Intermediate Test

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Test for DIPLOMA

Duration: 60 minutes Total Marks:100 Date:____________

Student’s Name:___________ Batch/Time:________

A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1. He had to pay a fine after the police caught him driving recklessly in a

2. I wouldn’t recommend that hotel, as it is located on the outskirts of the city, which is

3. Sadly, his about the tropical storm were confirmed. PREDICT

4. Mrs Brown has very high of her daughter, Jenny, and was
disappointed when she didn’t win the competition. EXPECT

5. Fried bananas and roast chicken are the of this restaurant. SPECIAL

6. The campaign aimed at increasing people’s of the dangers of

smoking. AWARE

7. Because of his to medical research, the scientist was awarded a


8. This is an important . Do not leave your belongings ANNOUNCE


B. Match the two columns. (Note: Don’t use lines for matching)
1. Interesting a. exhausted

2. Big b. huge

3. Angry c. terrified

4. Scared d. delighted

5. Pleased e. delicious

6. Tired f. fascinating

7. Surprised g. amazed
8. Tasty h. furious

C. Choose the correct answer for each of the following sentence.

1. Where these past three years?

a. do you work b. you have worked c. are you working d. have you been working

2. By 2018 a new airport in the capital.

a. will build b. will have been built c. will be building d. will have been building

3. Never speak to people you don’t know.

a. should you b. you should c. you shouldn’t d. shouldn’t you

4. What the professor was talking about?

a. Do you understand b. Do you understand c. Understand d. You have understood

5. By the doctor’s orders, you are harming yourself.

a. don’t follow b. not to follow c. not following d. not follow

They said they regretted us that our application had been rejected.

a. informed b. informing c. to inform d. to have informed

6. You go to work today if you have a fever.

a. would rather not b. hadn’t better c. had better not d. don’t need

7. I think I would suffer from less stress if I in the countryside.

a. would live b. had lived c. was living d. lived

8. If you see Mary, her my regards.

a. give b. will give c. can give d. would give

9. If he through a red light, he wouldn’t have crashed into another car.

a. hadn’t gone b. didn’t go c. wasn’t going d. hadn’t been going

10. If I finish this work, I be able to come to your dinner party tonight.

a. can b. must c. may d. could

11. Tricia turned down that job offer. I really believe it was perfect for her.

a. couldn’t have b. mustn’t have c. shouldn’t have d. might not have

12. Sean octopus before.

a. has never eaten b. has never been eating c. never eats d. was never eating

13. I can't come to the party tonight because I study for the exam.
a. need b. have to c. must to d. can

14. That woman in the supermarket Mrs Simpson; her husband told me that she left for Florida this morning.

a. must be b. could be c. can't be d. mustn't be

15. You will not get better unless your medicine.

a. you don't take b. you will take c. you would take d. you take

16. Last year I to Corfu for my summer holiday.

a. have been going b. was going c. have gone d. went

17. I ________ work eight hours a day when I was in London.

a. use to b.would c.wanted d. None of these

18. If I were you, I on a coat; it's cold outside.

a. will put b. put c. would put d. have put

19. I an interest in a career in race-car driving since I was a young boy.

a. have been having b. have had c was having d. had

20. This time next week we to Madrid.

a. will fly b. are going to fly c. fly d. will be flying

D. Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentences.

1. According to the new law, people mustn’t / don’t have to smoke in public places. Score 08

2. You had better / might not contact her for the time being; otherwise you will get into another fight.

3. Students mustn’t / needn’t pay the fees in advance, but they can do so if they want.

4. Passengers can / ought to be at the airport at least an hour before their flight.

5. Paula mustn’t / needn’t tell John about the present. It’s a secret.

6. I think you would / should stop acting like a four-year-old.

7. They ought to / had better be here on time or else the boss will be very angry.

8. May I / Do I have to go to the restaurant? I really want to go to bed early tonight.

E. Complete the following sentences using could, should, might, can't, must + have + past participle.
Use each modal verb once only.

1. You (not lie) to your 04 about the bad mark you got on the History test.
2. He (die) in the plane crash. He was lucky to survive.
3. Karen is not here. She (go) to the dentist as she had a terrible toothache last night.
4. Mary (be) to this restaurant before but I’m not sure.
F. Rewrite the following sentences using the 3rd Conditional.

1.Mary didn’t wake up early and missed the bus to school. 03

If Mary__________________________________________________________________
2.The weather was bad, so we didn’t go fishing.
If the weather_____________________________________________________________

3.Derek took part in the competition and won a trip abroad.


G. Rewrite the following sentences using the Causative Form.

1. A plumber will fix Alfred's leaking tap. 07


2. Did the hairdresser dye your hair yesterday?


3. A mechanic has repaired Sue's car.


4. A painter is painting the Smiths’ house.

The Smiths________________________________________________________

5. A decorator may decorate our house.

We may________________________________________________________

6. An alarm system is going to be installed in Mr Bett's house.

Mr Bett________________________________________________________

7. The gardener was planting flowers in Peter’s garden.


H. Read the text and answer the questions 1-6. Choose a, b, c, or d.



The Western film industry today is closely associated with Hollywood, USA. But Bollywood, its Eastern equivalent, has gained
tremendous popularity and is considered to be one of the largest film-producing industries worldwide. Bollywood got its name
from the merging of the words Bombay - the former name for the city of Mumbai - and Hollywood. It is used to refer to the film
industry based in that Indian city, not to all of Indian cinema as is sometimes mistakenly believed.

Bollywood films are for the most part musicals and the language spoken is Hindi. Nevertheless, due to their ever growing
international popularity, more films are featuring Indian English and some are now exclusively in English.

Bollywood films have been around since 1913 when the first silent film was produced in India and by the 1930s over 200 films
were produced annually. The industry has had peaks and troughs over the decades; however, in 2000 there was a boom in
Bollywood film popularity around the world. A new generation of actors and actresses caught the public’s eye, in particular,
Aishwarya Rai – who is believed by many to be one of the most beautiful women in the world.

Bollywood films are usually a three-hour dazzling extravaganza of music, song and dance. Often the plot of the film is
melodramatic; there are usually conflicts between characters, a lot of drama and desperate villains trying to hurt the main
characters. A Bollywood film will both entertain and thrill you as well as provide you with considerable insight into Indian

1. Bollywood is 2.In line 1 what does its refer to

a. about Mumbai, an Indian city. Bollywood

b. an Eastern equal to the US. Hollywood

c. a made-up term. The US

d. the largest film producer in the world. The Eastern film industry

3. What is true of the Bollywood film industry? 4.Aishwarya Rai

a. It now only produces English films. Starred in some of the first Bollywood films.

b. It was always successful. Became known due to her extraordinary beauty.

c. It has some Hollywood characteristics. Was famous before becoming an actress.

d. It is becoming more and more popular all over the world. Has acted in recent Bollywood films

5. In line 14 what does dazzling extravaganza mean?

a. a cultural shock

b. an impressive show

c. an unsuccessful combination

d. a simple storyline

6. On what grounds does the writer recommend Bollywood films in the last paragraph?

a. because they are funny

b. because they combine drama and music

c. because they can teach us a lot about Hindi

d. because they provide us with a culturally enriching experience

I. You are going to hear a radio programme about a wedding and bridal show. You will hear the
programme in several parts. After each part you will hear 2-4 questions. For each question choose the
correct answer. 12


a. watch a fashion show

b. try food from caterers

c. see a musical


a. appliances

b. honeymoon packages

c. a wedding dress


a. They are expensive.

b. They require lots of preparations.

c. They are possible without giving anything up.


a. by making their own invitations

b. by using recycled paper

c. by using the Internet


a. donating leftovers

b. serving organic and locally grown food

c. preparing and serving less food


a. a small guest list

b. all the travelling guests need to do

c. all the arrangements couples need to make


a. invite only those closest to them

b. invite only those living close to them

c. invite only those they haven't seen in a long time


a. that they are not made of gold

b. that they were made with the environment in mind

c. that they are paying the right price


a. common sense

b. money
c. lots of time


a. it's made of silk

b. it's fancy

c. it can be worn more than once


a. renting cameras

b. buying disposable cameras

c. hiring a photographer


a. throw them away

b. use them over and over again

c. give them away

J. Rewrite the following statements in Reported Speech. 02


1. ‘We had a great time at the café last night,’ Jamie said.
Jamie said_________________________________________________________

2. ‘I am going shopping tomorrow,’ Christine said.

Christine said_________________________________________________________

3. ‘I will call you when I get home,’ Nick told me.

Nick told me_________________________________________________________

4.‘Can you show me how to use this DVD recorder?’ Brenda asked Larry.
Brenda asked Larry_________________________________________________________

K. Write sentences using the second conditional sentences. 05

1. I don’t live alone so I don’t get lonely.


2. Don’s got such a lot of homework that he’s not going to play football tonight.


3. I can’t swim so I am not going Scuba diving with Terry.


4. I can’t come because I have to help my dad with something.


5. We are not staying at the same hotel, so we can’t share a room.


L. Change the following narrations into direct speech or into indirect speech. 10

1. He asked me,” How much did you pay for this T-shirt?”


2. She told him not to wait for her outside the cinema.


3. He said to my younger brother ,” You must pay more attention.”


4. They said they had already visited the exhibition.


5. She said to the teacher,” Sir, why are you giving us that much homework?”


6. Teacher said to me.” Pen down your name on this paper.”


7. She said to him,” I called you up but you didn’t answer an hour ago.”

8. They exclaimed with wonder that the mountain is very beautiful.


9. She said to her brother, “Alas, My friend’s father had died.”


10. She asked me,” Do you know anything about an accident?”


M. If you were the president , how would you handle the situation which is being faced by the nation and
what sort of strategies would you use to make your country prosper and enriched with happiness?
( Express it in your words at least you have to use 120 words). 10

N. Speaking …….

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