Cheng Shiu University: 2023 Fall Semester Admission Brochure

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Cheng Shiu University 2023 Fall Semester

Admission Brochure (English translated version)

Industry-Academia Collaboration Program for Indonesian
2-year College (2+i) of Mechanical Engineering Program
under the Department of Industrial Engineering & Management
(1st draft)
The admission of the 2023 Fall Semester of the Industry-Academia
Collaboration Program for Indonesian 2-year College (2+i) of Mechanical
Engineering Program under the Department of Industrial Engineering &
Management of Cheng Shiu University (hereinafter referred to as CSU)
(approval number: Tai-Jiao-Ji (IV) No.: 1120015040A) is conducted based on
the Industry-Academia Collaboration Program Regulations of the Ministry of
Education and the Regulations regarding International Students Undertaking
Studies in Taiwan of the University.
1. Admission Unit: Department of Industrial Engineering & Management,
Cheng Shiu University
2. Program: Industry-Academia Collaboration Program for Indonesian 2-year
College (2+i) of Mechanical Engineering Program under the Department of
Industrial Engineering & Management
3. Admission quota: 1 class of 40 students (minimum of 20 students)
4. Program category: Manufacturing industry
5. Link to admission guide:
6. Medium of instruction: will be mainly taught in English and will be
supplemented by Chinese
7. Period of study: 3 years (1.5 years of on-campus professional courses +1.5
years of off-campus internship)
8. Tuition and Miscellaneous fee: Please refer to the Tuition and
Miscellaneous Fees of the University for details.
9. Scholarships and grants for students under the Program:
(1) Students can apply for free tuition and miscellaneous fees for the first
(2) After completing the enrollment procedure and after opening a bank
account in Taiwan, students can apply for a freshman living stipend of
NTD 12,000 (which every freshman can apply for only once). CSU will
divide this amount equally and will remit NTD 4,000 every month to
the applicant in three months.
(3) Accommodation scholarship, students under the Program, who do not
breach the University's rules and dormitory rules in the first three
semesters, starting from their enrollment to off-campus internship, can
apply for the accommodation scholarship, which can cover the
dormitory fees required by CSU.
(4) Students’ applications for grants and scholarships shall be in
accordance with CSU's rules.

10. Introduction of the Program:

CSU’s Industry-Academia Collaboration Program for Indonesian 2-
year College (2+i) of Mechanical Engineering Program under the
Department of Industrial Engineering & Management (hereinafter referred
to as the "Program") is designed to help Indonesian students with a D-3
diploma to gain more theories and practical experience in the mechanical
engineering field and create opportunities for them to experience the
workplace mentorship mode through off-campus internships jointly
supported by the industry and academia. The Program enables students to
accrue practical experience and master the industry movements at the same
time. Moreover, with a bachelor's degree, students will be capable of
coping with workplace challenges or pursuing further study, which will
boost the vocational education and industrial development of Taiwan and
Indonesia. The Department of Industrial Engineering & Management has
been accredited by the Institute of Engineering Education (IEET).
Additionally, the curriculum scheme of the Program is in line with the
international standards for engineering education, which requires students
to gain eight core competencies. With a study period of three years (the
third year is for the off-campus internship), the Program is a two-year
bachelor's degree program. According to the curriculum scheme, students
under the Program must earn at least 72 credits and should pass the Chinese
proficiency exam (TOCFL) of level 2 (A2) to graduate. The curriculum
content is prepared based on the industry trends and the development
requirements of the partner companies. Additionally, the specialized
practical courses are designed in line with the characteristics of the industry
of the Program. They can help students develop practical skills related to
production, manufacturing, and quality management and understand the
future of the industry as well as broaden students' intellectual horizons.
Among the partner enterprises under the Program, Hua Yong Machine
Industry, Jung Sheng Precision Ind., Po Chwen Metal Industrial, Magnate
Technology, Taiwan Fu Hsing Industrial, Crown Aluminum, Great Seal
Technology, Great Cycle Industrial, Lumens, Chien I, Cheng Feng, Ko-E,
Fluidex Technology, Her Ju Precision, and Kuang I provide students with
internships in production, manufacturing, and quality management.
Concurrently, the University offers students under the Program an
opportunity to apply for free tuition and miscellaneous fees for the first year.
Students in the Program can also apply for a three-month living stipend of
NTD 12,000 after completing the enrollment of the first semester, which
will be divided into NTD 4,000 and will be given every month.
Furthermore, students under the Program that do not breach the
University's rules and dormitory rules in the first three semesters starting
from enrollment to off-campus internship can apply for the accommodation
scholarship, which can cover the dormitory fees required by the University.
Students shall apply for the accommodation grant and other scholarships
and grants in accordance with the University's rules.
11. Admission requirements:
(1) The student should be a foreign student of Indonesian nationality, as
stipulated by the Regulations Regarding International Students
Undertaking Studies in Taiwan, and should be a graduate of the
mechanical engineering department with a diploma of D-3 college or
above (Attachment 1).
(2) Language proficiency: Students are required to have a certain level of
proficiency in English and should submit a certificate of English
proficiency (such as TOEFL, TOCFL, or IELTS) equivalent to CEFR
B1 (inclusive) or above that you have obtained in the last two years. If
your academic capability and performance meet the admission
conditions upon a comprehensive review, but you have no certificates
of English proficiency or have failed to reach the required English
language level during the application period, the Department
participating in this admission can decide whether to issue a conditional
(3) Students should submit the application form (Attachment 2) and
academic performance documents for their junior college study and
above, which will be used as an admission basis by the Review
(4) Other qualities needed: You should have good morality and should
be physically and mentally healthy.
(5) Document review (100%): transcript of records (40%), a certificate of
English proficiency (30%), a personal statement/academic plan (20%),
and others (competition certificates/the certificate of Chinese language
proficiency or other certificates/exceptional performance).
12. Proof of financial status: Same financial certificate requirement as the
Taipei Economic and Trade Office, Jakarta, Indonesia.
13. Admission: Students who have graduated from D-3 colleges (or above)
can apply for the Program via the 2+i Program platform
( on the recommendation of Indonesian 2+i
alliance schools.
14. Admission schedule: The application deadline is August 14 (Monday). The
result will be announced on August 21, and the deadline for inquiry of the
result is August 24. The admission list will be published on August 31
(Thursday), and students should arrive in Taiwan and complete the
registration by October 20.
15. Appeal:
(1) For any question about admission to the Program, you can appeal to the
Industry-Academia Collaboration Program for Indonesian 2-year
College (2+i) Admissions Committee (hereinafter referred to as this
Committee) of the University by submitting the facts and content
within one week after the list of accepted candidates is published
(before September 7). Each applicant can only appeal once, and
overdue appeals will not be accepted.
(2) The appeal letter should contain the student's name, address, and
telephone number, the facts and reasons for the appeal, and the desired
solution. Additionally, relevant documents or evidence should be
submitted together with the appeal letter.
(3) Appeal cases that go beyond the scope of appeal or breach the
admission rules of the Program will not be accepted.
(4) The accepted appeal cases will be handled by this Committee.
Appealers or related persons thereof will be requested to attend if
necessary. The results of the appeals will be discussed and studied by
this Committee which will provide feedback to the appealers.
(5) Office of International Affairs, Cheng Shiu University
Industry-Academia Collaboration Program for Indonesian 2-year
College (2+i) Admissions Committee
No. 840, Chengcing Rd., Niaosong Dist., Kaohsiung City 833301
Attachment 1
Declaration for International Students, Cheng Shiu University

請詳細閱讀下列每項條款,如同意該項則勾選□,方可完成申請程序。 In
order to complete the application procedure, please make sure you have read,
understood, and agreed to the following articles by checking the box � in front of
each article.
□ 1. 本人符合中華民國教育部之『外國學生來臺就學辦法』所稱之外國學生
身份。 I am qualified for legal student status pursuant to the Ministry of
Education's “Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking
Studies in Taiwan”.

□ 2. 本人保證未曾以僑生身份在臺就學,且未曾接受當學年度海外聯合招生
委員會分發。 I hereby certify that I have never studied in Taiwan under the
status of an Overseas Chinese Student which is in accordance with
“Application Regulations for Overseas Chinese Students to Study in Taiwan.”
And have not been accepted for admission placement by University Entrance
Committee for Overseas Chinese Students in the enrollment year.

□ 3. 本人不曾在臺以外國學生身分申請學士(含)以下學校學程並在學一年以上
籍。 I hereby certify that I did not apply and studied in any undergraduate
program of universities, colleges, 5-year junior colleges, junior colleges
affiliated with universities, or any programs of elementary schools through
senior high schools in the R.O.C. under international student status for one
year and above, and I have never been expelled or dropped out from other
colleges and universities in the Republic of China. Should I breach any of the
regulations, I will be denied admission and student status.

□ 4. 本人申請時所持之學歷身份證件,在畢業學校所在地國家均為合法有效取得,
註銷學籍,且不發給任何有關之學分證明或畢業證書。 The diploma granted
by the education institute I last attended is valid and has been awarded
legally in the country where I graduated. The certificate is comparable to that
which is awarded by the certified schools in Taiwan. If there is any cheating,
violation, or forged documents, my admission will be refused, my student
status revoked, and no transcript or diploma will be issued.

□ 5. 本人所提供之最高學歷畢業證書及成績單(報名大學部者為高中畢業證
The diploma and transcript of record I provided (secondary degree diploma
for applying for an undergraduate program, bachelor’s or master’s degree
diploma for the graduate program) are recognized by the Ministry of
Education of Taiwan and verified by Taiwan’s overseas representative office.
Upon registration, the original copy of the certificate of diploma and
transcript of record obtained from a foreign educational institution and
verified by Taiwan’s overseas representative office shall be submitted with a
notarized translation in either Chinese or English.

□ 6. 若於申請期間為在臺灣就學者,本人有義務於申請資料中告知目前之在
學學籍。 I must disclose the department and university I attended if I have
studied in Taiwan now/before.

□ 7. 本人同意報名所填資料,作為正修科技大學依據「個人資料保護法」等
相關法規為合理且必要 之資訊處理與應用相關事宜(如審查、面試、榜
示等試務業務)。In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act,
I hereby agree my personal data provided to Cheng Shiu University in this
application form is being processed reasonably and necessarily for the
purpose of admission screening, interviews, admission results
announcement, and the related examination issues.

□ 8. 本人已閱畢簡章條文,並遵守所有簡章上相關規定。 I’d read all the

regulations of the handbook, and do obey the rules.
經查證屬實者,本人願接受 貴校取消入學資格,並註銷學籍,且不發給任何有
關之學分證明或畢業證書並自行承擔後果,絕無異議。 Violation of any of the
above-mentioned criteria will result in immediate cancellation of the applicant’s
admission or the deprivation of the applicant’s recognized status as a CSU
registered student or revocation of the applicant’s CSU diploma. No certificates will
be awarded.

此致 Submitted to
正修科技大學 Cheng Shiu University

立書人簽名 Applicant’s signature: 日期 Date:

Attachment 2

Application Form
2+i Industry-Academia Collaboration Program, 2023 Fall Semester
Mechanical Engineering Program-CSU
Applicant information


English name (same name as in passport)

Chinese name
□ Male
Birthday / / Sex
□ Female
□ Married
Telephone Marital Status □ Single

Mailing Address :

Line ID:


Parent Name: Mobile of Parents:

Educational background and signature of recommended school

School Name Major

Signature of

Year Graduated:
English Language Proficiency

I certify that all the information I provided in this application is correct and
complete, and understand that any misrepresentation will result in the
termination of admission.
Signature: Date:
“Versi Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia”

Kelas Musim Gugur 2023 Universitas Sains Dan Teknologi Cheng Shiu
Mahasiswa Internasional Teknik 2 (2+i) Indonesia
Jurusan Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik dan Manajemen Industri
Pedoman Pendaftaran Kelas Khusus Kerjasama Industri-Universitas

Kelas Khusus Kerjasama Industri-Universitas Mahasiswa Internasional Teknik 2 (2+i)

Indonesia Jurusan Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik dan Manajemen Industri Musim
Gugur 2023 Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Cheng Shiu (selanjutnya disebut sebagai
universitas) (Nomor dokumen yang disetujui: No. 112001504A Tzu (4) Teknologi
Pendidikan Taiwan) melakukan pendaftaran sesuai dengan peraturan kelas khusus dari
Kementerian Pendidikan dan peraturan universitas tentang pendaftaran mahasiswa

1、 Unit penerimaan: Fakultas Teknik dan Manajemen Industri, Universitas Sains dan
Teknologi Cheng Shiu
2、 Nama kelas khusus: Kelas Khusus Kerjasama Industri-Universitas Mahasiswa
Internasional Teknik 2 (2+i) Indonesia Jurusan Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik dan
Manajemen Industri
3、 Jumlah kelas dan jumlah penerimaan: 1 kelas berisi 40 orang (Kelas dibuka
apabila mencapai 20 orang)
4、 Jenis program kelas khusus: Manufaktur
5、 Alamat tautan pedoman pendaftaran:
6、 Bahasa pengantar kelas khusus: mengajar dalam bahasa Inggris, didukung dengan
bahasa Mandarin
7、 Masa studi kelas khusus: 3 tahun (1,5 tahun studi kursus profesional di kampus +
1,5 tahun magang di luar kampus)
8、 Standar perhitungan biaya kuliah: Silakan merujuk ke standar perhitungan biaya
kuliah universitas kami.
9、 Beasiswa kelas khusus:
(1) Untuk tahun pertama kuliah, mahasiswa dapat mengajukan pembebasan
biaya kuliah penuh;
(2) Setelah mendaftar di Taiwan dan memperoleh rekening bank, mahasiswa
dapat mengajukan tunjangan hidup sebesar NT$12.000 untuk mahasiswa
baru (dibatasi sekali per orang), pembayaran bulanan sebesar NT$4.000 akan
dibagi menjadi 3 bulan dan dikirimkan ke rekening bank pribadi mahasiswa.
(3) Tunjangan akomodasi, selama 3 semester sejak mahasiswa masuk kuliah
hingga sebelum magang di luar kampus, apabila mahasiswa kelas khusus
tidak melanggar peraturan kampus dan tata tertib asrama, maka dapat
mengajukan tunjangan akomodasi untuk mengimbangi biaya akomodasi
yang ditentukan oleh universitas.
(4) Semua permohonan tunjangan dan beasiswa dilaksanakan sesuai dengan
peraturan universitas.
10、Pengenalan kelas khusus dalam bahasa Indonesia:
Kelas Khusus Kerjasama Industri-Universitas Mahasiswa Internasional
Teknik 2 (2+I) Indonesia, Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik Dan
Manajemen Industri bertujuan untuk melatih mahasiswa Indonesia lulusan D3 di
bidang teknik mesin, belajar lebih banyak tentang teori dan pengalaman praktis,
dan melalui kesempatan magang di luar kampus dari kerjasama industri-
universitas untuk merasakan metode pelatihan yang diwariskan oleh para guru di
tempat kerja, meningkatkan pengalaman praktis, mengikuti perkembangan
industri manufaktur, terlebih lagi, ketika mendapatkan gelar sarjana, mahasiswa
dapat langsung menghadapi tantangan di tempat kerja, atau melanjutkan studi ke
tingkat yang lebih tinggi yang akan bermanfaat bagi pendidikan teknik dan
kejuruan atau peningkatan industri manufaktur di Indonesia dan Taiwan.
Teknik dan Manajemen Industri telah disertifikasi oleh Institut Pendidikan
Teknik Taiwan (IEET), kurikulum kelas khusus direncanakan sesuai dengan
standar pendidikan teknik internasional untuk mencapai 8 kompetensi inti sebagai
indikator spesifiknya. Masa studi kelas khusus ini adalah 3 tahun (tahun ketiga
adalah magang di luar kampus) termasuk dalam kelas sarjana 2 tahun, sesuai
rencana kurikulum, jumlah SKS kelulusan untuk kelas khusus ini sekurang-
kurangnya 72 SKS, Tes Tingkat Kemahiran Berbahasa Mandarin (TOCFL) harus
mencapai tingkat dasar A2.
Konten kurikulum digabungkan dengan tren industri dan kebutuhan
pengembangan perusahaan mitra, kurikulum praktik professional direncanakan
sesuai dengan atribut industri kelas khusus, sehingga dapat menumbuhkan
mahasiswa dengan keterampilan praktis terkait terkait manufaktur dan
manajemen kualitas dan memungkinkan mahasiswa untuk memahami
perkembangan industri di masa depan dan memperluas pengetahuan yang relevan.
Di antara perusahaan mitra dalam rencana ini, Hua Yong, Rong Sheng, Bo Chun,
Sheng Tian, Taiwan Fuxing, Wang Guan, Ke Lei Te, Cheng Fa, Jie Yang, Qian Yi,
Qingfeng, Guoyi, Meishang Fude, Heju dan Guangyi menyediakan kesempatan
magang di bidang terkait manufaktur dan manajemen kualitas.
Universitas menyediakan mahasiswa kelas khusus yang dapat mengajukan
pembebasan biaya kuliah penuh untuk tahun pertama kuliah, setelah mendaftar
di semester pertama, mahasiswa dapat mengajukan tunjangan hidup sebesar
NT$4.000 per bulan selama 3 bulan. Selama 3 semester sejak mahasiswa masuk
kuliah hingga sebelum magang di luar kampus, apabila mahasiswa kelas khusus
tidak melanggar peraturan kampus dan tata tertib asrama, maka dapat
mengajukan tunjangan akomodasi untuk mengimbangi biaya akomodasi yang
ditentukan oleh universitas, semua permohonan tunjangan akomodasi dan
beasiswa lain dilaksanakan sesuai dengan peraturan universitas.
11、Kriteria seleksi masuk
(1) Mahasiswa asing asal Indonesia yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang ditentukan
dalam Tindakan bagi Mahasiswa Asing Kuliah di Taiwan, terutama lulusan
Diploma 3 (D-3) atau lebih tinggi atau orang dengan kualifikasi akademik
yang setara dari jurusan terkait teknik mesin (Lampiran 1).
(2) Kemampuan bahasa yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa: Memiliki kemampuan
bahasa Inggris dasar tertentu, pelamar harus melampirkan tes kemampuan
bahasa Inggris yang relevan (TOEFL, TOCFL atau IELTS), dan harus
menyerahkan sertifikat tes kecakapan bahasa Inggris dalam 2 tahun terakhir
yang setara dengan CEFR level B1 (termasuk) atau lebih tinggi. Apabila
kemampuan akademik pelamar telah mencapai standar penerimaan setelah
tinjauan komprehensif, tetapi belum memperoleh sertifikat tes kemahiran
bahasa atau gagal memenuhi standar tingkat tes bahasa Inggris selama masa
pendaftaran, fakultas penerimaan dapat memutuskan apakah akan
memberikan penerimaan bersyarat.
(3) Mahasiswa harus menyerahkan formulir pendaftaran (Lampiran 2) dan
sertifikat transkrip akademik D3 atau lebih tinggi, calon terbaik akan dipilih
oleh Panitia Penerimaan untuk masuk kuliah.
(4) Mahasiswa juga harus memiliki kemampuan lain: karakter moral yang baik,
sehat jasmani dan rohani tanpa penyakit kronis.
(5) Tinjauan tertulis 100%: pencapaian dalam jurusan 40%, sertifikat kemahiran
berbahasa Inggris 30%, autobiografi/rencana studi 20%, lainnya
(kompetisi/sertifikat bahasa Mandarin atau lainnya/ prestasi akademik
khusus) 10%.
12、Bukti laporan keuangan: Memberikan bukti laporan keuangan sesuai dengan
peraturan Kantor Ekonomi dan Perdagangan Taipei di Indonesia.
13、Metode penerimaan: Universitas aliansi 2+i di Indonesia merekomendasikan
lulusan D3 (atau lebih tinggi), mendaftar melalui platform kelas khusus 2+i
14、Jadwal pendaftaran: Masa pendaftaran berakhir pada 14 Agustus (Senin),
pengumuman hasil pada 21 Agustus, peninjauan hasil berakhir pada 24 Agustus,
pengumuman daftar penerimaan pada 31 Agustus (Kamis), mahasiswa harus
datang ke Taiwan dan menyelesaikan prosedur pendaftaran sebelum 20 Oktober.
15、Prosedur pengaduan:
(1) Apabila mahasiswa yang terdaftar memiliki keraguan selama pelaksanaan
tahapan penerimaan kelas khusus, maka harus memeriksa fakta dan konten
terkait dalam waktu 1 minggu setelah pengumuman hasil (sebelum 7
September) dan mengajukan keluhan ke Panitia Penerimaan Kelas Khusus
Kerjasama Industri-Universitas Mahasiswa Internasional Teknik 2 (2+i)
Indonesia (selanjutnya disebut sebagai Panitia), pengaduan dibatasi sekali
per orang, lewat waktu tidak akan diterima.
(2) Pengaduan yang diajukan oleh mahasiswa yang mendaftar harus dengan jelas
menyebutkan nama mahasiswa, alamat kontak, nomor telepon kontak, fakta
dan alasan pengaduan, perbaikan yang ingin diperoleh, dan melampirkan
dokumen atau bukti terkait.
(3) Pengaduan yang melampaui ruang lingkup pengaduan atau yang jelas-jelas
melanggar peraturan yang relevan mengenai pendaftaran kelas khusus ini
tidak akan diterima.
(4) Pengaduan yang diterima akan ditangani oleh Panitia ini. Bila perlu,
pemohon atau orang terkait akan diberitahu untuk menghadiri presentasi.
Hasil pengaduan akan dibahas dan dipertimbangkan oleh Panitia dan dibalas
secara tertulis kepada mahasiswa yang mendaftar.
(5) Kantor Urusan Internasional, Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Cheng Shiu
Panitia Penerimaan Kelas Khusus Kerjasama Industri-Universitas
Mahasiswa Internasional Teknik 2 (2+i) Indonesia
No. 840, Jalan Cheng Qing, Distrik Niaosung, Kota Kaohsiung 833301
Lampiran 1

Declaration for International Students, Cheng Shiu University

請詳細閱讀下列每項條款,如同意該項則勾選□,方可完成申請程序。 In order
to complete the application procedure, please make sure you have read, understood,
and agreed to the following articles by checking the box � in front of each article.
□ 1. 本人符合中華民國教育部之『外國學生來臺就學辦法』所稱之外國學生身
份 。 I am qualified for legal student status pursuant to the Ministry of
Education's “Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking
Studies in Taiwan”.

□ 2. 本人保證未曾以僑生身份在臺就學,且未曾接受當學年度海外聯合招生委
員會分發。 I hereby certify that I have never studied in Taiwan under the
status of an Overseas Chinese Student which is in accordance with “Application
Regulations for Overseas Chinese Students to Study in Taiwan.” And have not
been accepted for admission placement by University Entrance Committee for
Overseas Chinese Students in the enrollment year.

□ 3. 本人不曾在臺以外國學生身分申請學士(含)以下學校學程並在學一年以上
I hereby certify that I did not apply and studied in any undergraduate program
of universities, colleges, 5-year junior colleges, junior colleges affiliated with
universities, or any programs of elementary schools through senior high
schools in the R.O.C. under international student status for one year and above,
and I have never been expelled or dropped out from other colleges and
universities in the Republic of China. Should I breach any of the regulations, I
will be denied admission and student status.

□ 4. 本人申請時所持之學歷身份證件,在畢業學校所在地國家均為合法有效取得,且
且不發給任何有關之學分證明或畢業證書。 The diploma granted by the
education institute I last attended is valid and has been awarded legally in the
country where I graduated. The certificate is comparable to that which is
awarded by the certified schools in Taiwan. If there is any cheating, violation,
or forged documents, my admission will be refused, my student status revoked,
and no transcript or diploma will be issued.

□ 5. 本人所提供之最高學歷畢業證書及成績單(報名大學部者為高中畢業證書、
The diploma and transcript of record I provided (secondary degree diploma for
applying for an undergraduate program, bachelor’s or master’s degree diploma
for the graduate program) are recognized by the Ministry of Education of
Taiwan and verified by Taiwan’s overseas representative office. Upon
registration, the original copy of the certificate of diploma and transcript of
record obtained from a foreign educational institution and verified by Taiwan’s
overseas representative office shall be submitted with a notarized translation
in either Chinese or English.

□ 6. 若於申請期間為在臺灣就學者,本人有義務於申請資料中告知目前之在學
學籍。 I must disclose the department and university I attended if I have
studied in Taiwan now/before.

□ 7. 本人同意報名所填資料,作為正修科技大學依據「個人資料保護法」等相
關法規為合理且必要 之資訊處理與應用相關事宜(如審查、面試、榜示等
試務業務)。In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, I
hereby agree my personal data provided to Cheng Shiu University in this
application form is being processed reasonably and necessarily for the purpose
of admission screening, interviews, admission results announcement, and the
related examination issues.

□ 8. 本人已閱畢簡章條文,並遵守所有簡章上相關規定。 I’d read all the

regulations of the handbook, and do obey the rules.

查證屬實者,本人願接受 貴校取消入學資格,並註銷學籍,且不發給任何有關
之學分證明或畢業證書並自行承擔後果,絕無異議。 Violation of any of the above-
mentioned criteria will result in immediate cancellation of the applicant’s admission
or the deprivation of the applicant’s recognized status as a CSU registered student
or revocation of the applicant’s CSU diploma. No certificates will be awarded.

此致 Submitted to
正修科技大學 Cheng Shiu University

立書人簽名 Applicant’s signature: 日期 Date:

Lampiran 2: Formulir pendaftaran
Application Form
2+i Industry-Academia Collaboration Program, 2023 Fall Semester
Mechanical Engineering Program-CSU
Applicant information


English name (Passport name)

Chinese name
□ Male
Birthday / / Sex
□ Female
□ Married
Telephone Marital Status □ Single

Mailing Address :

Line ID:


Parent Name: Mobile of Parents:

Educational Background and Signature of recommended School

School Name Major

Signature of
Year Graduated:
English Language Proficiency

I certify that all the information I provided in this application is correct and
complete, and understand that any misrepresentation will result in the
termination of admission.
Signature: Date:
正修學校財團法人正修科技大學 2023 年秋季班


正修學校財團法人正修科技大學(以下簡稱本校) 2023 年秋季工業工程與
管理系機械工程印尼二技(2+i)國際學生產學合作專班 (核定文號: 臺教技
(四)字第 1120015040A 號) 招生依教育部專班規定及本校外國學生申請入
16. 招生單位:正修科技大學工業工程與管理系
17. 專班名稱:工業工程與管理系機械工程印尼二技(2+i)國際學生產學合
18. 招生班數與人數:1 班 40 人 (達 20 人開班)
19. 專班課程類別:製造業
20. 招生簡章連結網址:
21. 專班授課語言:英語授課,中文輔助
22. 專班修業年限:3 年 (1.5 年校內專業課程學習+1.5 年校外實習)
23. 學雜費收費基準:請參考本校學雜費收費標準
24. 專班獎助學金:
(1) 第 1 學年可申請學雜費全免;
(2) 學生入臺註冊後,取得銀行帳戶,可申請新生生活助學金新臺幣
12,000 元(每人限一次),每月 4,000 元分成 3 個月匯款至學生個人
(3) 住宿獎學金,自學生入學後至校外實習前共 3 個學期,專班學生
(4) 所有助學金及獎助學金之申請依本校規定辦理。
25. 專班中文簡介:
準,以達成 8 項核心能力為具體指標。本專班之修業年限三年(第三年
至少為 72 學分,華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)需達 A2 基礎級。課程內容
習機會。本校提供專班同學可申請第 1 年學雜費全免,第一學期註冊
完成後可以申請 3 個月每月新台幣 4000 元之生活助學金。自入學後
至校外實習前共 3 個學期,專班學生未違反校規及宿舍規定者可以申
26. 入學甄選標準
(1) 符合外國學生來臺就學辦法所定資格之印尼籍外國學生,主修機
(2) 學生應具備之語文能力:具備一定英文語言基礎能力,申請者得
檢具相關英文能力檢定證明 (TOEFL,TOCFL 或 IELTS),並應繳
交相當於 CEFR 達 B1(含)級以上之近兩年內英文能力檢定測驗證
(3) 學生應繳交報名表(附件二)及專科以上歷年成績證明,由甄審委員
(4) 學生尚須具備其他能力:品德優良,體格及精神健全無痼疾者。
(5) 書面審查 100%:專科在學成績 40% 、英文能力證明 30%、自傳
/讀書計畫 20%、其他(競賽/華語或其他證照/特殊表現) 10%。
27. 財力證明:依駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處規定提供財力證明。
28. 招生方式:印尼方 2+i 聯盟學校推薦 D3(或以上)畢業學生,透過 2+i
專班平臺( )申請入學。
29. 招生時程:報名期限至 8 月 14 日(一)截止,8 月 21 日公佈成績,
成績複查至 8 月 24 日截止, 8 月 31 日(四)公佈錄取名單,學生應
於 10 月 20 日之前扺臺並完成註冊。
30. 申訴辦法:
(1) 報名學生對於本專班招生各階段辦理過程中有任何疑,得於放榜
一週(9 月 7 日之前)內檢具相關事實及內容,向本校印尼二技(2+i)
(2) 報名學生申訴書應詳載報名學生姓名、通訊地址、聯絡電話、申訴
(3) 申訴案件逾越申訴範圍或明顯違反本專班招生相關規定者,不予
(4) 受理之申訴案,由本會處理。必要時,得通知申請人或關係人列席
(5) 正修科技大學國際事務處
833301 高雄市鳥松區澄清路 840 號
Declaration for International Students, Cheng Shiu University

請詳細閱讀下列每項條款,如同意該項則勾選□,方可完成申請程序。 In order
to complete the application procedure, please make sure you have read, understood,
and agreed to the following articles by checking the box � in front of each article.
□ 1. 本人符合中華民國教育部之『外國學生來臺就學辦法』所稱之外國學生身
份 。 I am qualified for legal student status pursuant to the Ministry of
Education's “Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking
Studies in Taiwan”.

□ 2. 本人保證未曾以僑生身份在臺就學,且未曾接受當學年度海外聯合招生委
員會分發。 I hereby certify that I have never studied in Taiwan under the
status of an Overseas Chinese Student which is in accordance with “Application
Regulations for Overseas Chinese Students to Study in Taiwan.” And have not
been accepted for admission placement by University Entrance Committee for
Overseas Chinese Students in the enrollment year.

□ 3. 本人不曾在臺以外國學生身分申請學士(含)以下學校學程並在學一年以上
I hereby certify that I did not apply and studied in any undergraduate program
of universities, colleges, 5-year junior colleges, junior colleges affiliated with
universities, or any programs of elementary schools through senior high
schools in the R.O.C. under international student status for one year and above,
and I have never been expelled or dropped out from other colleges and
universities in the Republic of China. Should I breach any of the regulations, I
will be denied admission and student status.

□ 4. 本人申請時所持之學歷身份證件,在畢業學校所在地國家均為合法有效取得,且
且不發給任何有關之學分證明或畢業證書。 The diploma granted by the
education institute I last attended is valid and has been awarded legally in the
country where I graduated. The certificate is comparable to that which is
awarded by the certified schools in Taiwan. If there is any cheating, violation,
or forged documents, my admission will be refused, my student status revoked,
and no transcript or diploma will be issued.

□ 5. 本人所提供之最高學歷畢業證書及成績單(報名大學部者為高中畢業證書、
The diploma and transcript of record I provided (secondary degree diploma for
applying for an undergraduate program, bachelor’s or master’s degree diploma
for the graduate program) are recognized by the Ministry of Education of
Taiwan and verified by Taiwan’s overseas representative office. Upon
registration, the original copy of the certificate of diploma and transcript of
record obtained from a foreign educational institution and verified by Taiwan’s
overseas representative office shall be submitted with a notarized translation
in either Chinese or English.

□ 6. 若於申請期間為在臺灣就學者,本人有義務於申請資料中告知目前之在學
學籍。 I must disclose the department and university I attended if I have
studied in Taiwan now/before.

□ 7. 本人同意報名所填資料,作為正修科技大學依據「個人資料保護法」等相
關法規為合理且必要 之資訊處理與應用相關事宜(如審查、面試、榜示等
試務業務)。In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, I
hereby agree my personal data provided to Cheng Shiu University in this
application form is being processed reasonably and necessarily for the purpose
of admission screening, interviews, admission results announcement, and the
related examination issues.

□ 8. 本人已閱畢簡章條文,並遵守所有簡章上相關規定。 I’d read all the

regulations of the handbook, and do obey the rules.

查證屬實者,本人願接受 貴校取消入學資格,並註銷學籍,且不發給任何有關
之學分證明或畢業證書並自行承擔後果,絕無異議。 Violation of any of the above-
mentioned criteria will result in immediate cancellation of the applicant’s admission
or the deprivation of the applicant’s recognized status as a CSU registered student
or revocation of the applicant’s CSU diploma. No certificates will be awarded.

此致 Submitted to
正修科技大學 Cheng Shiu University

立書人簽名 Applicant’s signature: 日期 Date:

附件二. 申請表
Application Form
2+i Industry-Academia Collaboration Program, 2023 Fall Semester
Mechanical Engineering Program-CSU
Applicant information


English name (Passport name)

Chinese name
□ Male
Birthday / / Sex
□ Female
□ Married
Telephone Marital Status □ Single

Mailing Address :

Line ID:


Parent Name: Mobile of Parents:

Educational Background and Signature of recommended School

School Name Major

Signature of
Year Graduated:
English Language Proficiency

I certify that all the information I provided in this application is correct and
complete, and understand that any misrepresentation will result in the
termination of admission.
Signature: Date:

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