Bab 1

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Jawapan Bab 1


1 Pengukuran

1 .1 Kuantiti Fizik
Physical Quantities

1. menentukan nilai kuantiti fizik

determine the value of a physical quantity

Kuantiti fizik yang tidak boleh diterbitkan dengan kuantiti
Kuantiti asas fizik lain.
Base quantities Physical quantities which cannot be derived from other physical quantities.

Kuantiti fizik yang diterbitkan daripada gabungan beberapa

kuantiti fizik melalui operasi darab, bahagi atau kedua-
Kuantiti terbitan
Derived quantities duanya.
Physical quantities derived from combination of physical quantities through
multiplication, division, or both.

Kuantiti asas Simbol Unit S.I. Simbol unit
Base quantities Symbol S.I. unit Unit symbol

Panjang / Length l meter / metre m

Jisim / Mass m kilogram / kilogram kg

Masa / Time t saat / second s

Arus elektrik / Electric current I ampere / ampere A

Suhu / Temperature T kelvin / kelvin K

Keamatan berluminositi Iv candela / candela cd

Luminous intensity

Kuantiti jirim / Quantity of matter n mol / mol mol

Kuantiti asas Kuantiti terbitan
Base quantities Derived quantities

Panjang / Length Laju / Speed

Kauntiti jirim / Quantity of matter Tekanan / Pressure
Suhu / Temperature

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  Fizik  Tingkatan 4  Jawapan

Kuantiti terbitan Rumus Sebutan dalam Sebutan dalam unit
(simbol) Formula kuantiti asas asas S.I.
Derived quantities (symbol) Terms in base quantities Terms in S.I. bases unit

Luas (A) panjang (l) × lebar (l) l × l = l2

Area (A) length (l) × width (l)
m × m = m2

Isi padu (V) panjang (l) × lebar (l) × tinggi (l) l × l × l = l3

Volume (V) length (l) × width (l) × height (l)
m × m × m = m3

Laju (v) jarak / distance (l) l m

= m s–1
Speed (v) masa /time (t) t s

a = v–u
Pecutan (a) l l m s–1
u = halaju awal / initial velocity = m s–2
Acceleration (a)
v = halaju akhir / final velocity t × t = t2 s
t = masa / time

F = ma kg m s–2
Daya (F) m = jisim / mass l ml
Force (F) m× t×t = 2 atau / or
a = pecutan / acceleration t Newton (N)

Kuantiti skalar Kuantiti vektor
Scalar quantities Vector quantities

Magnitud Magnitud
✓ Magnitude

Arah Arah
Direction Direction


Situasi Kuantiti
Situation Quantity

Air mendidih pada suhu 100oC. Skalar

Water boils at temperature of 100 oC. Scalar

Ahmad berjalan 20 m ke utara. Vektor

Ahmad walks 20 m to the north. Vector

Berat maksimum sebuah lori membawa muatan ialah 75 000 N. Vektor

The maximum weight of a truck carrying a load is 75 000 N. Vector

Malik mengisi 500 ml air ke dalam sebuah botol. Skalar

Malik fills 500 ml of water into a bottle. Scalar

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Fizik  Tingkatan 4  Jawapan 

Penyiasatan Saintifik (ii) 2.9 m

Scientific Investigation (iii) 3.8 s
(iv) 5.4 m
1. y2 – y1
(v) m = = 3.6 – 1.8 = 8.18 m s–1
y berkurang secara linear dengan x x2 – x1 3.8 – 1.6
y decreases linearly with x (vi) laju / speed

0 x
3. (a) (i) 1.5 m s–1
y –y
(ii) m = 2 1 = 5 – 0 = 0.5 m s–2
y berkadar terus dengan x x2 – x1 10 – 0
y is directly proportional to x
(iii) Pecutan / Acceleration

0 x

y bertambah secara linear dengan x y

y increases linearly with x
Luas / Area = (2 + 4)(8 – 4) = 12 m
y berkadar terus dengan 1 0 x
(v) Sesaran / Displacement
x y

y is directly proportional to 1 4.
Mengenal pasti masalah.
Identify the problems. 1
0 x
y bertambah dengan x
y increases with x
Nyatakan hipotesis.
State the hypothesis 3

y berkadar songsang dengan x 0 x Nyatakan inferens.

y is inversely proportional to x y State the inference. 2

Kumpul dan jadualkan data.

y berkurang dengan x Collect and tabulate the data. 7
y decreases with x 0

2. Senaraikan radas dan bahan.

Jarak, s / m List the materials and apparatus. 5
Distance, s / m

Buat kesimpulan.
6 Draw a conclusion. 9
(6, 5.4)
Jalankan prosedur eksperimen.
Perform the experiment procedures. 6
4 X
(3.8, 3.6)

3 Analisis data.
2.9 X Analyse the data. 8
(1.6, 1.8)
Senaraikan pemboleh ubah dimanipulasi,
1 pemboleh ubah bergerak balas dan
pemboleh ubah dimalarkan. 4
Masa, t / s List the manipulated variables, responding variables
Time, t / s
0 1 2 3 3.8 4 5 6 and constant variables.

(a) (i) Jarak bola bertambah secara linear

dengan masa (dibuktikan dengan 5. (a) Panjang bandul mempengaruhi tempoh
ekstrapolasi ke paksi-y) ayunan bandul.
Distance of the ball increases linearly with time The length of the pendulum affect the period of oscillation
(proved by extrapolation to y-axis) of the pendulum.

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  Fizik  Tingkatan 4  Jawapan

(b) Semakin bertambah panjang bandul, (j) Kesimpulan: / Conclusion:

semakin bertambah tempoh ayunan bandul. Semakin bertambah panjang bandul,
As the length of the pendulum increased, the period of
oscillation of the pendulum increases. semakin bertambah tempoh ayunan.
(c) Mengkaji hubungan antara panjang bandul When the length of the pendulum increases ,
dengan tempoh ayunan bandul. the period of oscillation increases .
To investigate the relationship between the length of a
pendulum and the period of oscillation of a pendulum.

(d) (i) Panjang bandul

Length of pendulum
(ii) Tempoh ayunan bandul
Period of oscillation of pendulum 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D
(iii) Jisim ladung 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. A
Mass of pendulum bob
(e) Kaki retort dengan pengapit, ladung, KERTAS 2
benang 100 cm, jam randik, pembaris meter.
Retort stand with clamp, pendulum bob, 100 cm thread, Bahagian A
stopwatch, metre rule
1. (a) Kuantiti terbitan
(h) Penjadualan data: Derived quantity
Tabulation of data:
(b) Diterbitkan dari gabungan dua kuantiti asas
Panjang Masa diambil untuk 10 iaitu panjang dan masa
bandul ayunan Tempoh Derived it from combination of two base quantities
Length of Time taken for 10 oscillations Period which are length and time
t (s)
pendulum, l t1 + t2 T= 80 km 1j 1 min 1000 m
(cm) t1 (s) t2 (s) t = (s) 10 (c) 80 km/j = × × ×
2 1j 60 min 60 s 1 km
10 = 22.22 m/s
20 2. (a) Miliammeter / Miliammeter
(b) (i) ✓ kuantiti kalar / scalar quantity
30 *Jawapan dari eksperimen yang (ii) ✓ 0.2 A
40 dijalankan (c) Arus elektrik / Electric current
50 Bahagian B
(i) Analisis data: / Analysis of data: 3. (a) (i) Kuantiti fizik yang tidak boleh diterbitkan
oleh kuantiti fizik yang lain.
Physical quantities that cannot be derived from
T (s)
Period, T (s) another physical quantity.
(ii) Kuantiti fizik yang dihasilkan melalui
gabungan beberapa kuantiti fizik
melalui operasi darab, bahagi atau
A physical quantity produced from the combination
of more than one physical quantity through
multiplication, division, or both.
(b) (i)
Kuantiti Asas Kuantiti Terbitan
Base Quantities Derived Quantities

Suhu / Temperature Isi padu / Volume

Jisim / Mass Tenaga / Energy

(ii) m = 0.001
= 1 × 10-3
Panjang bandul
Length of pendulum, I (cm)
Length of pendulum, l (cm)

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Fizik  Tingkatan 4  Jawapan 

(c) (d)
Ciri-ciri Sebab Ubah suai Sebab
Characteristics Reasons Modification Reasons

Senggatan terkecil yang Lebih jitu Bebuli nipis Lebih sensitif / peka
rendah More accurate Thin bulb More sensitive
Lower smallest division Senggatan terkecil lebih Lebih sensitif / peka
rendah More sensitive
Julat suhu 35 C – 43 C
o o
Cukup untuk mengukur
Temperature range is 35 C – Lower smallest division
suhu badan manusia
43oC Enough to measure human Cecair dalam Kadar pengembangan
body temperature termometer : merkuri lebih tinggi dengan
The liquid in thermometer: peningkatan suhu
Cecair dalam Kadar pengembangan mercury Rate of expansion is higher with
termometer : merkuri lebih tinggi dengan the rise of temperature
The liquid in thermometer: peningkatan suhu
mercury Rate of expansion is higher with Warna cecair : legap Mudah dilihat
the rise of temperature The liquid colour : opaque Easy to see
Tiub kapilari lebih halus Lebih sensitif / peka
Warna cecair : legap Mudah dilihat Thinner capillary tube More sensitive
The liquid’s colour : opaque Easy to see

Termometer Y adalah paling sesuai

Thermometer Y is the most suitable
Fokus KBAT
(d) (i) 20oC (melalui ekstrapolasi / from
32 – 24 Bentuk graf T2 ∝L ialah graf linear (garis lurus)
(ii) Kecerunan / Gradient = = 2oC min-1
6–2 The shape of the graph T2 ∝L is a linear graph (straight line)
Bahagian C T2 L
T = 2p
4. (a) Alat pengukuran A: Angkup Vernier. g
Alat pengukuran B: Tolok Skru Mikrometer. L
Measuring instrument A: Vernier Calliper. T2 = 4p2
Measuring instrument B: Micrometer Screw Gauge. g
(b) Senggatan terkecil alat pengukuran B < A. Susun semula / Rearrange
The smallest division of measuring instrument B < A. L 4p2
T2 = L
Julat pengukuran B < A. Paksi –y Paksi x g
The range of measuring instrument B < A.
y– axis x– axis
Kepekaan alat pengukuran B > A.
The sensitivity of measuring instrument B > A.
Semakin rendah senggatan terkecil semakin y=mx+c
tinggi kepekaan.
The lower the smallest division, the higher the sensitivity.
(c) Sekeping syiling mempunyai diameter yang T2 = L
tidak sekata.
A coin have uneven diameter. Daripada perbandingan dengan persamaan garis
Pengukuran dibuat beberapa kali pada titik
lurus, dapat dilihat bahawa nilai kecerunan, m = L.
yang berbeza. g
The measurements were performed a few times at From the comparison with the equation of a straight line, it can be
different points. 4p2
seen that the gradient of the graph, m = L.
Bacaan purata akan dihitung. g
The average reading will be calculated.
Oleh itu, nilai pecutan graviti, g boleh dikira dengan
Ralat dapat dikurangkan. menggunakan rumus berikut.
Errors can be reduced. Therefore, the value of the gravitational acceleration, g can be
Bacaan lebih jitu. calculated using the following formula.
The reading is more accurate. 4p2
m ialah nilai kecerunan graf.
m is the value of the graph’s gradient.

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