R. 166 (Bankr. S.D. the immunities described above, can
appears to have been taken out of Fla. 1991); In re Pepenella, 103 B.R. shield a great deal of property from
context. Judge Paskay recognized that 229 (M.D. Fla. 1988); In re Anderson, creditors of the Florida resident. This
a remedy exists to defeat a fraudulent 132 B.R. 657 (Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1991). article can be used as both a checklist
prebankruptcy planning pursuant to An analysis of this issue is beyond the of the various forms of protection avail-
§707(b), possibly §727(a)(2), §1129(a)(3), scope of this article. Therefore, the able to a Florida debtor and as an
§1226(a)(3), and §1325(a)(3). reader is referred to the cases cited and example of the wide variety of theories
It appears that the courts will con- to Richard D. Webber II, "The Tenancy upon which counsel can rely and ex-
tinue to strike a balance between a by the Entirety Immunity (Exemption) pand upon when attempting to hold
debtor's right to benefit from exemp- in Bankruptcy," vol. V, no. 3, Fla. Bar and protect as much property as possi-
tions with the abuse of this right. Business Law Section (summer 1992). ble for the debtor.0
However, no bright-line test exists to - Proving that Personal Property
determine what constitutes permissi- Is, in Fact,Entireties Property. Te-
ble prebankruptcy planning. nancy by the entireties can exist in
both personal and real property. In re
Entireties Property Stanley, 122 B.R. 599 (Bankr. M.D.
The immunity afforded property held Fla. 1990). However, the burden is
as tenancy by the entirety is a judi- placed upon the debtor to prove such IAUTO
cially created exemption. Property held an immunity and is much greater in
as tenancy by the entirety is immune the case of personal property. The
from the claims of the creditors of one courts will require documentary evi-
spouse. However, such property is not dence to support the finding that the
shielded from the claims of the credi- personal property was held as tenancy
tors of both spouses. An interest in by the entirety. In re Stanley, 122 B.R.
real or personal property characterized 599, at 604. The burden of proving an
as tenancy by the entirety requires intent to create tenancy by the entirety
unity of possession, unity of interest, in personal property cannot be met
unity of title, unity of time, and unity solely by testimony of the debtor or the
of marriage. spouse. Id. at 604.
The courts, however, have not been Examples of documentary evidence FARFANTE IURILLO
in agreement as to how entireties prop- include signature cards of a bank ac- The late Raymond C. Farfante, Jr.,
erty should be administered. Two main count designating that the account was ofRumberger,Kirk & Caldwell, P.A.,
problem areas exist with respect to held by the entireties or an instrument Tampa, received his B.A. in 1967
entireties property: 1) the extent of the of conveyance evidencing the creation from the University of South Florida
protection from creditors, and 2) the of an entireties estate when household and J.D. from Stetson University
proof necessary to show that personal furnishings were purchased. In re College of Law in 1971. Before his
property is held as entireties property. Gulob, 80 B.R. 230 (Bankr. M.D. Fla. death in January,Mr. Farfantehad
received the American Bar Certifica-
Because the bankruptcy courts in Flor- 1987). See Richard B. Webber II, "The
tion in consumer bankruptcy law
ida have been the most active in Tenancy by the Entirety Immunity and certification in business bank-
addressing these issues, most of the (Exemption) in Bankruptcy," vol. V, ruptcy law from the American Bank-
cases cited in this section will be bank- no. 3, Fla. Bar Business Law Section ruptcy Institute.
ruptcy court decisions. (summer 1992). Camille J. Iurillo, formerly with
* Extent of Protection. The first is- See In re Podzamsky, 122 B.R. 596 Rumberger, Kirk & Caldwell, P.A.,
sue to be addressed with respect to (Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1990), which held Tampa, and presently with Larson
entireties property is the extent which that a bill of sale was evidence that & Bobenhausen, P.A., Clearwater,
the property can be reached. It is personal property was held as tenancy received her B.S. in biology from St.
generally held that an interest in en- by the entirety. See In re Shaland, 133 Lawrence University in 1978 and
received a B.S. in medical technol-
tireties property owned by a debtor and B.R. 166 (Bankr. S.D. Fla. 1991), where
ogy from FloridaInstitute of Tech-
the debtor's spouse is not subject at all the court held that proceeds from the nology in 1980. She received her
to the claims of a creditor of the debtor sale of a home owned as tenancy by the J.D. from Stetson University College
alone. In re Penrod, 30 B.R. 326 (Bankr. entirety which was used to purchase a of Law in 1991. She practices in the
S.D. Fla. 1983). certificate of deposit was sufficient evi- areas of bankruptcy, creditors'rights,
However, there is a split of authority dence to support a finding of entirety's and insurance defense.
as to the extent the entireties property property. See In re Luna, 100 B.R. 605
can be reached when creditors of both (Bankr. S.D. Fla. 1989), which found U


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