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Name: Lia Bonilla


• The grammatical structure
infinitive to
o I might get that job
o I may cook rice for lunch.
• Possibility present/ future

• I may have to go to the doctor.

• I might have to go to the doctor
• Past Possibility

o I may have driven my dad's car.

o I might have eaten pizza in the morning.
• Permission
o May I use your computer.
Giving permission
Of course, you may.
• Expressing wishes
May you be safe on your journey.
Name: Lia Bonilla
Feel stressed Sentirse estresado I feel stressed when I do math
Make a dentist´s Hacer una visita al dentista. I make a dentist´s on Friday.
Appointment Cita My dad has a doctor's
appointment at the hospital.
Make an excuse Inventar una excusa My dad makes excuses for not
Do housework Hacer las tareas domésticas I have to do housework in my
Make a cake Hacer un pastel. My sister makes a cake for her
son's birthday.
Have a day off Tener un día libre My brother has one day off a
Get some fresh air Respirar aire fresco I like to get fresh air in the park.
Do shopping Ir de compras On the weekend I went shopping
with my sister.
Have lunch Almorzar Yesterday I had fried chicken
with cooked rice for lunch.
Have a barbecue Hacer una barbacoa My mom had a barbecue on
Have a meeting Celebrar una reunión I have a meeting with my friends
for my birthday.
Be nervous Estar nervioso I get nervous when I speak in
Get fit Ponerse en forma My friend needs to get fit shape
for her wedding.
Start university Comienzo de la universidad They started university two
months ago.

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