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Pigs' health and well-being are dependent on management and nutrition. This is
especially true in agriculture, where high pig output is required by production systems. With
advancements, production systems have tended to grow more intensive, necessitating constant
adaptation in management and dietary approaches to ensure that animal well-being, health,
and productivity are not harmed. Pig nutritional management for optimal growth necessitates
pig-specific, time-specific, and location-specific nutritional need determination and provision.
These aspects must be included in response prediction models that operate in a closed-loop
control environment that is real-time. This necessitates adequate tools for measuring reaction
to changes in nutrient provision in real time, as well as tools for manipulating feeding level and
feed quality at the same time. Optimisation can be conducted with a variety of goals in mind,
such as improving manufacturing efficiency and protecting the environment. Introduction,
controlling the nutritional environment, the potential advantages of optimizing pig response to
nutrients by focusing on specific production goals.

Pig housing- The Best Housing for Pigs. For housing, pigs need a three-sided shelter that will
keep them safe from sun, wind, and rain. 2 You can build this out of pallets, or scrap wood, or
anything else you have around. They need to be dry, have shade, and have wind protection.
Things Needed:
 Measuring device for growth response
 A feeding system controlling both the quantity and quality of nutrient supply
 Feeds- to FEED pigs.
 Nutrient Supply- to mix with the pigs.
 Record Equipment- To record the changes and feed ratios.

Procedures To Follow/ METHODOLOGY

Nutrient response prediction necessitates knowledge on three levels. First, feed
evaluation: nutrient yield from dietary substrates. Second, what will be done with the nutrients.
Explicit in nutrition management is the means to accurately measure and control inputs, and to
accurately measure and timeously respond to outputs. Optimisation necessitates control
responses within the time period of the production process itself. Retrospective determination
of inefficiency is inefficient, and history is no certain guide to future events in the production of
pigs. The growth of the pig requires therefore to be managed toward the optimum end point
throughout its growth course by an Integrated Management System (IMS). Real time
measurement of response to nutrient supply, the comparison of that response with the
predicted expectation, and the immediate on-line adjustment of nutrient supply are all seminal
to management. Both measurement and design emendation in the context of pig production
have been inevitably retrospective up to now.
An advanced control engineering method can be used with the production management
and control system. This entails taking the output of a process and sending it into a controller,
which determines the difference between actual (measured) and optimal (derived from a
model) growth. As a result, the feed input can be adjusted to more precisely match the
demand. The level and balance of dietary energy and amino acids will be the key inputs for
managing diet. Daily, an IMS approach will take direct management of these inputs and send
instructions to control mechanisms to govern nutrient supply.

Data To Be Collected
 Feeds to nutrients ratio
 Pigs Growth
 Days/Time
 Diet plan

Nutritional management- managing the quantity of nutrients fed to livestock and poultry for
their intended purpose.
Integrated Management System -combines all aspects of an organization’s systems,
processes and Standards into one smart system.
Dietary Energy- the energy released from carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and other
organic compounds.


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