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A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of Criminology Department
Tri-Star Building, Mabini St., Marfrancisco Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro

In partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the subject


February 2022
Chapter I

Crime prevention strategies are essential in order to protect each every one of us to commit crimes

and maintain peace and order in other localities. It also helps us to lessen the percentage of crime rate in

certain area. These strategies were planned precisely and implemented for us to become a law abiding

citizen. There are several programs that in such ways makes people realize that they did something wrong

or they committed actions that against to the law. For the past long years, the PNP and other law enforces

regularly conduct checkpoints in a certain highway road area to the maintain and safety of every vehicle

drivers and deter those who are driving their vehicle that against the law. One of their strategies is to

conduct road checkpoint in unexpected times in order to conflict those ideas of every illegal driver’s

prediction that they can drive freely and most of the times those involves are considered minors. Another

way of every municipality to prevent increasing crime rate in their small area is the curfew ordinance.

Curfew laws prohibit or limit your right to be out in public at the certain times. They are intended to maintain

a certain level of order and safety of public places and its citizen as well specially these time that we’re still

suffering pandemic. Before most curfew laws apply only to juvenile under the age of 18. But now other

curfew laws are enacted temporarily in response to a natural disasters or civil disturbance as well as

emergency events and apply to all people in a city or local area. However, the researchers want to know if

those strategies are effective to reduce the percentage of crime rate in a certain area.

However, due to the Philippine economic status, which is insufficient to satisfy an individual needs

are regularly highlighted in the national news. The Philippine National Police (PNP) has yet to fulfill its

primary goal of adequately implementing crime prevention, despite its greatest efforts. The PNP uses

crime-prevention strategies that are incompatible with our country’s existing criminality problem. The PNP
organization has a difficulty in crime prevention because to its failure to demonstrate efficacy and efficiency

in the performance of its tasks.

Since, crime prevention is the Philippine National Police top concern, many studies have been

done to ensure that the aim of crime prevention is maintained. The success of the Victoria Police Station’s

crime prevention measures, as well as whether they are appropriate for the town’s crime profile, will be

examined in this study. The researchers will determine the effectiveness of crime prevention strategies in

relation to crime rate in Victoria. In addition, the findings of this study will be useful to the PNP in planning

and organizing improved crime prevention tactics that are judged vital for the advancement of its own


For these reasons, the researchers conducted a study in order to identify the effectiveness of crime

prevention strategies and its relation to crime rate in selected area and to give reliable that will serve as

basis of the effectiveness of crime strategies.

Problem and its Background

Barangay of San Narciso has a population of crimes such as curfew , traffic violations and other

illegal activities. Often those who such work are minors and elders, despite the difficulties. This barangay

similar to the other barangay that enforce the law to discipline and maintain in its jurisdiction this area

needs even more attention to reduce the increase in crime population.

A synergetic partnership between the community and the Philippine National Police is essential if

crime reduction and quality of life are to improved. Thus both mutual and supportive relationship are vital in

enforcing the law, reducing crime and maintaining peace. This Partnership can be further strengthened in

initiating programs to make the community feel safe with the police, whenever the citizens feels safe in the

community, trust and confidence in the police is regained. Thus, it will be easier to solicit their support in all

police programs to attain genuine peace and security. In so doing, the Philippine National Police shall be a

more accessible and indispensable partner of the community in more efficient and effective service.

According to RA 8551, ‘’ The Philippine National Police shall be a community and a service –

oriented agency for the maintenance of peace and order and public safety. The PNP shall be so organized

to ensure accountability and uprightness in police exercise of discretion as well as to achieve the efficiency

and effectiveness of its member and its units in the performance of their functions’’.

The police are responsible for trying to make community safe by working to prevent criminal acts

and enforcing the law. They are accountable and its assessment of police successes and failures in

preventing and solving crime in this community. The Community relies upon the police department to ‘’

protect and serve’’ and the police and return, rely upon community and support and cooperation in order to
be effective when communication and trust deteriorate, tension build between the community and police

and undermine their shared goal of safer community.

The Victoria Municipal Police Station, as local police authority is always guided by its mission to

always ensure the community is safe against the treat of lawless elements. Local police composed of its

trained personnel is ready in all call of duties despite of the risky job as protector and enforcer of laws.

Objective Statement

This study aim to achieve the following objectives

1. To determine the level of effectiveness of crime prevention strategies;

2. To assess the crime rate in San Narciso Victoria, Oriental Mindoro; and

Statement of the Problem

This study focused on measuring the Effectiveness of Crime Prevention Strategies in Relation to

Crime Rate in San Narciso Victoria, Oriental Mindoro.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of effectiveness of crime prevention strategies in San Narciso Victoria,

Oriental Mindoro?

2. What is the crime rate in San Narciso Victoria, Oriental Mindoro in terms of

2.2 illegal drugs , theft etc. and

2.3 curfew violation?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the effectiveness of crime prevention strategies and

the rate of crimes among the residents of San Narciso, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro as to illegal

drugs, thefts,etc and curfew violations?

Statement of Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship the effectiveness of crime prevention strategies and the rate of

crimes among the residents of San Narciso, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro as to traffic and curfew violations?

Significance of the Study

This study deemed significant to the following:

To the PNP Chief. The findings of the study will be used as a starting point for developing crime prevention

tactics and policies that will address additional issues that may arise while adopting such strategies. This

project also aims to improve police participation in crime prevention activities by allowing em to expand

their understanding of crime prevention and question their current techniques.

Barangay Officials. This study may help them comprehend their position as an enforcement body in the

design and implementation of the PNP mandate in each Barangay by providing them with knowledge about

existing crime prevention strategies.

PNP Officials and Other Personnel. The results of the study will made the PNP officials and other

employees to evaluate various crime prevention measures in order to improve their performance. The

outcome of the study will be as follows an understanding of the type of program to be established in the

many concerned communities for interested administrators and government authorities.

Community. This study will act as a challenge to community people to take use of all of the PNP's programs

that will benefit their lives in general. This study also raises public awareness of each citizen's involvement

in ensuring the effectiveness of crime prevention efforts.

Students. This research could be used to help them become more aware of the current state of criminality

in our country. It also enables them to develop into more responsible pupils. be aware of our country's

current problems with keeping peace and order.

Future Researches. The result of the study shall serve as a ready reference for them with whatever similar

studies they shall partake.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The main scope of this study is to determine the effectiveness of crime prevention strategies and

the level of crime rate in San Narciso Victoria, Oriental Mindoro. The researcher was confined in the

evaluation of statistical relationships between these two variables. The study made use of a two-part

instrument administered to a total of one hundred respondents where fifty are barangay officials and

another fifty are PNP Personnel in selected barangay. This study will be conducted on the second

semester of school year 2021-2022.

Definition of Terms

For the clarifications on the readers part, the terms are operationally defined.

Checkpoint. It is a barrier or manned entrance, typically at a border, where travelers are subject to

security checks.
Curfew. It is a government order specifying a time during which certain regulations apply. Typically

curfews order all peoples affected by them not to be in public places or on roads within a certain time

frame, typically in the evening and nighttime hours.

Fieldworkers. It is a gathering of information about something in a real, natural environment, rather

than in a place of study such as a laboratory or classroom.

Block watch. It is a group of neighbors that band together to watch out for reach and to report

crime, suspicious activities and serious code violations on their street. It is one of the most effective and

least costly ways to prevent crime and reduce fear.

Criminal Traditions. These are transmitted from the older generations to the younger generations,

such as costumes are in other forms of society.

Theoretical Framework.

Situational Crime Prevention and the Rational Choice Theory

According to Clarke (2018) the rational choice theory, offenders are goal-oriented individuals who

constantly weigh the costs and benefits of their actions. Individuals choose actions that maximize their

rewards while minimizing their risks.

Some criminals are rational individuals who compare the costs and benefits of their actions. For

example, a rational offender will decide to steal an object if its value is higher than the probability of getting

caught. In doing so, criminal offenders can justify their actions by minimizing the risks and maximizing the


In most cases, it is difficult to classify crimes as purely rational or irrational. Most crimes are a mix

of the two, making it impossible to determine whether offenders are rational or irrational.
Routine Activity Theory

The routine activity theory is another theory that the rational choice theorists have to consider. This

theory states that offenders who commit crimes in their usual routine are less likely to be punished than

those who tend to deviate from their usual routine. If the criminal is caught, it will be in an environment they

are familiar with, and the level of security will be lower.

Routine activity theory also states that offenders are more likely to fall into traps set by law

enforcement officials who wait for them to commit crimes in areas where the police will have the upper

hand; these are referred to as hot spots.

Risk and rationality are also inseparable in routine activity theory. It is impossible to calculate all

the risks of committing a crime, but they are more likely to happen when the criminal deviates from a


Implementing this theory will require the police to monitor the movements of known offenders through hot

spots for more than a month.

Preventive theory of punishment

This theory of Holmes (2012) As the name suggests that the preventive theory of punishment aims

at preventing prospective crimes by disabling the criminal. This idea of punishment is similar to that of the

deterrent theory.  Utilitarian’s such as Bentham, Mill and Austin of England supported the preventive theory

of punishment due to its humanizing nature. The profounder of the preventive theory stated that the

objective of punishment is to prevent offences, which can be done when the offender is checked by

disablement.The disablement of the criminal may be limited or unlimited. 2 Preventive philosophy states that

the preventive theory of punishment serves as an effective deterrent and also as a useful preventive
measure. The effectiveness of the preventive theorydepends on the factor of promptness, if there is a delay

in the inquiry or investigation, the punishment or sanction would be rendered ineffective

Conceptual Framework

Crime Prevention Strategies
 Barangay Peacekeeping Crime Rate in Narcisco Victoria
Action Team
 Curfew  Illegal drugs, Theft etc
 Curfew Violation

Figure 1. Hypothesized Relationship Between Variables

Figure 1 illustrates the hypothesized relationship between variables of the study. The independent

variable pertains to the effectiveness of crime prevention strategies in relation to crime rate in San Narciso,

Victoria, Oriental Mindoro in terms of strengthening Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team (BPAT)and

Curfew ordinance while the dependent variable pertains to the crime rate in San Narciso, Victoria, Oriental

Mindoro in terms of Traffic Violation and Curfew violation.

It is also observed that the two types of variables are connected to each other through a double-

headed arrow which denotes the hypothesized relationship between them.

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