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utbsbahis of Golkonda

the Q, .:,.
ABrie,f political Hist()ry of Qutbshahis (1518-1687 CE)
The Qutbshahi Sultans ruled the present Telugu Speaking area of
Telangana and.Andhrapradesh (Medieval Andhradeva) from the year 1518-
l 687 C~: !heir long rule of~~arly two centuries has remembered in the history
of medieval Deccan for man~ glorious achievements. The below given table
gives an idea about the Qutbsh~ Sultans and their rule. ·
I '
,I •.

'"'s.No. Name of the Year of Accession

- 'I
Sultan Remarks
-· · · -end of rule I

~ Quli-Qutb-ul-. 1518·-1543 CE His ancestors migrated to

i\r' Mulk or sultan-
.. . India during the age of
\ ·.Quli - Qutb- ul -
, I •
Bahmanis. He was the
.. . .. contemporarg of
. :. , '
Krishnadevaraya and Babur.
He was koown as
2 .Jams heed - Quli 1543-
. ' 1550 CE
. He laid foundations for the
,.-.. , l I ' f• l
strong administration.
3 Ibrahim - Quli - 1550-1580 CE He was described by
scholars as Malki-Ib-rama.
He was underthe Shelter of
Ramaray at Vij ayai:tagara.
(conteIDpo,r ~,of;Akbar and
Jahingir) .. '
4 Muhammad- 1580- 1612 CE He was the 'fotinder_of
Quli - Qutbshah ContemQorao: of Hyderabad city.
Akbar. Friendly - )

diplematic relation
exis.te'd between
them. .. __ .. .,_.._ ...... .

5 Sultan- 1612-1626 CE He was the contemporary of

Mahammad Mughal Emperor Jahingir
6 Abdulah - Qutb - 1626- 1672 CE During his-reign y olkonda
Shah was attacked by ShahJahan' .
is llrtlUL..
7 'Abul- Hasan - 1672 -: 1687 CE He was the last sultan.
~~'( .Tanishah Auran~azeh invaded and
caiitured Qutb§llahi
kingdom .

. '

'l , (j


B.A. mTelangana History &hd..Culture

The foil owing epigraphs are also provi~ing some historie'al

information of Qutbshaht age. ··,·

(C) Epigraphical Sources '' , l

s. Name / place of Language . , Remarks . :-; , -

j1 No. the inscription period/Yea~ ..·..' '.


1 ..Jama Masjid (Persian).! 5,18 Suhan-qu li~

'.· \ '
inscription C.E. Qutbshas period.
(Persian) t?2? CE
2 Yelgandla
epi~raph I

3 Pangal ep_igraph (Persian) 1551 CE Jamsheed reign

4 Miyao - Mishk (Persian) 1625 CE It describes the
epigraph general conditions
.. ..
of the times
5 Toli Masjid (Persian) .J_63_3 CE It give information
epigraph ·. \s
about donations
made by sultans to
. ' j I. \ ~ j ' I I ,/

6 , Bodtta·n Mosque (Persian) 1655 CE This give details

ins~diinon about religious_
c_onditions of the
utbshahi Age
7 HayatBaksh (Persian) 1667 CE The details about
Begum Tomb
her qualities are
· Ghanpur
(Telugu) 1528 CE It beloqgs to the
founder of the .
dynasty and general

conditions, ·
9 Racbakonda (Telugu) 1551 CE Political situation
oftlie pen~d was-


10 Sim ha chalam 1604 CE

jnscripthm It belongs to the
Qutb shah is of Golk onda
'f)Je ,: 103
A- T,J,~Jl literary wor ks t{ ,
Duri ng the Qutb shah i age Telugu recei ved grea t support from the Sulta
wrot e
and th~~t offic ials. As a resu lt a large num ber of poet s and scho lars
very useful
excellenf book s on vario us subj ects in Telugu. They are cont ainin g
the period
info ~~n abou t polit ical, S~i o econ omic a and cultural conditions of
gu work s/
under ~t)i~y. The foµo wing tabl~ give s .a n idea abou t the important Telu
Wri ~~~ olar s.
S.No. · ,~/ ~am e of the Nam e 9f 1he Au1h or histo rical - i rq,c;,rtance
_-~ . book / work
1 ; · -Tapa tisam vara Adda ni · Gang adhar a He It gives valua ble
noph_akhy anam was _in .the court of inform ation about the reign
lbroh.irr,z Quli- Qutbshah ofIbrahim - Quli -
Outbs hah.
2. \
Nira mlws
bo - KandzJ/.qn-i Rudrcikavi. He He was the native of
phak hyan un was the conte mpor ary of Kand ukur Villag e in
_ lbrah im_Quli. Nalgo nda. He wotk ed as the
Deva rkond a fort incha rge
unde rlbra him- Quli.
Sulta n grant ed him

-h~in~ta~l~:ao~u~di~· ag~ra~ha~ra.m;r~
Ponn__ a· uanti - Telag anary a ;
o :fficer
his work
khan of
. Yaya $i o·
Char itra 'Potla cheri_i' : .It -is :first.
Teiugu wo*·
Neba th'iK nshna matya ; Jtis writteri·m·t heco utof
-4. Raja nidti Muhammad - ·Quli -
l Ratn akar am -C)utbshah

5. Kshe trawa
It descr ibes the socie ty of
Daas hara dli Bhak ta Ramac/aps
theos e times.
Collection o,f
.JOB ooems
-. ., ts ofJean --Baptist Tavemiar, Thevn~t, Berm ar
_ The forei gn Trav el acco ~. ful,i nfon natio n about the po_litical, ·
and Will iamM ethw old are conta.lDlng veiy use
. 1 ditio ns ofthe age.
Socio, Econ omic and cultu ra con .
' ,J

() B.A. m Tel ang ana His tory 8nd

102 (.A)r:f~-tt .~ " ( t . . ~ •
Name of the Au tho r Ra mar ks/h i re
stor i
Nam e of the boo k forrnatt ea1 -
~- -~ ~r .:.. ~- f~ k tlfRafi fdddin
i;Ie-U give~~
diT n= --- ,ftItgh ~~
s the on . ·
No. L~
1 Tad bki ratu -e-M ulu Shi ra-z i(15 10- ofsu ltan Qul i'sY hrst ory
1610 CE) anc esto rs. It give th
deta ils abo ut Ad J8he .
of B ij apu r . ab1s
Indo Pers ian Ibra him Qui tb Sha h'
Bur han - e- Malthir Cou rt s
2 chronicle, sye d -Al iz
-ul - lah Tab a taba
Muh amm ad Qas im He was bor n at Astrabad
Gui - Shahn -e Ibrahimi . Ir
3 - Feri shta (15 52 - m ~n- in 155 2 CE. He
162 3 CE) was m the cou rt of
Ibra him . Adilshah II of
Bija pur

Written by It give s the I

4 Tari kh - i - Muhammad com preh ensi ve and

'. Ana nym ous &,h olar
-Qu t:b- Sha h deta iled hist ory of
Out bsh ahi dvnastv.
Mah mud - Abd ulla h He was in the cou rt of
5 Maa thir -i-Q utb - Shahi Mu ham mad Qul i -
. Nishapuri He hail s
from lram . Qut bsh ah. In 1587 CE,
and Com pIi ed this work
in the yea r 162 4 CE
Khaflkhan (165 8 - It · desc ribe s Mughal
6 Mm t~a b - ul - Luoob Golkonda
1707 CE) . He was a atta ck on
duri ng · Aur a~a zeb 's .
· con tem pora ry of
Aurangazeb. reig n. It also descnbes Its
mil am Sarvaipapanna's
rev olt
7 Tari q - e - zafra · Gird~ri -lal - It give s deta ils abou t tre
Hakheel reig n of last two Qutb -
shah i Sult ans.
8 Kha zaiw l Futuh Am it - Khu s rau It desc ribe s the general
Nuhaphir con diti ons of Deccan
from 12 the Cen tu-y on
war ds.
9 Hadikhatoon-us-salatin Mir za - Niz amu ddin Thi s wor k was written
Ahmed duri ng the reig n oi
Abd ulla h Qut bsba h . n
(1626-1672). {ti s~ ;
as per tre orde r of
of Qut bsh ahi - Sultan, d
Sha ikh - Muh amm a
10 Kha tun . ten io
Had a ' iqusalatin (The Thi s wor k was wnt
Ali -Bi n- Taif ur -
gard~n of the sulta m and Al- Bus tam i the yea r 1681 C.E- Ji
p~ehc conposi tions of (person) He decl ares giv«i_~ deta ils a~o ut tbe
himself as pup i t of mJeFs~of Iran and
IbnK hatu n. Golk.onda

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