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• Theories of management
• Strategic management
• Functions of management
• Skills of managers
• Managerial activities and roles
• Tools of management
.‫ التخصص هو الطريقة األكثر فاعلية الستخدام الجهد البشري‬:‫تقسيم العمل‬
.‫ والحصول على الطاعة‬، ‫ إعطاء األوامر‬:‫• السلطة واملسؤولية‬
.‫ العقوبات والعقوبات‬:‫• االنضباط‬
.‫ شخص واحد مسؤول عن رئيس واحد فقط‬:‫• وحدة القيادة‬
.‫ تتحرك جميع الوحدات نحو نفس الهدف‬:‫• وحدة االتجاه‬

Theories of Management
.‫• إخضاع املصالح الفردية للمصلحة العامة‬

1) Classical or traditional theory

• Division of work: specialization is the most efficient way to use human

• Authority & responsibility: give orders, obtain obedience.
• Discipline: Sanctions and penalties.
• Unity of command: one person accountable for only one superior.
• Unity of direction: all units move towards the same objective.

• Subordination of individual interests to the general interest.

Theories of Management Cont’d.

1) Classical or traditional theory Cont’d.

.‫ يجب أن تكون األجور والتعويضات عادلة‬:‫مكافآت املوظفني‬
• Remuneration of employees: Payment and compensation should be fair.
• Centralization: manager is the final authority,
• Scalar chain: authority and responsibility flows in one direction, from top
to bottom
• Order: people and materials should be in appropriate places
• Equity: equal treatment to all to ensure fairness,
• Stability of personnel: minimize employee turnover,
• Initiative: workers should be encouraged to have initiative
• Esprit de corps: managers should promote team spirit
‫ يجب تشجيع العمال على املبادرة‬:‫املبادرة‬
‫ يجب على املديرين تعزيز روح الفريق‬:‫• روح العمل الجماعي‬ 3
Theories of Management Cont’d.

2) Human relations theory

• Views the organization as a:

:‫الكيان االجتماعي حيث‬
o Social entity whereby:

o Workers align themselves into social groups within the

.‫يصطف العمال أنفسهم في مجموعات اجتماعية داخل املنظمة‬
Theories of Management Cont’d.

3) Scientific theory

• Emphasizes
o Research on operations, and the
o Use of quantitative techniques such as: computerized data
collection and processing.
Ø To facilitate the work of managers

o Program evaluation and review :

Ø In order to plan & control
Theories of Management Cont’d.

4) Modern theory: Systems approach

• Emphasizes:

o Organization is a system

o Wholism

o Interdependency ‫الترابط‬

o Feedback (internal and external)

What is Strategic Management ?

Strategic management
.‫هو صياغة وتنفيذ األهداف واملبادرات الرئيسية للمنظمة‬
• Is the formulation and implementation of the major goals
and initiatives of the organization.

• Based on consideration of:

o Resources &
o Assessment of the internal & external environment in which the
organization competes.
What does Strategic Management Involve ?

Strategic management involves:

‫تكوين رؤية ورسالة إستراتيجية‬

• Forming a strategic vision & mission

• Setting goals & objectives

‫التخطيط االستراتيجي والتنفيذ‬

• Strategic planning & implementing

• Making corrective adjustments over time

Definition of Management

q Management is best defined as: reaching goals through


q So the manager:
has to choose the right person for the right job.

v Usually workers look at managers as people who get the bigger

salaries for the least amount of work,

and that’s because workers lack the knowledge about a manager’s

Functions of Management

q Establishing goals for the operation.

q Planning how to reach those goals

q Organizing: Plan the organizational chart, establish the line of authority:

§ Who has authority over whom,
§ Who is responsible for whom.

q Staffing
، ‫ تخطيط الهيكل التنظيمي‬:‫التنظيم‬
، ‫§ من له سلطة على من‬
q Leading, directing, controlling .‫§ من هو املسؤول عن من‬

q Reporting

q Budgeting

‫لتنظيم الوسائل لتحديد خط السلطة‬

To organize means to establish the line of


Types of Organization

1. Line organization

2. Staff organization

3. Functional organization

§ Usually in big institutions, all three structural organizations are

present, there is the top level management, then the functional
departments, and the staff.
.‫تقدم اإلدارات تقاريرها إلى مديري املستوى األعلى‬
§ Departments report to higher level managers.

§ Departments coordinate their activities and they cooperate. E.g.

o Dietary department with internal medicine with nursing department etc.
‫ على سبيل املثال‬.‫اإلدارات تنسق أنشطتها وتتعاون‬ 12
o ‫قسم التغذية مع الطب الداخلي مع قسم التمريض الخ‬.
Types of Organization Cont’d.
1) Line Organization

ً ‫يتدفق خط السلطة واملسؤولية من الرأس إلى األسفل من خالل اإلدارة الوسطى وصو‬
‫ال إلى العاملني‬
q Line of authority and responsibility flows from head down
through mid management down to workers.

§ Top manager directs mid managers who direct workers.

§ Orders or decisions flow from top management down to workers

(chain of command is like it is in the military).

§ In this type of organization top management bears full

responsibility too.
ً ‫ تتحمل اإلدارة العليا املسؤولية الكاملة أي‬، ‫في هذا النوع من التنظيم‬
.‫ضا‬ 13
Types of organization Cont’d.
2) Staff Organization
q Staff usually give services to line organization

§ Carry no line authority,

§ Do not give orders,
§ Do not make decisions,
§ Implement decisions,
‫تشمل مناصب املوظفني السكرتارية واملحاسبني وأخصائيي التغذية‬
‫االستشاريني )الذين ال يشكلون عادة جزًءا من هيئة اتخاذ القرار في‬
e.g. .(‫ فهم يقدمون الخدمات‬، ‫املنظمة‬
§ Staff positions include secretaries and accountants and consulting dietitians
(who are usually not part of the decision making body of the organization,
they render services).
Types of organization Cont’d.
3) Functional organization

q Divides units according to their function

‫املتخصصون الذين يؤدون وظائف متخصصة مثل املستشفيات حيث توجد أقسام مختلفة يديرها متخصصون‬
§ Specialists who perform specialist functions such as in
hospitals where there are different departments run by

v e.g. dept. of G/O, dept. of surgery, dept. of internal medicine,

dietary department etc. they have their own staff

q Heads of these departments are responsible for running

the department technically.
Functions of Managers Cont’d.

• Staffing: employing and training,

• Directing: making decisions, conveying decisions to subordinates,

ensuring appropriate action,

• Coordinating: interrelating various parts to create smooth workflow,

• Reporting: informing employees through record keeping, researching

and inspecting

• Budgeting: fiscal planning, accounting [measuring quantity of output,

costs, and workers efficiency], and controlling through SOPs
Skills of Managers
Technical Skills
§ Many organizations today depend upon computers and software to carry on their activities,
§ So it has become mandatory for managers to:
Ø Have adequate knowledge of computers and other technical skills
Ø Besides the basic management skills.

§ Also, a manager should know about the

ü Usage of tools of the trade e.g. controlling tools, organizing tools etc.,
ü Equipment, etc. needed in his work.

For example, a manager should be aware of some of the controlling tools used today, such as:
ü Budgeting,
ü Standard Operating Procedures (SPOs),
ü Scheduling,
ü etc.
as only then he will be able to keep a check on and monitor the organizational resources.
Skills of Managers Cont’d.

Human skills

§ A manager should be a people's person.

§ He should have the ability to deal and work with people of different temperaments,
backgrounds and educational qualifications.

§ He should be well-aware what motivates his team members in order to bring out the best in

§ A manager should be good at building relationships with his subordinates and be fair in his
dealings with them, so that there are no ill feelings among the team members.

§ A manager should possess good team building capabilities as well.

Skills of Managers Cont’d.
‫املهارات املفاهيمية‬

Conceptual Skills
.‫مساعدة املديرين على رؤية املنظمة من منظور أوسع‬
§ Help managers to view the organization from a wider perspective.

§ A manager with strong conceptual skills can:

ü Analyze and study a complex situation deeply and

ü Develop strategies for the smooth functioning of the organization.

ü Improve the decision-making process in an organization.

:‫يمكن للمدير الذي يتمتع بمهارات مفاهيمية قوية‬
ü ‫تحليل ودراسة حالة معقدة بعمق و‬
E.g. A good manager should also have the ability to:
ü ‫وضع استراتيجيات من أجل حسن سير عمل‬
ü Foresee change and ‫املنظمة‬.
ü Multitask when required. ü ‫تحسني عملية اتخاذ القرار في املنظمة‬.
‫على سبيل املثال يجب أن يتمتع املدير الجيد‬
‫ توقع التغيير و‬ü :‫ضا بالقدرة على‬ً ‫أي‬19
ü ‫تعدد املهام عند الحاجة‬.
Managerial Roles & Activities

Interpersonal roles ، ‫واجبات رمزية مثل تحية الزوار‬

o ‫ وما إلى ذلك‬، ‫ وقانون سالمة العمال‬، ‫ وقوانني التمييز‬، ‫ وفًقا لقواعد القانون في بلد مثل قانون العمل‬، ‫ الواجبات القانونية‬،
o ‫ واتخاذ خطوات لحماية رفاهية املجتمع إلى جانب حماية مصلحته‬، ‫واجبات الطبيعة االجتماعية‬
• Figurehead performs:
o Symbolic duties such as greeting visitors,
o Legal duties, following the rules of law in a country such as labor law,
discrimination laws, workers safety law, etc.,
o Social nature duties, taking steps to protect society’s welfare along with
protecting their own interest

• Leader: establishes the work atmosphere within the organization

• Liaison: represents the organization with the outside world, contacts

outside the organization
‫ واالتصاالت خارج املنظمة‬، ‫ يمثل املنظمة مع العالم الخارجي‬:‫االتصال‬
Managerial Roles & Activities Cont’d.

Informational roles:

• Monitoring: collects all information relevant to the organization

• Disseminator: transmits information gathered outside the

organization to members inside ‫ ينقل املعلومات التي تم جمعها خارج‬:‫الناشر‬
‫منظمة لألعضاء بالداخل‬

• Spokesperson: transmits information from inside the

organization to outsiders
Managerial Roles & Activities Cont’d.
.‫ يبدأ التغييرات للتكيف مع الظروف املتغيرة بالخارج‬:‫رائد األعمال‬
.‫ يعالج األحداث غير املتوقعة‬:‫• معالج اإلزعاج‬
Decisional roles .‫ يعطي األولوية )يخطط( الستخدام املوارد‬:‫• مخصص املوارد‬
.‫ يتعامل مع األفراد واملنظمات األخرى‬:‫• املفاوض‬

• Entrepreneur: initiates changes to adapt with changing

conditions outside.

• Disturbance handler: handles unexpected events.

• Resource allocator: prioritizes (plans) the use of resources.

• Negotiator: deals with individuals and other organizations.

Tools of Management

Tools such as:

§ Organizational chart: a graphic representation of the structure of an organization,
showing the relationships of the positions or jobs within it.

§ Job descriptions: a statement of the purpose of the job, tasks, duties and
responsibilities (TDRs) of a job or position’ grade, step, salary range for the position,
etc. …

§ Job specifications: knowledge, formal education, training, or personal experience,

skills, abilities [ physical, mental, aptitude (suitability or fitness.)] required for the job

§ Work schedule: for each shift, can be weekly, monthly, etc.

Organization Chart

Example of a Weekly Work Schedule


5:30-2:10 X X X X
5:30-2:10 Y Y Y
5:30-2:10 Z Z Z

6:00-2:40 X Y
6:00-2:40 Y Y Y Y X
6:00-2:40 Z Z X

10:20-7:00 X X X
10:20-7:00 Y Y
10:20-7:00 Z Z Z Z Z

Levels of Responsibility in Food Service Operations

.‫ أعضاء مجلس اإلدارة؛ مدير عام ؛ مدراء مساعدون‬.‫رئيس الشركة‬

q Top management includes: the president of the corporation; members of the board; general manager ;
assistant managers.
‫ )أفراد مدير املشتريات( ؛‬، (‫ مدير إعداد الطعام )الشيف التنفيذي‬، ‫ مدير اإلنتاج‬، ‫ مدير املبيعات‬:‫ال‬
.(‫اختصاصي تغذية )مسؤول عن خدمة طعام املستشفى‬
q Mid-management includes: for example the sales manager, production manager, food preparation
manager (executive chef), (purchasing manager personnel); dietitian (responsible for a hospital food
‫ أو )د( قسم‬، ‫ أو )ج( قسم املخبوزات‬، ‫ على سبيل املثال رئيس )أ( قسم تحضير السلطة أو )ب( قسم الشواء‬.‫ل رؤساء اإلنتاج‬
.‫ إلخ‬، ‫ أو )و( قسم اللحوم الباردة‬، ‫الحساء‬
q Supervisors such as heads of production; e.g. head of (a) salad preparation section or (b) grilling section,
or (c) bakery section, or (d) soup section, or (f) cold meat section, etc.

q Workers: cooks, cleaners, dish washers, vegetable and fruits preparers, etc.

v In this organizational chart: Top managers plan actions, mid-managers and supervisors oversee the actions
(they make sure that actions are carried out); and the workers carry on the actions.

v In the food service industry, managers should be people and service oriented, hard working and
innovative. For such managers the career opportunity is big because the business itself is big and growing.

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