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Part –B Questions

1. Discuss in detail about the varies memory hierarchies with neat block diagram.
2. Discuss about the functionality of system boot with respect to operating system.
3. Explain the purpose of system calls and discuss the calls related to device management and
communications in brief.
4. Determine critical section. Specify the requirements for a solution to critical section problem.
5. Use the Banker algorithm for deadlock avoidance in detail with an example
6. Sketch the segmentation memory management scheme and explain its principle
7. Show the mechanism of paging scheme with a neat diagram
8. On a disk with 200 cylinders, numbered 0 to 199, compute the number of tracks the disk arm
must move to satisfy the entire request in the disk queue. Assume the last request received
was at truck 100. The queue in FIFO order contains requests for the following tracks. 55, 58,
39, 18, 90, 160, 150, 38, 184. Perform the computation to find the seek time for the following
disk scheduling algorithms. (i) FCFS (ii)SSTF (iii) SCAN (iv) C-SCAN (v)LOOK
9. Write short notes on 1. File types 2. File attributes 3. File operations
10. Explain the working function of android operating system architecture. Compare the feature
of IoS and android.
11. Explain in detail about virtualization
12. Explain about four necessary condition of deadlock
13. Explain in detail about resource allocation graph with your own example
14. What is the need of Swapping in Storage Management? Explain in detail with example.

Part –A Questions

1. Illustrate with an example about OS a resource Manager.

2. Describe bootstrap program.
3. Illustrate how the mutual exclusion may be violated if the signal and wait operations are not
executed automatically.
4. Explain the process states with neat diagram.
5. Point out how the problem of external fragmentation can be solved.
6. Define Segmentation.
7. Define rotational latency and disk bandwidth.
8. Describe the different accessing methods of a file.
9. List down the benefits of virtualization
10. List the advantages of Linux OS.

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