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Deg) General Knowledge Questions Tee aE lta P AS lam Orel ClneeLl) ean tera fared aa Cored pao Download App General Knowledge MCQ Question 1 View this Question Online > Who was the court poet of Samudragupta? 1. Banabhatta 2. Harishen 3. Chand Bardai 4. Bhavabhuti Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 2: Harishen General Knowledge MCQ Question 1 Detailed Solution The correct answer is Harishen. © Key Points * Harishena was the court poet of the Gupta Emperor, Samudragupta. * Allahabad Pillar inscription is also known as Prayag Prashasti consists of 33 lines composed by Harisheng. + Prayag Prashasti is one of the important epigraphic sources to know about the political history of the Gupta dynasty + Samudragupta was a patron of many poets and scholars, one of whom was Harishena. + Samudragupta was the son and successor of Chandragupta | and was the greatest ruler of the Gupta dynasty. * He conquered the Kushans and other small kingdoms and greatly expanded the Gupta empire. + He had been termed as the Nepolean of India by V. A. Smith. + He annexed the territories after defeating the monarchs of North India but did not annex south India. + His authority over Java, Sumatra, and Malaya Island prove that he maintained a strong navy. + Hels sald to have composed numerous poems, + Some of his coins present him playing Veena. + He also performed Ashvamedha sacrifices. + According to Chines sources, Meghaverma, the ruler of Srilanka, sent a missionary to him for permission to build a Buddhist temple at Gaya. + The Allahabad pillar inscription mentions the title Dharma Prachar Bandhu i.e. he was the upholder of Brahmanical religion. ©; Additional Information + Banabhatta was the court poet of King Harsha Vardhana. * Chand Bardai wes the court poet of Prithviraj Chauhan. * Bhavabhuti was the court poet of the King of Kannauj, Yashovarman. & cS India's #1 Learning Platform Start Complete Exam Preparation ee Gies POs Download App Kaa eee) General Knowledge MCQ Question 2 View this Question Online > Which Veda depicts the information about the most ancient Vedic age culture? 1. Rig Veda 2. Yajurveda 3. Atharvaveda 4. Samaveda Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1: Rig Veda pee te Sarthe Sart Mauasite cs Maneted Gnisaicen The correct answer is Rig Veda © Key Points + The Rig-Veda is the oldest of the four collections of hymns and other sacred texts known as the Vedas. * It contains most of the information about the religious and social life of the early Vedic period. + These works are considered the "sacred knowledge" of the Aryans. + The Rig-Vede also contains ideas that served as the basis for India’s system of castes. ©; Additional Information + Associated information with different Veda. [Officiating Veda Brahmanes Upanishad priest , [Aitareya, ; Rigveda merry. {Alitereya, Kaushitaki |Hotri Tandyamaha, cn ; [Sama Veda Jaiminiya Chandogya, Jaiminiya |Udgatri “orn Taittiriya, Katha, lYajur Veda cea Svetasvatara, Adhvaryu 8 Brihadaranyaka, Isa Mundaka, Prasna, ] JAtnarvaVedalGopatha ro rGucya [Brahman ieee an eur Rael) Start Complete Exam Preparation Giees Download App aesucd reer General Knowledge MCQ Question 3 Who was the first Tirthankara of the Jains? 1. Aristhenemi 2. Parshwnath 3. Ajitnath wa a BE ea View this Question Online > 4. Rishabhdev Answer (Detailed Sojution Below) Option 4: Rishabhdev General Knowledge MCQ Question 3 Detailed Solution Rishabhdev was the first Tirthankara of the Jains. + He was born to King Nabhi Raja and Queen Marudevi at Ayodhya in the Ikshvaku clan. + Mahavira (6th century bce) was the last Tirthankara to appear. Jain Tirthankaras Description Aristhenemi 22 Tirthankara of Jain. Parshwnath 23" Tirthankara of Jain. Ajitnath 2" Tirthankara of Jain. Rishabhdev 1*"Tirthankara of Jain. Rg Pee ar err tec) Start Complete Exam Preparation Ree est ca} Pear ere aa forte - Cee era ad ext Download App General Knowledge MCQ Question 4 View this Question Online > Ken - Betwa link canal passes through which National Park? 1. Bandavgarh Natioital park 2. Kanha national park 3. Panna national park 4, Pench national park Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3: Panna national park General Knowledge MCQ Question 4 Detailed Solution © Key Points + Ken - Betwa link Canal passes through Panna National Park located in North Madhya Pradesh. It is also a tiger reserve. + The Ken-Betwa Link Project (KBLP) is the River interlinking project that aims to transfer surplus water from the Ken river in MP to Betwa in UP to irrigate the drought-prone Bundelkhand region spread across the districts of two states mainly Jhansi, Banda, Lalitpur and Mahoba districts of UP and Tikamgarh, Panna and Chhatarpur districts of MP. + The rivers Ken and Betwa originate in Madhya Pradesh and are tributaries of Yamuna. * Canes meet in Banda district of UP and along with Yamuna in Hamirpur district of UP. + Over the Betwa River are the Rajghat, Pasricha and Mattila dams. + The Cane River passes through the Panna Tiger Reserve. ee er ee mn AS Elam Orel ed Ll) SSA Lea ca) uC fared Eines DOS Gaeces Coreen Exotica? Download App General Knowledge MCQ Question 5 View this Question Online > The famous Lucknow pact of 1916 was signed between 1. Mahatma Gandhi and Aga Khan. 2. Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Muhammad Ali Jinnah 3. Mahatma Gandhi and Muhammad Ali Jinnah 4. Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Aga Khan Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 2: Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Muhammad Ali Jinnah General Knowledge MCQ Question 5 Detailed Solution The correct answer is Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Muhammad Ali Jinnah. » Important Points + The Lucknow Pact was an agreement between the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League ata joint session of both the parties held in Lucknow in December 1916. + The Lucknow Pact of 1916 is signed between Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Muhammad Ali Jinnah. + Asa result of this agreement, The Muslim League leaders agreed to join the Congress movement demanding Indian independence. + The Lucknow Pact was seen as a beacon of hope to Hindu-Muslim unity. + Some common demands presented by both patties to the British are: 1. The number of elected seats on the councils should be increased. 2. Minorities in the provinces should be protected. 3. All provinces should be granted autonomy. 4. Separating the executive from the judiciary. Pg are ee tara AS lamer ee Ll) Re DR cones ae cal PT ed ear) fob tae Picton *) een Download App General Knowledge MCQ Question 6 View this Question Online > Which of the following rulers issued copper coins named as Jittal? 1. Mohammad bin Tughlaq 2. Firoz Shah Tughlaq 3. IItutmish 4. Quli Qutub Shah Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3: IItutmish General Knowledge MCQ Question 6 Detailed Solution The correct answer is IItutmish. © Key Points + Iitutmish (1211-7236): > He succeeded to the throne after Qutub-ud-din-Aibak, > He was the third ruler of the Delhi Sultanate, belonging to the Mamluk dynasty. = He constituted corp of forty loyal slave Amirs known as Turkan-i-Chihalgani also called Chalisa. + He introduced the silver coin (tanka) and cooper coin (jttal).. > He mace Delhi the capital in place of Lahore, © Additional Information + Firoz Shah Tughlaq: = He was the third ruler of Tughlag dynasty that ruled over Delhi from 1351 to 1388 AD. > He established the Diwan-i-Khairat - office for charity > He established the Diwan-I-Bundagan - department of slave > He is known to establish four new towns, Firazabad, Fatehabad, Jaunpur and Hissar. + He appointed Khan-iJahan Magbal, a Telugu Brahmin convert as wazir (prime minister). = The wazir helped the Sultan in his administration and maintained the prestige of the Sultanate during this period. + Mohammad bin Tughlag (1325-1351): = He shifted his capital from Dethi to Deogir and renamed it as Daulatabad. > Daulatabad is situated in Maharashtra. = He builta road from Delhi to Deogir and also set up rest houses for the people. + He introduced bronze coins of the same value as Silver coins. = He established a new department of agriculture known as “Diwan-i-Kohi". > He also provided agricultural loan “Takavi’ to the farmers. + Muhammed Quli Qutub Shah (1580-1612): > He was the fifth sultan of the Qutub Shahi dynasty of Golkonda * He founded the city of Hyderabad, in South-central India and built its architectural centrepiece, the Charminar. + He founded the city of Hyderabad and named it as Bhagyanagar efter his Hindu mistress Bhagamati India's #1 Learning Platform Cer ee Cet Slam ery) Cle Lie) Por ered DO Cierny Core end General Knowledge MCQ Question 7 View this Question Online > Couple burial was found in which of the following Harappan sites? . Mohenjodaro 2. Harappa . Chanhudado 4. Lothal Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4: Lothal General Knowledge MCQ Question 7 Detailed Solution > Couple burial was found from Lothal at the Harappan sites > Lothal was one of the southernmost city of the ancient Indus valley civilisation located in the Bhal region of Gujarat > Burial or interment is the ritual act of placing a dead person or animals, sometimes with objects, into the ground. a ee er ee AS Elam Orel ed Ll) SRR Rca Pu end DO Geer Coreen D> Download App General Knowledge MCQ Question 8 View this Question Online > The Grand Canyon located in which country? Canada Bolivia Ghana The US Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4: The US General Knowledge MCQ Question 8 Detailed Solution The correct answer is The US. + The Grand Cenyon is an example of ¢ valley that is an erosional landform. = Erosion- itis the geological process in which earthen materials such as soil ar rock are removed and transported by natural forces such as wind or water. = Valleys start as small and narrow rills. = The tills will gradually develop into long and wide Gullies. * Arill means 2 small stream, * The gullies will further deepen, widen, and lengthen to give rise to valleys. > Gully - A small passage formed due to stream, * Depending upon dimensions and shape, many types of valleys like V-shaped valleys, gorge, canyon, eic. can be recognised > V-shaped valley * A canyon is characterised by steep steplike side slopes * A canyon Is wider at Its top than at its bottom. In fact, a canyon |s a variant of a gorge. + Valley types depend upon the type and structure of rocks in which they form > Example - canyons commonly form in horizontal bedded sedimentary rocks and gorges form in hard rocks. * The Grand Canyon * Gorge- A narrow valley with steep sides and a river running through it. ae India's #1 Learning Platform Re DA as Start Complete Exam Preparation Tae oe Cae eM D Download App The first pico satellite of India is- 1. INSAT 2. STUDSAT 3. GSAT-4 4. ANUSAT. Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 2: STUDSAT General Knowledge MCQ Question 9 Detailed Solution * The first pico satellite of India is STUDSAT. + STUDSAT stands as an acronym for Student Satellite. + itis the first pico-satellite caveloped in the country by a consortium of seven engineering colleges from Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. * The mission is an experimental one and was launched on 12"* July 2010. + The satellite, since it was a pico satellite, weighs less than 1 kg. + The setellite was placed in the polar sun synchronous orbit. + The satellite had the primary objective of promoting space technology in educational institutions and encouraging research and development in miniaturized satellites. + The satellite and the project also aimed to establish a communication link between the satellite and ground station. + The satellite also captured the image of earth with a resolution of 90 meters and transmitted the payload and telemetry data to the earth station. ee er ee AS Elam Orel ed Ll) SSA Lea ca) uC fared Eines DOS Gaeces Coreen Exotica? Download App General Knowledge MGQ Question 10 View this Question Online > Who among the following was the third Jain Tirthankara? 1. Rishabhanatha 2. Ajitnath 3. Sambhavnath 4. Sumatinath Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3: Sambhaynath General Knowledge MCQ Question 10 Detailed Solution The correct answer is Sambhavnath. + Sambhavnath was the third Jain Tirthankara. © Key Points * Tirthankar: = ATirthankar is referred to as ‘teaching god’ or ‘Ford Maker’ in Jainism. = In Jainism, it is believed that each cosmic age produces 24 Tirthankaras. > The Tirthankaras in the art ere shown in the Kayotsarga pose (dismissing the body). > The 24 Tirthankaras are distinguished from each other by the symbolic colours or emblems. ©; Additional Information * Rishabhanatha was the first Jain Tirthankara. + Ajitnath was the second Jain Tirthankara. * Sumatinath was the fifth Jain Tirthankara. + Abhinandananatha was the fourth Jain Tirthankara. + Parshwanath was the 23™ Jain Tirthankara. + Mahavira was the 24" Jain Tirthankara.

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