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Effect of Job Satisfaction on the level of Performance of BJMP

Personnel in Oriental Mindoro Provincial Jail

The BJMP facilities are more congested compared to those of

the Bureau of Corrections, which has about 40,000 inmates, and

provincial jails to have only about 20,000 inmates.

The 11,980 officers and personnel are overwhelmed by the

numbers of prisoners they have to secure and having this problems

, still they manage to implement their respective job. With this

there are many studies that are studying the programs being

implemented to the inmates and their level of satisfaction they

attained but none of them studied how the jail personnel are

happy and satisfied with their work , what are they attained

while they performing there job in the jail facilities.

In the province itself , especially in the Oriental Mindoro

Provincial jail , an annoying 855 inmates are congested in almost

one hectare facility with only 23 jail officers handling. However

this jail officers are seen very optimistic on their job , in

fact many criminology students when asked said that they would

like to serve as BJMP personnel simply because of their intense

intention to serve and help the inmates to rehabilitate.

The researchers which happens to have a relative in the jail

as an officers are advised not to take the profession since they

express themselves in the job as hard and stressful sparks

interest how it is being interpreted as a hard job. But they

observed that they are very eager to perform their job and they

work with confident , how they are satisfied with their job ,

this questions raised by the researchers ignited them to conduct

the study regarding how they are satisfied and what are the level

of their job satisfaction.

Theoretical framework

The study is guided with the following theory

Abraham Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory (1943) Abraham Maslow

proposed his hierarchical theory of five important needs more

than 74 years back in 1943. The theory gained ground over the

years and because of its innate logic it became widely accepted

and part of compulsory reading for every management student and

Human Resource Professional. Over the years it has been

questioned, analysed and thought by later thinkers to be

inadequate in certain respects but there is no denying its basic

merit in understanding human and employee behaviour in the


Clayton Alderfers Erg Theory (1969) Alderfer reformulated

Maslow`s need hierarchy into three basic human needs simplifying

it to make it more in tune with data obtained from empirical

research. He kept Maslow’s hierarchical structure but reduced the

levels to three on the basis that a certain overlap existed in

the middle layers and call them Existence, Relatedness and

Growth, in short ERG Existence is the lowest level need which is

concerned with physical survival and includes the obvious needs

for food, water and shelter which can be satisfied through

salary, fringe benefits, safe working environment and some

measures of job security.

Frederick Herzberg Two Factor Theory (1959) The two-factor

theory (also known as Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory)

argues that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction exist on two

different continua, each with its own set of factors. This runs

contrary to the traditional view of job satisfaction, which

posits that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction are


Relationship of the three theory to the present study

The cited theory found significant to the present study

since it dealt with the needs of human individual to ascertain

their needs and toward job satisfaction , the theory of His basic

premise concerns the meeting of human needs which progressively

move up the value chain as simpler and more basic needs are met.

Maslow’s theory opines that indicated have five progressive sets

of needs, the first set being purely physical needs, also called

Physiological needs. These include all the needs a person needs

first to stay alive like, food, water, air, the maintenance of

body temperature and the necessity of voiding of natural human

waste. It is only when this basic need set is satisfied that the
next set of needs will be thought of for satisfaction. The five

need sets that are in sequential order are physiological needs,

safety and security needs, love and belonging needs, status and

prestige needs and actualisation needs. Humans work to satisfy

these needs and as people and societies move up in life their

need set also changes.

This is true of all people, it could apply to the situations,

individuals in progressively larger groups and also to whole

countries as well. Growth of the individual or group causes the

needs to shift upwards whereas the opposite causes downward

movement in need fulfillment desire. The safety needs can be

broken up into physical safety, family security, monetary

security and employment security and love; belonging needs can be

broken up into parental love, love between partners, sibling and

children. It is easy to understand why these needs were

classified as hierarchical, with physiological needs at the base

and actualisation needs at the apex of a hierarchical pyramid.

Using this classification Maslow reasons that as a person moves

up in life his need changes and if a person is unable to access

needs appropriate to him he will basically be dissatisfied, even

though he may not know it.

In the theory of Clayton Alderfers Erg Theory (1969)

according to him his theory is related to job satisfaction since

it involve interaction with other people and the satisfaction

they can bring in the form of emotional support, respect,

recognition and sense of belonging. These needs can be satisfied

on the job through coworkers and off the job through friends and

family. Growth need focuses on the self and includes need for

personal growth and development which can be satisfied only by

using ones capabilities into the fullest. ERG theory sees

different needs from different levels existing in a sort of

continuum where while there is a hazy precedence for a lower

level need, it can still very well exist in the presence of a

higher level need.

While the theory of Frederick Herzberg Two Factor Theory

(1959) stated that there are fourteen factors relating to job

satisfaction, classifying them as either hygienic or motivation

factors. Motivation factors increase job satisfaction while the

presence of hygiene factors prevent job dissatisfaction. Although

largely replaced by newer theories of motivation in academia, the

two-factor motivation theory still continues to influence popular

management theory and the methodology of studies in some areas of

the world.
Job Performance of
BJMP Personnel
Salaries and benefits

safety in performance
 Welfare
 Duration of Duty
 Riots

Level of
Figure 1

Paradigm of the Study

Statement of the problem

This study aims to determine the Job Performance and Level

of satisfaction of BJMP Personnel in Oriental Mindoro Provincial


Specifically, it seek to answer the following questions:

1. How may the profile of the respondents be described in terms


1.1. Age;

1.2. Gender;

1.3. Civil Status;

1.4. Educational Attainment;

1.5. Years in service?

2. How may the Job Performance and Level of satisfaction of BJMP

Personnel in Oriental Mindoro Provincial Jail be described in

terms of:

2.1 salaries and benefits

2.2 safety in performance

3. What are the effects of their Job Performance and Level of

satisfaction of BJMP Personnel in Oriental Mindoro Provincial


4. is there a significant relationship between the profile of the

respondents to the Job Performance and Level of satisfaction of

BJMP Personnel in Oriental Mindoro Provincial Jail?

5. is there a significant relationship between the Job

Performance and Level of satisfaction of BJMP Personnel in

Oriental Mindoro Provincial Jail to the effects?

6. What is the implication of the study to the jail management?.


1. There is no significant relationship between the profile of

the respondents to the Job Performance and Level of

satisfaction of BJMP Personnel in Oriental Mindoro

Provincial Jail.

2. There is no significant relationship between the Job

Performance and Level of satisfaction of BJMP Personnel in

Oriental Mindoro Provincial Jail to the effects.

Significance of the Study

This study is important to the following group of the

people or agency.

Community –Through the study the community will realize their

important role in overseeing persons from jails, to restore their

normal social functioning and become more productive individuals.

BJMP – The output of the study will be significant to the BJMP

for it will be the baseline of the measures to be adopted by the

BJMP in order to improve their social living.

Criminology Students – This study will help them to be more

knowledgeable regarding the programs that are implemented in

jails for they will become a future law enforcer they can use it

as a basis.

Other Researcher – This kind of study serves as reference to

other researchers, who will tackle with similar study if not

really the same, but at least related to the problem and studies.

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