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Weather Briefing and Flight planning

CAIPEEX Bengaluru mission

Date : 4 July 2009

1. Debriefing of 3 July flight: Yesterday as per decision, flight was conducted towards the west
coast of India. It took off from Yelhanka at 12.00 hrs. It went to Mangalore, then in the
convective clouds. The Mangalore was raining heavily. While making sorty in the cloud, it
caught in to updraft core. This shattered the aircraft and instruments. Due to overcast, the pilot
was unable to locate the reference points. The aircraft took observations of vertical profile up to
the lowest height of 1500’. The flight was called off and returned to base half an hour before
schedule. The pilot and crew did marvellous work during difficult situation in the cloud. This is
the point of appreciation.

2. Weather conditions today: The monsoon covered the country on 3 July, 12 days in advance.
On 24 June, it was lagging behind by 10 days. The rainfall reported today morning showed
heavy and widespread activity throughout the country. Chief rainfall amounts are: Sevok(WB)-
33 cm, Champasry (WB) 13 cm,Bhainsangad(Raj.) 19 cm, Ratnagiri (Mah)-26 cm, Agumbe
(kar)-17 cm. The synoptic situation shows stream line convergence at lower levels over central
parts of the country. The west coast trough remained active. The trough in westerlies caused
dynamic lifting of moisture and rainfall over Rajsthan region.

3. Forecast: The west coast trough will remain active. The deep convective clouds will be
present through out the day over the coast and adjacent upslope region of the western Ghats. The
cloud bases will be lower than 5000’ and tops above 25000’.
The rainshadow region of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra will have subdued
convective activity.

4. Flight Plan: As it is scientifically important to have more observations of the deep

convective clouds formed over the west coast trough region, it has been decided to continue
flying from the point from where we left yesterday. Thus it has been decided to go first at lower
levels and then climb up.

The flight plan: 270 radial, vertical profile over sea. Take off time: 12.00, landing 16.00.

Dr. J. R. Kulkarni
Program Manage

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