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REVIEWER IN READINGS IN Post - colonialism

PHILIPPINE HISTORY  Edward Said (1935 – 2003) - Father of Post

Prepared by - Colonialism
Aubrey Jane R. Balindan  Larena (2018) is a school of thought that
Eriel Rose M. Redubla when formerly colonized nations grappled
with the idea of creating their identities
and understanding their societies against
MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION TO HISTORY the shadows of their colonial past.
I. History  Postcolonial history looks at two things in
 Llewelyn and Thompson (2020) is the study writing history:
of the past, specifically the people,  First is to tell the history of their
societies, events and problems of the past nation that will highlight their identity
as well as our attempts to understand free from that of colonial discourse
them. and knowledge.
 “HISTORIA” Greek word which means  Second is to criticize the methods,
“knowledge acquired through inquiry or effects, and idea of colonialism.
investigation”  One of the problems confronted by
 Herodotus (485 B.C. – 425 B.C.) - Father of history is the accusation that the history is
History always written by victors. For instance,
the history of the Second World War in the
“No document, no history” – traditional Philippines always depicts the United
historian mantra. Unless a written document States as the hero and the Imperial
can prove certain historical event, then it Japanese Army as the oppressors.
cannot be considered as historical event.
III. History and Historian
Roles of History  Jusserand (n.d.) states that history is
 states use history to unite a nation
 written with agenda or is heavily
 lessons from the past can be used to make influenced by the historian.
sense of the present
 learning of past mistakes can help people Historian
to not repeat them  a person of his own who is influenced by
his own context, environment, ideology,
II. Questions and Issues in History education and influences, among others.
Historiography  His subjectivity will inevitably influence the
- it is the history of the history process of his historical research: the
- the writing of history based on the critical methodology that he will use, the facts
examination of sources that he shall select and deem relevant, his
also refers to the theory and history of historical interpretation, and even the form of his
writing (Vann, 2020). writings.

Positivism “Facts cannot speak for themselves”

 Bourdeau (2018) a school of thought that  It is the job of the historian to give
requires evidence before one can claim meaning to these facts and organize them
that a particular knowledge is true. into timeline, establish causes, and write
 Auguste Comte (1798 – 1857)- father of history.
 Any history that has been taught and Historical research requires rigor.
written is always intended for a certain  Despite the facts that historians cannot
group of audience. ascertain absolute objectivity, the Study of
 When the illustrados , like Jose Rizal History remains scientific because the rigor
Isabelo de los Reyes, and Pedro Paterno of research and methodology that
wrote history, they intended it for the historian employ.
Spaniards so that they would realize that
Filipinos are people of their own intellect Historical methodology.
and culture.  comprises certain technique and rules that
historian follows in order to properly
utilize sources and historical evidences in
writing history (Larena, 2018). the source, its context, the agenda behind
its creation, the knowledge which
Annales School of History informed it, and its intended purpose
 Lucien Febvre, Marc Bloch - Founders Of
Annales School Of History Code of Kalantiaw
 The school of history born in France that  One of the most scandalous cases of
challenged the canons of history. deception in Philippine history
 They advocated that the people and  The code was a set of rules contained in an
classes who were not reflected in the epic. Maragtas, which was allegedly
history of the society in the grand manner written by a certain Datu Kalantiaw.
be provided with space in the records of  The document was sold to the National
mankind. Library and was regarded as an important
 Annales thinkers married history with pre-colonial document until 1968
other disciplines like geography,  American historian William Henry Scott
anthropology, archaeology, and linguistic debunked the authenticity of the code due
to anachronism and lack of evidence to
prove that the code existed in the pre-
MODULE 2: HISTORICAL SOURCES colonial Philippine society.
I. Primary and Secondary Sources
Historical sources are historian's most Ferdinand Marcos
important research tools.  He also claimed that he was a decorated
World War II soldier who led a guerilla unit
1. Primary Source are immediate, first-hand  This was widely believed by students of
accounts of a topic, from people who had history and Marcos had war medals to
a direct connection. show. This claim, however, was disproven
Examples of Primary Source are: when historians counterchecked Marcos's
 Eyewitness accounts claims with the war records of the United
 Archival documents States.
 Artifacts
 Memorabilia Van Straaten et. al (2016) states that the task
 Letters of the historian is:
 Census  to look at the available historical sources
 government records and select the most relevant and
meaningful for history and for the subject
2. Secondary sources were created by matter that he is studying.
someone who did not experience first-  to organize the past that is being created
hand or participate in the events or so that it can offer Lessons for nations,
conditions. societies, and civilization.
 It is the historian's job to seek for the
HISTORICAL RESEARCH ENTAILS TWO KINDS OF meaning of recovering the past to let the
CRITICISM people see the continuing relevance of
EXTERNAL CRITISM provenance, memory, remembering, and
 the practice of verifying the authenticity of historical understanding for both the
evidence by examining its physical present and the future.
characteristics; consistency with the
historical characteristic of the time when it II. Philippine Historiography
was produced; and the materials used for Historiography -Shaver (2017) defines as the
the evidence study of the methods of historians in developing
history as an academic discipline, and by
INTERNAL CRITICISM extension is anybody of historical work on a
 examination of the truthfulness of the particular subject.
evidence by looking at the content of the  Philippine historiography underwent
source and examines the circumstance of several changes since the pre-colonial
its production period until the present.
 looks at the truthfulness and factuality of  Ancient Filipinos narrated their history
the evidence by looking at the author of through communal songs and epics that
they passed orally from a generation to few days.
another. When the Spaniards came, their  Pigafetta recounted that after two days,
chroniclers started recording their March 18, nine men came to them and
observations through written accounts. showed joy and eagerness in seeing them.
The perspective of historical writing and  Pigafetta characterized the people as "very
inquiry. familiar and friendly" and willingly showed
 Bipartite view- The Spanish colonizers saw them different islands and the names of
the age before colonization as a dark these islands the fleet went to Humunu
period in the history of the islands, until Island (Homonhon) and there they found
they brought light through Western what Pigafetta referred to as the Watering
thought and Christianity. Place of good signs.
 Tripartite view- Early nationalists saw the  It is in this place where Pigafetta wrote
pre-colonial society as a luminous age that that they found the first signs of gold in the
ended with darkness when the colonizers island they named the island with the
captured their freedom. nearby islands as the archipelago of St.
 Pantayong pananaw (for us-from us Lazarus.
perspective)  They left the island, then on March 25th
- Filipino historian Zeus Salazar introduced Pigafetta recounted that they saw two
the new guiding philosophy for writing and Ballanghai (barangay), a long boat full of
teaching history the pantayong pananaw. people in Mazzava/Mazaua. The leader,
-This perspective highlights the importance who Pigafetta referred to as the king of the
of facilitating an internal conversation and Ballanghai (balangay), sent his men to the
discourse among Filipinos about our own ship of Magellan.
history, using the language that is  Magellan sent the interpreter to the king
understood by everyone. and asked for money for the needs of his
ships and expressed that he came into the
MODULE 3: CONTENT AND CONTEXTUAL islands as a friend and not as an enemy.
ANALYSIS OF SELECTED PRIMARY SOURCES IN  The two then expressed their desire to
PHILIPPINE HISTORY PART 1 become brothers. After a few days,
I.Magellan’s First Voyage around the World by Magellan was introduced to the king's
Pigafetta brother who was also a king of another
Ferdinand Magellan  They went to this island and Pigafetta
 born in Portugal in1480 and died in 1521 reported that they saw mines of gold. The
 He led the first voyage around the world, gold was abundant that parts of the ship
beginning in 1519 by sailing southward and of the house of the second king were
along the coast of South America. made of gold.
 He discovered the strait that today bears  Pigafetta described this king as the most
his name became the first European to handsome of all the men that he saw in
cross the Pacific Ocean from the west to this place. This king is named Raia
the far-east. Calambu, king of Zuluan and Calagan,
Butuan and Caragua and the first king was
Antonio Pigafetta Raia Siagu.
 an Italian scholar and explorer born
between 1491 and died in 1531. FIRST MASS IN THE PHILIPPINES
 He joined the expedition to the Spice  On March 31st, which happened to be
Islands led by explorer Ferdinand Easter Sunday, Magellan ordered the
Magellan. chaplain to say a mass by the shore.
 When the mass had ended, Magellan
LADRONES ISLAND ( Island of the Thieves) ordered that the cross be brought with
 presently known as the Marianas Islands nails and crown in place.
 Ten days after they reached Ladrone  Raha Calambu concurred and allowed for
Island, Pigafetta reported that they the cross to be planted.
reached what Pigafetta called the isle of  This mass will go down in history as the
Zamal, now Samar but Magellan decided "First Mass in the Philippines", and the
to land in another uninhabited island for cross will be the famed Magellan's cross
greater security where they can rest for a still preserved at present day, after seven
days, Magellan and his men decided to the new captain. Pigafetta also told how
move and look for islands where they can Magellan's slave and interpreter named
acquire more supplies and provisions. Henry betrayed them and told the king of
Cebu that they intend to leave as quickly as
 By April 7th of the same year, Magellan  The king invited these men to a gathering
and his men reached the port of Cebu. where he said he would present the jewels
 The king of Cebu, through Magellan's that he would send for the King of Spain.
interpreter demanded that they pay  Pigafetta was not able to join the twenty-
tribute as it was customary, but Magellan four men who attended because he was
refused. nursing his battle wounds. It was only a
 Magellan's interpreter explained to the short time when they heard cries and
king of Cebu that Magellan's king was the lamentations.
emperor of a great empire and that it  The natives had slain all of the men except
would do them better to make friends with the interpreter and Juan Serrano who was
them than to forge enmity. already wounded. Serrano was presented
 By the next day, Magellan's men and the and shouted at the men on the ship asking
king of Cebu, together with other principal them to pay ransom so he would be
men of Cebu, met in an open space. There spared. However, they refused and would
the king offered a bit of his blood and not allow anyone to go to the shore. The
demanded that Magellan do the same. fleet departed and abandoned Serrano
 On the 14th of April, the people gathered  They left Cebu and continued their journey
with the king and other principal men of around the world and of the five ships that
the islands. Magellan spoke to the king and compose Magellan's Expedition, only ship
encouraged him to be a good Christian by Victoria was able to return to Spain on
burning all of the idols and worship the September 6, 1522.
cross instead.
 The king of Cebu was then baptized as a II. The KKK and the Kartilya ng Katipunan,
Christian. The king of Cebu swore that he Analysis of the "Kartilya ng Katipunan"
would always be faithful to Magellan.
 On the 26th of April, Zula, a principal man  Cristobal (1997) attributes the writing of
from the island of Matan (Mactan) went to the Kartilya ng Katipunan to Emilio Jacinto,
see Magellan and asked him for a boat full which Bonifacio considered better than his
of men so that he would be able to fight own "Decalogue" for newcomers.
the chief named Silapulapu (Lapulapu).  Bonifacio's Decalogue lists 10
 Such chief, according to Zula, refused to responsibilities while Jacinto's Kartilya
obey the king and was also preventing him presents 12 "guiding principles" and 14
from doing so, Magellan offered three "teachings."
boats instead and expressed his desire to  The earliest mention of the Kartilya is in
go to Mactan himself to fight the said chief the transcripts of a Supreme Assembly
Magellan's forces arrived in Mactan in conference in December 1895, where it
daylight. was priced at 4 kualta. It is not clear who
 They numbered 49 in total and the was to pay for it or whether it was sold to
islanders of Mactan were estimated to potential members and recruits.
number 1,500. The battle began.  The Kartilya was in use during the first
 Pigafetta recounted: The captain was stage of the revolt and may have still been
specifically targeted because the natives in circulation during the second stage of
knew that he was the captain general. He the uprising, as a version with a different
was pierced with a poisoned arrow in his title was found in the Philippine Insurgent
right leg and was hit with a lance in the Records (PIR) printed with the seal used by
face. One Native with a great sword Artemio Ricarte in 1899.
delivered a blow in the captain left leg,  Pigafetta was commissioned by the King of
brought him face down and the natives Spain to document a voyage to expand the
ceaselessly attacked the captain with Spanish empire.
lances, swords, and even with their bare  His travelogue is one of the earliest and
hands. The captain died in that battle. most important written accounts and
 Magellan's men elected Duarte Barbosa as primary sources for the pre-colonial
Philippines. clergy, and unjust deportation without
 Pigafetta's writings are believed to account proper hearing.
for the "purest" pre-colonial society.  It provides a historical overview of Spanish
 His account includes details about occupation since Magellan's arrival and
Magellan's circumnavigation of the world, narrates the spread of the movement
his arrival in the Philippines, encounter through different towns and provinces.
with local leaders, the first mass in the  The document summarizes the reason
country, and his death in the Battle of behind the revolution, the war for
Mactan. independence, and the future of the new
 Pigafetta's document also provided republic under Emilio Aguinaldo.
detailed information about what was left  Reading the document in hindsight gives
of Magellan's fleet that returned to Spain. insight into the kind of government
 The writing of the Kartilya is attributed to created under Aguinaldo and the
Emilio Jacinto. forthcoming hand of the United States in
 Bonifacio initially planned to publish his the newly created republic.
"Decalogue," but he read Jacinto's Kartilya  The proclamation is a short 2,000 word
and concluded it was better. document and is a significant turning point
 The two documents, however, are not in the history of the Philippines as it
really similar. signaled the end of 333 years of Spanish
 The Supremo lists ten responsibilities; colonization.
Jacinto presents twelve "guiding  The document mentions that the revolt
principles" and fourteen "teachings." against Spain reached Visayas, ensuring
the independence of the country.
 Rizal's execution is called unjust, done to
MODULE 4: Content and Contextual Analysis of please the body of friars who sought
Selected Primary Sources in Philippine History revenge and to exterminate their
(Part 2) opposition.
 The document narrates the Cavite Mutiny
I. Proclamation of the Philippine Independence of January 1872, which caused the
(1898) execution of the martyred native priests,
 The Proclamation of the Philippine Mariano Gomez, Jacinto Zamora, and Jose
Independence was proclaimed on June 12, Burgos, shed through the intrigues of
1898, in the province of Cavite, marking religious orders that incited the three
the end of 333 years of Spanish secular priests in the mutiny.
colonization in the Philippines.  The proclamation provides an explanation
 The document is significant in the history about the Philippine flag that was first
of the country and reveals details about raised on the same day of the declaration
the rationale and circumstances of that of independence.
historical day in Cavite.  The flag was made in Hong Kong by
 Despite its historical importance, few Marcela Agoncillo, Lorenza Agoncillo, and
students have had the chance to read the Delfina Herboza.
actual document of the declaration.  The national anthem, now known as
 Reading the document in hindsight gives Lupang Hinirang, was accompanied by the
insight into the kind of government Marcha Filipina Magdalo and was played
created under Emilio Aguinaldo and the by the San Francisco de Malabon marching
forthcoming hand of the United States of band.
America in the next few years of the newly  The design of the Philippine flag represents
created republic. the three arms of the Katipunan Society,
 The declaration was a short 2,000-word which urged on the masses of people to
document that summarized the reason insurrection, and the three principal
behind the revolution against Spain, the islands of the archipelago, Luzon,
war for independence, and the future of Mindanao, and Panay.
the new republic under Emilio Aguinaldo.  The sun on the flag represents the
 The proclamation justifies the revolution progress and civilization made by the
against Spain, citing abuse by Civil Guards, Filipinos, and the eight rays symbolize the
unlawful shooting of prisoners, unequal eight provinces of Manila, Cavite, Bulacan,
protection of the law, avarice and greed of Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Bataan, Batangas,
and Laguna. billion and a communist insurgency that
grew under the Marcos regime.
II. A Glance at Selected Philippine, Political  Aquino spoke before a joint session of the
Caricature in Alfred McCoy Philippine Cartoons US Congress and made a historic address,
Political Caricature of the American Era (1900- penned by Teddy Locsin, Jr., that
1941) requested for monetary assistance
towards rebuilding the country's economy.
 Political cartoons are drawings that convey  In her speech, Aquino also safeguarded her
editorial commentary on politics, stance on the communist uprising, which
politicians, and current events. was a delicate issue in the United States at
 They are opinion-oriented and can be the time.
found on editorial pages of newspapers  The speech paved the way for the US
and other journalistic outlets. Congress to vote in favor of an emergency
 Readers need to have basic background $200-million aid appropriation for the
knowledge to understand them. Philippines.
 Philippine political cartoons gained full  Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed the
expression during the American era. independence of the Philippines on June
 They record national attitudes toward the 12, 1898, in the presence of a large crowd
coming of the Americans and changing at Cavite el Viejo (Kawit).
times.  The Proclamation document emphasized
 The book compiled 377 cartoons and the fallen Martyrs of the struggle, the cruel
historian Alfred McCoy provided a administration of the Spanish government,
comprehensive background to the and the waving of the Philippine flag as a
turbulent period. symbol of Philippine Independence.
 Artist-writer Alfredo Roces contributes an  The national anthem, now known as
essay on Philippine graphic satire of the Lupang Hinirang, composed by Julián
period. Felipe and played by the San Francisco de
 McCoy (1985) describes prewar political Malabon marching band, was highlighted
cartoons as an evocative record of a half- during the declaration of independence.
forgotten history.  McCoy viewed prewar political cartoons as
 The cartoons provide immediacy and an evocative record of a half-forgotten
vividness to the scandals, struggles, and history that vividly captured the scandals,
social changes during the American struggles, and social changes of the
colonial period in the Philippines. American colonial period.
 The four decades of American colonial rule  Former President Cory Aquino delivered a
were formative in Philippine history, historic speech to the US Congress in 1986,
moving the country from an authoritarian requesting monetary assistance towards
Spanish regime to autonomy and rebuilding the Philippine economy and
independence. safeguarding her stand on the communist
 The US colonialism during that period had uprising, which ultimately led to the
both brutal and beneficent aspects. approval of an emergency $200-million aid
 The Philippines underwent appropriation.
Americanization and modernization, which
has left a lasting legacy and shaped many
institutions and cultural characteristics
that are still central to life in the modern

III. Corazon Aquino's Speech Before the U.S.


 Escobar (2018) reports on former

President Corazon Aquino's visit to the
United States in September 1986, shortly
after the ousting of Ferdinand Marcos.
 At the time, the Philippines faced
challenges such as a foreign debt of $26

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