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Psych Educ, 2022 Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.

Research Article

Chronotype Differences in Critical Thinking Skills Among Senior High School Students
Moises M. Lopez III*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

The ultimate goal of K-12 program of the Department of Education is to provide every Filipino child
with the education he needs and eventually to compete in the global context; whereas, critical
thinking skills are reiterated as one of the vital solutions to diagnose the lapses in the Philippine
educational system. However, according to many researchers, there are notable factors that can affect
the development of critical thinking skills of students such as chronotype or the time preference of
individuals. Accordingly, differences in sleep patterns are accompanied by the differences in the
timing of peak cognitive performance which is also a manifestation of maximum activation of critical
thinking skills of a learner. The significance of this study therefore lies on its intention to provide an
inquiry-based data in understanding the academic performance of senior high school students through
their perceived critical thinking skills with regards to their school-rhythms or their most favorable
time-of-day for learning. If teachers and program developers are able to assess their student’s
chronotype, then there would be high possibility in achieving the genuine teaching-learning process
in the department. In the light of the findings of the study, the following conclusions are presented:
(1) The grade 11 senior high schools’ students are morning-type. (2) Students who often manifest
inquisitiveness may have a good level of interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation, explanation,
and self- regulation as dimensions of critical thinking skills. (3) The students have the same
perceptions on the level of different dimensions of their critical thinking skills regardless of their
senior high school track affiliation. Moreover, (4) the chronotype or time preference of Grade 11
senior high school students does not affect the level of their critical thinking skills.

Keywords: Chronotype, Senior High School, Critical Thinking Skills, Time Preference, School-

Introduction the 1987 Philippine Constitution that goes along with

the strengthening ethical and spiritual values,
To provide every Filipino child with the education he developing moral character and personal discipline,
needs and eventually compete in global context are the broadening scientific and technological knowledge,
ultimate objectives of K-12 program which are promoting vocational efficiency of every learner in the
obviously a great help to improve the different country.
competencies and skills of students. One of the skills
that is very significant in the educational system and These pronouncements by the leaders of the country
even at workplace is critical thinking. The said concept reflect the belief in the relevance of critical thinking.
was featured in the 1991-1999 Education for All This crucial type of discernment and mental process
really mandates each stakeholder of the department to
Philippine Plan of Action to diagnose the lapses in
Philippine educational system and to solve some major understand it well and eventually possess this skill for
problems of the Department of Education (DepEd). the betterment of results in all local and national
examinations implemented by the Department of
As mentioned by Cortez (2016), as early as 2010, Education.
during DepEd discussion on the goals of K+12, it was However, despite the demands of the globalized world,
already explicitly stated that every graduate of the Filipino children and youth should not only be sent to
Enhanced K+12 Basic Education Program is an schools just for them to acquire the necessary skills
empowered and equipped individual who has learned that would make them competent laborers for capitalist
through a program that is rooted on sound educational markets, but more importantly, they should be trained
principles and geared towards excellence. Today it is to become critical thinkers so as to be open, sensitive,
called as the Republic Act 10053 or the Enhanced and understanding of the beliefs and values of others
Basic Education Act of 2013 signed by Ex-President as well as not to be enslaved by their respective belief
Benigno Aquino III. and value systems (Marquez, 2017).
These platforms are basically paralleled to subsection
In other words, the current world needs people with
2 of Section 3 under Article XIV or The Education,
variety of capabilities and potentialities such as
Science and Technology, Arts, Culture and Sports of
understanding and using different ways of thinking,
Moises M. Lopez III
Psych Educ, 2022 Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6523214
Research Article

values appraisal, research, problem solving, emotional information, analyzing its credibility, reflecting on
evaluation, creativity and critical thinking in order to whether that information is consistent with their prior
meet the demand of the fast-changing society. knowledge, and drawing conclusions based on their
critical thinking (Linn, 2000), it should already be
Critical thinking has been accepted as a way to clear to every member of the society the significance
overcome the difficulties as well as to facilitate the of critical thinking to different aspects and domains of
access to information life (Demirhan, Besoluk & life to realize every vision we create.
Onder, 2011). Students who possess critical thinking
can surely ponder and evaluate things clearly and However, several studies showed that level of critical
rationally about what to do in particular situation, what thinking of adolescents is now declining. As cited by
to believe and how to solve certain problems. Miri, David & Uri (2007), Halpern (1998) and Kuhn
(1999) consistently showing results that indicated the
Recently, the Partnership for 21st Century Skills has need for improving critical thinking skills among
identified critical thinking as one of several learning students since many of them fail to utilize sophisticated
and innovation skills necessary to prepare students for reasoning even at the tertiary level.
post-secondary education and the workforce. Likewise,
the newly created Common Core State Standards Unfortunately, the same result also emerged in the
reflect critical thinking as a cross- disciplinary skill study done by Del Bueno (2005) wherein there were
vital for college and employment (Lai, 2011). aggregate results for competency assessment of new
registered nurses in California using the Performance
In connection with this, the ability to think critically is Based Development System which indicated that most
an essential life skill in American society today; as the new graduates do not meet expectations for entry-level
world changes at an ever-faster pace and economies clinical judgment ability. Also, this glooming reality
become global, young adults are entering an also strengthened by the study of Yenice (2011) when
expanding, diverse job market. To help young the 330 students in Turkey who had divergent learning
Americans compete for jobs that did not even exist a style had lower scores in critical thinking in contrast
few years ago, it is necessary now more than ever with students who have accommodator style. The
before to ensure that young adults possess the thinking given results imply that there is a decreasing level of
power to flexibly and creatively adapt to new job critical thinking skills across the world.
markets (Hove, 2011).
Though people believe that United States of America
Due to the importance of critical thinking in students’ (U.S.A) is the foundation and a model of good and
academic performance, a large volume of educational quality education, they are also experiencing
and psychological research has been devoted to these deterioration in the level of critical thinking skills
issues in different countries. among their learners. According to Mendelman (2007)
as cited by Hove (2011), the majority of U.S. schools
As cited by Liu, Frankel, and Roohr (2014), in a fail to teach critical thinking and as a result, the
survey conducted by the Association of American majority of their populace does not practice it. It is also
Colleges and Universities(AAC&U,2011),95% of the confirmed by Hayes and Devitt (2008) who stated that
chief academic officers from 433 institutions rated generally, critical thinking strategies are not
critical thinking as one of the most important extensively developed or practiced during primary and
intellectual skills of their students. The finding reveals secondary education in many schools in U.S.
that 81% of the employers surveyed by AAC&U
(2011) wanted colleges to place a strong reemphasis on Though there are extrinsic and intrinsic factors that
critical thinking. affect the waning critical thinking level of adolescents
nowadays, teachers who are the primary source of
In the point of view of curriculum developers, good education also emerged as a prime suspect. In the
implementers, and administrators, Law and Kaufhold study of Alazzi (2017), indicated that Jordanian
(2009) as cited by Salas (2016) also found out that Secondary School Social Studies Teachers have little
students who engage in regular activities that promote familiarity with the definition and teaching strategies
the development of critical thinking skills perform of critical thinking. The result of his study supports the
higher on tasks of higher order thinking. finding that students do not acquire critical thinking
skills from their public school education in Jordan.
Indeed, since critical thinking involves a variety of
skills such as the individual identifying the source of Miri, David and Uri’s (2007) study also revealed that
teacher factor has something to do with these awful

Moises M. Lopez III

Psych Educ, 2022 Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6523214
Research Article

results. Their study exposed that only a marginal part easily found on the internet, we should instead teach
of the teachers (2 out of 10 science and non-science them how to think: clearly, accurately, precisely,
alike) proclaimed to apply teaching strategies that relevantly, deeply, broadly, logically, significantly,
promote higher order thinking skills among their fairly.” (p. 88).
students. Even those who do (i.e., the experimental
teachers, M and L, in this study) found it difficult to Filipino researcher, Magno (2013) also fortified these
conceptualize CT per se, and what it is comprised of. results and confirmed that studies in psychology,
education, business, and other fields call for more and
As a result, as cited by Magno (2013), studies of better thinking skills instruction in schools and
Neuschmidt, Barth, & Hastedt (2008) and Ramirez especially in the Philippine setting. Students also do
(2006) revealed that most students do not score well on not exhibit an impressive level of skills in critical or
the tests that measure ability to recognize assumptions, creative thinking.
evaluate arguments and appraise inferences.
On another vein, higher order thinking skills enhance
Findings suggest that if teachers purposely and students’ critical thinking (Miri, David & Uri, 2007).
persistently practice higher order thinking strategies Critical thinking has also been referred to as
for example, dealing in class with real-world problems, metacognition (Tempelaar, 2006) or the process of
encouraging open-ended class discussions, and “thinking about thinking” as defined and originally
fostering inquiry-oriented experiments, there is a good purposed by Flavell (1979); and so, the study of
chance for a consequent development of critical Ramos, Dolipas and Villamor (2013) who tested the
thinking capabilities (Miri, David and Uri, 2007). relationship of higher order thinking skills (HOTS) and
the academic performance in physics of students
Critical thinking is a concept that is given much affiliated in Benguet State University during the school
discussion, but unfortunately without much action. year 2010‐2011 revealed that 49.5% of female students
According to Breslin (2016), because students are
have average HOTS level on analysis while 54.4% of
usually taught only one viewpoint about everything, male students have below average level. On
they simply accept the theory they learn on their
comparison, almost 50% of both male and female
teacher’s authority with perhaps little understanding of
students have below average level while more than
the reasons provided. However, when they taught a
half of male and female students have average level on
second and third theory, along with their respective
inference. Almost half of male students and female
pro and con arguments, students would be drawn into a
students have average level of HOTS on evaluation.
more nuanced understanding of the problem, try to
Male and female students have similar level of HOTS
determine which theory was right, and discover their
on all four areas.
minds at a deeper level as they grappled with the
question and experience the excitement of intellectual
The same result were gathered by Calub (2011) when
he studied the reading comprehension and ability in
solving word problems in basic Mathematics as sub-
Unfortunately, even the educational system of some
skills of metacognition and critical thinking. 142 HRM
Western countries possesses inadequacy and scantiness
freshmen students of the Urdaneta City University in
of quality and good education---the system where
the first semester of 2010-2011 were the respondents
Philippines patterned its educational scheme and
programs. of the research. He found out that the respondents have
poor reading comprehension and they lack English
This general lack of critical thinking in the whole communication skills which in turn indicates that they
educational system is best exemplified by the have poor foundation and knowledge of the English
pedagogy of schools leaning towards rote language. Moreover, he described the majority of the
memorization that usually leads to poor metacognition respondents as poor in the level of word problem
and problem-solving ability. According to Dela Cruz solving ability in basic mathematics.
(2012) this is also exhibited by Filipino students
preferring memory work over problems that demand On this study, the researcher recommended to teachers
the use of reasoning. Moreover, Paul & Elder (2008) to teach context clues and proper discernment of words
strongly stated the following statement encouraging in a sentence to familiarize students with the key words
educators to teach critical thinking: associated with addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division to facilitate translation of word problems
“Instead of teaching students to merely memorize facts into the required mathematical phrases or equations.

Moises M. Lopez III

Psych Educ, 2022 Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6523214
Research Article

Generally, Philippines is performing low in the critical thinking skills. Too many high school
national and international assessments such as Trends institutions are letting the students to receive their
in International Mathematics and Science Study certificate of completion without really testing and
(IMSS) and National Achievement Test (NAT) in evaluating the standard they have gained to meet the
elementary and secondary science courses. Dacumos demand of tertiary education. It is too tangible that
(2015) wanted to look at the contributory factors that whether students will attend college immediately after
might have led to this low academic achievement of high school or enter the work world without college,
students in Science Education. The respondents in the they are not prepared.” (p. 17).
study were 279 Grade 9 students being the pioneer
batch of the K to 12 Curriculum from all the ten (10) On this dark era of Filipinos in magnetizing themselves
2013 newly legislated schools in the Baguio City and in authentic critical thinking skill, fact still remains that
who are currently taking the science education it is still a long shot to achieve this ideal concept of
program under the said curriculum. Unfortunately, he education per se. There are statistics, research results
found out that the respondents are not proficient in and data that prove the depressing status of low-leveled
Science education and personality has a weak critical thinking skills of adolescent Filipino learners.
correlation with their academic performance. However, through the continuous search for the
development of the educational system, the researcher
Ramota (2005) fearlessly stated that science and believes that sooner or later, the river of success flows
mathematics competencies of Filipino students during just behind few mountains.
Arroyo’s term were also one of the worst in the world.
Areola (2010) was urged from this article to determine School systems need to amend curriculum to ensure
the extent of influence of the mathematics achievement that high school graduates will have developed a solid
to the academic performance of the sophomore foundation of critical thinking skills, enabling young
students of the University of the Cordilleras High adults to be more successful in their pursuits after high
School Department. The bases of this study were the school (Hove, 2011).
results of the students’ National Achievement Test and
their final grades of school year 2008-2009. In another vein, there are already researchers and
theorists of critical thinking that developed
She saw an average mastery level in subtopics System components and/or dimensions under the said concept.
Linear Equations and Inequalities and Quadratic Examples of these are the five components of critical
Equations; low mastery level in subtopics Rational thinking skills adopted from Watson and Glaser
Algebraic Expressions, Variation, Integral Exponents, (1991). The five components of critical thinking skills
Radical Equations and Searching for Patterns in are as follows: Making inference, Recognition of
Sequence. It was found out that students have a low assumptions, Deduction, Interpretation of data, and
mastery when it comes to problem solving. Evaluation of arguments.

These data prove that the declining and crucial level of However, in 1987, the American Philosophy
critical thinking and its spheres among our learners are Association created a multidisciplinary committee of
just around the corner. Therefore, students have to be forty-six published critical thinking theorists from
challenged to question, examine and evaluate ideas philosophy, education, and psychology. This
and information, make a tested inferences and quality committee conducted a Delphi research project that led
evaluation rather than to be merely absorb data and to the development of a consensus definition and
acquire knowledge in the four-walled classroom. conceptualization of critical thinking and its core
cognitive skills and affective dispositions (Colucciello,
Though these numbers already quantifying the 1997; N. C. Facione, 1995). As to the core cognitive
importance of critical thinking in the educational skills, here is what the experts include as being at the
domain of a particular institution, it seems that the very core of critical thinking (Facione, 1998):
underlying factor is just a morsel problem in the eyes interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference,
of appointed officers in the department. This explanation and self-regulation.
assumption by the researcher is strongly paralleled to
Bernasconi (2008) who stated that: According to Watson and Glaser (1980), Facione
(1990) and Simpson and Courtney (2002), as experts
“The problem and sad reality is that few secondary and theorists of critical thinking, critical thinking
schools and secondary educators are adapting curricula includes analysis, evaluation, and inference.
to help high school students develop and exercise Furthermore, Bitner and Tobin (1998) used

Moises M. Lopez III

Psych Educ, 2022 Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6523214
Research Article

interpretation, explanation, and self-regulation as Chronotype in other words is the behavioral propensity
central to critical thinking. of an individual to sleep at a certain time within a 24
hour cycle; relative to both the individual’s own
Quoting from the consensus statement of the panel of circadian cycle and myriad of other biophysical
experts (Facione, 2015), interpretation is to process anchored to this cycle (Roenneberg, 2012). In
comprehend and express the meaning or significance fact, in the study of Adan et al. (2012), they affirmed
of a wide variety of experiences, situations, data that there are individual differences in the timing of
events, judgements rules or criteria. While analysis is sleep-wake cycles such that some people prefer to
to identify the intended and actual inferential wake up early in the morning and go to sleep early in
relationships among statements, questions, concepts, the evening while others prefer the opposite pattern.
descriptions, or other forms of representations
intended to express belief, judgements, experiences, In addition to this, as defined by Morales, Escribano,
reasons, information, or opinions. Inference is to query and Jankowski (2015), Morningness–Eveningness (M-
evidence, conjuncture of alternatives, and draw logical E), also termed chronotype is considered an individual
valid or justified conclusions while evaluation is to characteristic describing preferences for functioning at
assess credibility claims, quality of arguments that different times of day. People are typically categorized
were made using inductive and deductive reasoning. as morning types (M-types), neither types (N-types),
or evening types (E-types).
Explanation is to state results and to justify procedures;
and self-regulation refers to self- consciously There are also several studies and findings in the
monitoring one’s cognitive activities, the elements relationship between chronotype and cognitive ability
used in those activities, and the results educed, which prove that the time of a day has effects on basic
particularly by applying skills in analysis, and and more complex cognitive functions that are
evaluation to one’s own inferential judgments with a contingent upon an individuals' chronotype (Schmidt
view toward questioning, confirming, validating, or et al., 2007). This vivid result is essential and
correcting either one’s reasoning or one’s results. necessary to pay attention to the way in which
Despite the fact that the theorists have proposed different chronotype learn and adopt in a particular
greatly different definitions for critical thinking, still, learning activity.
they have views in common.
Also, current studies revealed that cognitive
These six core skills that should be taught to encourage performance (which is related to critical thinking) of
critical thinking in students are the springboard and morning type students (larks) differs from that evening
foundation of the researcher to come up with a self- type of students (owls). Moreover, Loureiro and
made questionnaire measuring the self- perceived level Marques (2015) posited that it is not surprising that
of critical thinking level of the respondents. chronotypes also differ in their cognitive performances
in a time of the day that matches or mismatches their
On the other hand, according to many researchers, chronotype.
there are notable factors that can affect the
development of critical thinking skills of students. In the study of Preckel et al. (2011), they affirmed that
These are: self-leadership (Semerci, 2010), motivation differences in sleep patterns are accompanied by
(Lai, 2011), language mastery (Samanhudi and differences in the timing of peak cognitive
Sampurna 2010), inquiry teaching (Kitot et al., 2010), performance, with some people reaching their peak in
influence of culture (Lun, 2010) and metacognition the morning and other functioning most effectively in
(Magno, 2013). the evening or at night.

Interestingly, in recent years, researchers were Daily fluctuations of attention indicated a progressive
progressively discovering the relevance of chronotype increase throughout the school day, when boys reached
in critical thinking. This variable that is associated to higher attention than girls and evening-type boys
sleeping preference is a thought-provoking when reached higher attention than evening-type girls
compared to critical thinking of a particular learner. (Escribano & Dı ´az-Morales, 2014). Daily fluctuations
Aside from new sustenance to researchers’ palate and in cognitive and non-cognitive performance (i.e.
literature, it will surely shed light to other façade of mood), the so-called ‘‘school- rhythms’’, lie in
learners to fully understand their learning and coping exploring the most favourable time- of-day for
styles. learning, taking into account individual differences
(Vollmer et al., 2013).

Moises M. Lopez III

Psych Educ, 2022 Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6523214
Research Article

It is also emphasized by Escribano and Diaz-Morales by GPA and college entrance examination.
(2016) when they found out on their research the
differences among chronotypes in academic But along the challenging researchers of chronotype,
performance wherein they tested a sample two age interventions and output should emerge to help the
groups: 12-14 and 15-16, controlling for sleep length existing problem of a certain institution. Owens,
due to previous results. In the youngest group, morning Belon, and Moss (2010) supported many research
and neither types reported both higher grades and results and suggested that a modest delay (30 minutes)
academic satisfaction than evening types. In the oldest in school start time was associated with significant
group, statistically significant differences were only improvements in measures of adolescent alertness,
found between neither and evening types, without any mood, and health. The results of this study support the
differences between extreme groups; that is to say, potential benefits of adjusting school schedules to
neither types reported higher grades and academic adolescents’ sleep needs, circadian rhythm, and
satisfaction than did evening types but there were no developmental stage.
differences between morning and evening types.
The bottom line here is that several studies on
As cited by Preckel et. al. (2011) on their meta- cognitive abilities and performance showed evidence
analytic investigation, Roberts and Kyllonen (1999), for a synchrony effect, that is, evening types should
reported that individuals high in eveningness were prefer and perform better in later lessons and morning
more likely to do well on measures of memory, types should prefer and perform better in earlier
processing speed, and cognitive ability, even when lessons (Goldstein, Hahn, Hasher, Wiprzycka, &
those cognitive tasks were performed early in the Zelazo, 2007).
morning. Furthermore, Kyllonen & Christal (1990)
Since there are numbers of senior high school students
found that working memory capacity (which is often
of President Elpidio Quirino National High School that
regarded as the best proxy for general intelligence, or
possess and exhibit ‘laziness’ as described by the
psychometric) showed the highest correlation with
teachers who cannot decipher the underlying factor
individuals' morningness and eveningness scores.
why some students behave uninterested to different
In particular, high scores on the eveningness scale activities and performance tasks in a given time
were correlated with higher scores on the working schedule, the researcher’s thrust now is to explain the
individual differences in terms of sleep-patterns and
memory task. Kanazawa and Perina (2009) and
their learning strategies and skills that might be
Wagner and Roberts (2003) present similar findings
affected with time and schedule of activities.
showing significant correlations between individuals'
chronotype and intelligence, favoring (albeit slightly)
persons with a proclivity towards eveningness. Research Questions
However, other studies suggest that relations between
chronotype and cognitive ability are more variegated. This research investigates the significant difference
For instance, Killgore and Killgore (2007) reveal between the critical thinking skills of senior high
correlations between verbal cognitive ability and school students according to their chronotype.
eveningness (but not between math ability and Specifically, it sought to find answers to the following
eveningness). The latter finding was only true for questions:
female participants. Similarly, Song and Stough (2000) 1. What is the difference in the level of the skills of the
found a significant eveningness advantage on the students when compared according to the dimensions
Spatial subtest of the Multidimensional Aptitude of critical thinking?
Battery IQ (MAB-IQ), but not on any other subtest. 2. What is the difference in the level of critical
Overall, research on relationships between chronotype thinking when compared to chronotype?
and cognitive ability remains relatively scant and
somewhat inconsistent (Killgore & Killgore, 2007;
Song & Stough, 2000). Methodology

However, as cited by Zamzow (2014), Preckel,

Research Design and Methodology
Lipnevich, Schneider, & Roberts (2011) conducted a
meta-analysis that revealed a small effect of
This study utilized descriptive-comparative design
eveningness on “cognitive ability”, as measured by
intelligence testing and vocational aptitude, and
morningness on academic achievement, as measured

Moises M. Lopez III

Psych Educ, 2022 Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6523214
Research Article

since the researcher compared the level of critical In the conducted data analysis, this test has a very high
thinking skills along the dimensions: interpretation, Chronbach’s alpha reliability with a value of .959
analysis, inference, evaluation, explanation, and self- based from the pilot testing that had been done by the
regulation according to their preferred chronotype. researcher. The scale has also undergone content
According to Cristobal & Cristobal (2013) descriptive- validation through the help of group of experts who
comparative involves the comparison of representative have theoretical and practical knowledge about the
samples from groups of subjects in relation to certain subject to make sure that the procedures that have been
designated variables that occur in normal conditions. followed are relevant and necessary. The experts
assessed the items of the questionnaire and determine
Population and Locale of the Study if the items measure the variables being studied.
Moreover, it has also a Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO)
The respondents of the study were Grade 11 students value of .960 indicating that the sample is adequate
of President Elpidio Quirino National High School and marvelous. KMO test is a measure of how suited
(PEQNHS) enrolled in the academic school year the data is for factor analysis. And so, to identify latent
2018-2019. The Grade 11 curriculum was chosen variables or constructs and to identify individual items
because it is more established than Grade 12 into a fewer number of dimensions, the researcher
curriculum because the latter group is still used factor analysis (see Appendix E: Rotated
experiencing a shortage of teachers, modules and even Component Matrix, Coding and Factor Loading per
classrooms that may affect the overall result of the item).
study. There were a total of 243 students who The respondents of the said pilot test were the 431
participated in the research. senior high school students enrolled during the
academic school year 2017-2018. This measure was
Data Gathering Tools used to conduct data analysis to assess the reliability,
or internal consistency, of a set of scale or test items of
The main tools that were used to gather the data in this
the self-structured questionnaire.
study are Reduced Morningness-Eveningness
Questionnaire (rMEQ) and Lopez-Malagotnot Critical Data Gathering Procedure
Thinking Scale.
The researcher secured permission from the school
Reduced Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire principal of President Elpidio Quirino National High
(rMEQ. This instrument constructed by Adan and School to pilot-test and administer the tools to gather
Almirall (1991) includes five-item statements. The pertinent data for the study. Upon approval, the
questions 1 to 3 in rMEQ ask subjects to indicate the questionnaires were administered to the respondents on
time of the day when they feel at their best, the time February 5-28, 2018. Permission from their adviser
they prefer to get up, and the time they prefer to go to was sought before proceeding on floating the research
bed. Question 4 is related to the degree of tiredness questionnaire to the respondents on each section from
perceived in the first half hour after waking. In the Grade 11 curriculum. The researcher also provided
question 5, subjects are asked to indicate their brief orientation to all the respondents regarding the
morningness or eveningness preferences. The rMEQ objective of the study and instructions on how to
has proven to be a quick and reliable measure with answer the questionnaires.
high correlation of .898 that significant at 1% margin
of error with adequate inter-item correlation and The researcher, together with the adviser and/or
validity (Adan & Almirall, 1991). This questionnaire subject teacher in charged on each classroom answered
has order of choices from Morningness to Eveningness all the queries from the students regarding the context
within each answer that is balanced over the whole of each item from both questionnaires. The research
questionnaire, in order to avoid any fixed response procedure was then carefully observed by the
pattern. researcher to guarantee all the guidelines under
research ethics, to possess objectivity, credibility and
Lopez-Malagotnot Critical Thinking Scale. This is a completeness in securing the data needed in answering
self-structured questionnaire that was used to gather the research questions.
the self-perceived level of critical thinking skills of
senior high school students. The tool consists of six Treatment of Data
dimensions of critical thinking skills based on the
study of Facione (1999). The researcher came up with This section presents and enumerates the statistical
statements based on the descriptors of critical thinking measures and tools that were used on the gathered data
skills provided by Facione (1999). to meet the objectives of the study. The data gathered

Moises M. Lopez III

Psych Educ, 2022 Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6523214
Research Article

were then tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted using Model Public Secondary School in Agoo, La Union in
the mean counting and ANOVA through SPSS. line with the Search for Model Public Secondary
School. On the other hand, model public secondary
school must have a) academic curriculum which is
Result designed based from the need of every learner. This
curriculum is also patterned after the standard set by
Dimensions and Critical Thinking Skill the Department of Education. Through the different
subject areas, teachers from different intervention
In another vein, it has also been discussed from the program that will address the needs of the students in
previous chapters that critical thinking skill, like any dealing with their everyday learning experiences; b)
other skill, is the ability to engage in an activity, competent teachers who do not get tired to elevate their
process or procedure. It was also emphasized that there professional growth. Most of the teachers in PEQNHS
are six dimensions that comprises the said variable. are enrolled in Masteral and Doctoral degree both from
junior and senior high school department. Through the
Table 1 professional commitment of the teachers, education
The comparison between the skills of the students and itself in the school gets abreast of the trends and
the dimensions of critical thinking innovations which are vital and beneficial to the
students; c) Transparent, ethical and accountable
school leaders who take full responsibility of all the
necessary projects that promote physical development
in the school. Through transparent leadership, school
head reports financial updates specifically the
Maintenance and Other Operational Expenses
(MOOE); d) Innovative faculty members who are
willing to go beyond their comfort zones. Through
their effort, teachers get involved in different projects
and programs which involve students to further
improve their behavioral and academic standing: e)
To determine whether there is a significant difference Winning students in different competitions who,
between the skills of students and their dimensions of through the years, the school has produced numerous
thinking, One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) winnings both in academic and extracurricular
for independent sample was used. It can be gleaned competitions. With the collaborative effort of the
from table 1 that the mean of each dimension of teachers and students, the performance of the school in
critical thinking and the skills of students indicate no different competitions make way to make the school
significant difference, with a p-value of .210. This noticeable even in the national arena.
result gives the decision to accept the null hypothesis
or there is no significant difference between the level The mentioned criteria help the students possess and
of the skills of the students when compared according develop high level of critical thinking skills through
to the dimensions of critical thinking. It also means the following: a) Students can already assess their
that students are good in interpretation, analysis, performance in their respective subjects based from
inference, evaluation, explanation, and self-regulation. their outputs and results of written evaluation. Since
Furthermore, students in general have the same they are aware on how their grades are computed,
perception on the level of different dimensions of their students can easily draw conclusions on their
critical thinking. The result suggests that students must performance; b) Since students are research-oriented
be exposed to critical thinking instructions for them to learners, they got involved in giving solutions to the
further develop their critical thinking skills. problems be it in school or in community; and c) The
winning of the students in different competitions help
One of the reasons of possessing high level of critical them to also assess their performance. Since not all the
thinking level of the respondents is that PEQNHS time for them is the winning one, they are also the
offers a high standard of teaching-learning process to ones conducting performance review, specifically what
learners for more than 25 years. Different awards and went wrong during failures.
recognitions were also received by the school which
signify the possession of the said level of critical On another vein, because of the Grade 11 curriculum
thinking skills among its learners. As per Municipal has almost the same set of teachers with the same core
Resolution NO. 87-2012, PEQNHS received the 2012 subjects offered on the particular semester, it is a good

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Psych Educ, 2022 Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6523214
Research Article

point to convey that they also received the same and their chronotype, one-way ANNOVA for
treatment. Treatment such as teaching styles, teaching independent sample was used. Table 2 shows a
methodologies and pedagogies and array of activities summary of the test.
that will at least activate and enhance the critical
thinking skills of the respondents. Moreover, as It is presented on the said table that students’ level of
already gleaned from the interviews with some interpretation skill has no significant difference when
teachers, students and administrators, it is already clear compared to their chronotype with a p-value of .311.
that most of them were came from the same This result gives the decision to accept the null
governmental or public school during their junior high hypothesis or there is no significant difference in the
school years and some of the students graduated from comparison between the skills of the students and their
the Special Science Curriculum which has an stiff dimensions of critical thinking. This means that
entrance examination paralleled from the parameters regardless of the students’ chronotype, these students
of the regional office. Besides, in the said curriculum, are good in expressing and comprehending meaning of
there are elective subjects from Grade 7-10 that a wide variety of resources, experiences, situations,
perhaps helped them to come up with a high level of events, and judgments.
critical thinking skills. Definitely, it is a very good
Table 2
observation to come up with implications such as the
enumerated rationales above to explain the computed The comparison between the level of critical thinking
ANOVA which signifies that there is no significant (as to interpretation) and chronotype
difference between the level of the skills of the
students when compared according to the dimensions
of critical thinking.

Therefore, to achieve genuine activation of critical

thinking skills among learners, Husband (2006) urge
instructors to rethink how students learn by knowing
how they think because he believes that once this
thinking process is understood, instructors will
understand when and why they may need to revamp However, Rosenberg (2015) and his colleagues proved
old methods of teaching in favor of methods that that chronotype-specificity relates to performance on
require students to reason, resolve conflicts, examine cognitive tasks particularly comprehension as a
alternatives, break down arguments, assess credibility, subskill of interpretative skill where participants
form opinions, and make conclusions. Students will perform more efficiently when tested in the
experience more learning when they take charge of chronotype-specific optimal time of day than when
their learning and intellectually activate their thinking tested in their non-optimal time; and for their surprise,
processes with these new methods; the ability for imaging studies focusing on the underlying neural
students to thinking critically will just naturally follow. mechanisms of potential chronotype-specificities are
sparse and chronotype-specific alterations of language-
Truly, the results suggest that students must be related semantic processing have been also neglected
exposed more to genuine critical thinking instructions so far.
for them to further develop their critical thinking skills
through vigorous training and enhancement of each Rosenberg’s (2015) team found out that chronotype-
core or dimension of the said skill; continuous specificity is associated with task-performance and
involvement of these dimensions to different teaching brain activation. First, evening type exhibited slower
pedagogies and creative development of educational reaction times than morning type. Second, morning
programs that can mold students’ critical thinking type showed attenuated bold responses in several
skills technologically advanced by teachers, program language-related brain areas, e.g. in the left postcentral
developers and administrators. gyrus, left and right precentral gyrus and in the right
superior frontal gyrus. Additionally, increased bold
Dimensions of Critical Thinking and Chronotype responses were revealed for evening type as compared
to intermediate type in task-related areas, e.g. in the
Interpretation and Chronotype. To determine whether right inferior parietal lobule and in the right postcentral
there is a significant difference between the level of gyrus. On this study that utilized modern and advanced
critical thinking skills of students as to interpretation technology, they came up with conclusions that even

Moises M. Lopez III

Psych Educ, 2022 Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6523214
Research Article

basic language processes are associated with Table 3

chronotype-specific neuronal mechanisms. The comparison between the level of critical thinking
Consequently, results might change the way they (as to analysis) and chronotype
schedule patient evaluations and/or healthy subjects in
e.g. experimental research and adding “chronotype” as
a statistical covariate (Rosenberg et. al.,2015).

On the other hand, the level of comprehension as a

subskill of interpretation and their word processing
ability could really affect their final interpretation to
certain words that a particular chronotype has either a Table 3 shows that the null hypothesis which tells that
thick or thin wall that separates the other chronotypes. there is no significant difference between the students’
On another vein, this local research only signifies that chronotype and their critical thinking skills as to
analysis is accepted as evidenced by p-value .117. This
the self-perception test about critical thinking level
implies that students are good in breaking information
will give a slippery drift from the cited literature since
down into parts, and identifying actual inferential
there is a big gap on the measurements used,
relationships among statements, questions, concepts
participants and to over-all methodology. However, and/or other forms of representations regardless of
though they gave different results, respondents from their chronotype. Aside from the fact that Grade 11
this study only shows that whether they are morning respondents have received almost the same set of
type, intermediate type or evening type, they tend to subjects since day one, they also got the same set of
easily comprehend significance of things, events or teachers who are probably using the same teaching
situations. pedagogies that could expose their students in analysis-
based projects and instructional activities that
Perhaps, since the Grade 11 students are exposed to eventually lead students to develop analytical skills.
these subjects that develop their interpretative skill, it
could be a great explanation and a springboard why This was proven by Adrian Lopez, Grade 11 HUMSS
student and an evening type. In an interview with him,
majority of the respondents assessed themselves as
he said that he is good in making analysis of a certain
high level in the said dimension regardless of their
text because of mandatory usage of some graphic
chronotype. As enumerated by the division
organizers that were taught in subjects Media and
memorandum no. 465, s. 2017 or the Senior High Information Literacy and Oral Communication. Some
School Lists of Subjects of Division of Pangasinan II, of these are chronological, sequence writing, story
some of the languages and social sciences subjects that summary, and venn diagram graphic organizers which
obviously and typically have learning competencies really help him to identify the conceptual relationships
that need to use their interpretative skill on printed and of those parts to each other and to the whole story he
broadcast materials are 21st Century Literature from read (Personal Communication, November 15, 2018).
the Philippines and the World, Media and Information On this connection, he can determine and see the
Literacy, Creative Nonfiction, Creative Writing, whole story and knows how it might be broken up into
Malikhaaing Paagsulat, Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik smaller morsels for better understanding of the article.
sa Wika at Kulturang Pilipino Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Since the practice of using graphic organizers of grade
Iba’t Ibang teksto Tungo sa Pananaliksik and 11 curriculum to examine closely related proposals
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. regarding a given problem and to determine their
points of similarity and divergence of a particular
Analysis and Chronotype. To determine whether there article, this leads them to assess themselves high in the
is a significant difference between the level of critical self-perception critical thinking skills test.
thinking skills of students as to analysis and their However, Diaz-Morales (2007) neglected the result of
chronotype, one-way ANNOVA for independent this research wherein it determined that, on average,
samples were used. Owls and Larks possess very different thinking styles.
Specifically, Larks preferred direct, tangible, concrete
sources, with observable data, and use logic and
analysis to learn. Whereas Owls preferred imaginative,
intuitive thinking styles, based on symbolism and
unknown data. This suggests that Owls may struggle
to learn information when presented in a typical
Moises M. Lopez III
Psych Educ, 2022 Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6523214
Research Article

lecture based format, or reproduce this information on rejected or regarded as less plausible by the
typical fact-based assessments (eg: multiple choice information given.
exams) due to conflicting thinking or learning
characteristics (Davidson, 2016). On this study, it only Table 4
shows that morning and evening types have already The comparison between the level of critical thinking
been shown and emerged to possess very different (as to inference) and chronotype
learning preferences, which could have a considerable
impact on their abilities to process and repeat lecture
material (Diaz-Morales 2007) which obviously and
definitely a reinforcement to reject the decision of the
research to accept the null hypothesis that tells there is
no significant difference between the level of
analytical skill as a dimension critical thinking and the
chronotype of the respondents.

Though there are contradictions, the result still implies But in the study of Díaz-Morales and Escribano (2013)
that students are good in identifying the actual they predicted school achievement of both morning
inferential relationships among statements, concepts, and evening chronotypes, sleep length and grade point
information, judgments and other representations. average of the respondents that there is a big gap or
difference between the two chronotypes along the role
Inference and Chronotype. To determine whether there of inductive reasoning (a subcategory of inference)
is a significant difference between the level of critical which recognizably rejects the result of this research.
thinking skills of students as to inference and their
chronotype, one-way ANNOVA for independent In this study, the relative contribution of
samples were used. Morningness–Eveningness (M–E) in the prediction of
school achievement, after controlling for age,
Data from table 4 shows that the p-value of .445 is sex/gender, inductive reasoning and sleep length was
greater than .05 level of significance when compared. analyzed. Participants were 887 adolescents (aged
Thus, the decision is to accept the null hypothesis 12–16). To measure school achievement, Grade Point
which states that there is no significant difference Average (GPA) was used, inductive reasoning was
between the level of level of critical thinking as to evaluated by reasoning subtest of Primary Mental
inference when compared to the students’ chronotype. Abilities (PMA-R), sleep length was calculated from
This signifies that regardless of students’ chronotype, rise time and bedtime questions, and M–E was
students have high level of inference skills. The result evaluated by Morningness–Eveningness Scale for
explains that students are good in figuring something Children (MESC). From these different ingredients of
out through reasoning based on assumptions and ideas. methodology, they came up with different findings and
Moreover, these students can easily identify and secure conclusions. In this study, they enlightened the
elements needed to draw reasonable conclusions. chronobiology world with results such as evening
Students are probably exposed to pedagogical adolescents scored higher on PMA-R and obtained
instructions from previous and current teachers that lower GPA. Inductive reasoning, age, sex/gender,
encourage the use of inference in class activities, such sleep length and M–E accounted for 19% variance
as making an anchor chart, making multiple inferences percentage on GPA. M–E was a significant predictor
on the presented short films and pictures, and the like. of school achievement even after controlling for
traditional predictors, albeit slightly.
As already mentioned above, most of the students in
senior high school curriculum particularly in the Furthermore, since lack of sleep is always mirrored
academic stands came from Special Science High with evening chronotype, München (2010) concluded
School wherein there are elective subjects from Grade that sleepiness and fatigue have been associated with
7-10 curriculum that perhaps helped them to come up distortions in perceptual skills, reasoning abilities,
with a high level of critical thinking skills. Besides, judgment and decision-making capabilities, dichotic
students of PEQNHS are exposed in research and temporal order judgment, impairments in memory and
journalistic activities and screening every year that learning, increased errors, poor vigilance and attention,
definitely push them to determine which of several and reduced reaction times. Because of this study,
possible conclusions is most strongly warranted or
supported by the evidence at hand, or which should be

Moises M. Lopez III

Psych Educ, 2022 Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6523214
Research Article

again, it rejects the decision of the researcher of this giving a particular task and the time preference of the
local study to accept the decision that there is no subject. With this, it gave a better performance at times
significant difference between the inference skills and that matched individuals’ preferences.
chronotype of students as evidenced by the computed
ANOVA value as shown in the table 4. One of the observations of the researcher that gives
him an answer why the respondents assessed
Evaluation and Chronotype. To determine whether themselves as high level in the domain of evaluation
there is a significant difference between the level of and other cores of critical thinking skills is the
critical thinking skills of students as to evaluation and exposure from formative, summative and external
their chronotype, one-way ANNOVA for independent academic programs and assessments given by different
samples were used. teachers which urge each student to perform well.
Whereas, this set of activities are paralleled with the
Table 5 official definition of evaluation according to the
The comparison between the level of critical thinking consensus made which is to assess the credibility of
(as to evaluation) and chronotype statements or other representations which are accounts
or descriptions of a person's perception, experience,
situation, judgment, belief, or opinion; and to assess
the logical strength of the actual or intend inferential
relationships among statements, descriptions,
questions or other forms of representation.

One of the said activities are the regular quiz bees,

essay writing contests, debates and brainstorming
Table 5 shows that the p-value of .514 is greater than activities of each department in the school which are
.05 level of significance when compared. Thus, the implemented all-year round. The said academic
decision is to accept the null hypothesis which states programs and activities are spearheaded by different
that there is no significant difference between the level department heads during their scheduled celebration of
of critical thinking as to evaluation when compared to their domains. For example, Nutrition Month of the
the students’ chronotype. This means that regardless of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)
students’ chronotype, students have high level of curriculum, Buwan ng Wika (Month of the National
evaluation skills. This shows that students are good in Language) of the Filipino Department, Intramurals
judging the value, credibility, or strength of something. Month of the Music, Arts, Physical Education and
Furthermore, students can assess the credibility of Health (MAPEH), English Month of the English
statements or other representations which are accounts department, Celebration of the National Statistics
or descriptions of others’ perception, experience, Month of the Mathematics Department and History
situation, judgment, belief, or opinion. The possible and Culture Month of both Values Education and
reason why students have good evaluative skill is that, Social Sciences department.
students are exposed in questioning, reflective-
teaching, and inquiry-based learning, that probably This could be one of the reasons why the respondents
motivated by an attitude of inquisitiveness and a belief got a good and proactive evaluation since these
in the value of evidence as they learnt from their activities are mandatory which started from the earliest
teachers. grade of seven. Moreover, they were exposed since
then with these different learning competencies and as
This result again tells a different story in research a result, regardless with the time preference or
about chronobiology when Goldstein et. al., (2006) chronotype of the participants of this research, they got
administered measures of fluid and crystallized a high level of self-assessment of critical thinking
intelligence to Morning- and Evening-type adolescents because again with the same treatment and exposure
who were tested either during a morning session or an with the same curriculum, historically and generally
afternoon session and at times chosen to reflect the speaking.
limits of the average school day schedule. The said
methodology gave a result in the aspect of fluid Explanation and Chronotype. To determine whether
intelligence measures where there was a synchrony there is a significant difference between the level of
effect or the parallelism with the time schedule of critical thinking skills of students as to explanation and
their chronotype, one-way ANNOVA for independent
samples were used.

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Research Article

Table 6 shows the analysis of the respondents’ answers Different diurnal activation of the left-hemisphere
and gives us the p-value of .615 which is greater than between morning and evening types was posited.
.05 level of significance. Thus it is evident in the
above-shown table that there is no significant From this research of Vincenzo (2002), it can be
difference between the students’ chronotype and their understood that at some point or particular aspect,
critical thinking skills as to explanation; therefore, null chronotype could be somehow not a factor particularly
hypothesis is accepted. This signifies that regardless of in critical thinking and intelligence of adolescents as
students’ chronotype, students have high level of posited by many researchers. And finally, amidst of
explanation skills. This implies that students are the many researches that rebut the results of this local
capable and competent to present in a cogent and research, there are also studies from the dark corners
coherent way the results of their reasoning. These of chronobiology which emerged as outliers from an
students can form a logical opinion or evidence about avalanche of homogeneous studies with almost the
something based on the information or evidence that is same results.
available. This proves that teachers in PEQNHS are
In another vein, since PEQNHS has a science high
also using explanation as a teaching methodology that
school and most of the grade 11 respondents are well
is why students have improved explanation skills.
trained to make research and exposed to research since
Table 6 their junior high school years, it could be a great
password to unlock the screen question why the
The comparison between the level of critical thinking
respondents rate themselves high in the core of
(as to explanation) and chronotype
explanation and as a dimension of critical thinking.
(1990, 1998) also gave the definition of explanation as
to present the evidential, conceptual, methodological,
criteriological and contextual considerations which one
used in forming one's interpretations, analyses,
evaluation or inferences, so that one might accurately
record, evaluate, describe or justify those processes to
one's self or to others, or so as to remedy perceived
deficiencies in the general way one executes those
In a research study done by Vincenzo (2002),
From this point of view of this expert, a research or
they exposed the level of cognitive efficiency and
thesis activity per se could sum up the enumerated
circadian typologies of adolescents and proved that definitions of the said core of critical thinking skills.
along the big differences between and among the Which is again, a great possible factor why the
chronotypes, there is also no difference at some points. respondents, regardless of their chronotype or time
The aim was to investigate differences between preference, they got high in explanation.
morning and evening types in the performance
variations during the day of four different tasks: visual Moreoever, explanation is a basic skill to be practiced
search, logic reasoning, spatial reasoning, and mastered by a senior high schooler nowadays
mathematical reasoning. Significantly different because there is a great need to do so. Most of the
circadian trends between morning and evening types curriculum subjects in the senior high school
emerged only in the visual search task. Surprisingly, in department mandate basic skills of research and
the reasoning tasks no significant differences were capability in the quest for knowledge and eventually,
observed in the whole day, as if tasks requiring a high this pool of facts will be arranged evidentially,
operational load involved a cognitive and motivational conceptually, methodologically, criteriologically and
engagement which can compensate, in normal contextually and presented to class and/or teachers in a
day–night conditions, the efficiency decrease due to manner paralleled to a certain rubric. And because of
alertness changes. This disconfirmed the many these learning and academic thrusts, students possess a
researchers particularly those who promote arousal high value for themselves in terms of explanation and
theory among chronotypes. The results obtained on rate themselves high on this core of critical thinking.
self-evaluation efficiency suggest an efficacy
intervention of metacognitive processes of To determine whether there is a significant difference
performance monitoring for complex tasks only. between the level of critical thinking skills of students
as to self-regulation and their chronotype, one-way
ANNOVA for independent samples were used.

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Research Article

Table 7 self-regulation, but shorter sleep duration was not.

The comparison between the level of critical thinking Aspects of sleep other that school-night sleep duration
(as to self-regulation) and chronotype appear to be more strongly associated with self-

However, respondents of this research and their

academic environment may be exposed with different
activities that promote self-examination such as to
examine one's views on a controversial issue with
sensitivity to the possible influences of one's personal
bias or self-interest; to review one's methodology or
calculations with a view to detecting mistaken
Table 7 shows the analysis of the respondents’ answers applications or inadvertent errors; to reread sources to
and gives us the p-value of .514 which is greater than assure that one has not overlooked important
.05 level of significance. Thus it is evident in the information; to identify and review the acceptability of
above-shown table that there is no significant the facts, opinions or assumptions one relied on in
difference between the students’ chronotype and their coming to a given point of view; to identify and review
critical thinking skills as to self-regulation; therefore, one's reasons and reasoning processes in coming to a
null hypothesis is accepted. This signifies that given conclusion.
regardless of students’ chronotype, students have high
Moreover, Owens JA et. al. (2016) posited on their
level of self-regulation skills. This also suggests that
study that poor self-regulation or an inability to alter
students are proficient in monitoring their own
thinking, emotions, and behaviors to meet varying
cognitive activities, the elements used in those
social demands is thought to be a key link between
activities, and the results educed, particularly by
inadequate sleep in teens and poor health and school-
applying skills in analysis, and evaluation to their own
related outcomes. Because in deed, children and
inferential judgments with a view of questioning, adolescents with better self-regulation have better
confirming, validating, or correcting either their
physical health, mental health and financial security as
reasoning or results. adults.
Self-regulation or the activity to reflect on one's own Indeed, these negative manifestations presented on this
reasoning and verify both the results produced and the collection of research only tell us that the local
correct application and execution of the cognitive respondents from Grade 11 of PEQNHS do not
skills involved is the last core or dimension of critical affected at all because the result shows that they have
thinking skill on this chapter. On this regard, still the high level of self-regulation skills regardless of their
respondents’ chronotype has nothing to do with their chronotype.
level of critical thinking as a whole and as per
dimension because, again, regardless of their Critical Thinking Skills and Chronotype
chronotype, respondents are still high in the level of
self-regulation. To determine whether there is a significant difference
between the critical thinking skills of students and their
Due to the important effect of learning strategies on chronotype, one-way ANOVA for independent
academic achievement, most researchers also samples were used. Table 15 shows a summary of the
concentrated on the relationships between students’ test.
achievement and self-regulated learning strategies
(Sadi & Uyar, 2013). Table 8
The comparison between the level of critical thinking
Owens JA et. al., (2016) got a research thrust which is according to chronotype
to determine whether shorter school-night sleep
duration, greater daytime sleepiness, and greater
eveningness chronotype were associated with lower
self-regulation. Accordingly, among adolescents,
greater daytime sleepiness and greater eveningness
chronotype were independently associated with lower

Moises M. Lopez III

Psych Educ, 2022 Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6523214
Research Article

Moreover, public school teachers from elementary to

It is evident on the presented table 8 that the p-value of secondary are mandated to prepare their Results Based
.329 is greater than .05 level of significance. The Performance Management System (RPMS) portfolio
decision to accept the null hypothesis is then wherein different objectives should be met---from
considered which states that there is no significant teaching, supervising, managing to coaching and other
difference between the overall critical thinking skills extra-curricular activities of teachers. Specifically,
of students and their chronotype. This explains that teachers’ performance will be assessed through the use
regardless of the students’ chronotype, Grade 11 of tool called COT-RPMS developed by the Philippine
students of PEQNHS have high level of critical National Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ)
thinking skills. In addition, students are good in with support from the Australian Government through
controlling their thinking processes through various the Basic Education Sector Transformation (BEST)
strategies, such as organizing, monitoring, and Program.
adapting. These students are also capable to reflect
According to Smyth (2000), in order to help the
upon the tasks or processes they undertake and to
students to develop critical thinking skills and to take
select and utilize the appropriate strategies necessary
critical action, teachers need to: have a sound
in their interactions. The researcher also seen and
knowledge base from which to support students as they
observed the teacher factor as well since this research
delve more deeply into content; remain open to
is a reciprocal relationship between learners and
challenge by students, not representing themselves as
teachers in developing students’ critical thinking skill.
the sole source of knowledge; encourage students to
In almost the same research done by Preckel et al. look at the big picture by engaging them in critical-
(2013), it shows that among the high school students, thinking processes that have relevance beyond the
eveningness is a significant negative predictor of classroom; be prepared to listen to voices that originate
Grade Point Average; Diaz-Morales (2007) enumerate in the classroom and to use students' personal
various explanations for this relationship whereas, experiences as starting points for gathering
conflicting learning preferences between morning and information; encourage students to question and
evening types impacted their ability to process and challenge existing beliefs, structures, and practices;
repeat lecture material. avoid offering 'how to do it' approaches; encourage
students to be sensitive to the feelings of others;
According to Davidson (2016), traditional instructional provide opportunities for inquiry by giving students
practice in education may favour the success of time for planning, processing, and debriefing; structure
morning type individuals and novel strategies should lessons so that students can work safely and co-
be at least initiated or utilized by teachers to expand operatively and develop creative forms of shared
creative practices in the educational system which responsibility; and encourage students to take critical
could be beneficial in order to better address both action. When students learn to use democratic
dispositions. On this regard, teacher-factor is processes inside the classroom, they can transfer these
magnetized and emphasized by Davidson (2016) in an to situations outside the classroom.
academic performance which obviously related to
critical thinking skill of a particular set of learners. From this point-of-view of Smyth (2000) which offers
a standard activities and actions to be taken by
According to Dr. Emelyn C. Hobayan, Principal II of educators in implementing and developing critical
PEQNHS in an interview last August 15, 2018, thinking to learners, it is for sure that perhaps, one of
teachers of the said school are product of strict the reasons why the respondents got high level in
screening spearheaded by the La Union Schools critical thinking excluding the factor of their
Division Office (LUSDO) wherein most of the chronotype is because it was honed and developed by
teachers have their three year-minimum teaching their teachers who undergone strict screening,
experience in other schools like private high schools seminars and workshops and abiding the strict
and colleges, exposed to different seminars and implementations of regulations from the national to
workshops related to teaching pedagogy and division offices. Moreover, based from the explored
methodology and at least enrolled to a particular researchers and observations of the author, it could
master’s program to hone their chosen specialization. give us an idea that the factors learning styles of the
She added that these domains are well explained in the students (student factor) and teaching styles of the
Division Memorandum No. 451, s. 2017 or Hiring of teachers (teacher factor) are both beneficial in
Teachers for School Year (SY) 2018-2019. developing critical thinking skills of the Grade 11
respondents which could already been developed along

Moises M. Lopez III

Psych Educ, 2022 Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6523214
Research Article

with their chronotype. Conclusion

The result from table 8 shows that critical thinking
level of the respondents is independent to their In the light of the findings of the study, the following
chronotype. This consistent result also appeared in all conclusions are presented:
previous discussions of the students’ chronotype and 1. The grade 11 senior high school students of
each dimension of critical thinking. However, Pincher President Elpidio Quirino National High School
and Walters (2007) posited that there is a significant (PEQNHS-SHS) are morning-type and they learn well
difference between the two variables and confirmed during the daytime. Morning-type has also earlier
that sleep difficulties affect the way their (students) bedtimes and rise times compared to other types.
learnings. 2. Students of PEQNHS-SHS who often manifest
i nqui si t iveness may have a good level of
The said authors studied the performance of 44 interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation,
students who had to complete the Watson-Glaser- explanation, and self-regulation as dimensions of
Critical Thinking Appraisal after either 24 hours of critical thinking skills.
sleep deprivation or approximately 8 hours of sleep. In 3. The students of PEQNHS-SHS have the same
perception of the level of different dimensions of their
this study, after completing the cognitive task,
critical thinking skills.
participants with sleep deprivation performed
4. The critical thinking level of grade 11 senior high
significantly worse than the non-deprived participants.
school students of PEQNHS is not affected by their
Other studies have found very similar results even
using different tests such as the study of Curcio,
Ferrara, De Gennaro, (2006).
It is also strengthened by the meta-analysis done by
Lorenzo Vincenzo, Natale & Randler (2015) where
they retrieved and analyzed systematically the On the basis of the conclusions emerged, the following
different researches concerning the association recommendations are suggested:
between circadian preference or chronotype and 1. The teachers and administrators of President Elpidio
academic achievement of adolescents across the world. Quirino National High School-Senior High School
The literature searches retrieved 1647 studies; 31 may administer academic activities such as lectures,
studies, with a total sample size of 27 309 quizzes, tests and other performance tasks in a
participants, fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were morning basis since majority of the respondents are
morning-type to secure quality teaching-learning
included in the meta-analysis done by the said authors.
Based from the systematic review and meta-analysis,
2. Senior high school teachers should contextualize
results suggest that evening orientation is associated
and localize the curriculum through the use of critical
with a worse academic performance, both in school
thinking as a main teaching pedagogy or technique to
pupils and university students. And for the funneled
promote higher level of the said skill among Grade 11
result, accordingly, the relationship changes over time,
senior high school students. Moreover, they may
being weaker in university students which is obviously
structure well-designed teaching strategies and
vivid and more manifested by the pupils and young
activities that teach symbol decoding, relationship
learners and it is the first time to emerge such result in building, critical thinking and applying all theories
the chronobiology literature. into reality. Furthermore, the respondents may develop
and prioritize tasks, activities and the like to enhance
Indeed, considering all these factors, education sector their level on critical thinking skill.
in our country should always consider the most 3. The Department of Education and other agencies of
important stakeholder and element which is the the government may develop programs, seminars,
learner. There should be an intimate magnetization of workshops and trainings among teachers and
different underlying factors that can affect the learning administrators that could help them possess a stronger
process; and there should be a genuine research about and effective reservoir of teaching styles to use and to
all aspects of a learner since each aspect of a human implement during academic sessions with their classes.
person can contribute to its holistic persona. Lastly, in 4. The PEQNHS’ teaching and non-teaching staff are
the blog of AlmaDzibGoodin, a neuroscience recommended to create and develop programs and/or
professional, late schedules to older students based on activities that boost the critical thinking level of the
their chronotype should be given and respected. senior high school students. Furthermore, these

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