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Sports stars earn ridiculously large salaries.

Professional athletes earn too much money in a society where salaries are
traditionally based on the value of one's work.
Education is one of the most economically important occupations because our
economy depends on the education of future youth (reason), yet teachers are paid
astronomically less than the average professional athlete. For example, a soccer
player who has a six-year, $50 million contract, with $21 million guaranteed. Even
if he gets hurt tomorrow and never plays again, he'll still have $31 million in the
bank (condition). But in any other job, if you don't meet expectations, you're fired.
There is no guaranteed money.

Although there are some who argue that while teachers only serve a single
classroom,(contrast) superstar athletes entertain fans around the world with a
sense of excitement. There are cases where some athletes get angry when they say
that millions of dollars will not be able to support him and his family, and that they
need more. Until after putting up with it for weeks and sometimes months, the
owners give in and pay them what they don't deserve. (time)
Policemen, firefighters and doctors save lives while risking their own for a fraction
of what sports stars earn (contrast). People in the military leave their families at
home to defend and protect the country knowing that they may never return. It’s a
pity that none of these true heroes receive the same recognition from society that
athletes like Leonel Messi or Michael Jordan receive.
While I know that turning pro is not an easy thing to do (contrast) and that it takes
a lot of hours of hard work and dedication every day to earn a place in professional
sports, these people do nothing more than entertain the public.
Ultimately, I think that if these athletes want to continue to be rewarded with the
fame and fortune unfairly given, they must show the world that they are going to be
positive role models for future athletes and those who look up to them.

One of the strongest and saddest memories, if you could say, is when I was 15 when my
aunt told me how her first love was.
It all started when he entered a room, he had a look of James Dean and it was seen that he
liked punk rock. The next thing was that my aunt felt that feeling of falling in love at first
sight. According to her, they gelled quickly and in seconds, as if she had known him for life.
She was the one who took the first step, they exchanged laughter and songs, however
those laughs did not last long since my grandmother appeared and told her that they had
to go.
Days later she went to buy some things at the market and at that moment someone pulled
her arm and oh boy it was hers.
They decided to go for a walk there, although not very close to my aunt's house because
my grandmother could see them and they would not let her go out. So they came to a
bench where they began to get to know each other better and see that they had many
things in common. And so the days passed, my aunt sneaking out to see him.
She was so blinded by love that she even left home to be with him. But one Sunday was
the one that marked my aunt's life forever. He told her that he had to go and start his life
again and while my aunt begged him to stay and that they didn't need money, that they
could make it work, that it didn't matter if he failed or fell she would be by his side because
she was ride or die; nevertheless, he decided to walk towards the door and leave.
When I looked up I saw how my aunt was a sea of tears. She told me that at that moment a
part of her died.
She also told me about a dream she had about him the night before, where she saw him
from a distance, sending him her best wishes and saying her last goodbye. When she woke
up to wipe her tears even though she said she would never cry for him again. In addition to
confessing to me that there are times that she still thinks of him, reflecting on what could
have been but that she would never change the time they spent.

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