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COURSE: 5th Juniors ‘B’ COURSEBOOK: Focus 2


Read Ellie’s blog. Five sentences have been removed. Choose from the sentences A–F the one which
best fits each gap. There is one extra sentence which you don’t need to use.

Hi, I’m Ellie and this is the first sentence of my first ever blog. 1 I want to be a journalist, so I
guess a blog might be the best way to start. Right now, I live with my parents and brother in a flat in
the centre of a big city in the UK. I go to a huge secondary school called Maybank High.
Maybank High is a friendly place and there aren’t too many difficult rules. I like English best, and
I’m quite keen on sport as well. 2 It’s great except for weekend matches. I mean, I love
sport, but not on Saturday mornings! Saturdays are for resting! My best friend does karate and I’m
thinking of taking that up too, but just for self-defense – not for the medals.
I’m into other things as well as sport. I’m learning salsa dancing, for example, which is great fun
and very good exercise, so I do that every Tuesday evening. I like IT, too, and I’m making good use
of my skills. 3 They taught us how to do it at school, and it’s a great way to make a bit of
I can’t imagine life without lots of shops. On Saturdays and Sundays my friends and I quite often
meet up in town and then just go round looking in shop windows. It’s fun! Plus, there are lots of
cinemas, the music scene is pretty good, and there’s a brand-new sports centre.4 So we
often just hang out together instead.
I’m 16 so I have to choose which subjects to study next year. 5 I definitely want to go to
university, but I don’t know which one’s best. My ambition is to be a journalist, or, even better, a
sportswriter, but I’m not sure how to start

A In fact, I play hockey for the school team.

B It’s a hard decision to make.
C My teacher suggested it, as a way of getting some writing practice.
D The trouble is, no-one can really afford to do much.
E All in all, I think I’m pretty lucky really.
F I even manage a website for a neighbour!

1. Complete the sentences with adjectives. The first letter of each word is given.
1 David is very g___________and will always give you money if you need it.
2 My brother is so b _ _-t___________ . He gets annoyed for no reason at all.
3 Anita is so f________she always makes us laugh with her jokes!
4 My little cousin is very s___________she never lets other children play with her toys.
5 Alan is very a_____________and wants to be a surgeon.
6 Gina is looking m_____________today. Why is she so sad?
7 Martin is very o___________ . He really enjoys meeting new people and being sociable.
8 Bill is a s___________person. He never does anything stupid.


2. Complete the sentences with the opposite of the words in the box.
communicative experienced fairhelpful
honest likeresponsibleusual

0 That shop assistant is very unhelpful. She doesn’t know where anything is in the store!
1 I don’t think Mark always tells the truth. He’s a bit sometimes.
2 My sister never washes the dishes, so I always have to do it. It’s so !
3 My brother’s . He doesn’t talk much to anyone.
4 Tim often forgets to lock the front door – he’s a bit .
5 My sister hasn’t had her job for long. She’s still .
6 It’s very for Matt to miss a day at school. He’s always here!
7 I think most students really doing tests!

3. Choose the correct options.

My friend Mel and I are passionate 0 about / in fashion, but we can't 1 afford / pretend to buy
expensive designer clothes. However, we’ve found a solution to our problem – we make our own
clothes! I was never very interested 2 in / for making things, but now I love it! We buy the material
online and sew the clothes on Mum’s sewing machine. Mel's really good 3 in / at making dresses
and skirts. And guess what? Our new hobby has become 4 keen / popular with all the girls in our
class and now we even have orders to make clothes for our classmates. Who knows – maybe one
day our hobby will turn into a 5 successful / loyal business!

4. Choose the correct options.

1 Tom has decided not to go / going to university next year.

2 Sam really hates to help / helping his mum do the shopping!
3 Have you ever considered to become / becoming a scientist?
4 Would you prefer to stay / staying at home tonight?
5 I don’t really like to wear / wearing the clothes my mum buys me.
6 My mum always tries to avoid to drive / driving on busyroads.
7 I’m hoping to go / going to Spain on holiday this summer.

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

0 I can’t stand getting (get) up early in the morning!

1 Would you like (see) my holiday photos?
2 I need (buy) a new pen. This one’s broken.
3 I always try to avoid (go) into town when it’s busy.
4 My little sister loves (play) with the doll I got her.
5 Shaun spent a lot of time (fix) dad’s car last night.

6. Make questions for these answers. Pay attention to the word in bold. Use these question words: who,
what, where.

1. …………………………………………………………………?
I am drinking some Coke.
2. ……………………………………………………………………..?
Nuria found the missing paper.
3. ……………………………………………………………………..?
She is waiting at the bus stop.
4. ……………………………………………………………………..?
The stone broke the window.
5. ……………………………………………………………………..?
Lily likes Reading books.

Listen to Katie and Martin talking about their free-time activities. For each question, choose the right answer.
(Audio: Pearson website)


1. Which of these sentences are used in the opening part of the e-mail and which are used in the
closing part? Write O or C.


2. You recently received an email from Jenny, an English teenager you’re going to stay with in
England. Read part of the email and write your reply to her.

Write your email in about 100 words and include these points:
 Thank Jenny for her email
 Say how you feel about staying in England
 Tell her about the sort of music and films you like
 Write about some of the things you do in your free time.
 Ask about Jenny’s interests.
 Say goodbye.


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