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Presidium Noida 31

Holiday Homework
Grade 6

1. Read the story, ‘India at Play’ (Gems English Reader)
2. Activity: Describe any one traditional popular game of India and try to use recently
learnt vocabulary and phrases.
1. अपनी बचपन की कुछ तस्वीरें चिपका कर अपने बचपन की किसी घटना के बारे ए - 4 साइज़
शीट में लिखें ।
2. प्रतिदिन एक पेज़ सल
ु ेख लिखिए ।
3. सामयिक परीक्षा हे तु अभ्यास पत्रिकाओं का अभ्यास कीजिए ।

निम्नलिखितविषयेषु कस्मिन ् अपि विषये पोस्टरं रचयन्तु -
1. धातु परिचय:
2. सर्वनाम परिचय:

Les devoirs de Français
Les Souvenirs
You have visited a francophone country. Make a souvenir for the remembrance of that trip.
Hint: Folders, wall hanging, bookmark, keychain.
Schreiben Sie eine EMAIL an dein freund Peter Uber deine Familie .
(Write email to ur friend about your family) (50-60 words)
Poster on Germany (food items)

1. Complete the notebook work as sent. (make a ruled notebook)

2. Make a chart on A-3 size on generations of programming languages (suggestion: you
can show various programming language, screenshots of codes written in various
programming languages)

1. Complete the practice worksheets sent, in your worksheet register
2. On a chart paper or A-3 size sheet, make a drawing or illustration on the following
topics as per your roll number:

Roll number Topic Suggestion

1-10 Indian and Placement box, comma insertion,

International number names, place value chart
Numeration system

11-20 Whole numbers Make a list on conversions like:

1 million = 100 ten thousand

21-30 Playing with numbers HCF and LCM, Factors and multiples

31-40 Playing with numbers Divisibility rules


Make a 2D/3D diorama on any one of the following topics
1. Major physical divisions of India
2. Ways of finding about the past
3. Solar system
4. Harappan Civilisation
5. Any one region with historical and geographical factors that influence the diversity
found there.

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