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1. What’s the purpose of long-term finance?

2. What are the non-institutional long term financing sources?

3. Which security holders have the highest claim on a company’s profit?
4. Who are also known as reminder shareholders?
5. What is the combination of debt & equity?
6. Which bond is issued at discount?
7. What kind of funding sources are Sinking fund, accumulated depreciation fund,
general reserve fund?
8. Collateral/ Mortgage attached debenture is called __?
9. What are the long term financing sources?
10. What is the decided time for paying of debentures called?
11. rate of interest, date, repayment method are written in which financial instrument?
12. Which kind of share owners don’t have voting rights?
13. Why is the general reserve fund created?
14. What kind of bonds are Mortgages bonds & chattal bonds?
15. Collateral/ Mortgage free bonds are called___?
16. Which bond is called ‘senior security’?
17. Which bond has bankruptcy risk & which doesn’t?
18. Which bond is income tax free?
19. The name of debt holders, address is written on which bond?
20. Government issued bonds are called___?
21. Which bond has high risk and high return probability?
22. At what rate is interest given on zero coupon bonds?
23. Preferred stock is also known as__?
24. What kind of financing is done from the capital market?
25. Maturity period isn't mentioned at which bond?
26. Bangladesh Government issues bonds at what maturity periods?
27. Who are called ‘residual owners’?
28. How many years can dividends be due on savings preferred share?
29. What is selling shares to professional investors called?
30. What is selling shares to the regul public called?
31. Who takes on the responsibility of issuing companies shares?
32. What is the document called through which the proposal of issuing shares is
conveyed to the public ?
33. What is the purpose of the secondary market?
34. What is the symbol of the National economy?
35. By dividing the net profit of an organisation with the number of shares we get ___?
36. How do we determine the dividend received per share?
37. Which ratio plays an important role to evaluate share investment decisions?
38. Bonds that the issuer may redeem before it reaches the stated maturity date is called
39. The rate of interest paid on the face value of bond by its issuer for the term of the
security is called__?
40. In what circumstances should a bond be chosen for investment ?
41. Who are the actual owners of a Company?
42. The monetary charge for the privilege of borrowing money/ bond is called __?
43. Which instrument holders get a fixed return from profit?
44. What do shareholders get in return of their investment ?
45. What do bondholders get in return of their investment ?
46. Differentiating ownership from management is called ___?

1. Fixed Asset purchase, business expansion.
2. Share,bond, debenture.
3. Bond
4. General share.
5. Preferred share
6. Zero coupon bond
7. Internal
8. Bond
9. Four. 1.Share.2.Bond.3.Debrnture.4.Reserve fund.
10. Maturity period.
11. Bond
12. Preferred Share
13. Business expansion & to fight any risk,uncertainty & hazards
14. Collateral Bond
15. Debenture
16. Corporate bond
17. Has-Municipal Bond, hasn’t- treasury bond.
18. Municipal bond
19. Registered bond.
20. Treasury bond.
21. Junk bond.
22. No interest given
23. Hybrid security
24. Long term
25. Perpetual bond
26. 5,10,15,20 year
27. General shareholders.
28. Maximum 3 years.
29. Private placement
30. Public Offering
31. Underwriter
32. Prospectus
33. Capital gain & to receive dividends
34. Share market
35. EPS-Earning per share
36. DPS-Dividend Per Share (No Rafee not Damage per second)
37. P/E ratio- Price Earning Ratio
38. Callable bond.
39. Coupon interest
40. Present value> Market value
41. General Shareholders
42. Interest
43. Preferred shareholder
44. Dividend
45. Interest
46. Demutualization

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