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( )15. A. 35 B. 50     C.

大桥外语双新进阶课程单元测试题_______ IV. 听短文判断对错 (每小题 1 分,共 5 分)
( ) 16. Jason is a lazy student.
__________________________________ ( ) 17. Jason is 12 years old.
( ) 18. Jason’s coat is brown.

Unit 5 (
) 19. His father’s car is white.
) 20. His mother’s handbag is white, too.

(Lesson17---Lesson20) 二、笔试部分(共 80 分)
Ⅰ. 词汇(共 10 分,每小题 1 分)
A. 选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的一项
Teacher_______ Class_____ Name ______ Date______ ( ) 1. A. office B. thin C. assistant D. fine
( ) 2. A. hard B. card C. passport D. catch
A -基础卷(满分:100 分) ( ) 3. A. sale B. make C. cat D. case
( ) 4. A. office B. come C. umbrella D. colour
1、 听力部分(共 20 分) ( ) 5. A. man B. any C. cat D. thank
I. 听音,选出你所听到的音标与所给单词相同的一项。(共 5 分,每小题 1 分) B. 根据汉语提示完成句子
( ) 1. A. man B. sad C. take 6. These women are very ___________ (勤奋的).
( ) 2. A. open B. office C. box 7. What are __________ (他们的) jobs?
( ) 3. A. right B. sit C. ice 8. What’s the matter, __________ (孩子们).
( ) 4. A. shut B. cute C. group 9. We are tired and __________ (口渴).
( ) 5. A. heavy B. great C. meat 10. They are ___________ (电脑输录人员).
II. 请听问句,选出适当的答语。(共 5 分,每小题 1 分) II. 选择填空(共 15 分,每小题 1 分)
( )6. A. How do you do? B. How are you? C. How old are you? ( ) 1. ---What are their jobs? ---They are ________.
( )7. A. I’m fine. B. Nice to meet you, too C. Very well. A. milkman B. housewifes C. postmans D. air hostesses
( )8. A. He’s a teacher. B. He’s tall. C. This is Jim. ( ) 2. --- How do you do?
( )9. A. They are lazy. B. They are policemen. C. They are at home. ---________?
( )10. A. They are good. B. Yes, they are. C. They are hard-working A. How do you do? B. What do you do?
III. 请听对话及问题,选择正确答语。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) C. How are you? D. How old are you?
( )11. A. They’re tired and busy ( ) 3. ---________?
B. They’re tired and thirsty ---This is Jim.
C. They’re tired and hard-working A. Who is this young man? B. What is this young man?
( )12. A. A doctor B. A nurse    C. A teacher C. Whose is this young man? D. Which is this young man?
( )13. A. A hamburger B. An ice cream C. A fish     ( ) 4. Come ________ meet our employees.
( )14. A. walkman B. postman   C. mechanic A. or B. but C. 不填 D. and

( ) 5. _______ women _______ hard-working. 5. This is not my book, but my _______ (brother).
A. Those; is B. These; is C. That; are D. Those; are Ⅳ. 改错题(10 分)
( ) 6. Those men are busy. ______ are sales reps. 1. This is my new friend. She name is Lucy.
A. She B. He C. It D. They A B C _____________________________
( ) 7. --- _______ children? 2. Look at the birds in a sky.
--- We are tired. A B C _____________________________
A. What’s matter B. What’s the matter? 3. His at home now.
C. What’s the wrong? D. What is it? A B C ______________________________
( ) 8. _______ them. They are clean. 4. There are three German in our class.
A. Look B. Look at C. See D. See at A B C ______________________________
( ) 9. --- Are his shoes dirty or clean? 5. They are my books. Put they here.
---________. A B C ____________________________
A. Yes B. No C. Old D. Dirty Ⅴ. 交际运用(共 20 分,每空 1 分)
( ) 10. --- Are we all right now? A.写出下列单词的反义词
--- ________. 1. cold ------ 2. clean------ 3. fat-----
A. Yes, we are B. No, I am C. No, we are. D. Yes, we aren’t 4. young ------ 5. shut------ 6. long-----
( ) 11. _______ pencils are there in the pencil-box? 7. new ----- 8. dirty------ 9. big-----
A. How B. How many C. How much D. What 10. busy -----
( ) 12. --- Is that blouse Mary’s? B. 找出下列问句的答语
---________. ( )1.Where are you from? A. How do you do?
A. No, it is. B. Yes, it’s her. C. Yes, it is his D. Sure, it’s hers ( )2. Are you a shop assistant? B. He’s an ice cream man.
( ) 13. --- Is your friend Chinese or English? ( )3. What’s his job? C. It’s light.
--- ________. ( )4. How do you do? D. Yes, I am.
A. Yes, he is . B. No, he is English ( )5. Is the box heavy or light? E. America.
C. He is English. D. He’s Chinese and English Ⅵ. 完型填空。(共 15 分,每小题 1 分)
( ) 14. --- Excuse ________! Jack and I ___1___ good friends. Jack is ___2___ English boy, but I am a Chinese girl.
--- Are ________ Miss Han? He is thirteen ___3___, and I am twelve years old. We are ___4___, Class Two. Jack has a
A. I; your B. 不填;you C. me; your D. me; you nice frisby. He can ___5___ it very well. I ___6___ a beautiful kite. I can ___7___ it, but I
( ) 15. Hurry up! It’s time ________ supper. can not throw a frisby. Jack ___8___ me to throw it. But I think it is too ___9___. I teach
A. at B. to C. for D. with him to fly the kite. Now we ___10___ do them very well.
Ⅲ. 用所给名词的适当形式填空。(5 分) ( ) 1. A. is B. am C. are
1. Look! There are a lot of _______ (leaf) on the ground. ( ) 2. A. an B. a C. the
2. There are many _______ (Japan) in the zoo. ( ) 3. A. year-old B. year old C. years old
3. I have much _______ (money) in the pocket. ( ) 4. A. in same class B. in the same class C. in the class
4. The _______ (woman) teachers are under the tree. ( ) 5. A. throw B. play C. do

( ) 6. A. am B. has C. have changeable (变化的) but that the English people don’t like talking about personal matters (私
( ) 7. A. do B. fly C. play 事)with people who are not friends. Talking about the weather can be a useful way of starting
( ) 8. A. asks B. lets C. teaches a conversation with a stranger (陌生人) in public (在公共场合).
( ) 9. A. well B. easy C. hard 根据短文内容,选择正确答案
( )10. A. both B. all C. are ( ) 1. What are the first words when English people meet?
A. Say “hello” to each other.
Ⅶ. 汉英互译 (共 5 分) B. Say “goodbye” to each other.
1. 他们是做什么工作的? C. Talk about the weather.
_______________________________ D. Talk about their personal matters.
2. 这个年轻的女人是谁? ( ) 2. What’s the answer(回答) to “How do you do?”
_______________________________ A. Fine, thank you, and you?
3. 他们是推销员,他们很懒惰。 B. How are you?
_______________________________ C. How do you do?
4. Come and see our employees. D. I’m fine, too.
_______________________________ ( ) 3. Why do the English people often talk about the weather?
5. Look at our office assistant. He is very hard-working. A. Because the weather is interesting.
_______________________________ B. Because they don’t like talking about personal matters with stranger.
C. Because the is changeable.
B-提高卷(满分:20 分) D. A. B and C are all correct.
( ) 4. From the article, you know that the English people talk about the weather to ___.
I. 句型转换 (每空只填一词) (共 10 分,每空 1 分) A. finish a conversation with a friend
1. This new student is David. (就划线部分提问) B. start a conversation with a stranger
_______ _______ this new student? C. say “goodbye” to a stranger
2. They are Keyboard operators. (就划线部分提问) D. study the weather
What _______ they _______? ( ) 5. Which sentence is not correct?
3. This table is old. (变复数句子) A. English people like talking about the weather.
_______ tables _______ old. B. English people usually talk about personal matters with friends but not
4. She is an English girl. (变复数句子) strangers.
________ are English ________. C. English people like talking about personal matters with strangers in public.
5. They are Italian cars. (变单数句子) D. The weather in England is interesting and changeable.
_______ _______ an Italian car. Ⅲ.中考仿真模拟练习(共 5 分,每小题 0.5 分)
Ⅱ. 阅读理解(共 5 分,每小题 1 分) ( ) 1. This is my friend. ______ name is Mike.
When two English people meet, their first words will be “How do you do?” or “How are A. Her B. His C. Its D. My
you?”. After the reply “How do you do?” or “Fine, thank you, and you?”, they often talk about ( ) 2. My parents are workers. _______ both work in the same factory.
the weather. The reason for this is not simply (容易) that their weather is interesting and A. Them B. They C. He D. She

( ) 3. The man over there is my brother. _______ is a doctor.
A. She B. He C. Hers D. His
( ) 4. My blouse is blue. What about _______?
A. I B. you C. your D. yours
( ) 5. There are a lot of _______ in the park.
A. child B. children C. childs D. children’s
( ) 6. There are four _______ on the table.
A. knife B. knifes C. knives D. knife’s
( ) 7. ---What does your father do?
---He is _______ art teacher.
A. a B. an C. the D. 不填
( ) 8. What _______ interesting book it is!
A. a B. an C. the D. 不填
( ) 9. There are sixty minutes in _______ hour.
A. a B. an C. the D. 不填
( ) 10. English is ________ useful language.
A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

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