Stability Analysis On Torsional Interactions of Turbine-Geneartor With DFIG Based WECS Using Admiattance Analysis

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6, NOVEMBER 2020 4745

Stability Analysis on Torsional Interactions of

Turbine-Generator Connected With DFIG-WECS
Using Admittance Model
Srikanth Velpula , Student Member, IEEE, R. Thirumalaivasan , Senior Member, IEEE,
and M. Janaki , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—To evaluate the stability of Subsynchronous Torsional compensated transmission line, whereas SSTI is the interaction
Interactions (SSTI), we propose a simple and effective approach between the power converter and torsional vibrations [2]–[4],
using admittance model. The proposed approach gives the sub- [12]–[14]. The damping of SSTI depends on the operating modes
synchronous conductance based criterion to find the stability of
torsional interactions. The subsynchronous conductance based ap- of converter controllers and their parameters. It is notable that
proach is utilized to evaluate the impact of Doubly-Fed Induc- the power electronic converter may provide negative resistance
tion Generator based Wind Energy Conversion System (DFIG- in the subsynchronous frequency region, thereby destabilizes the
WECS) on the torsional vibrations of nearby turbine-generator. torsional vibrations [1].
The damping of Induction Generator Effect (IGE) and SSTI is
The high penetration of WECS into the power system led
analyzed through admittance model at different wind speed with
various compensation level. The results of admittance analysis are researchers to analyze the impact of full-scale converter and
validated through eigenvalue analysis and transient simulation. Doubly-Fed Induction Generator based WECS (DFIG-WECS)
The results show that, the DFIG-WECS reduces the damping of on Subsynchronous Resonance (SSR) characteristics [2]–[4],
torsional modes in the low frequency region of subsynchronous [8]–[19]. In [17], [18], the investigations on subsynchronous
network mode. The damping of SSTI reduces with increase in wind interactions of DFIG report that, in the absence of controller dy-
speed. Hence, the DFIG-WECS significantly destabilizes the low
frequency torsional modes at high wind speed with high compen- namics the damping of subsynchronous network mode (NMsub )
sation level. Further, it is found that, the network conductance improves at high wind speeds, whereas the damping reduces
at all critical torsional modes marginally reduces with Subsyn- with increase in compensation level. However, the controller
chronous Damping Controller (SSDC) at the inner loop of Grid dynamics have significant impact on the damping of NMsub [15]–
Side Converter (GSC) controller compared to other locations in [18]. The converters of the DFIG-WECS with supplementary
DFIG converter controllers.
control signal can be used to mitigate SSR [8]–[13]. Also, the
Index Terms—Subsynchronous resonance (SSR), nonlinear control method is used to mitigate SSCI [20]–[22].
subsynchronous torsional interactions (SSTI), DFIG based wind References [23], [24] report the SSR in DFIG based wind farms
energy conversion system (DFIG-WECS), admittance analysis,
critical conductance, subsynchronous damping controller (SSDC).
connected to series compensated line. The impedance model
based stability criterion is proposed to evaluate the stability
of subsynchronous network mode. The frequency response of
I. INTRODUCTION impedance model depicts the SSR frequency; thereby the stabil-
HE integration of power converter based HVDC, solar ity of SSR mode is evaluated. References [25], [26] investigate
T system and Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS)
into the power system may arise the SubSynchronous Inter-
the impact of DFIG on the torsional interactions of turbine-
generator connected to series compensated line at various oper-
actions/SubSynchronous Oscillations (SSI/SSO) [1]–[15]. De- ating conditions.
pending upon the participation of different subsystems, the SSI The Nyquist-criterion based methods, eigenvalue analysis,
is categorized into Subsynchronous Control Interactions (SSCI) immittance model analysis and damping torque method are
and Subsynchronous Torsional Interactions (SSTI). The SSCI widely used to determine the small signal stability of SSR [1],
is the interaction between the power converter and the series [2], [5], [18], [19], [27]–[36]. Among aforementioned methods,
the Nyquist-criterion based method using impedance model is
tedious to apply on a meshed power system having multiple wind
Manuscript received December 7, 2019; revised February 22, 2020 and
April 22, 2020; accepted April 26, 2020. Date of publication May 4, 2020; farms. Also, the Nyquist-criterion based method is a qualitative
date of current version November 4, 2020. Paper no. TPWRS-01836-2019. method, and may not provide the accurate findings about the
(Corresponding author: Thirumalaivasan Rajaram.) damping and frequency of SSR [23], [24]. The computation
The authors are with the School of Electrical Engineering, Vellore Insti-
tute of Technology, Vellore 632014, India (e-mail:; of eigenvalues requires the detailed state space representation; of the entire system including electrical and mechanical sub-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available online systems [5], [27], [32]. The damping torque method gives the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.2992111 damping provided by the electrical system, which uses the

0885-8950 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Kaktiya Institute of Technology and Science. Downloaded on November 02,2020 at 09:14:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

immittance model of the simplified system. The net damping through the eigenvalue analysis and transient simulation are
(sum of mechanical and electrical) governs the stability of presented in Section IV. The findings and conclusions are briefed
SSTI [5]–[7], [31], [37]. The positive electrical damping is the in Section V.
adequate condition for a torsional mode to be stable [1]. In [29],
the technique of circle diagram is used to analyze the sensitivity II. SYSTEM DIAGRAM AND METHODS OF SSTI ANALYSIS
of electrical damping through SSR conductance. Reference [30]
proposes the risk indices of SSR to rank multiple generators in Our study system is adapted from IEEE First Bench Mark
a series compensated meshed network. The SSR risk indices model with DFIG-WECS [38]. In the following subsections, we
are estimated from the electrical damping provided by the con- explain the system diagram and methods of SSTI analysis.
ductance of torsional mode. At certain conditions, the qualitative
analysis of immittance/electrical damping torque is not adequate A. System Diagram
to find the stability of SSTI. At times, the net damping may be Our study system comprises a long series compensated trans-
positive with a small negative electrical damping. Further, find- mission line supplied by a six-mass turbine-generator and DFIG-
ing the stability and extremity of SSTI are highly important with WECS as shown in Fig. 1(a). The DFIG-WECS (at bus B) is
certain electrical systems which contribute negative damping. connected to the point of common coupling (bus C) through a
In this paper, we propose a simple and effective approach to short line. The rating of the both generators is 300MVA, and the
find the stability of SSTI using admittance model. We analyze the system parameters are calculated on the base value of 300MVA,
impact of DFIG-WECS on SSTI using the proposed approach. 60 Hz [7], [17].
The main contributions of this paper including the merits of the The dynamics of synchronous generator (SG) is modeled
proposed approach are as follows. as given in [5]. The modeling of DFIG based WECS consists
r Analysis of admittance model to assess the admit-
of wind turbine, shaft, gear box and DFIG with back to back
tance/electrical damping contribution of DFIG-WECS on converters. The mechanical system of DFIG-WECS is modeled
SSTI in subsynchronous frequency range. as a two mass-spring model [17], [39]–[42]. Note that, the
r A simple and effective approach to evaluate the stability of
synchronous reference frame of the DFIG (dq) is aligned with
SSTI using admittance model. The proposed approach uses the network reference frame (DQ) [5].
the decrement factor based stability criterion as to formu- We use the vector control strategy to design the controllers of
late the critical conductance for torsional modes, thereby DFIG converters. The vector control of voltage source converters
subsynchronous conductance based stability criterion is enables the independent control of active and reactive pow-
found. The critical conductance denotes the conductance ers [41]–[43]. The vector control of RSC (Rotor Side Converter)
margin/verge of instability. Each torsional mode has its and GSC (Grid Side Converter) is achieved by aligning the
own conductance margin. Accordingly, the stability of q-axis of the synchronous reference frame with the stator voltage
SSTI is evaluated from the locus of network conductance vector. The operating modes of RSC and GSC controllers are
about all conductance margins. The proposed conductance discussed below.
based stability criterion is used to evaluate the impact of 1) RSC Control: The controllers of RSC are designed to
DFIG-WECS on SSTI. vary the torque (Tg ) and reactive power output (Qs ) of DFIG
r Analysis on Induction Generator Effect of DFIG-WECS
stator [17], [41]. Accordingly, the torque and reactive power
using admittance model to assess the effect of DFIG on control loops form the outer loops of RSC. To extract the
SSR mode (NMsub ). maximum output from wind turbine, the reference torque is
r Correlating the IGE effect of DFIG and torsional inter-
estimated on Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) curve at
actions of turbine-generator at different wind speed with optimal rotational speed. The torque and reactive power control
various compensation levels. To our knowledge, this work can be achieved by controlling q and d-components of the rotor
is the first that proposes the subsynchronous admittance current respectively. Hence, the current control loops form the
model method to analyze the combined effect of IGE and inner loops of RSC. The structure of RSC control is shown in
SSTI with DFIG-WECS, and correlating those two effects. Fig. 1(b). The dq components of reference rotor voltage are
r As the critical conductance gives the verge of instability,
obtained from the current control loops.
the proposed conductance based stability criterion can 2) GSC Control: In GSC controller, the outer loops are
facilitate the careful tuning of controllers with high stability designed to regulate the stator voltage (Vs ) and DC voltage
margin and to avoid the risk of SSTI. (Vdc ) as shown in Fig. 1(c). The outer loop controllers set
r Utilizing the proposed approach to find the suitable lo-
the reference value of dq components of GSC output current.
cation of a simple band-pass filter based subsynchronous Subsequently, the current control loops set the reference value
damping controller (BPF based SSDC) with unity gain on of dq components of GSC output voltage [17], [41].
DFIG controllers.
The paper is organized as: Section II presents the system
diagram and methods used to analyze SSTI. In Section III, B. Methods of SSTI Analysis
the stability criterion for torsional modes is developed using We employ three methods of SSTI analysis namely admit-
the admittance model. The use of proposed stability criterion tance analysis, eigenvalue analysis and transient simulation. In
to evaluate the stability of SSTI with DFIG-WECS; validation MATLAB-simulink, we develop the model of the system (shown

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Fig. 1. (a) Diagram of the study system, (b) Rotor side converter control of DFIG, and (c) Grid side converter control of DFIG.

in Fig. 1) using its Differential and Algebraic Equations (DAE) by network to the subsynchronous current components. Hence,
in DQ. The SSTI analyses are performed using the linearized we use the frequency response of subsynchronous conductance
(DQ) model of the system. to assess the damping of SSTI in the range of torsional mode fre-
1) Admittance Analysis: It is worth noting that the stability of quencies. Further, the driving point phase admittance computed
SSTI depends on the damping provided by the electrical and the as a function of subsynchronous frequency is more appropriate
mechanical systems, in which the electrical damping depends to evaluate the stability of SSTI. We develop a simple approach
on the network admittance. Hence, the driving point admittance to determine the stability of SSTI using admittance model in
viewed from the generator internal bus can be used to assess the Section III.
electrical damping and the stability of SSTI. 2) Eigenvalue Analysis: In the eigenvalue analysis, the de-
In the admittance analysis, the dynamics of the mechanical tailed model of system (shown in Fig. 1(a)) is modeled with DAE
systems are neglected [5], [29]. Accordingly, the linearized of both electrical and mechanical systems. The synchronous gen-
model (of Fig. 1) for admittance analysis is obtained with erator is modeled as 2.2 model as given in [5]. The eigenvalues
electrical dynamics alone. The WECS is modeled with DFIG of the system are obtained using the state matrix of the linearized
and converters. The synchronous generator is represented as model at an operating point. From the eigenvalues, the stability
classical model with internal generated voltage as a source of the system is determined.
behind the transient reactance [5]–[7], [35]–[37]. 3) Transient Simulation: The transient simulation is carried
From the state space model of the electrical system (in DQ), out with the detailed model of the system used for eigenvalue
a matrix of driving point admittance functions (viewed from analysis. The transient stability of the system is analyzed by ap-
synchronous generator internal bus) is obtained as, plying a disturbance to the system. A step change in mechanical
input to the turbine-generator is initiated in time-domain simu-
[YN (s)] = [Cs ][s[I] − [As ]]−1 [Bs ] + [Ds ] (1)
lation. The growing oscillatory time response is the indicative
where [As ], [Bs ], [Cs ], [Ds ] are coefficient matrices of state of transient instability of the system at the operating condition.
Subsequently, the equivalent phase admittance of the network III. SSTI STABILITY CRITERION BASED ON
at subsynchronous frequency is determined using the driving NETWORK CONDUCTANCE
point admittance functions as,
The damping torque and decrement factor are the equivalent
YN (j(ω0 − ω)) = [[YN DD (j(ω)) + YN QQ (j(ω))] approaches to determine the stability of SSTI [5]. We use the
2 (2) decrement factor criterion to formulate the SSTI stability crite-
−j[YN DQ (j(ω)) − YN QD (j(ω))]] rion on network admittance. The net decrement factor (σi ) for ith
where ω0 is the synchronous frequency. We denote the real and torsional mode is the sum of the mechanical (σmi ) and electrical
imaginary part of YN (j(ω0 − ω)) as Gsub sub (σei ) damping, which is given by [5], [28],
N and BN , respec-
tively. The frequency at which BN crosses zero is the SSR
σi = σmi + σei (3)
frequency of the network, which is represented by ωnssr .
When the SSR frequency of the network is close to any one of A torsional mode is stable, if σi ≥ 0. Hence, the condition on
the torsional mode frequencies, the severe torsional interactions σi for a stable torsional mode is expressed as
are expected. The frequency response of real part of network
admittance given by Eq. 2 can depict the conductance provided σmi + σei > 0 (or) σmi > −σei (4)

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The electrical damping for the ith torsional mode in terms of

the network conductance is given by [5], [29],
(ω0 − ωmi ) ∗ Gω mi

σei = − N
8ωmi Hmi
where, Gω N
is the conductance provided by the network to
the current component corresponding to ith torsional mode fre-
quency ωmi , and Hmi is the modal inertia of the corresponding
torsional mode. Substituting Eq. 5 in Eq. 4, we get
8σmi ωmi Hmi
Gω mi
< (6)
(ω0 − ωmi )
When the effect of network on the torsional mode frequencies
(ωmi ) is neglected, the damping provided by the mechanical sys-
tem (σmi ) for ith mode can be assumed constant [5], [28], [29].
From Eq. 6, we define the term critical conductance Gci for ith
torsional mode as,
Fig. 2. For variation in compensation level without DFIG (a) Network con-
8σmi ωmi Hmi ductance Gω nssr
and (b) Locus of subsynchronous network mode (NMsub ).
Gci = (7) N
(ω0 − ωmi )
Thus, the condition on network conductance for the stability
of ith torsional mode is expressed as,

< Gci (8)
The critical conductance denotes the conductance mar-
gin/verge of instability. Each torsional mode has its own con-
ductance margin. Accordingly, the stability of SSTI is evaluated
from the locus of network conductance about all conductance
margins. From Eq. 8, the condition for stability of ith torsional
mode is stated as, if the network conductance at ith torsional
mode frequency (Gω mi
N ) is less than its conductance margin
(Gci ), the corresponding ith torsional mode is stable. In Sec-
tion IV, we use the proposed subsynchronous conductance based
criterion to find the stability of SSTI.


We analyze the impact of DFIG-WECS on SSTI with fixed Fig. 3. For variation in compensation level with DFIG on different wind speeds
series compensation in the transmission line. The incorporation (a) Network conductance Gω N
and (b) Locus of subsynchronous network
of DFIG-WECS may arise IGE, which in turn can affect the sub
mode (NM ).
network dynamics in subsynchronous frequency range [17].
Therefore, first we analyze the impact of DFIG-WECS on sub-
synchronous network mode (NMsub ). Subsequently, we analyze
the impact of DFIG-WECS on SSTI, and correlate the IGE effect
sensitivity of NMsub from the terminals of synchronous generator
of DFIG. We apply the proposed subsynchronous conductance
internal bus.
based criterion to evaluate the stability of the torsional modes. At
The variation of network conductance at SSR frequency
last, we use the proposed approach to find the suitable location
(Gω N
) and eigenvalue of NMsub without DFIG-WECS are
of a SSDC on DFIG converters.
shown in Fig. 2(a) and Fig. 2(b), respectively. From Fig. 2,
we observe that the SSR frequency of the network (ωnssr )
A. Impact of DFIG-WECS on Subsynchronous Network Mode decreases with increase in compensation level. Whereas, Gω nssr
The IGE is the inherent property of DFIG, which causes marginally increases with increase in compensation level as
negative resistance in subsynchronous frequency range. In this shown in Fig. 2(a). It is to be noted that, the increase in Gω

regard, we analyze about the impact of DFIG-WECS on subsyn- indicates the reduction in the damping of NM . From Fig. 2(b),
chronous network mode (NMsub ). To correlate IGE of DFIG and it is evident that the damping of eigenvalue of NMsub decreases
torsional interactions of synchronous generator, we assess the with increase in compensation level.

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Fig. 5. Graphical representation of resonance condition without and with

DFIG-WECS for Xc =0.3 p.u.

variation of network conductance at SSR frequency for different

values of Rl and Kp−Ird . Comparing Fig. 3(a) and Fig. 4(a), we
observe that for the rise in Kp−Ird , the network conductance at
SSR frequency increases. As a result, the damping of SSR mode
is expected to reduce. From Fig. 3(b) and Fig. 4(b), it is clear
that the damping of SSR mode reduces for rise in controller
gain Kp−Ird , which indicates increase in IGE. However, on
comparing Fig. 4(a) and Fig. 4(c), we note that the rise in
Rl decreases the network conductance at SSR frequency. As a
result, the damping of SSR mode is expected to improve. From
Fig. 4(b) and Fig. 4(d), it is evident that the damping of SSR
Fig. 4. For variation in compensation level with DFIG on different wind speeds mode improves for the rise in the line resistance, which indicates
(a) Network conductance Gω N
for Kp−Ird = 1.2, (b) Locus of subsyn- decrease in IGE.
chronous network mode (NM ) for Kp−Ird = 1.2, (c) Network conductance
1) Graphical Representation of Resonance Condition: Fur-
for Rl = 0.03 p.u and (d) Locus of subsynchronous network mode
Gω nssr
for Rl = 0.03 p.u.
ther, we evaluate the graphical representation of resonance
condition to verify the impact of DFIG-WECS on electrical
resonance frequency [35]. To evaluate the resonance condition,
the equivalent per phase impedance of the system (shown in
Fig. 3(a) and Fig. 3(b) show the variation of Gω N
and Fig. 1(a)) is obtained from the terminals of the infinite bus. The
eigenvalue of NM with DFIG-WECS, respectively. Com- imaginary part of the equivalent per phase impedance is the
paring Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, we observe that, the inclusion of equivalent inductive reactance (XLeq ). Fig. 5 shows the variation
DFIG-WECS reduces the SSR frequency of the network. In in equivalent inductive and capacitive reactances with frequency
Fig. 3(a), we note that, the SSR frequency ωnssr significantly varied from 50-300 rad/sec. The fixed series compensation (Xc )
decreases with increase in compensation level, whereas there is set to 0.3 p.u. In Fig. 5, it is observed that the resonance
is a marginal reduction in ωnssr with increase in wind speed. condition occurs about ωer =169.84 rad/sec without DFIG-
For any compensation level, the network conductance Gω N
WECS. The complement of electrical resonance frequency
increases with increase in wind speed. GN ωnssr
decreases with found in graphical resonance condition is ωm = ω0 − ωer =
increase in compensation level at low wind speeds. However, 377 − 169.84 = 207.15 rad/sec. When the DFIG-WECS is in-
Gω N
greatly increases with increase in compensation level corporated, the equivalent inductive reactance decreases. At the
at high wind speed. From Fig. 3(b), it is evident that both the wind speed of 6 m/s, the electrical resonance frequency occurs
damping and frequency of NMsub decreases with increase in about 173 rad/sec. Compared to without DFIG-WECS, the
wind speed for any compensation level. electrical resonance frequency increases with DFIG-WECS. The
To evaluate the effect of system parameters and DFIG con- rise in electrical resonance frequency is due to reduction in the
troller gains on IGE, the network conductance at SSR frequency equivalent inductive reactance (XLeq ) with DFIG-WECS. The
is determined for different line resistance (Rl ) and d-axis current complement of electrical resonance frequency found in graph-
controller gain of RSC (Kp−Ird ). It is to be noted that, Fig. 3 is ical resonance condition is ωm = ω0 − ωer = 377 − 173.1 =
obtained with Rl = 0.02 p.u. and Kp−Ird = 1. Fig. 4 shows the 203.9 rad/sec. From the graphical representation, it is clear that,

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Also, the peak conductance at SSR frequency reduces. It is ob-

served that, the frequency of NMsub is close to torsional mode-4,
hence the torsional mode-4 is expected to be unstable. When
the wind speed increases, the SSR frequency slightly reduces,
whereas the peak conductance increases with increase in wind
speed. The peak conductance shifts further to low frequency
region with increase in the compensation level as shown in Fig. 6
(see for Xc =0.75 p.u). Besides, the value of peak conductance
is greater at high wind speed with higher compensation level
compared to lower compensation level. Indicating that, the
frequency and damping of NMsub decrease with increase in wind
From the results, it is clear that, the increase in wind speed on
DFIG-WECS reduces the frequency and damping (or increases
conductance) of NMsub . The reduction in the damping of NMsub
is greater at high wind speeds with high compensation. Conse-
quently, the DFIG-WECS may significantly reduce the damping
of low frequency torsional modes at high wind speeds with high
Although, the frequency response of network conductance in
the range of subsynchronous frequencies can show the damping
characteristics of torsional and subsynchronous network modes,
the value of peak conductance does not give the stability of tor-
sional modes/subsynchronous network mode. We use a simple
Fig. 6. Frequency response of real and imaginary parts of subsynchronous and systematic method to determine the stability of torsional
network admittance at different compensation levels without and with DFIG- modes from the network conductance.
WECS. 1) Assessing Stability of SSTI Using Subsynchronous Con-
ductance Based Criterion: We find the stability of SSTI using
the proposed subsynchronous conductance based torsional mode
stability criterion (see Eq. 8). The condition for stability of ith
the DFIG-WECS reduces the equivalent inductive reactance of torsional mode (T M -i) is stated as, if the network conductance
the system, thereby reduces the frequency of subsynchronous at ith torsional mode frequency (ωmi ) is less than its conductance
network mode. margin (Gci ), the corresponding torsional mode is stable. Gci
The results show that, the integration of DFIG-WECS to a denotes the verge of instability. Each torsional mode has its own
series compensated transmission line reduces SSR frequency conductance margin. The torsional mode-5 of IEEE FBM is
of the network. Further, the frequency and damping of NMsub never excited, therefore i=1 to 4. Accordingly, the stability of
decrease with increase in wind speed. At high wind speeds, the SSTI is evaluated from the locus of network conductance about
reduction in the damping of NMsub is greater. This indicates four conductance margins.
the IGE of DFIG is greater at high wind speeds. The IGE The network conductance is estimated at all critical tor-
increases/decreases for rise in the d-axis current controller gain sional mode frequencies using Eq. 2. Fig. 7 shows the
of RSC/transmission line resistance. network conductance at torsional mode frequencies with-
out (Vω = 0 m/s) and with DFIG-WECS on various wind
speeds (Vω = 6, 8 and 10 m/s) for three compensation levels
B. Assessing Impact of DFIG-WECS on SSTI Through (Xc =0.3, 0.7, 0.75 p.u). When Xc =0.3 p.u, the network con-
Network Admittance ductance at ωm1 , ωm2 and ωm3 (frequency of T M -1, T M -2 and
The impact of DFIG-WECS on torsional interactions is as- T M -3) is lesser than their corresponding conductance limits
sessed from the frequency response of network admittance in with slight increase at higher wind speed. It indicates that,
SSR frequency range. The variation in real and imaginary part T M -1, T M -2 and T M -3 are stable. Whereas, the network
of subsynchronous network admittance (YNsub ) with Xc =0.3 conductance at the frequency of torsional mode-4 (Gω m4
N ) is
and 0.75 p.u is shown in Fig. 6. The relative change in the greater than the conductance limit Gc4 . Hence, the T M -4 is
network conductance at SSR frequency (where BN sub
crosses unstable. For Xc =0.7 p.u and Xc =0.75 p.u, without DFIG, the
zero) along operating conditions is the measure of damping of network conductance at ωm1 is lesser than the conductance limit
the corresponding mode. Gc1 (at both compensation levels). When the DFIG-WECS is
In Fig. 6, with Xc =0.3 p.u, the peak conductance occurs incorporated, the network conductance at ωm1 increases with
at about 207 rad/sec without DFIG-WECS. When the DFIG- increase in wind speed and crosses conductance limit Gc1 . It
WECS is incorporated, the SSR frequency of network reduces indicates that, the T M -1 is unstable. Whereas, the network con-
and occurs at about 204 rad/sec with wind speed Vω = 6 m/s. ductance at ωm2 , ωm3 and ωm4 is lesser than their corresponding

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low frequency torsional modes at high wind speed with high

compensation level.

C. Assessing Impact of DFIG-WECS on SSTI Through

Eigenvalue Analysis
In the eigenvalue analysis, the synchronous generator is mod-
eled as 2.2 model as given in [5]. The details about the modeling
of the system for eigenvalue analysis is discussed in Section II.
Table I shows the eigenvalues of torsional modes and networks
modes without and with DFIG-WECS for various compensation
levels (0.3 p.u and 0.75 p.u). From Table I, we summarize the
impact of DFIG-WECS below.
r The inclusion of DFIG-WECS reduces the frequency of
NMsub for any compensation level. The damping of NMsub
improves at low wind speed, however reduces at high wind
Fig. 7. Variation of network conductance at torsional mode frequencies (ωmi ) r The damping of torsional modes in low frequency region
for different compensation levels without and with DFIG-WECS. of NMsub reduces with increase in wind speed.
r With Xc = 0.3 p.u, the frequency of NMsub is greater than
all critical torsional modes and close to torsional mode-4
for low wind speed. Hence, the torsional mode-4 is unsta-
conductance limits, hence the T M -2, T M -3 and T M -4 are
ble. The damping of torsional mode-4 significantly reduces
with increase in wind speed, whereas, the damping of other
To correlate the IGE effect of DFIG and torsional interactions
torsional modes reduces slightly.
of turbine-generator, we relate the variation of SSR frequency r With Xc = 0.75 p.u, the frequency of NMsub is close to
and subsynchronous conductance at different operating condi-
torsional mode-1 for low wind speed. Hence, the torsional
tions. First, we correlate the results of admittance model analysis
mode-1 is unstable. The damping of torsional mode-1
for Xc = 0.3 p.u. In Fig. 3, it is to be observed that, ωnssr is
greatly reduces with increase in wind speed. While, the
close to the frequency of torsional mode-4 (ωm4 ) at Vω = 6 m/s.
damping of other critical torsional modes improves.
When the wind speed increases, ωnssr moves further close to r DFIG-WECS greatly reduces the damping of low fre-
ωm4 . Therefore, the damping of T M -4 is expected to reduce
quency torsional modes at high wind speeds. Besides, the
with increase in wind speed. In Fig. 7, it is evident that, the
negative damping of high compensation level is greater
network conductance at ωm4 increases with increase in wind
on low frequency torsional modes. Hence, DFIG-WECS
operating at high wind speed with higher compensation
Next, we correlate the results of admittance model analysis
level can greatly reduce the damping of low frequency
at Xc =0.7 p.u and Xc =0.75 p.u sequentially. In Fig. 3(a), at
torsional modes.
Xc = 0.7 p.u the SSR frequency (ωnssr ) lies between ωm1
Also, it is observed that, the complement of electrical reso-
and ωm2 , and close to ωm1 . Further, the network conductance
nance frequency found in graphical resonance condition (shown
at ωnssr is significantly greater for high wind speed. Hence,
in Fig. 5) without and with DFIG-WECS (207.15 rad/sec and
the damping of T M -1 is expected to improve with increase
203.90 rad/sec) are consistent with the subsynchronous network
in wind speed due to a greater conductance to SSR frequency
mode frequency (206.30 rad/sec and 203.78 rad/sec) in column-
component. In Fig. 7, it is evident that, at low wind speed Gω N
2 and column-3 of Table I.
is greater than Gc1 , as the ωnssr close to ωm1 . At high wind
speed, decrease in Gω N
is due to a greater conductance to SSR
frequency component. It indicates that, with Xc = 0.7 p.u the D. Assessing Impact of DFIG-WECS on SSTI Through
damping of the T M -1 improves at high wind speed. However, Transient Simulation
with Xc = 0.75 p.u the SSR frequency is very close to the The transient simulation is carried out with a step change in
frequency of torsional mode-1 as seen in Fig. 3(a). Therefore, mechanical input of synchronous generator without and with
the torsional mode-1 is expected to be unstable. In Fig. 7, it DFIG-WECS for Xc = 0.3 p.u. A 10% decrement in input
is evident that the network conductance at ωm1 increases and mechanical torque of synchronous generator is applied at 0.5 sec
crosses the conductance limit Gc1 with increase in wind speed. and removed at 1.0 sec. The step response of rotor angle (δ)
Indicating that T M -1 is unstable. and LPA-LPB section torque without and with DFIG-WECS
The results indicate that, DFIG-WECS affects the damping are shown in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9, respectively.
and frequency of NMsub , thereby affect the damping/stability In Fig. 8 and Fig. 9, the magnitude of oscillations in the step
of torsional modes. The damping/stability of torsional modes response of rotor angle and LPA-LPB section torque increases
in the low frequency region of NMsub reduces with increase as time progresses, which indicate that the system is unstable.
in wind speed. The DFIG-WECS significantly destabilizes the While comparing to without DFIG-WECS, the amplitude of

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Fig. 10. FFT analysis on LPA-LPB section torque with DFIG on Vω = 10 m/s
at Xc = 0.3 p.u.

oscillations with DFIG-WECS is greater, which indicate the

severe SSTI with DFIG-WECS.
The FFT analysis is performed on LPA-LPB section torque
for Xc= 0.3 p.u. at wind speed = 10 m/s (for Fig. 9). The
Fig. 8. Transient response of rotor angle and LPA-LPB section torque without
DFIG at Xc = 0.3 p.u. frequency components are computed between 1-7 s with the
time spread of 1 s and is shown in Fig. 10. Referring to Fig. 10,
it is observed that, the T M -1, T M -2 and T M -3 components
decay with time. However, T M -4 is predominant and increases
with time. Since modal inertia of T M -5 is very high, hence
T M -5 is never excited.
The decrement factor σ of T M -4 computed from FFT anal-
ysis on LPA-LPB section torque is found to be −0.7443 and
it is closely matching with the real part of eigenvalue (0.7488)
corresponding to T M -4 in column-4 of Table I. It is to be noted
that the decrement factor is defined as the negative of real part
of eigenvalue. From the results it is clear that, the findings of
FFT analysis on transient simulation are consistent with the
eigenvalue analysis.

E. Location of Band Pass Filter (BPF) Based Subsynchronous

Damping Controller (SSDC)
The proposed approach is utilized to find the suitable location
of band-pass filter based subsynchronous damping controller
(BPF based SSDC) on DFIG controllers. The objective of im-
plementing subsynchronous damping controller (SSDC) is to
Fig. 9. Transient response of rotor angle and LPA-LPB section torque with reduce the network conductance in the range of critical torsional
DFIG (on Vω = 10 m/s) at Xc = 0.3 p.u. mode frequencies.

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Fig. 11. Variation of network conductance at torsional mode frequencies

(ωmi ) for Xc = 0.3 p.u with SSDC at different locations in DFIG converter

The band-pass filters based subsynchronous damping con-

troller is adopted from [7], [35]. The BPFs are used to extract
the current components corresponding to torsional mode-1 to
torsional mode-4 from the current flowing in series compensated
transmission line. The extracted components (DQ) are trans-
formed to the stator voltage oriented reference frame of DFIG Fig. 12. Frequency response of real and imaginary parts of subsynchronous
(dq). The dq outputs of SSDC are introduced at four locations of network admittance at different compensation levels with SSDC on GSC current
control loop.
DFIG converters namely, GSC outer loop (GSC-OL), GSC inner
loop (GSC-IL), RSC outer loop (RSC-OL) and RSC inner loop
(RSC-IL). The gains of BPFs are set to 1 in view of comparing
the effectiveness of SSDC for same gain. positive or negative in the range of torsional mode frequencies
The network conductance at all torsional mode frequencies for with SSDC. As a result, the damping of all critical torsional
Xc =0.3 p.u with SSDC at four locations of DFIG converters modes is expected to improve. It is to be observed that, the
is shown in Fig. 11. The relative change in the network con- negative conductance results in positive electrical damping (see
ductance at a torsional mode is used as a measure of damping Eq. 5). When Xc =0.75 p.u, the peak positive conductance oc-
of the corresponding torsional mode. A smaller value of Gω N
curs at about 104 rad/sec with DFIG-WECS on Vω = 6 m/sec.
indicates better damping of the corresponding torsional mode. As a result, the torsional mode-1 is expectable to be unstable. The
In Fig. 11, we note that, the network conductance at all criti- peak positive conductance increases with increase in wind speed.
cal torsional modes marginally reduces with SSDC at GSC-IL From Table I, it is clear that the torsional mode-1 is unstable
compared to other locations. The reduction in the network con- for Xc =0.75 p.u. When the SSDC is incorporated, the peak
ductance indicates the improvement in the damping of torsional positive conductance reduces. The network conductance is small
mode and hence damping of SSTI. The results demonstrate the positive or negative in the range of torsional mode frequencies
usefulness of the proposed subsynchronous conductance based with SSDC. As a result, the damping of all critical torsional
approach to design SSDC with high stability margin. modes is expected to improve. Hence, it is evident that the DFIG
The frequency response of network admittance with unity with BPF based SSDC contributes positive electrical damping.
gain BPF based SSDC on GSC current control loop is evaluated The effectiveness of the BPF based SSDC is tested for the
for Xc =0.3 p.u and Xc =0.75 p.u. Fig. 12 shows the frequency large step disturbance applied in mechanical input of syn-
response of real and imaginary part of network admittance with chronous generator. The gains for SSDC are tuned for the
BPF based SSDC on GSC current control loop. In Fig. 12 it is operating condition Xc = 0.3 p.u. Fig. 13 shows the response
observed that, for Xc =0.3 p.u the peak positive conductance oc- of rotor angle and LPA-LPB section torque for 35% reduction
curs at about 204 rad/sec with DFIG-WECS on Vω = 6 m/sec. in mechanical input of synchronous generator applied at 0.5 sec
As a result, the torsional mode-4 is expectable to be unstable. The and removed at 1 sec with SSDC activated at 5 sec. From Fig. 13
peak positive conductance increases with increase in wind speed. it is to be observed that, the magnitude of oscillations in rotor
From Table I, it is evident that the torsional mode-4 is unstable angle and LPA-LPB section torque increases as time progresses
for Xc =0.3 p.u. When the SSDC is incorporated, the peak till 5 sec. When SSDC is activated at 5 sec, the magnitude of
positive conductance reduces. The network conductance is small oscillations in rotor angle and LPA-LPB section torque reduces

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r The DFIG-WECS significantly destabilizes the low fre-

quency torsional modes at high wind speed with high
compensation level.
r The network conductance at all critical torsional modes
marginally reduces with SSDC at inner loop of GSC
controller compared to other locations in DFIG converter

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