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Directions : Each of the following sentences in this section has a blank space and four words or
group of words given after the sentence. Select whichever word or group of words you consider
most appropriate for the blank space and indicate your response on the Answer Sheet

1. _______persons were present at the meeting.

(a) Many
(b) Much
(c) Mainly
(d) Major

2. The ____ woman lives in a small hut.

(a) old
(b) oldest
(c) older
(d) oldest

3. The ______man needs same advice.

(a) youth
(b) young
(c) youngly
(d) enough

4. He fell down from a _____tree.

(a) taller
(b) tall
(c) height
(d) younger

5. There has been ____rain this year.

(a) any
(b) some
(c) tall
(d) old

6. I know a ______soldier
(a) bravery
(b) brave
(c) bravely
(d) beautiful

7. ____boys ran down the street.

(a) all
(b) some
(c) whole
(d) bravely

8. There is ____ water in the tank.

(a) any
(b) some
(c) beauty
(d) ugly

9. A _____road runs to the market.

(a) narrow
(b) narrowly
(c) tall
(d) full

10. She was a_____queen.

(a) beautiful
(b) beautifully
(c) handsome
(d) long

11. The ____plan was upset.

(a) all
(b) whole
(c) tall
(d) narrowly

12. The____ watch has been recovered.

(a) handsome
(b) high
(c) stolen
(d) steal

13. I am in need of _____money.

(a) few
(b) many
(c) any
(d) some

14. Her ______hair adds lusture to her beauty.

(a) lanky
(b) high
(c) long
(d) big

15. _____of the mangoes arc rotten.

(a) big
(b) any
(c) some
(d) long

16. No_____than fifty boys have passed.

(a) fewer
(b) less
(c) long
(d) big

17. No_____than ten thousand rupees is needed.

(a) sewer
(b) less
(c) big
(d) None

18. Shakespeare was a _____dramatist.

(a) tough
(b) greatly
(c) great
(d) laze

19. Everybody dislikes a _______man.

(a) rude
(b) rudely
(c) roughly
(d) toughly

20. He drank____ the milk.

(a) whole
(b) all
(c) full
(d) fullest

21. How____ days are there in a week?

(a) much
(b) many
(c) big
(d) more

22. How_____ money do you need?

(a) much
(b) many
(c) any
(d) same

23. ______type of man is he?

(a) what
(b) whose
(c) where
(d) when

24. I do not like_____type of book.

(a) this
(b) these
(c) there
(d) how

25. This is the _____that I can do for you.

(a) good
(b) best
(c) what
(d) where

26. Your house is to mine.

(a) big
(b) bigger
(c) closely
(d) close

27. He gave me a _____chance.

(a) good
(b) well
(c) greatly
(d) goodly

28. I do not have______money.

(a) some
(b) well
(c) what
(d) any

29. She likes to have some _____food.

(a) taste
(b) fast
(c) lasting
(d) tested

30. There was a _____chair in your room.

(a) new
(b) newly
(c) new one
(d) none

31. The house was very _____to look at.

(a) loving
(b) lovingly
(c) love
(d) lovely

32. This amount is _____for you.

(a) sufficiently
(b) sufficient
(c) goods
(d) greatly

33. The water is as____ as the sky.

(a) dirty
(b) blue
(c) coldness
(d) coldly

34. Ashoka was a ____king

(a) great
(b) greatest
(c) enough
(d) sufficient

35. I do not want to read ____book.

(a) any other
(b) another
(c) some
(d) those

36. A _____learning is a dangerous thing.

(a) few
(b) little
(c) fake
(d) big

37. No ____work can be done in a day.

(a) any
(b) great
(c) same
(d) less

38. Your sister is _____to fall down.

(a) like
(b) likely
(c) liked
(d) liking

39. Who is the ______girl in the class?

(a) tall
(b) talls
(c) big
(d) tallest

40. She is twenty years ___than you.

(a) old
(b) oldness
(c) oldest
(d) older

41. Your ____decision put us in danger.

(a) wrongly
(b) wrong
(c) wronged
(d) heavy

42. Which is the _____railway station.

(a) near
(b) nearly
(c) nearness
(d) nearest

43. Mahtma Gandhi was a _____leader.

(a) mainly
(b) handsome
(c) greatly
(d) great

44. Delhi is ____from Patna than Kolkata is.

(a) fast
(b) fastly
(c) further
(d) farther

45. she took_____time in giving her decision.

(a) any
(b) another
(c) tall
(d) no

46. You have become_______ because of illness.

(a) weak
(b) weakest
(c) weaken
(d). weakness

47. The_____man ale len pieces of bread.

(a) young
(b) youth
(c) younger
(d) youthly

48. Give a glass of water to the_____ man.

(a) older
(b) old
(c) oldly
(d) oldness

49. Do you need ______advice?

(a) few
(b) some
(c) handsome
(d) likely

50. He has bought ________furniture.

(a) some
(b) few
(c) fast
(d) fastly

51. she is ____to tell you about her anxiety

(a) happiness
(b) happy
(c) happily
(d) lovely

52. There are ____stars in the sky.

(a) count
(b) counted
(c) counting
(d) countless

53. I sat down in the _____of a tree.

(a) shade
(b) shadow
(c) shady
(d) bark

54. The government should pay______attention to this plan.

(a) properly
(b) proper
(c) property
(d) wealth

55. The elephant is a ____animal.

(a) wildly
(b) melching
(c) wild
(d) domestic

56. The dog is a ____animal.

(a) faithful
(b) faithfully
(c) loyalist
(d) proper

57. She has bought a______dog.

(a) blackness
(b) blackened
(c) black
(d) blindly

58. The river is two hundred metres_____

(a) wide
(b) width
(c) tall
(d) height

59. The wall is ten feet

(a) tall
(b) taller
(c) high
(d) wild

60. The saint lives in a ____hut.

(a) little
(b) small
(c) tall
(d) faithful

61. He passed through a ____forest.

(a) densely
(b) dense
(c) whole
(d) all

62. Amitabh Bacchan is a______actor

(a) same
(b) famously
(c) famous
(d) finely

63. A ____man like him cannot be cheated.

(a) cleverest
(b) cleverly
(c) clever
(d) fool

64. ______rain is expected this year.

(a) Heavier
(b) Heavily
(c) Heavy
(d) loosly

65. Give the child_____

(a) a few
(b) fever
(c) lesser
(d) a little

66. He has bought _____ sugar.

(a) no
(b) none
(c) any
(d) many

67. He wishes to marry a _____girl.

(a) pretty
(b) prettily
(c) pelly
(d) pet

68. Dr. Bhabha was an _____scientist.

(a) famously
(b) eminent
(c) fame
(d) lovingly

69. High winds blow on

(a) tall
(b) taller
(c) high
(d) highly

70. The poor lead a____life.

(a) miserable
(b) miser
(c) lavish
(d) lavishly

71. This is the ____of the two problems.

(a) less
(b) lessr
(c) tall
(d) tallest

72. How _____a sight it is!

(a) lovely
(b) lovingly
(c) handsome
(d) love

73. What a _____girl she is!

(a) beauty
(b) beautiful
(c) high
(d) highly

74. If the body is strong, the mind is_______

(a) strong
(b) stronger
(c) stuffy
(d) flying

75. The _____soldier sought bravely.

(a) bravery
(b) brave
(c) blindly
(d) lovely

76. There is an____temple in my village.

(a) old
(b) oldest
(c) young
(d) elder

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