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Internacional Jouralof Insta Ergonomics 88 (2022) 103270 ELSEVIER Contents lists valable at ScienceDirect International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics journal homepage: wr elsevier-comilocatelergon INDUSTRIAL Ear ued Hand-arm vibration assessment in badminton athletes during three different movements using two rackets S, Nolasco", C.M. Amaro", L. Roseiro'*", M.A. Castro”*", A.M. Amaro {nei of Cintra, 9004531, sir. sees reg ter of Cobra, CEMMPRE, Daron of Meshal Engine $020.78, Cobra, Prag Racin of Cam BEC, 3000199, Cama. rage Seer of Ppt, Sehal of Hele cmc, Ph of ei, Leb, Pe Repwrds edninon seh cle ‘The vibration transfered ro the arm ofthe Badminton player dough the racket canbe associated with ease This sey analyzed che induced hand-arm vibrations (HAV, comparing two rackets with feent sine n ‘movements with rice binds OF freind; FAR focetandaunind the head, BEFackhan). The mee as instrumented with a inl piezoleeti aecelecoreter and the tine of daly exporire to these vibrations as Calealate according to ISO 5349 12, as well asthe tte require to develop white Ringer disease with 2 10% probably. The main goal of this study Isto examine the influence ofthe racket stiffhes on the HAV, and Utadestand the most cea! stash tovetent fr the HAV. The resus Indicate that the HAV vibrations ave superior inthe es rig racket, being te aly exposure to these spetor 1 the one defined by the own nox [eis also note that the movement withthe forehand up is te most vteal in what the induced vibrations ave concer, No difeence in vbetons berween the FH and Paar observed. 1. Introduetion There isa significant number of badminton players in the worl, ‘aking into consideration both the professionals and those who play for leisure, which means that badiintonis one ofthe most practiced sports Inthe world (Shariff ets, 20095 El Gizawey and Akl, 2014). According to the literature, chere are more than 200 million bacninten players on the planet (Phomsoupha and Laffaye, 2015; 2021). I is, admitedly, the fastest racket sport inthe world, and consequently the players have limited time to perform specific movements (Phomisoupla ‘ane Lalfaye, 2015; Oo! el, 2009). The official record forthe fastest, shot in competition i 426 kn, achieved in 2017, thanks tothe Danish Kolding (hutps://www test badminton hit in-competition (male) The practice of badminton ‘at high level requires a high physical capacity, as the game is char. ‘eterized by several changes in directions, jumps, accelerations, and sudden decelerations. Badminton is physical sport, requiring strength, ‘endurance, muscular power, agility, rapidity, and accuracy, which can Ineviably lead co injuries (Gouget al 2020), According 0 Jorgensen ‘and Winge, for every 1000 1 of practice, 2.9 injuries can occur * Coxresponding aor omgensen and Winge, 19872. These anthors also conehite that badminton $8 «sport where the incidence of injures i higher in the training environment, instead of other sports, wisere the incidence is higher during the game, Roman- Liu says that disorders of musele tisses and their surrounding structures, e., musculoskeletal disorders (MSD'S), Indicate health problems of the locomotor apparatus, and MSD’s, result from cumulative effects of long-lasting loads of vaio ragnitide (Romar-Liv, 2013). As, difficulr postures, repetitive move iments, foree exertion, and hand-arm vibration aze tsk factors for upper limb MMsDs (Sec! ots, 2021), badminton ea promote the occurrence ‘of MSDs inthe players due to the specifety of this sport. The postural risk factors associated with muserloskeletal disorders ase commonly evaluated in workers (Lier al, 2020), but there are very few studies related fo sports, According to Ferrara and Cohen in racket sports, the repetitive impact and misapplication of the upper extremities ean in sense the risk of tssue fatigue and disease, since during the impact Derween the racket and the ball the upper muses are the more wsed (Gerrara and Colien, 2015). The identification of the HAV is extremely Important as all rackets vibrate after being struck by a ball, and this ‘vibration will be transferred to che arm of the player (Hens, 2017). mall address: (8. Nolasco), ctainammamaro@gnailcom (CM, Amato), oseio@ise pt (L Rossin), matia.casto@ipeia pt GLA. Casto), s.amaiogen.nepe (AML Amato) ps /éoor/10.1016/Jergon.2022.103270 Received 22 Apil 2021; Received in revised for 15 December 2021; Accepted 6 Janay 2022 Available online 13 Janey 2022 (0169.8141/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevie BV. Tiss an open eves atic under the CC BY-NC-ND eens (hip/evativecommons.oi/ceses/y nend/400. ‘The hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), which is a syndrome that affects blood vessels, joints muscles, and netves ofthe hand, wrist and nis directly associated to HAV exposure (Welcome et al, 2019), Friden says that exposure to HAV can origin diversity of vase and nenromuseular symptoms, like tingling in the fingers, discomfort or inflammation in the verist and hand, weakness of the finger flexors, oF inteinsie museles an discoloration and trophic skin lesions ofthe fingers (Gren, 2001). The human response to vibration i dependent on many factors that are difficult to quantity, like, in the case of racket sports, the interaetion between the hand and point of racket contact, the posture oF the body, the biodynamie properties ofthe player, and environmental ‘considerations (alk tal, 203). Before describing the different movenents under study, the most, limportant aspeet fr the practice of this sport must be identified, whiel Is the racket (Vanasant ct sl, 2013). The badminton racker is divided lo thee sections: the racket head, the shat, and the handle area. The racket head encompasses the racke's metallic armor where the racke's strings are located. The shaft Is the element responsible for the ‘conneetion between the head and the handle, being the eomponent that ost affects the performance of the racket dive to its igidity. Die to this deal, the study eartied out focuses on the effect ofthe variation of is stifvess on the induced vibrations. The handle isthe azea where the player grabs and eontrols the racks. ‘The badminton smash i characterized by being an offensive stoke, usually executed ffom the bottom of the field and with a downward trajectory (Jorgensen and Winge, 1987; Laffaye etl, 2015). The smash ‘ean be executed with a forehand (FH) or backhand (BH) grip (Grice, 2008). FH Is when the hand palm, at the moment of impact with the Shute, points tothe direction ofthe sash, with BH being the opposite ‘The smash movement with the FH grip, when executed on the opposite side of the dominant hand, requtes a body tilt, which can be translated into diferent values from the ones on the doutinant side, and which is According fo the authors’ knowledge, until now no studies have been, done to evaluate the HAV in badminton players, considering different sash movements and two distinet rackets, ro identi the probability of disease in badminton aletes during the smash. This study considers the measurement of HAV in @ group of volunteer athletes and aims co ‘evaluate the influence of the stiffuess of two types of rackets on the Indeed HAV during che smash movement in badminton, Complemen: tary, the study intends to assess which of the three studied shooting moventents Is most eitea for athletes. The authors intend to provide badminton coaches and players with information that helps them to dovelop more specific tnining tasks and match strategies tht contribute to reducing the risk of disease, and support on choosing the type of racket, Knowing which movement is most injuriows, coaches ca develop training strategies in which harmifl movements are alternated With order movements less damaging or include strategies to reduce the load in the arm. Players ean also use an anti-vibrator to reduce the transnussion of wibrations, at least when performing the most harmful 2. Experimental Procedure ‘The study was performed according tothe Declaration of Helsinkt AIL the participants are anonymous, and daca confidential, and they ‘wore fully informed ofthe nature ofthe study and gave vriten informed ‘consent. For this study, the mechanical vibration calculation method coutined in the Standard (ISO 534 1,2) was applied. Initially, eg bility criteria were defined the athletes should be older than 18, have more dan 6 years of badminton practice, minimum 3 bof weekly training, exclusion of injuries inthe lst 6 months, presence of pain, oF taking medication with musculoskeletal influence. ‘The group was formed by eight athletes, four females and four males. However, during the season the group was reduced to six because two female athletes were injured, Consequently, no gender influence was studied. Tbe 1 Insel aa 9 uri ono 88 (2022) 102270 ‘Table 1 Voluntecs’ relevant characteristics. faews Age eg Wah Wingman teed ater fm) Gem Hane 1 ry ot > % i wie i 2 as hier 4 ° Rie : & 8 Rihe ‘ a meee shows volunteers relevant characteristics, with mean and standard deviation (SD), The mean of ages is 21.8 years and the practice years round 107 ‘The hand.arm vibration (HAV) system was analyzed with cw rackets of itferent stiffness in niavements with diverse hand grips (FH. forehand; FHR forehand around the head, BH backhand) aecording to (805348 1,2) directed to vibrations induced in the HAV. Only male athletes performed the FH suspension movement, as itis @ movement. ‘The women athletes performed the same FH movement bat in support ‘Te two rackets ised for al volunteers were Yonex Diora 33, Pe. 1 (8, tnd Yonex Duora 88, Fig. 1(b), with the same frame and the same strings, Yonex BGS, with 0.74 mum of diameter and 125 N of tension. The fist one, Yonex Duora 83, is low-range racket normally used by less experience athletes and, more exible than the other one. The second one isa mid-range racquet, aed a arletes with a higher level of play, which according to Phomsoupha etal. (2015) prefer rackets with more stiffness (Phomsoupha eta, 2015), The SnowPeak used was the C1101 approved by the Badminton World Federation for interne ‘donsl tournaments. The feathers of C1101 are class A synsherie and the shuttle esd is nine of natural cosk witha weight of around 5g, Table-2 presents the randomized order use in this stu. ach athlete in the test performed atleast 10 smashes in each con: dition (FH, FHR, BH), following the defined protocol: 5 smashes, 30 s rest, 5 sniashes. Ths procedure was repeated for the three movensents, rnd the two rackets, fo miake a total of 60 smashes per player. ‘The eoordinate system wsed to acquire HAV darais defined according to the standard (ISO 5349 - 1,2). Te quantify the HAV induced in the athletes, one tlaxial accelerometer (ICPR/IBPE Integrated Cireult Piezoelectric) was placed over the grip, secured 10 the shaft of the racquet firmly with tape to avoid the parasite acceleration, right above the handle grip tape ata distance of 11 em from the tp ofthe over-geip (ig. 2). During data acquisition, we tied to make the instrumentation fs Tess Invasive as possible for the athletes, considering the need for wires to conneet the accelerometer to the aquisition board, which were placed inside the athletes’ shirts. The data sequisition system includes an Nt9234 four channel simultaneous sampling IEPE module (National cruments, Texas, USA) and a wireless NIWLS-9234 chassis connected toa laptop computer equipped with Lav iew® software. The WLS-9234 delivers 102 4B of dynamie range and incorporates software selectable AC/DC coupling and IEPE signal conditioning for accelerometers and ierophones (Roseio eta. 2018; Amaro etal, 2018), The four input channels make it possible to digitize simultaneous signals at rates up to 51.2 kHz per channel and permit built-in anrielising ltrs that sto ratically adjust co the sampling rate, As for the HAV, dhe frequency range recommended by (IS0 5349 - 1,2) is 6.3-1000 He and the sant pling frequency of the HAV was set at 1000 He, The aeceleration data twas filtered, as specified in the standards, using the SVT Huma Vi bration t00l of Labview. ‘The authors used the European Directive 2002/4472 to quantify the ‘vibration of exposure, Daily exposure aetion value (DEA) ifthe vibration expose value exceeds 2.5 ms in an Sh reference period for a vibra tion dose vali, the implementation ofa program of technical and/or organizational measures is necessary to reduce tne exposure 10 the smal oral of rt ronnie 88 (2022) 108270 (@) ig ‘Table 2 FHS3~ Forehand with Yonex Duota 83; FARSS. Fordiand atone bead with Yoner Duore 38; BHSS- Backhand with Yonex Duore 38 FHSS. Forehand with Yonex Duta 8 FHRAS-Foceand with Yonex Dora RS BHI Backaad with ‘Yonex Doin 88 mechanical vibration; Dally exposure limit value (DEL) the vibration ‘exposure value cannot, under any eireumstances, exceed the value of 3 tus? anh reference period, ‘The A(8), representing the dally exposure value for an 8h reference perio for the HAV, is defined by equation (2): ANB) = aq yf: 11,2, 3) a where i= fey 2h ‘4, (ax) is the weighted root means square soveleration (RMS) in ‘he direction f ‘Ty isthe daily duration of exposure tothe vibration 5 Tp Is the 1h teference petiod (28.800 8) ‘The RMS value of the acceleration over dieecton 1s defined ac cording to eqyation (2): ) 1. Rackets: (a) Yonex Buota 23; (6) Yonex Duara 8 @ being TT the duration of the measurement; “(tthe weighted acceleration specified in (ms-*)in the direction Following the standard (180 549 1,2), the total magnitude ofthe ‘bration should be decermined from che vibration én the orthogonal ‘coordinates, i the case of HAV, by equation @+a,)” @ Knowing the value of A(8) Ics posible o obtain the parameter D, which means the number of years of exposure (equation (4)), whieh enables the vibration exposure init until there isa 10% probability of sn individual developing Raynaud's disease: D=318 (408) o ‘The time to evaluate ACB) was obtained from the analyse of games {hat involved players who participated in csts. Two men singles games 1nd two men pairs games were observed, where the numberof smashes rade by each special player was counted. After counting the smashes rade by eaeh player, he average number of smashes by all players Involved in the observed games was ealeulated. Based on the time of exposure to vibration during « smash of 0:3 s, the value used inthis study, the average time of exposure ofa player to vibration during @ game was calculated, multiplying the muniber of smashes by the time when the vibration is fle in the HAV system, The exposure time was then extrapolated to hours and the values of A(S) were ealeulared using equation (1). The acelerations used were averages of the RMS for the three axes ofthe Yonex Duora 33 racket Fig. 2. Acsleromeer placed in the racket. Finally, we compared the estimate made based on the Phomsouph etl. (2015) and Tong and Hong (2998) which stated tha each player hits the shuttle 10 times per point an, sil, chat ark of 20N6 ofthe shots during a point, are smeshes (Phonsouphi etl, 2015 Tong and Hong, 1998) Extrapolating these values fora game with 2 sets and 40 points in each of them, we get 80 smashes per player in each Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software 25.0 (IBM Corporation, Nova York, BUA) (Ghasemi ane Zales, 2012), considering a significance level of 0.05 to identify statistical differences. The non-parametric Wileoxon test was used £0 ‘erly the influence of several variables in the sae test 3. Results and discussion ‘The induced HAV analysis is divided into to parts, to answer the ‘oo nisin questions in this study, what $6 the influence of the racket stfess on the HAV, and what isthe most critical smash movensent for the HAV? Fg. 3 illustrates an example ofthe vibratory signals obtained during the smash for one of the various tests performed, which Is representative ofthe others, The signal collection, forall petitions, ‘of data recording. Thos i's continous sequene processing phase, the original signal is divided to obtain each of the repetitions. A time interval of 0.3 s was defined forall cuts made, Tis fre, inthe post visualizing the moment ofthe Impae Peak and the racket, as well as the phase of propagation ofthe generated vibration, As the participants move freely and without restrictions, the factors of ip stength ot racket speed and acceleration inthe SaowPeak impact were no fully controled, which may influence the quantitative resulis. However, and despite these limitations, this study allows to ions under analysis obtain an answer to the evo qi Rackets ‘To answer the frst question, the effect ofthe racket type was eval uated, considering the three movements for each racket. Table shows the mlean and standard deviation (SD) of the values for frequency weighted accelerations for the HAV obtained in all the moventents consider he two rackets with different stiffness, aswell as the level of significance of the comparison becween che variables under study. As referred before, the significance level chosen was 0.05 and whenever the value is verified, its marked with an asterisk () Recorded signal o> © wa Original signal Amplitade Table 3 Vales of fequency-weighted acelesations td omparisn between A tion fr each racket ont beeen rakes TSK) aE wea aaa p< 008 Observing the values present in Table it is possible to verify that two significant differences were found, The frst among the thee.axis RMS for the Yonex Diora 33 and the second between the toral accel bration forthe ewo rackets, Ths, peer coniparison was wsed eo under stand where the differences lie In the ftst case, the difference is identified between the RMS ofthe X aid the Y-axis, as well as betwee the X and Z-axis, However, after calculating the adjusted significance, none ofthese diferences proved oe signifieat. ditference between the total acceleration for the fo rackets salen significant. Considering all movements, when comparing the tora Ae celeration between the two rackets, the difleence identitied is due to the diverse properties of each racket, namely thei tigiity, which is directly related 10 the HAV values. The racket stiiness inftenices the vibeaio amplitude (Ferrara and Cation, 2013). Several times a mass is added to Which means the racket is more screased vibration frequency and a the racket 0 improve its rigidity ditficule to bend, redice vi sulting in an ation ampli (Cross, 2015) For the remaining eases, as there are no significant differences, the ‘variables under analysis are i the range of valies in which the means of the samples are considered equal. Observing the means of the obtained rales i i verified that itis in the Youex Duora 33 racket thatthe Transaiitied vibrations present a value for total acceleration around 6.1% higher when compared with the Yonex Duora 88 one. Therefore, i {sin the less igh racket tha the values of the induced HAV are higher. Tis can be explained by the fact thatthe vibration amplide of the shafts higher, thanks to grester flexibility than the Yonex Duors 88, which induces higher acceleration values. Stifer rackets prodhice ower smuplitide ane higher fr bback and forth a shorter distance each time, which can justify that stifer quency. Lower amplitude means it's bending racaets actually vibrate less, because higher vibration frequency means aves (HAW) Ample on (2. rinor vibration amplitude, which are in accordance with (Willer, 2006; Cross, 2015), Regarding the RMS vibrations, the values are maximum in the Z direction, followed by the ¥ direction with closed values and the X a rection isthe one with the lowest vales The results are inline with the ‘awrited, given thatthe Z-axis is perpendicular to the hend palm, being the ove in which higher amplitudes were expected, whiet are in accordance with Rozovski etal. (2015). Als, the values obtained on the Xeaxis are coherent, 85 this i the direction of the racke's greatest 1 sidity. Regarding the Y-axis, che explanation for values so close to the Zax nay be due to the method of picking up the racket, The existence ‘find rotation during the movement can be reflected in repositioning ‘of the Y-axis in a ditection in which the registered accelerations are higher. ‘Vansant ot al. (2015) state chat tennis and badminton are very slmllae sports (Vansant et al, 2015). However, despite the racket and the tennis ball having greater inertia than the badminton racket andthe site, irs not unrelated to the fact sha the speeds reached in tennis ‘are lower than those achieved in badminton (Alpina eal, 2012), A lover impact speed rests in less force transmitted to the tennis racket ‘cing and, consequently, lower amplitudes of vibration, despite the tension in the strings about two times greater than that used in nt. The mass of tennis rackets is mueh higher chan that of nt, aproxiniately 100 and 300 g respectively, which allows for [greater energy dissipation in tennis. The vales obtained in the present research are compared with those of Amnaro et al (2018) elated tothe service it tennis (Amaro et al, 2019), taking into account te results ‘obiained considering racker with an overgrip nnd without an vibrator. all values obtained in the presen study are approximately ‘neo tines higher than in the refered study. Ie doesn’t cense to surprise that, despite the differences, the values ate so much higher. Knowing the influence of racket vibration on the athlete's hand-arm system, racket manufacturers could consider developing a éemping system mitigate frame vibration, as studied by Yel etal. (2019). Also, the type of ma terial chat makes up the racket and the strings canbe explored as new materials appear and emerging manufacturing techniques are verified. 3.2. Badiinton movements In ahfs section, the results regarding the movement of the smash with different grips and, therefore, different execution movements are ds ‘cussed, considering the racket Yonex Duora 3, becauseit was theracket that showed higher values of acceleration, Toble shows the mean values and standard deviation of the three movements under stud. ‘There are significant differences between the three movements ar the [RMS level in the X and Y-axis, i ul acceleration, and even between the RMS in the forehand smash. Table 4 shows statistically signifeant te sults. There are significant differences between the three movements at the RMS level inthe X and ¥ axis, in fll aceleration, and even between "he RMS in che forehand stash, Regarding the RMS on the X-axis che difference is significant be ‘oween BH and FH and BH and FHR, both with an adjusted significance of (0.028. This result can be explained by the lower explosiveness ofthe BH movement, where fewer accelerations are generated In the racket atthe ‘Table 4 ‘Values of fequency weighted accleratios and comparison between aecera. tion fr each movenene and benween ovetens WaSK@uA) sites sr7aie7 syatma aon RMS¥ (we?) 3075122 lbszeo asda — one Ruszims?) 4292178 7r7s2e8 —T384%RS Ones teow?) batts aims ARIAT O00 FHL— BH: Backhand; Forehand: FAR: Foveind sone the hewd.“p <0.05. Insel aa 9 uri ono 88 (2022) 102270 ‘moment of the smash, which translates into lower transmission. of vibrations when compared to FH ot FHR. Concerning the RMS onthe Y axis, the difference is significant between BH and FH, with an adjusted significance of 0.012. It should be noted thet the significance between BH and FHR is 0.021 and the adjusted value is 0.069, a value close to that required. The reason for the difference in these values isthe same as that presented inthe previous paragraph About total acceleration, the adjusted significance i 0.012 between, ‘BH and FH. Once again, it should be noted tha the signifieance berteen BH and FHR meets the requirement, but after the adjusted significance, the value rose 100.063. The difference recorded s the culmination ofthe one recorded for the RMS, proving tat BH involves fewer vibrations than the other executions. The last significant difference concerns the RMS during the execution Df FHL. The adjusted p-value fr the difference between the Xan Z axis is (0.028, This value can be explained by the fet tat cis movement is the lone with the highest rotal acceleration, which indicates that iti the ‘most violent, with the most eritiel ditection of propagation being the ‘one corresponding to the Z-axis md the one of X being the smallest showin before. Regarding Table 4 iti possible to identify the difference berween BH and the other two movements. The value of the total ae celeration (aj) in the ease ofthe BH movement is about 96% ess than the FH which sche largest ofthe tree movements under study. The ay Value forthe FHR movement is only around 3.4% Tower than the FH one, which means thatthe diference between FH and FHR movements is practically null in any ofthe four parameters under analysis, On the ¥- taxis, the BH standard deviation does not fall within the margin of the standard deviation of the other two movements, and, for the wo other axes, this situation is verified by a minimunt valve. This meas that for the referred sample, the tipping ofthe body and all the energy that cold be transmitted in excess atthe moment of the smash, is not superior to the normal execution. However, te critical movement for the HAV is the FH. The results obtained regaring HAV confirm what Civdlefs ec al. (2017) concluded in their study, the greater vibration energy propagates inthe direction ofthe impact of the ball with the racket, oF in this case, ofthe shutle (Chefs eal, 2017) 43, Dally exposure ‘The dally exposure dose was calenlated based on the average be tween the RMS valves ofthe FH and FHR movements with Yonex Dura ‘33 (most erica in terms of HAV). The BH was not used because itis the least harmful moventent ofthe thtee and during che visualization of the recordings it was verified tht this isa movement used only a fev times, proving to bea backup shot ‘Table 9 shows the values used to ealeulate the A¢8) daly expose dase and its vals, as well as the D values obtained. Por a better derstanding, the D value was converted to hours. The caleulation and comparison methods are explained in the Experimental Procedure. The comparison is made between the national amateur athlecs targeted by the study and the bibliography on this topie, king into account the studies (Akpinar etal, 2012; Chadefanx etal, 2017), which refer to ‘Tables Values used in A) caleulation and respective vale Rihetes Re (Caden ta, 20175 Caen Tax wie) a as is) rox as Zt?) 78 oo 8) 2) eos os88 Dien) 130 ass professional players, Despite this discrepancy, tis important compare these to groups sinc, it i expected that the values are higher for professional aletes, due to the greater number of hours of traning, same, and performance. Comparing these values with the diective, ir appears thar they aRe fabove the defined daily limit of 5 m/s2. Note that in Portugal, in federated tournament, there isnot just one game per day. A high-level athlete who competes inthe three events, single, pair, and mixed pain, ‘an easily perform nine games per day ihe reaches the fnal stages of the tournament (posible before 2020). Faking this into account, and for the conditions sed for this estimate, the vales of A) can be consi ered hg, Finally, the years of exposure for an athlete with 10% probability (0 velop white Ringer disease, normally identiied ns Rayan syndrome, is telaively lv, hich is worrying. For the case ofthe estimate made, based on the national athletes, the value of D is equal (0 1.8 years, o 15768 h, which metus that a the rate of exposure to vibration of one ‘game per day, the hours referred would lead to a 10% probability of lovoloping white finger disease Considering the other estimate, the value drops to less then one year (7446 i) for professional athletes. Note tha the RMS vales used Were taken from the present study, so this value is based on an optimistic approach Professional senior players can produce even powerful, ‘satis and, consequently, greater vibrations are generated. These two values are disturbing because, as previously mentioned, in federated badminton practice, exposure in one day is never limited to 1 game. Several ofthe volunteers perform in a seniors tournament, which takes place In single day, lose to 1 dozen games, whieh lends 10 higher ‘exposure than the ealenated, The sie iste for professional athletes, ‘whose workload in the traning petiod is higher than the amateur one. 9.8.1. Study limitations This. study limitations Include the reduced number of adetes, Inchided and the fat that only two types of rackets were studied. As in all studies thet use accelerometers isnot possible to completely avoid ‘some parasite accelerations 4. Conclusion As far as the analysis of vibrations in the hand arm systems is com ‘cemed, the racket with greater exibilty ess rigid, transit more vi bravions, ie ro the amplitude of vibration being greater thas that ofthe ‘more rigid racket. Within this, the mos critical movement was the FH, the FHR is very identical. BH Was the least damaging move. In terms oF the daily exposure time, the values of A(S) exceed the existing mast rum, being that, in the racket that vibrates the most, this value Is approximate twice the maxinium imposed. is, therefore, in the interest, ‘of the sport ta seek constmictive soitions to reduce the transmitted vi rations. This is also an indicator ofthe eitialityof the beginning ofthe sport, The most flexible rackets are usually more affordable at an eco nome level and are, as his study Indeate, the most hammful for the ‘athlete, especialy ta time whe the technique is very rudimentary. ‘These are our ist results with badminton players. According ra the conclusions, a study on the impaet tha differen types of strings and/or tensions have on vibrations induced by HAV is of great interest. t pro: Vides more information ¢o coaches and players, complementing the withdrawals inthis study. These study findings can be used by coaches ‘and players to design mote specific training tasks and match strategies that keep players fae from disease and enhance the performance. ‘Author contributions LAR, MA.G, AMA, conceived and designed the study: S.N. per formed the tests, analyzed the results and helped to write the man script, LR, MAG, ALA. participated in the research work and helped ro write the manuscript. SN, GMA. TeR.y MAC, AMA. smal oral of rt ronnie 88 (2022) 108270 contributed in the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data, and helped to write dhe manuscript, All authors read and approved the fil Declaration of competing interest ‘The authors declare that they have no known competing financial Interests or personal relationships that could have appeared co fluence the work reported in thls pape. 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