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Technological Forecasting & Social Change 194 (2023) 122696

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Multi-sector technology diffusion in urgent net-zero transitions: Niche

splintering in carbon capture technology
Jørgen Finstad *, Allan Dahl Andersen
TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo, Norway


Keywords: Transitioning to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century requires rapid diffusion of low-carbon
Carbon capture technologies across numerous sectors. Multi-purpose technologies are expected to solve sustainability prob­
Net-zero transition lems in several sectors. Given the mid-century deadline, diffusion of such technologies must happen in multiple
sectors simultaneously instead of sequentially. Since different sectors have their own set of preferences, technical
Multiple sectors
needs, and institutional characteristics, simultaneous interactions with several sectors increases the complexity
Multi-purpose technologies of diffusion processes. We contribute a new perspective on the diffusion of multi-purpose technologies in the
context of urgent grand challenges. Drawing on insights from the ‘niche anchoring’ and ‘technology speciation’
literatures, we present a framework that puts actors and their sense-making at the centre of the diffusion process.
The framework is applied to the case of carbon capture in Norway, which has recently been applied in multiple
new user sectors simultaneously. We find that diversity in needs, expectations, and technological solutions leads
to increased uncertainty and ‘niche splintering’, which hampers rapid anchoring and diffusion of carbon capture.
In addition to our framework for multi-sector technology diffusion, the paper also contributes by highlighting
challenges for diffusing carbon capture to multiple sectors at the rate seen in many net-zero strategies and
mitigation scenarios.

1. Introduction (Ohlendorf et al., 2023), and a deeper understanding of how such

technologies diffuse and what shapes their speed of diffusion is needed
Past failures to change the trajectory of greenhouse gas (GHG) (Andersen et al., 2023; Grubler et al., 2016; Sovacool, 2016).
emissions imply that the world economy needs to decarbonize at un­ Traditionally, the diffusion of innovation has been understood as
precedented speed, scale, and depth to avoid uncontrollable climate product adoption by optimizing users in market-based processes that
change. The challenge is encapsulated in the growing commitment to involve learning, imitation, and feedback effects that, in turn, can alter
achieving net-zero GHG emissions across all sectors by mid-century the initial innovation (Griliches, 1957; Hall, 2009; Rosenberg, 1972).
(Höhne et al., 2021; IEA, 2021), which presents several new chal­ More recent work has gone beyond focusing on diffusion of products to
lenges to transition scholars and policymakers (Andersen et al., 2023; also consider services, ideas, or policies by looking at non-commercial
Markard and Rosenbloom, 2022). Due to the required speed of the diffusion processes, and by increasingly seeing diffusion as a process
change, multiple sectors need to transition in parallel, which calls for of societal embedding in terms of economic, social, and cultural di­
attention to the issue of multi-sectoral interactions in transitions mensions (Kanger et al., 2019; Meelen et al., 2019; Sengers et al., 2021;
(Andersen and Markard, 2020; Kanger et al., 2021; Rosenbloom, 2020). Wigboldus et al., 2016). The latter reflects a shift from understanding
One manifestation of this issue concerns the diffusion of multi-purpose the process of innovation as a series of discrete steps (e.g. invention,
technologies that can solve sustainability problems in multiple sectors. development, implementation) towards seeing innovation as a non-
For example, technologies like carbon capture and hydrogen fuel cells linear process in which steps unfold in parallel and one that remains
are expected to diffuse rapidly in multiple hard-to-abate sectors at the an ongoing unfinished accomplishment (Garud et al., 2016; Garud et al.,
same time (Huppmann et al., 2018; IEA, 2021). The multi-sectoral 2013). The perspective calls attention to the fragility of diffusion pro­
aspect of technology diffusion increases the complexity of the process cesses that involve continuous re-embedding, experiments, and

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Finstad).
Received 1 July 2022; Received in revised form 7 June 2023; Accepted 8 June 2023
Available online 23 June 2023
0040-1625/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
J. Finstad and A. Dahl Andersen Technological Forecasting & Social Change 194 (2023) 122696

negotiations; indeed, “it is just as easy for an innovation to fragment, as The main contribution of our paper is to provide a novel perspective
it is to cohere” (Garud et al., 2013, p. 798). Aligned with the latter that advances understandings of anchoring and diffusion of multi-
perspective and building on the multilevel perspective (Geels, 2002, purpose technologies in multiple sectors that are pivotal in the current
2004), the notion of niche anchoring provides a sector-oriented phase of net-zero transitions. Empirically, our study provides a first look
approach for understanding diffusion of a niche technology, as it em­ at how actors are dealing with the shift in carbon capture from an
beds in idiosyncratic sectors that vary in terms of actors and networks, electricity sector technology to becoming a multi-purpose technology
institutions (e.g., rules and expectations), and technology (Elzen et al., that can help a myriad of different sectors.
2012; Seifu et al., 2020).1 Existing literature considers niche anchoring
across different sectors as a sequential process in which diffusion in one 2. Theory
sector becomes the stepping stone for anchoring in the next one (Geels,
2002; Raven, 2007). As a consequence, the issue of simultaneous In this section we first define how we understand technology and
anchoring in multiple sectors has received limited attention. distinguish between different technologies. Then, in the following sub­
Insights into what happens when a technology interacts with multiple sections we present our theoretical concepts and framework.
sectors can be found in the literature on multi-purpose technologies. A We understand technology as a tool that can be used to serve a
key characteristic of such technologies (e.g. steam power or lithium-ion purpose (Arthur, 2009) and that comprises both a material artefact and
batteries) is that they must satisfy heterogenous service characteristics underlying knowledge bases (Bergek et al., 2008b). We follow Murmann
across different sectors2 (Bresnahan and Trajtenberg, 1995; David and and Frenken (2006) in using the concept of operational principle to
Wright, 2003; Malhotra et al., 2021). If user sectors’ service character­ delineate between different technologies. Operational principle refers to
istics differ greatly, new technology variations can appear in ‘speciation the knowledge needed to build a technology that will work in the real
events’ (Frenken and Nuvolari, 2004; Moehrle and Caferoglu, 2019).3 world in the desired way. Differences in operational principle across
However, the literature on technology speciation largely focuses on technologies is a matter of degree; examples are electricity supplied by a
technical factors and downplays institutional and actor dimensions. power plant versus a battery (large difference) and different types of
Against this background, we ask: How do multi-purpose technologies battery technologies such as solid-state versus lithium-ion (less differ­
anchor and diffuse in multiple sectors simultaneously, and what are the main ence). Even so, it is typically challenging for actors to command and
challenges? specialize in multiple technologies covering different operational
To engage with the research question, we combine insights from both principles.
the niche anchoring literature and the technology speciation literature
to articulate a conceptual framework that provides a comprehensive 2.1. Niche anchoring and diffusion
understanding of what happens when a niche technology anchors in
multiple sectors simultaneously. In particular, we draw on the concept Niche technologies are emerging sociotechnical configurations
of ‘splintered regimes’ (van Welie et al., 2018) to introduce the notion of comprised of three types of elements, which include technology, in­
‘niche splintering’ as a multidimensional view of technology speciation, stitutions, and actors. Development and diffusion of niche technologies
which we link to anchoring and diffusion. depend on cumulative core processes for each element. The first element
We apply our framework to a case study of carbon capture technol­ is the quality of learning in the niche in terms of technical performance
ogy in Norway, where carbon capture was recently applied in many new and cost of the core artefact, as well as user learning (i.e. whether users
user sectors simultaneously. We analyse how such broadening in­ adapt to and learn about the niche solution). The second element,
fluences actors’ anchoring activities by focusing on technology de­ institutional embedding, includes (1) the existence of complementary
velopers and new users of carbon capture technologies. Our data consist infrastructures, (2) robust shared expectations among niche actors about
of 21 semi-structured interviews with carbon capture actors, as well as future direction of development, and (3) alignment with the institu­
information obtained from desktop research and a database of R&D tional environment in which it is to diffuse. The third element is the
projects. development of a broad network of supporting actors, including users,
We find that even though carbon capture is anchoring in multiple producers, regulators, investors, and policymakers (Kemp et al., 1998;
sectors in parallel to advance diffusion, actors tend to pursue diverging Smith, 2007). Actors can mobilize financial, human, and other com­
strategies and have diverging expectations about the future carbon plementary resources to support the niche technology (Bergek et al.,
capture technology landscape, which results in niche splintering. We 2008a). Alignment of expectations both within and across producers and
find that actors are the main enablers of anchoring and splintering, and users regarding directionality of the niche (e.g. agreement on problems
that their expectations, sense-making, and strategies as mechanisms of and solutions) is seen as a crucial precondition for technology diffusion
speciation can be more important than different technical requirements. (Yang et al., 2020). These processes can have a cumulative nature that
If their visions continue to diverge, niche splintering dilutes the chances results in niche momentum achieved through learning, embedding, and
of rapid diffusion of carbon capture. continued mobilization of actors and resources (Geels et al., 2020; Schot
and Geels, 2007).
Niche momentum must be understood in relation to the needs and
Elzen et al. refers to anchoring as the linking between a niche and a regime. particularities of the sectoral regimes in which the niche technology will
In this paper sector is synonymous with a regime in Elzen et al.’s be used. The notion of niche anchoring describes how niches gain
conceptualization. foothold in sectors, which is necessary for diffusion to happen (Elzen
Service characteristics traditionally refer to the services a technology can et al., 2012; Seifu et al., 2020; Sutherland et al., 2015). Anchoring takes
perform for its users (i.e. a technology property) (Frenken et al., 1999; Saviotti place in three dimensions corresponding to niche core processes (Elzen
and Metcalfe, 1984). Because relevant service characteristics are determined by et al., 2012). First, technological anchoring occurs when the technical
user sector specificities (e.g. user preferences, institutional conditions, and characteristics of a technology adapt to fit the needs of new users.
technical demands) (Malhotra et al., 2021), we use the term to refer to how user
Network anchoring refers to changes in the actors that use, develop, and
sectors differ in which service characteristics they demand (i.e. a sector prop­
produce the technology. In addition, stronger links and more frequent
erty). Diffusion of a technology thus depends on matching its technical char­
acteristics with the service characteristics of user sectors. exchanges between the actors within the network are an indicator of
We view anchoring both as a pre-condition for wide adoption and diffusion network anchoring. Institutional anchoring refers to processes whereby
in a specific sectoral setting (Elzen et al., 2012; Seifu et al., 2020) and as a policies and regulations (formal institutions) and norms, visions, and
continuous process that may encounter setbacks and challenges during diffu­ expectations (informal institutions) become aligned across the niche and
sion (Garud et al., 2016). its new use environment (Edquist and Johnson, 1997; Elzen et al., 2012).

J. Finstad and A. Dahl Andersen Technological Forecasting & Social Change 194 (2023) 122696

Anchoring reflects a process of societal embedding of a niche tech­ capture technology based on distinct knowledge bases have emerged
nology in a particular user context, which in our case are distinct sectors. because the technical needs of new user sectors differ from earlier user
While existing literature acknowledges that exposure to new user en­ sectors.
vironments can involve significant changes to the niche technology Speciation is thus integral to the diffusion of multi-purpose tech­
(Malhotra et al., 2021; Seifu et al., 2020; Sengers et al., 2021), the issue nology and can influence the process in two ways.4 First, the degree of
of niche anchoring in multiple new sectors simultaneously is rarely technical change needed to satisfy novel service characteristics indicates
discussed. In fact, Schot and Geels (2008) call for more attention to how how difficult and costly it is to make adaptations to the niche technol­
interactions with multiple sectors influence niche development patterns ogy. Second, the entry to new user sectors can mobilize resources
and particularly to the diversity dilemma: although diversity is often (financial, human, and complementary assets) from those sectors to
thought to be good for learning and actor enrolment, too much diversity support niche development and potential technological adaptations. The
can create uncertainty, fragment resources, delay commitments, and ability of a technology to attract resources from users depends on
prevent emergence of stable institutions. Too much diversity can, in matches with service characteristics and cost (Adner and Levinthal,
other words, slow down diffusion. 2002; Levinthal, 1998). Hence, diffusion of a niche technology in a new
The concept of anchoring further highlights how diffusion is enacted user sector will likely be rapid if many resources are available and the
by actors that work to create alignment across producers (niche tech­ required adaptation is minor, and vice versa.
nology developers) and users (new sectors) in the three dimensions in
which anchoring occurs. Anchoring can require significant resources 2.3. Analytical framework: niche anchoring and splintering
from actors, which may therefore have to focus attention on one or few
user sectors at a time (Raven, 2007). Above we have shown that while the literature on niche diffusion
and anchoring provides a useful multidimensional perspective on the
2.2. Diffusion of multi-purpose technologies and speciation societal embedding of technologies, existing studies mainly consider
anchoring in one sector at a time (Bakker et al., 2015; Raven, 2007),
Multi-purpose technology is defined as having multiple different resulting in limited insights into challenges related to anchoring in
applications that involve distinct user groups and distinct value drivers multiple sectors simultaneously and to speciation dynamics that seem
(Battke and Schmidt, 2015). For example, in the case of carbon capture, likely to occur.
applications and user groups range from low-carbon electricity over We have also shown that, while the literature on multi-purpose
green cement to green steel. These each have distinct value drivers in technology and speciation reveals important aspects of diffusion and
terms of end markets, albeit the technology functionality (to capture anchoring in multiple different sectors, existing studies mainly consider
CO2) remains the same (similar for batteries that charge and discharge diffusion and speciation in one sector at the time and they predomi­
electricity). nantly focus on technological aspects and ignore institutional and actor
The diffusion of multi-purpose technologies such as steam power or anchoring (exemptions that foreground agency include Cattani, 2006;
lithium-ion batteries typically starts in one place and one sector and then Garnsey et al., 2008).
spreads from there in largely sequential manner (Bresnahan and Traj­ We suggest bringing together these insights under the concept of
tenberg, 1995; David and Wright, 2003). For example, steam engines niche splintering to gain a better understanding of anchoring and diffu­
were first applied in mining to pump water to the surface, and were only sion processes for multi-purpose technologies. Splintering of socio­
subsequently applied to manufacturing and transport (Frenken and technical configurations (regimes and niches) happens when their
Nuvolari, 2004). Multi-purpose technologies can therefore be diffusing performance attributes cannot meet the (changing) service characteris­
in one sector, while several barriers may still exist in other sectors tics of users. For example, in Nairobi’s sanitation sector, major differ­
(Schmidt et al., 2016). ences among users along the lines of income levels and ethnicity resulted
A central feature of multi-purpose technology diffusion is speciation. in differentiated service characteristics that gradually led to the splin­
Speciation refers to emergence of a new technological ‘species’ as a tering of the regime into multiple sub-regimes, such as sewer-based
consequence of its insertion into a new use environment that has distinct public sanitation, on-site sanitation, and container-based and coping
service characteristics (Adner and Levinthal, 2002; Levinthal, 1998). A regimes that each involved distinct service providers, user groups, in­
key issue in speciation is that the new ‘offspring’ may start to compete stitutions, and technologies (van Welie et al., 2018).
with its ‘parents’ (Alexander et al., 2012; Levinthal, 1998). At the niche level, splintering can happen when the niche technology
Depending on the extent of difference in service characteristics in is exposed to unfamiliar service characteristics of the new user sectors.
new user sectors, speciation can require minor adaptations or Splintering is thus akin to speciation, but it is inherently multidimen­
completely different technology designs (Frenken and Nuvolari, 2004; sional because splintering into new and more niches not only involves
Moehrle and Caferoglu, 2019). Indeed, the speciation literature new technology (with novel operational principles) but also splits in
implicitly distinguishes between minor and major changes in the tech­ actor networks and in institutions.
nology and knowledge bases (production) and changes in service char­ We assume that splintering is a challenge for niche momentum and
acteristics (consumption) (see Table 1). Some scholars emphasize major diffusion because (1) it weakens directionality in the niche (i.e. increases
changes in technology and its underlying knowledge bases in speciation diversity and uncertainty), (2) more anchoring activities are needed,
(Frenken and Nuvolari, 2004), while others emphasize the application of and (3) multiple niche technologies are likely to compete against each
a technology in a new context (also discussed as exaptation) (Adner and other as each of them tries to anchor in different sectors. Accumulated
Levinthal, 2002; Andriani and Cattani, 2016; Levinthal, 1998). We are resources are thus spread out more thinly than before (Fig. 1). In the
primarily interested in speciation that involves both new service char­ short term, this can slow down niche diffusion within individual sectors
acteristics in user sectors and new operational principles that lead to the and in the economy overall, due to need for additional learning, insti­
emergence of a new technology species in terms of both production and tutional embedding, and resource mobilization, but in the longer term it
consumption (Table 1, cell D). For example, new varieties of carbon may enable widespread diffusion due to better matching between

It should be noted that we discuss diffusion in terms of the technology class
(carbon capture) that solves a particular problem (CO2 emissions), whereas
speciation refers to variety of technological artefacts (building on distinct
operational principles) within that class.

J. Finstad and A. Dahl Andersen Technological Forecasting & Social Change 194 (2023) 122696

Table 1
Types of speciation changes involved when a technology enters a new user sector.
User sector service characteristics (Consumption)

Change degree Minor Major

Technology (production) Minor A. Similar service characteristics Similar operational principle B. New service characteristics
Similar operational principle
Major C. Similar service characteristics D. New service characteristics
New operational principles New operational principles

Fig. 1. Analytical framework for understanding multi-sector technology diffusion in terms of two processes (A) niche momentum and (B) niche splintering. (A) an
anchoring and diffusion process whereby additional user sectors have similar service characteristics such that they can provide resources to the niche without major
changes in the niche. This leads to niche momentum as anchoring and diffusion progress. (B) an anchoring and diffusion process whereby additional user sectors have
different service characteristics that lead to niche splintering, such that resources are distributed across dispersed and uncoordinated actors.

J. Finstad and A. Dahl Andersen Technological Forecasting & Social Change 194 (2023) 122696

solutions and sector-specific service characteristics. Obviously, the ef­ years 2021 and 2022. The interviewees were capture technology de­
fect of splintering can be softened by excess resource mobilization. velopers and users from different sectors, as well as various actors from
Whether niche splintering happens in response to diverse service char­ the broader carbon capture and storage (CCS) value chain (see Table 2
acteristics also depends on how actors perceive the availability of for an overview). The interviews lasted approximately 1 h and were
different resources and future market opportunities, and how they assess conducted and recorded online using video communication software.
uncertainties (Cattani, 2006; Garnsey et al., 2008). The recordings were subsequently transcribed. Taken together, our
While the notion of niche splintering seems useful for unpacking the choice of informants captured the wider changes in carbon capture.
particular challenges for diffusion of multi-purpose technologies, we From the technology supplier side, we captured both newer and more
have limited knowledge of how splintering processes happen and established companies with different niche technology designs. From
especially how actors navigate them. In the remaining part of this paper, the user side, we engaged more deeply with the most established sectors,
we therefore analyse how niche splintering unfolds in carbon capture in but we captured a breadth of user perspectives through interviews with
Norway and what the main challenges are. industrial clusters.
The interviews were supplemented with desk research of various
3. Case and methods document sources (e.g. company investor reports, industry reports, and
government White Papers) and analysis of the Norwegian CCS R&D
3.1. Background and case description funding programme, CLIMIT. CLIMIT is the Norwegian government’s
programme for funding research, development, and demonstration of
To assess our framework and expectations, we conducted a single CCS. It contains information about 149 research projects that focused on
case study, as this type of study is suitable for exploring empirically carbon capture in the period 2001–2019. When we use the reference
phenomena that existing theory does not adequately explain (Yin, “(CLIMIT)”, we refer to findings from this database analysis.
We focused on carbon capture technology in Norway as a unique case
3.3. Analysis
(Flyvbjerg, 2006). Carbon capture has been developed in Norway, which
is one of few countries that has actually deployed carbon capture in
Our analysis of data was structured around the three dimensions of
several projects, including in its oil and gas sector.
niche anchoring. Within each anchoring dimension we looked at the
We focused on the period 2014–2022, when carbon capture shifted
extent of diversity, where low diversity indicated strong anchoring and
from being applied in the oil and gas and electricity sectors towards
growing niche momentum, while high diversity indicated weak
simultaneous deployment in a broad range of sectors in Norway,
anchoring and niche splintering.
including waste-to-energy, cement, hydrogen, and other energy-
To analyse technology anchoring we analysed the extent of technical
intensive sectors involving processing (e.g. aluminium, ferroalloy,
adaptations to new sectors, the role of technology characteristics in
pulp and paper, lime, and steel production). There are several Norwe­
anchoring, and the availability of knowledge resources. Availability of
gian developers of carbon capture technologies, many of which are
knowledge resources were used to assess whether the niche actors had
actively engaged with a diverse set of sectors.
the knowledge base and necessary skills for anchoring and operating the
At the same time as new user sectors received attention, the variety
technology. Diversity indicated the extent of co-existing technical so­
of carbon capture technologies on the market increased (IEA, 2020;
lutions for carbon capture.
Leung et al., 2014; Mikulčić et al., 2019; Song et al., 2019). The main
For institutional anchoring we focused on niche and user actor’s ex­
categories with different operational principles include post-combustion
pectations regarding the future and on how institutional diversity
technologies, which involve capturing the CO2 from the flue gas of some
arising from new sectors influences anchoring. Diversity of regulations
processes after combustion has taken place. Pre-combustion technolo­
and policies across sectors suggests that niche actors must engage in
gies capture the CO2 before the combustion process has taken place. In
oxyfuel separation, the air in a combustion process is replaced by almost
pure oxygen. However, also within these categories, there are differ­ Table 2
Overview of the informants.
ences in operational principles. For example, there is a variety of ‘sub­
categories’ based on how the CO2 molecule is separated from a flue gas Informant code Role Sector
or process, including chemical absorption (with amines being the most Supplier 1 Supplier Carbon capture
common solvent), membrane capture, and others. These, in turn, have supplier
their own range of varieties, with several proprietary amines, mem­ Supplier 2 Supplier Carbon capture
branes, and other solvents (see Section 4.3.4). It is worth noting that a
Supplier 3 Supplier Carbon capture
lot of promising new capturing solutions are still at an early technology supplier
readiness level, while post-combustion with amines remains the most Supplier 4 Supplier Carbon capture
mature and established solution. supplier
Supplier 5 Supplier Carbon capture
Carbon capture has particular technology characteristics. It typically
comes in the form of large-scale and customized technologies con­ User 1 User Cement
structed at the site of the CO2-emitting facility. Projects have long lead User 2 User Cement
times – the development of some projects has taken a decade or more – User 3 User Waste-to-energy
and they have had a high rate of failure (Lipponen et al., 2017). For these User 4 User Waste-to-energy
User 5 User Industrial cluster
reasons, projects are costly and capital intensive, which makes experi­
User 6 User Industrial cluster
ments challenging (Malhotra and Schmidt, 2020). Industry association Represents users and suppliers Oil and gas
As carbon capture in Norway is anchoring in multiple sectors 1
simultaneously and showing signs of niche splintering, the case is suit­ CCS value chain 1 Transport and storage Oil and gas
able for understanding the challenges of technology diffusion across Public agency 1 Public R&D support agency N/A
Public agency 2 Public R&D support agency N/A
multiple sectors simultaneously. Public agency 3 Public R&D support agency N/A
R&D organization 1 R&D for organizations and N/A
3.2. Data universities
Our main data source was 21 semi-structured interviews held in the

J. Finstad and A. Dahl Andersen Technological Forecasting & Social Change 194 (2023) 122696

significant and costly adaptation during the anchoring process. If more flue gas to pass through the system compared with a sector with
informal institutions such as business culture, worldviews, and visions higher CO2 concentrations (e.g. cement) (Suppliers 1, 3, Public agency
that shape expectations differ across sectors, this will have similar 1). Other areas of customization include space availability, energy de­
effects. mand, and waste heat availability. For example, carbon capture with
To analyse the influence of actors and networks on niche anchoring, post-combustion amines requires a lot of heat and energy, but if waste
we focused on the enrolment of new actors, diversity of users’ strategies, heat is available at a facility, it can be used to reduce the energy cost.
and diversity of suppliers’ technology strategies. Diversity indicates Heat will generally be available at waste-to-energy facilities, yet many
whether or not niche actors pull in the same direction in terms of such facilities also supply district heating. The waste heat is a product in
technological solutions and the problems they address. itself, and there are requirements regarding how much district heating
On the basis of the above-described methods, we analysed the companies are supposed to deliver. As such, if the heat is wanted for
interview transcripts and the data from the CLIMIT database. The carbon capture, it may be necessary to upgrade the heat for use/reuse for
transcripts were coded in NVivo by the first author. For the first few district heating. As a consequence, the use of waste heat for carbon
interviews, the second author was involved in the discussion and sense- capture in a facility connected to district heating might require much
making of the coding and how it related to the theoretical framework. more advanced integration of the capturing plant than the same process
Through the coding process we identified several phenomena of rele­ requires in a different sector (Supplier 1). Meanwhile, a complete lack of
vance, which we categorized into our three dimensions of anchoring. waste-heat in a sector/facility could make a technology such as mem­
The empirical indicators in Table 3 were thus identified inductively from brane technology a better fit than solvent-based capture (User 5).
the data. After analysing our data (Section 4), we discussed the findings In sum, there are important differences between user sector service
in relation to niche splintering and diffusion (Section 5). characteristics, which require the different technology designs to be
adapted. Understanding these differences has received increased focus
4. Analysis in the carbon capture niche (CLIMIT, R&D Organization 1, User 5). In
terms of R&D, 18 CLIMIT projects were motivated by understanding
In this section we present our analysis of multi-sector anchoring of adaptation to distinct sectors. Of those projects, 12 were funded in the
the Norwegian carbon capture niche. period 2016–2019, thus indicating an increase in attention to these

4.1. Technology anchoring 4.1.2. Supplier strategies for technology anchoring

One of the reasons users require extensive qualification procedures
There are two features of the carbon capture niche that particularly and experiments is the high CapEx (capital expenditure) of carbon
challenge technology anchoring: scale and complexity of the technol­ capture. To ease the anchoring process, actors work to reduce both the
ogy, and the need for customization due to user sector differences. In cost of qualifying the technology for use in new sectors and the cost of
addition, scarce knowledge resources are a concern. capture overall.
To ease technology anchoring, Supplier 1 and 2 have developed
4.1.1. Qualifying capture technology for diverse user sectors and facilities mobile pilot plants that they can bring to different facilities. The mobile
Capture technologies react differently to different flue gasses, and plants enable companies to faster and more easily, (1) adapt and qualify
different user sectors (and their industrial processes) emit different types the technology for a new flue-gas, and (2) de-risk projects for their
and concentrations of flue gasses. Hence, there is a range of different customers, since they can prove that the technology will work on the gas
capture technologies, each of which needs to be qualified for the service of the customer’s facility without the need for building a custom pilot
characteristics of different user sectors and facilities. This typically re­ plant. The development of such plants is also motivated by the inter­
quires long test periods in each sector or at each facility. Such tests can action with multiple sectors, which increases the need to qualify their
be performed either by building an on-site customized pilot plant or by technologies for use on vastly different flue gases.
using a mobile pilot plant. This mode of experimentation implies that To reduce costs, suppliers focus on standardization and modulari­
technological anchoring is costly and time-consuming. zation of their components and overall capture designs (Suppliers 1–5).
Extensive customization of carbon capture is often needed to For smaller emissions sources, all suppliers have developed module-
accommodate sector and plant specificities. For example, technology based turnkey technology solutions. These can be built in a workshop,
components must be designed to fit the concentration of CO2 in the flue fit in a container, and transported to the user facility for integration. By
gas. In a gas power plant with low CO2 concentrations, the dimensions of standardizing and modularizing, suppliers expect to enable a much
components such as pipes and absorbers will have to be larger to allow greater potential for cost reduction through cheaper production pro­
cesses. For smaller emission sources, more modular designs could allow
Table 3 for a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, which suppliers see as the best way to
Analytical scheme. make capture from small to medium emitters viable (Suppliers 1, 3, 4).
Dimension in multi-sectoral technology Examples of empirical Indicator For the larger plants, standardization is also motivated by cutting costs,
diffusion but these plants are too large to be transported and instead have to be
Technology anchoring Scale of adaptations and qualification built on-site. Therefore, the focus is on standardizing certain compo­
measures nents or modules within the plant, and not on developing a fully
Supplier strategies for technology modular capture design.
From the perspective of an urgent net-zero transition, the trade-offs
Availability of knowledge resources
Actor and network anchoring Enrolment of new and diversified actors between standardization and customization have implications for how
Intensification and diversification of fast carbon capture will anchor in multiple sectors. While standardiza­
collaborations tion enables cost reductions in technology production through learning,
Diversity of supplier’s user sector strategy it implies that capture cannot be optimized for the flue gas of specific
Diversity of suppliers’ technology strategy
Institutional anchoring Diversity of expectations
sectors. For example, a fully standardized solution might capture 70 % of
Diversity of technology expectations emissions from a facility in one sector, while capturing 90 % from
Diversity of institutional environments another (Suppliers 1, 2, 3). This means there are trade-offs between
Diversity of policy needs for resource decreasing the CapEx of carbon capture and its potential effectiveness
for reducing emissions from specific plants. At this stage of carbon

J. Finstad and A. Dahl Andersen Technological Forecasting & Social Change 194 (2023) 122696

capture anchoring, the interviewed suppliers argued that it was more Actors in new user sectors expect that the cost of capture will
important to get more (standardized) plants up and running fast, than to decrease while the cost of emitting will increase. They also expect cus­
capture the maximum amount of CO2 from each sector: tomers will be willing to pay a premium for green products. For
example, sectors with capture from biocarbon, expect there will be
if it is cheaper to capture 50 %, we should focus on that rather than
customers willing to buy certificates/negative emissions from bio-
capturing 100 %. Better to capture 50 % on two plants rather than 90
incineration/bioenergy with CCS (Users 1–5).
% on one.
Broadly speaking, the interviewed users and suppliers seem to be
(Supplier 3)
aligned in their expectations of the future availability of resources and
market growth. Their expectations were based on an expected increase
4.1.3. Availability of knowledge resources in the cost of emitting carbon, an expected decrease in cost of capture
Anchoring of a complex technology such as carbon capture requires technology, and the scale of CCS in most climate change mitigation
the right knowledge resources for both users and suppliers. Further­ scenarios (Supplier 1–5, Users 1–3, 5).
more, carbon capture requires new types of knowledge in some sectors: Visions of technological solutions. Even though users and sup­
[now we] have two products. One product is the cement, as we have
pliers share an overall vision, they differ in their understanding of how
done for more than 100 years, and the second one is liquified,
that vision will be realized, especially regarding the technology mix.
pressured gas, which is new to us.
Among users there is a focus on trying to understand which capture
(User 2)
design is most suited for the characteristics of their sector. Users thus
Moreover, lack of knowledge about carbon capture within user expect that a portfolio of capturing technologies will develop and that
companies is a potential challenge in anchoring processes: different designs will be better suited for different sectors and facilities
(Users 1–5).
[some companies] are not even close to having an understanding of
Although most ongoing projects use the most mature and thus
the complexity of the whole infrastructure logistics. At first, you
available technological option (post-combustion with amines), several
think it’s a plug-and-play technology, but clearly there’s a lot more to
users are exploring other technology designs at the same time. There is a
it than that.
strong expectation among users that multiple different designs will
(Supplier 3)
diffuse over time (Users 1–5).
Some interviewees pointed to a lack of human resources in the The expectation of a portfolio of technologies is not shared by all
Norwegian carbon capture innovation systems, and that finding people technology suppliers, as can be seen by their user sector strategies (cf.
with the right competencies could prove challenging (Suppliers 3, 4, Section 4.3.4). As a consequence, many technology suppliers are tar­
User 4): geting the same markets, thereby making the different capture designs
compete. Overall, niche actors do not share a common vision for the
We need to educate new process engineers for the future. because if
directionality of carbon capture. There is a high degree of diversity in
you are talking to [users from more mature projects], they say ‘one
their expectations regarding the future technology landscape.
critical part is do you actually have the in-house competence’. […]
And that is the main challenge when it comes to CCS for the time
4.2.2. Formal institutions
being I think, many companies don’t have that competence. […] But
we know that if you look at NTNU in Trondheim, I don’t think there Anchoring in multiple different institutional environments.
are any studies when it comes to process engineers from CCS. We
Anchoring in different user sectors requires adaptation by carbon cap­
need people in place in 2025, 2026.
ture suppliers to align with the institutional environments in which they
(User 4)
are anchoring. Several capture suppliers have roots in the oil and gas
sector. From there, they are used to clients with large engineering de­
4.2. Institutional anchoring partments, flexible budgets, and long technology qualification processes
that invest extensively in innovation (Andersen and Gulbrandsen,
4.2.1. Informal institutions 2020). In the new user sectors there is less flexibility in project designs,
smaller profit margins, and limited in-house engineering competencies, Visions of carbon capture as a mitigation option in the net-zero as well as a more conservative stance on investment in innovation. This
transition. The vision of carbon capture as a decarbonization solution shift in institutional environment, including the division of labour and
has gone from a ‘possible decarbonization solution’ to a ‘must have’ one mode of collaboration, requires adaptation to the project management
in recent years in some sectors (e.g. in waste-to-energy and cement) approach from both the developer and the user. It also serves as extra
(Users 1–4, Supplier 4): motivation for standardization, since the user sectors expect more
turnkey technology solutions as opposed to lengthy engineering
Now nobody talks about whether this is necessary. All say that this is
necessary. All agree that we need to do it.
(User 4) [new user sectors] have been more efficient in how they operate and
in how they cost their services … we need to bring that thinking into
This vision is based on expected market growth and cost declines. the CCS industry as well.
Among suppliers there is a clear expectation that the market will grow
(Supplier 3)
rapidly across multiple user sectors over the coming years. The expec­
tation is that the focus on standardization, combined with more projects There are also significant differences between the formal institutions
(at different scales) coming online, will unlock rapid cost reductions, of the new user sectors. In this respect, the two new sectors with the most
which in turn will allow for further diffusion and market growth (Sup­ mature capture projects (cement and waste-to-energy) are good
pliers 1–5): examples.
Waste-to-energy facilities in Norway are often owned and run by
We are in a competition but at the same time we are also in the
municipalities (or companies owned by municipalities). They struggle
market where the opportunities are almost endless.
with low-profitability due to the international nature of the waste
(Supplier 2) market. In particular, the Norwegian facilities compete with the Swedish

J. Finstad and A. Dahl Andersen Technological Forecasting & Social Change 194 (2023) 122696

market. Swedish facilities can generally offer lower gate fees for the Table 4
waste because they earn higher revenues compared with Norwegian Publicly announced projects involving the five technology suppliers inter­
plants (Becidan et al., 2015). Waste-to-energy is not part of the EU viewed. Not all projects are in Norway.
Emissions Trading System (ETS ETS) (Users 3, 4, Supplier 4). User sector Type of project Scale of capture (tons
Norway’s two cement plants are owned by a multinational company. per year)
There is very limited international trade and a large part of the cement Bio-incineration Commercial (Planned 90,000
consumption in Norway is from publicly owned companies/organiza­ (district heating) operating start in 2024)
tions, such as road and governmental building authorities. Cement is Waste-to-energy Commercial (Planned 10,000
operating start in 2023)
part of the EU ETS.
Cement Commercial (Planned 400,000
operating start in 2024) Policies and resource mobilization. While expectations of market Waste-to-energy Commercial (Planned 100,000
development are high for both users and suppliers, anchoring requires operating start in 2023)
Blue hydrogen Commercial (Planned N/A
policy changes that will allow users of carbon capture to have a finan­
operating start in 2022)
cially viable business model. This will come with different challenges for Waste-to-energy Feasibility study 100,000
different sectors. Waste-to-energy Feasibility study ~ 500,000
Using the same examples as above, in the cement sector, the large Refinery Feasibility study ~ 600,000
share of public customers implies green procurement schemes could Ferrosilicon Feasibility study N/A
Gas power FEED N/A
help cover the increased cost of carbon capture (Suppliers 1, 2, Users 1,
Bioenergy Pilot/FEED N/A
2). As cement is part of the EU ETS, increased CO2 taxes will also
incentivize capture.
Given the low profitability and owners with limited extra capital, of emitting CO2, the need to decarbonize in order to maintain a social
designing policies for waste-to-energy can be challenging. For this sector ‘licence to operate’, and the absence of alternative solutions to carbon
there is an unresolved issue of who should pay for CO2 capture. While a capture. The coupling to new user sectors can also be seen in the Nor­
CO2 tax generally targets the emission source, a general expectation is wegian CCS R&D funding programme, CLIMIT. Over the past decade
that the cost will have to be moved to the producers of the waste (i.e. new actors from sectors such as ferrosilicon, cement, refining, and
consumers/citizens) and that there needs to be a CO2 tax on waste waste-to energy have become involved in research projects. Several new
production (Suppliers 2–4, Users 3, 4). For the biogenic CO2 in waste users are big companies that control significant resources that can
incineration, there is an expectation that part of the cost of capture could benefit the niche.
be covered either by selling offsets or through negative emissions (Users In addition, a new type of technology user has emerged in the form of
3, 4, NGO 1, Suppliers 2, 4). However, since emissions from Norwegian industrial clusters, in which users from different sectors collectively
waste-to-energy plants tend to be a mix of biogenic and fossil CO2, they explore CCS. Three industrial clusters, covering sectors such as
could fall outside the scope of the incentives and regulations that target aluminium, ferrosilicon, manganese, cement, waste-to-energy, and pulp
pure biogenic sources (as has been discussed by the EU) (User 4). and paper, have received funding from CLIMIT to establish or investi­
In sum, new policies and regulations are still needed for successful gate the potential for establishing CCS hubs.
anchoring and there is diversity in the policy needs of different sectors. In sum, the entry of several new actors is leading to an increase in
diversity in the actor composition among both users and suppliers.

4.3. Actor and network anchoring 4.3.2. Intensification and diversification of actor collaborations
The characteristics of carbon capture combined with the urgency of
4.3.1. Enrolment of new and diverse actors diffusion are affecting how actors collaborate and approach collabora­
Several new suppliers are currently entering the Norwegian carbon tion, which is leading to stronger links between actors (Suppliers 2, 3, 5,
capture niche. At least six Norwegian carbon capture supplier com­ Users 1–5). In addition, as described in Sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.3, a more
panies have been founded since 2017, compared with about 3–4 active diverse set of actors is contributing to carbon capture R&D. This applies
suppliers in the preceding years. The new entrants include established to collaboration within individual sectors, across different user sectors,
companies that are engaging more actively (e.g. by creating spin-off and between users and suppliers (Users 1–5), such as in the three clusters
companies focused solely on carbon capture) and start-ups. Some po­ mentioned in the preceding Section 4.3.1. These collaborations focus on
tential users of carbon capture are becoming technology suppliers sharing knowledge and resources (financial, human, and infrastructure)
themselves. For instance, Supplier 4 spun-out of, and is partially owned for knowledge development. Matching the right technology solution to
by, a power/waste-to-energy company. the characteristics of different users and sectors is a direct motivation for
Supplier entry is motivated by current growing demand. All suppliers some of these cluster collaborations:
have experienced increased demand and interest from actors in new user
We want to look to a much greater extent at the prerequisites of the
sources and contribute to ensuring one can choose between several
Just within a couple of years […] from 2019 to 2020 […] commer­ technologies that must mature.
cial leads […] increased by more than 300 % because there were so (User 5)
many clients coming in, asking ‘How can we use carbon capture to
The sense of urgency has also led to stronger collaboration between
reduce our emissions?’
users and suppliers. For instance, big companies on the user side are
(Supplier 1)
contributing resources to Supplier 5’s R&D activities to help accelerate
As shown in Section 4.2.1, actors expect that the market will grow the R&D process (Supplier 5):
rapidly in the future. The growing interest is now starting to show in
They want to join to contribute on R&D activities as well. […] They
publicly announced pilot, demonstration, and commercial projects. An
are helping us with resources and focus. We are kind of accelerating
overview of publicly announced activities among the interviewed sup­
our development plants because the market requires bigger plants,
pliers is presented in Table 4.
and the market also understands that we need to do development to
As is evident from the above discussion, the number of actors from
get there.
new user sectors connecting to the Norwegian carbon capture niche is
(Supplier 5)
growing rapidly. This growth is based on an expected increase in the cost

J. Finstad and A. Dahl Andersen Technological Forecasting & Social Change 194 (2023) 122696

4.3.3. Diversity of suppliers’ user sector strategies production from both natural gas and biomethane, but the capture and
We have found that technology suppliers follow different but partly hydrogen production from raw biogas requires adaptation and this
overlapping strategies for which user sectors they are targeting. For design is at an earlier phase of development.
instance, Suppliers 1 and 2 are targeting both large and small emission
sources, while Suppliers 3 and 4 are focusing on small-scale emissions 5. Discussion
(Table 5). Also, some suppliers target multiple sectors, while others
specialize in one sector (e.g. Supplier 5 focuses on hydrogen production, In this section we summarize and discuss the results of our analysis
see Section 4.3.4). regarding how anchoring in multiple sectors unfolds and what the main
The broadening search for user sectors can also be seen in the CLIMIT barriers are (Section 5.1). We further discuss the implications of our
database, where an increasing number of research project descriptions findings for theory (Section 5.2) and policy (Section 5.3).
explicitly mention a broader set of user sectors (Fig. 2).
5.1. Niche splintering and anchoring of carbon capture
4.3.4. Diversity of suppliers’ technology strategies
Of the five interviewed suppliers, four supply post-combustion Based on our framework, we expected that niche splintering could
capturing technologies (Table 6), as these are easiest to install in exist­ hinder niche momentum because splintering would necessitate more
ing industrial facilities. The four post-combustion technologies are anchoring activities and disperse resources more thinly. This could slow
solvent-based capture technologies, but there are significant differences down the anchoring process and diffusion (in the short run) but the ef­
between them. The other supplier focuses on integrated pre-combustion fects of splintering could be softened by excess resource mobilization. In
capture. The different carbon capture designs differ in terms of opera­ this section we summarize the insights from our analysis in terms of (1)
tional principles and necessary knowledge bases. whether or not splintering is happening (i.e. the directionality of the
Supplier 1 uses post-combustion with proprietary amines but also niche) and (2) the resource availability and mobilization in the carbon
explores new and more radical capture designs. They expect post- capture niche, and thereafter we use the insights to assess and discuss
combustion amines will dominate the market for at least the next whether or not our expectations were realized.
10–15 years and are focusing on making that technology more stan­
dardized as a way to cut costs. 5.1.1. Niche directionality – diversity or alignment
Supplier 4 also provide post-combustion amine capture but with a We found that carbon capture is clearly in the process of anchoring in
different proprietary amine. In the long run, they view themselves as multiple user sectors. There is alignment in terms of optimistic visions of
technology agnostic, and could supply different designs from different the future technology market, which has led to several new actors
developers. entering the carbon capture niche and serves as motivation for actors to
Supplier 3’s technology is comparable with traditional post- continue the anchoring process.
combustion with amine capture technologies, whereby solvent is used While expectations for market growth align, there is diversity in
to extract the CO2 from the flue gas. The key difference from traditional several other dimensions that affect niche anchoring (Table 7). New user
designs is that their technology uses centrifugal forces to distribute the sectors have distinct institutional environments and diverse service
solvent rather than relying on gravity. This allows for a smaller scale characteristics, which leads to lengthy technological anchoring pro­
technology than more conventional designs. The technology is also cesses. The variety in service characteristics also serves as a rationale for
solvent agnostic and could be tuned for different solvents. A core focus the emergence of new technology designs and there are diverging vi­
of the company has been on reducing the size and cost of the plant sions about what this increasingly varied technology landscape will look
through process intensification. like in the future. Suppliers try to anchor their technology in a diverse set
Supplier 2’s technology has a similar design to post-combustion of sectors leading to competition between the different designs (i.e.,
amine technologies but uses hot potassium carbonate (HPC) as a sol­ parent-offspring competition). Meanwhile, users are searching for the
vent instead of amines. The use of HPC leads to differences in compo­ ‘right’ solution for their sector. This diversity complicates anchoring and
nents from traditional amine designs. To work efficiently the HPC indicates niche splintering whereby different actors form networks
process requires a certain amount of pressure. Therefore, the company around different technology and user-supplier configurations.
has focused on how to recuperate the energy required to pressurize the Taken together, this means that while there is overall growth in the
flue gas. This means, HPC cannot simply replace the use of amines. carbon capture niche (more actors, shared high market expectations),
Supplier 5’s technology is an integrated pre-combustion design exposure to multiple, diverse new user sectors absorbs a lot of resources
meant for new facilities. The technology is specifically designed for (in the short term). As niche actors explore different paths forward, this
clean hydrogen production. The same design can be used for hydrogen forces multiple anchoring processes to take place at the same time. The
characteristics of carbon capture (complex and lumpy) make this an
even slower process.
Table 5
Diversity of anchoring strategies.
5.1.2. Resource availability
Informant Scope Sector focus Size of plants In addition to bringing in new actors, aligned optimistic visions of
the future contribute to increased resource mobilization (Table 8). Users
Supplier 1 Broad Cement, waste-to-energy, bio- Small and large from different sectors come together (often in collaborations with sup­
incineration, gas power, emissions pliers) in cluster collaborations to pool their resources. This includes
ferrosilicon, pulp and paper, glass sources
production, refineries, chemical
knowledge resources and together figuring out whether and how carbon
industry capture can work for the various actors. Coming together allows for
Supplier 2 Broad Cement, waste-to-energy, bio- Small and large sharing costs involved in infrastructure complementary to carbon cap­
incineration, refineries, chemical emissions ture and for the broader carbon capture and storage value chain (e.g.
industry sources
infrastructure for transporting the CO2).
Supplier 3 Broad Waste-to-energy, bio-incineration, Small emission
processing industry sources Projects that are ongoing/in pipeline are mostly driven by niche
Supplier 4 Narrow Waste-to-energy, bio-incineration Small emission actors’ expectations of major resource mobilization in terms of higher
sources CO2 pricing and green premiums on products. There are also expecta­
Supplier 5 Narrow Hydrogen from gas Small and large tions of reduced costs of capture technology. However, exposure to
multiple sectors with diverse institutional configurations makes

J. Finstad and A. Dahl Andersen Technological Forecasting & Social Change 194 (2023) 122696

Fig. 2. User sectors mentioned in carbon capture research project descriptions in the CLIMIT database. Sorted by year of initial funding. Projects with no explicit
mention of user sectors are not included. ‘Other’ refers to sectors with only one mention each.

Table 6 Table 7
Overview of analysed supplier’s technologies. Identified factors that influence niche technology directionality.
Informant code Type of technology CO2 separation method Diversity Diversity or Description of diversity/ Niche
dimension alignment alignment dynamics’
Supplier 1 Post-combustion Proprietary amine
Supplier 2 Post combustion Hot potassium carbonate
Supplier 3 Post-combustion Solvent agnostic There are differing visions
Technology visions
Supplier 4 Post-combustion Amine (short term) Diversity of the future technology Splintering
and expectations
Supplier 5 Integrated pre-combustion Solid sorbent landscape.
There is alignment of niche
actors’ expectations of
Market visions and
designing policies and unlocking such mechanisms that much harder. expectations
Alignment rapid market growth and a Momentum
Niche splintering can lead to multiple technology and user-supplier ‘need’ for carbon capture in
the user sectors.
configurations. This complicates cost reductions through learning by Suppliers have different
using, limits possibilities for knowledge sharing, and reduces opportu­ technology designs.
nities for pooling of resources between different niche-sector configu­ Supplier Suppliers target many of
rations. Instead of sharing the knowledge pool, the different technology and Diversity the same user sectors, Splintering
user strategies meaning there is
configurations must compete for limited available knowledge resources.
competition between the
different technologies.
5.1.3. Combined effect on niche anchoring and diffusion There is diversity in the
In sum, while resource availability in the carbon capture niche is diversity
Diversity norms and rules of the Splintering
growing, simultaneous exposure to multiple heterogenous sectors is different user sectors
Different user sectors
leading to a significant share of attention and resources being tied up in Diversity in policy require different polices to
parallel anchoring processes (Table 9). Combined with the particular­ Diversity Splintering
needs make carbon capture
ities of carbon capture (complex and lumpy), multi-sector exposure viable.
makes anchoring a rather slow process. If not for niche splintering, these Different sectors have
Differences in
different technology needs.
resources could arguably have contributed to further improvement of technology
Diversity Actors’ needs to reduce Splintering
the more established niche solution and have accelerated diffusion needs of user
uncertainty leads to longer
instead. qualification processes
Both the splintering and the anchoring process are driven and
motivated by actors’ expectations of major resource mobilization

J. Finstad and A. Dahl Andersen Technological Forecasting & Social Change 194 (2023) 122696

Table 8 Table 9
Identified factors that influence mobilization of resources for the niche Combined effect on niche anchoring and diffusion.
technology. Dimension Impact on anchoring Impact on near-
Dimension Description Impact on resource term diffusion
availability / mobilization
Technology visions and Slows technological anchoring as Slows diffusion
Technology visions There are differing visions Available resources are expectations users search for the ‘right’ solution
and expectations about the future technology distributed thinly across Market visions and Indication of successful Accelerates
landscape. different solutions. expectations institutional anchoring diffusion
Market visions and There is alignment of niche Resources are committed Supplier technology and Complicates anchoring as actors Slows diffusion
expectations actors’ expectations of rapid by many technology user strategies search for the ‘right’ solutions and
market growth and a ‘need’ suppliers and users. network configurations
for carbon capture in the user Institutional diversity Complicates institutional Slows diffusion
sectors. anchoring as actors must adapt to
Supplier technology Suppliers have different Available resources are different practices
and user strategies technology designs. distributed thinly across Diversity in policy Complicates institutional Slows diffusion
Suppliers target many of the different solutions and needs anchoring
same user sectors, meaning problems. Differences in Makes technological anchoring Slows diffusion
there is competition between technology needs of costly and slow.
the different technologies sectors
Institutional There is diversity in the Absorbs resources Accelerates
Enrolment of actors Indicates anchoring in progress
diversity norms and rules of the diffusion
different user sectors. Networks, clusters Accelerates
Indicates anchoring in progress
Diversity in policy Different user sectors require Without the right polices in (collaboration) diffusion
needs different polices to make place, actors hesitate to Makes technological anchoring
Characteristics of CC Slows diffusion
carbon capture viable. commit enough resources. costly and slow.
Differences in Different sectors have Absorbs resources Smaller and cheaper solutions
Focus on modularity Accelerates
technology needs different technology needs. make anchoring cheaper and
and standardization diffusion
of sectors Actors’ needs to reduce faster.
uncertainty lead to longer Competition over scarce Slows anchoring as users search for
Slows diffusion
qualification processes capabilities or develop knowledge resources
Enrolment of several new
Enrolment of actors actors, both users and Brings additional resources
Networks, clusters Allows for knowledge
diffusion of (multi-purpose) technologies that are applied in multiple
Resources are pooled. sectors.
(collaboration) sharing
The complex and costly Overall, we found the approach useful for grasping and analysing the
Characteristics of nature of carbon capture
Absorbs resources complexity of anchoring in multiple new sectors simultaneously. Our
carbon capture complicates qualification for
integration of different theories to conceptualize our phenomenon of
new sectors.
Reduces resource needs, interest is in itself a contribution to niche anchoring (Elzen et al., 2012;
Focus on modularity Faster and cheaper Sutherland et al., 2015) and speciation literatures (Frenken and Nuvo­
lowers CAPEX, strengthens
and production, smaller of-the-
standardization shelf solutions
learning-by-producing lari, 2004; Levinthal, 1998; Moehrle and Caferoglu, 2019) that advances
effects the general understanding of diffusion of multi-purpose technologies.
Competition over A lack of knowledge and Resources are distributed
By studying anchoring and splintering as a process, we revealed
scarce capabilities financial resources. thinly across many sectors.
some novel insights. We will highlight three issues: (1) uncertainty and
actor expectations as drivers for niche splintering, (2) the role of tech­
through policy mechanisms. Actors pin their expectations on the belief nology characteristics, and (3) idiosyncratic context.
that it ‘must happen’ if the world is to avoid uncontrollable climate
change. Arguably, this belief that it must, and therefore will, happen is a 5.2.1. Uncertainty and actor expectations, drivers for niche splintering
driving force for niche splintering. Users strive to find the right solution While splintering of sociotechnical systems has been discussed
because they ‘have to’ decarbonize, while suppliers pursue a range of elsewhere (van Welie et al., 2018), we provide some first insights into
what they expect to be rapidly growing markets for their product. Niche the process of splintering. Differences in sector problems translate into
splintering implies that a lot of niche resources will continue to be rather idiosyncratic service characteristics and availability of resources;
drained in multiple anchoring processes, thus slowing niche momentum. these are the starting points for niche splintering.
Our case study shows that in one of the leading carbon capture Our analysis revealed that during anchoring processes it is not
countries in the world, there are more resources going into the niche but, necessarily clear what technological solutions fit best with which sec­
due to niche splintering, a lot of these are expended during the toral problems, and that actors have different understandings of this
anchoring process, as resources are used to reduce uncertainty, explore a issue. We argued that actors and their sense making and strategies are at
growing number of technical solutions, and understand sector-specific the core of the niche splintering processes (Garud et al., 2016); our
problems. Overall, our findings highlight the immense challenge of analysis supports this argument.
deployment of carbon capture technology along the lines of mitigation The above-mentioned insights demonstrate more forcefully than in
pathways that keep global warming within a range of 1.5–2 ◦ C warming. previous literature (Cattani, 2006; Garnsey et al., 2008) that uncer­
tainty, actor perceptions, sense-making, and expectations can be more
5.2. Insights for theory important for whether or not technological speciation happens than
actual resource availability and cross-sectoral differences. How actors
Our analysis and results have implications for how we think about face this uncertainty is one of the driving factors of niche splintering, as
niche anchoring and diffusion in the context of urgent net-zero transi­ actors form different networks around separate solutions that ‘work for
tions and more generally in an era of grand societal challenges. us’.
We suggested a multidimensional approach for understanding in­ The fact that our focal niche technology is anchoring in multiple
teractions with new user sectors during the diffusion process. By inte­ sectors simultaneously augments complexity and uncertainty. Similar
grating the notions of niche anchoring and speciation we created a mechanisms would probably be involved in sequential sector anchoring,
framework of niche splintering. We used this framework for exploring but identifying, understanding, and matching solutions and problems

J. Finstad and A. Dahl Andersen Technological Forecasting & Social Change 194 (2023) 122696

would be less complicated. Our study thus suggests that understanding expectations, visions, and rules—across producers and users of a niche
actor strategies and sense-making is important for understanding how technology, is of major importance. While this challenge is not new
parallel transitions in different sectors influence each other, e.g., (Wanzenböck et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2020), it is more complex for
whether they compete for resources or develop symbiotic interactions multi-purpose technologies due to their multi-sector nature (e.g., larger
that can increase the speed of the overall net-zero transition (Andersen number and diversity of actors, rules, and technical problems) (Ander­
and Geels, 2023; Ohlendorf et al., 2023). sen and Geels, 2023; Andersen et al., 2020; Ohlendorf et al., 2023). It
thus seems important that the design of directionality policies (Schot
5.2.2. Technology characteristics and Steinmueller, 2018; Weber and Rohracher, 2012) take this multi-
Our analysis revealed that technology characteristics were very sectoral nature of some technologies into account.
influential in the anchoring process. While scholars have studied the Second, the urgency for net-zero transitions further adds complexity.
relationship between innovation and technology characteristics (Hob­ For example, our analysis suggests that any policy mix that seeks to
day et al., 2000; Malhotra and Schmidt, 2020), the literature on niche achieve rapid deployment of carbon capture must deal with tensions
anchoring and speciation has not yet adequately taken this aspect into between efficiency of capture (degree of fit between solutions and
account. Our analysis showed how actors engaged with rapid anchoring problems) and the speed of diffusion, which could be accelerated by
and diffusion of a large-scale, complex, and customized technology on concentrating resources on one standardized design across all user sec­
the ground. For example, actors developed smaller, mobile test units and tors. However, standardized and technically mature solutions may
new forms of collaboration. contribute to faster anchoring at the cost of lower CO2 capture rates and
This is important to keep in mind when considering anchoring potentially locking-in early movers to less efficient solutions. This pos­
challenges for other multi-purpose technologies relevant for net-zero sibility presents a question of how speed of diffusion/decarbonization at
transitions, such as energy-dense batteries (for electric cars or storage the sector level is valued vis-à-vis capture efficiency at the plant level.
systems) or hydrogen fuel cells. These technologies generally have lower Underlying this issue is a trade-off between speed of change and
scale and capital intensity, as well as limited customization. Therefore, learning. On the one hand, good matches between problems and solu­
uncertainty could be reduced faster for those technologies by matching tions are needed, but on the other hand there is limited time, and
solutions and sector problems and finding a clear path forward. For learning and experimentation with complex technology required to
these reasons, niche splintering in small-scale and modularized tech­ achieve the matching rarely happens fast. The urgency and need for
nologies with low customization needs may be overcome easier than for speed thus augments the diversity dilemma, cf. Section 2.1 (Schot and
carbon capture and it would not slow down diffusion markedly Geels, 2008). Even so, the emergence of collective learning in industrial
(Andersen et al., 2023; Sovacool, 2016; Wilson et al., 2020). This war­ clusters that seek to accelerate learning by sharing knowledge is a re­
rants further research on how niche splintering affects anchoring and action to this augmented dilemma. How actors work in industrial clus­
diffusion of technologies with dissimilar characteristics. ters to accelerate transitions in the face of urgent transitions is an
important topic for further research. Policies that leverage such cross-
5.2.3. An idiosyncratic context: belief and urgency sectoral activities further could accelerate learning for multi-purpose
Our findings show that the particular context of urgent net-zero technology.
transitions influences anchoring process three interesting ways. Overall, our study finds that policies that seek to support rapid
First, climate change mitigation and political net-zero commitments diffusion of multi-purpose technologies should be very attentive to their
are interpreted by niche actors as a form of ‘guarantee’ that viable multi-sectoral nature in relation to directionality and the sharing of,
market for CO2 will come despite several unresolved issues and much instead of competition over, resources such as knowledge and finance.
remaining uncertainty. This belief is seemingly based on a foundational
expectation that policymakers will act because failure implies that the 6. Conclusion
world will move beyond what is considered a safe operating space for
humanity (Persson et al., 2022). This is combined with the belief that Most scenarios and strategies for net-zero require carbon capture to
there are no alternatives to carbon capture in many sectors. As such, the be developed and diffused rapidly to multiple sectors. However, the
expectation of policy action to avoid ‘catastrophe’ (to tackle a grand phenomenon of a multi-purpose technology anchoring and diffusing in
challenge) is a both a key mechanism in the anchoring process and a multiple sectors simultaneously has received limited attention.
driving force for niche splintering in our case. In this paper we have mobilized insights from theory on niche
Second, due to a combination of technology characteristics (large- anchoring and speciation of multi-purpose technologies. We have put
scale, complex, and customized) and urgency for change, several actors forward the concept of niche splintering to analyse the effect of simul­
seek new forms of collaboration and pool resources to accelerate taneous anchoring in multiple, heterogenous sectors on carbon capture
anchoring and diffusion. Users come together in multi-sector industrial in Norway.
clusters where actors share knowledge about carbon capture and share We find that the diverging service characteristics of new user sectors,
cost of infrastructure (transport and storage) in attempts to reduce un­ combined with resource mobilization and strong expectations about
certainty and unlock faster knowledge development (Sovacool et al., future growth of the niche, has stimulated the entry of new technology
2022). suppliers and the emergence of new carbon capture technologies leading
Third, our analysis revealed tensions between finding the technically to niche splintering – a situation characterized by high diversity of user
optimal solution for a given sector and diffusing technologies quickly problems and of competing technology options (within the same tech­
enough to keep up with CO2 mitigation scenarios. This finding has im­ nology class). Although enhanced resource mobilization has taken place
plications for policy, as discussed in the next Section 5.3. in parallel, it seems insufficient to advance all solutions rapidly. More­
over, for a complex and capital-intensive technology, such as carbon
5.3. Implications for policy capture, the learning and experimentation needed for matching prob­
lems and solutions is very resource-demanding and quite slow. As a
Governing net-zero transitions is inherently complex, challenging, consequence, the carbon capture niche may remain splintered for some
and not well understood (Andersen et al., 2023; Markard and Rose­ time. This situation works against rapid anchoring and diffusion of
nbloom, 2022). Our study of carbon capture as a multi-purpose tech­ carbon capture, as outlined in many net-zero scenarios and strategies.
nology that can decarbonize multiple sectors provides two useful Our study has generated new insights into the diffusion of multi-
insights related to net-zero strategies. purpose technologies in general, and in the context of urgent net-zero
First, our analysis shows that achieving directionality—shared transitions in particular, thus emphasizing the role of agency,

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