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7th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management,

and Control
International Federation of Automatic Control
June 19-21, 2013. Saint Petersburg, Russia

Safety Analysis of Combined FMEA and FTA with Computer Software

Assistance ± Take Photovoltaic Plant for Example
Chi-Tang Liu*, Sheue-Ling Hwang*, I-K. Lin**

*Institute of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, National Tsing Hua University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC (e-mail: lililu525@gmail.com)
School of Occupational Safety and Health, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC

Abstract: Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is one of the most widely used method for safety
analysis which can find out the effects of failure modes in components and system. Generally, the result
of FMEA can be the foundation for more detailed safety analysis like fault tree analysis (FTA), and
some computer software is released to assist the data linking, calculating, and documentation. However,
with the larger scope and higher demand of hazard analysis in the emerging industry such as
semiconductor or photovoltaic (PV) industry, it is difficult and time-consuming to go through the
traditional analysis way by manual work to catch the critical element which may play an important role
in safety and system, especially in early. The modified safety design and management after analysis are
also major topics that can prevent potential risk to happen, but the inspection and modification of
documents and data linking are also difficult without automation. This paper introduces the combination
way of FMEA and FTA with computer software assistance to solve the problems as listed, and this
proposed method is also applied into a manufacture process in a PV plant for case study.
Keywords: Safety analysis; Failure mode and effects analysis; Fault tree analysis; Software assistance; photovoltaic

and the critical part (the one has a high rate to fail). Finally
we completed the FMEA table of the basic events; especially
Safety and reliability are the most important issues in those were involved in critical part, and discussed solutions
chemical and semiconductor plant, especially when the to enhance the safety and reliability management of the target
material, such as chemical gas, acid and alkaline liquid, are process and machine in a case solar cell plant.
flammable or toxic. In the past, safety management and
reliability analysis of most solar cell manufactories are
similar to those of semiconductor plants because of the
2.1 FMEA and FTA
similarities between their processes and equipment.
However, green industry grows rapidly nowadays, more FMEA is a widely used safety analysis for evaluating the
and more new material and complex processes are involved effects cause by different failure modes in elements or
in producing higher solar photovoltaic conversion efficiency. components. FMEA, traditionally, is a time-consuming and
This trend accelerates the complexity and potential risk of dull method by manual work as Hughes et al. (1999) and
solar cell production, so the safety management and Pentti and Helminen (2002) pointed, and some research for
reliability analysis become the first concerned topics day by automatically FMEA analysis are posted to solve the
day. In addition, the requirement of safety and reliability problems such that Teoh and Case (2004) referred to a
analysis is increasing quickly, and traditional safety and minimum information concept for data linking automatically
reliability analysis such as FMEA and hazard and operability to avoid data missing, and this method also allow the
analysis (HAZOP) are no longer able to support it because its combination of FMEA and other analysis approach. FTA is a
time-consuming, high requirement of analysis group and risk assessment tool which is systemic, deductive and logical.
difficult to modify smoothly. As facing the analogous problems, Ferdous et al. (2007)
In this study, we tried using and combining two risk indicated that running FTA automatically is Inevitable due to
analyses ± FMEA and FTA step by step and taking the heavy demand of probability calculation and fault tree
computer-aided software to assist analysis. In this approach, modulation. Majdara and Wakabayashi (2009) presented a
we applied preliminary FTA first to establish the top-event component-oriented method to automate fault tree generation.
and fault tree to find out the minimal cutsets (MCS), and then The result of FMEA is typically used as the foundation of
determined and discussed the basic events from MCS by more detailed safety analysis such as FTA and event tree
preliminary FMEA, including failure mode, effects and other analysis, but it is tedious, time-consuming, and hard to grasp
possible failure situation; meanwhile, we used computer the critical points or elements because the large scope and
software to input data into FMEA and FTA individually and complex manufacturing process without automation.
deliver data automatically. Thus, we modular the fault tree Papadopoulos et al. (2004) proposed a method that can
which is constructed in Pre. FTA by the result of FMEA and promote the result of individual component to the
identify the MCS to calculate the probability of top-event construction of fault tree. However, any inspection and revise

978-3-902823-35-9/2013 © IFAC 2151 10.3182/20130619-3-RU-3018.00370

June 19-21, 2013. Saint Petersburg, Russia

of the result of FMEA is tough, especially when the 3.2 Combination of FMEA and FTA
frequency of reuse is much high. Additionally, how to link
The first step in this hybrid approach model was the
data of failure mode and effects in a complex process with
determination of the analysing range and initial process
FTA is a problem in actual situation, too.
condition of the target system, and then the top event was
39¶V HQYLURQPHQWDO KHDOWK DQG VDIHW\ (+6 LVVXH DQG discussed and highlighted to construct the preliminary fault
safety analysis tree model. As being the foundation of beginning analysis,
we focused on top event to avoid excessive deviation in
Green industry grows vigorously in recent years, and solar
further analysis. After defining a top event, the middle and
industry has been growing rapidly too; expansions are seen
basic event, which had strong links with it were discussed by
in both the number of factories and the increase in plant scale
experienced engineers and safety analysis team.
as Wang et al. (2008) reported. Fthenakis and Moskowitz
The relationship between the top event and basic events
(2000) and Cullen et al. (2002) pointed that PV industry
was presented by logic symbol such as AND-gate, OR-gate
usually get to use more various and risky chemicals that
and Inhibit-gate. To prevent the fault tree structure being
would cause lots of losses in case of carelessness. Due to this
large and complex, the modularization of fault tree was
growing speed, Wang et al. (2008) proposed the management
considered to shorten the analysing time by using software.
of risk in PV factory is more and more important. Fthenakis
The modularization of initial fault tree (if necessary) was
(2003) mentioned the potential hazards in different types of
then transformed into Boolean algebra to determine the
solar cell manufacturing process. Process hazard analysis is
minimal cutsets so that we can grasp the risk level of the
required in law for PV plant in several countries in Europe
target system by the number of MCSs. In this step, we were
and the analysis demand is getting lager. Fthenakis (2003)
making efforts in building up a fault tree which is well-
also suggested using Hazard and operability Analysis
constructed and has a correct logic relationship among the
(HAZOP), FMEA or FTA for more detailed safety analysis if
top event and the basic events because the accuracy and
the target system is large and complex. Wild-Scholten and
required time of fault tree analysis depend on those important
Alsema (2005) described the impact of safety and
environment that might happen in the life cycle of crystalline
When the fault tree has been established, we focused on
silicon solar cell. Thus, safety analysis is important in each
finding out the components or equipment which were
process stage.
involved in basic events and use FMEA to keep analysing it.
3. METHOD The discussion was including the failure modes and efforts of
those components, and we investigated the other failure
The method we used is referring to the iterative application
modes that would happened probably on it to gather the data
of FTA and FMEA carried out by Maskuniitty and Pulkkinen for expanding the fault tree in future, too. The collection of
(1994) and Bi-directional Analysis (BDA) method proposed failure rate of the basic events was also carried on upon the
by Lutz and Woodhouse (1997, 1999b). We combined FTA
historical data of those components and the failure rate
and FMEA stepwise in this study to establish a hybrid
database. Afterwards, the preliminary FMEA on the basic
approach; it was supposed to analyse the appropriateness of a events were conducted and collect the failure rate of those
system safety design and management to prevent major components. These actions made the analysis team paying
potential risk happened. In addition, we use computer-aided
more attention on the components which are the key roles of
software Reliability Workbench (Ver. 11.0) to assist the
fault tree.
analysis and data linking getting faster and automatically. Once the preliminary FMEA was done, the fault tree
3.1 On-site interview should be revised through the result of FMEA. Some new
basic events that probably occur can also be added into the
The nature of the chemical substances that used in the case fault tree. Then the determination of MCSs and probability
plant, the potential hazard factors, and the events were analysis of basic and top event were done to find out those
collected from academic literature, government information, importance, the probability of occurrence of basic events
internal data and environmental regulations to determine the were referred to the failure rate and event data for use within
target material and the primary concern hazardous events, risk assessment from the HSE (2012). The importance of
and to establish the direction and framework of follow-up each basic event depended on its probability, the number of
research. The on-site interview was quite important and its occurrences in other MCSs, and the product of the
necessary for analyst to understand the machine and probability of other basic events. After the calculation of
chemical substances that were used in actual situation, probability, we made the importance analysis by sorting the
including the P&ID, information of subsystem and probability of MCSs to discover which MCS had a high
distinguish of module, also the function and specification of contribution to the top event.
components. Table 1 is an example of interview items. The final step of the analysis is to complete the rest of
Table 1. Partial of interview items FMEA, especially for those components in the critical MCSs.
There are more discussions about the perfectibility of current
Function & safety design and management such as the detection, alarm
Subsystem Module Component
and reaction when each failure mode happens to strengthen
Gas Box DEZ
Level sensor Detect the level of DEZ the safety. In the end, the documentation of the entire FMEA
LS-1 in buffer tank table should be carried on by software for quick inspection
and modification. The overall framework is shown in Fig.1.

June 19-21, 2013. Saint Petersburg, Russia

This case study was a safety assessment of a Metal-organic
Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) gas box and chamber
in a CIGS PV plant by using the methodology which has
been discussed before. In this case study we tried to
determine the critical components in the target system,
calculate the probability of top event from the result of FTA,
and discussed the better safety design and management ways
of those components by using FMEA. Additionally, we also
showed how the Reliability Workbench software has been
The main chemical materials that used in this MOCVD
system are Diethylzinc (DEZn) and H2O. DEZn is easy to
ignite violently in air, especially with water. It would be
dangerous if any leakage happened in either gas box or
chamber, so the main chemical material that we focused on is
DEZn, and the top event we selected is any fire or explosion
due to any component fail or rupture of MOCVD gas box
and chamber. The components we discuss first were
including manual valve, pneumatic valve, DEZn level sensor,
pressure detector, and heating plate. A simplified piping
instrument diagram of DEZn and its chamber is shown in Fig.
3. Firstly, DEZn was transported to manual valve (MV-1)
form supply-side, and going into buffer tank through a
pneumatic valve (PV-1, 2, 3), and then it was shipped into
gas mixing and MOCVD chamber. The other components
Fig. 1 The combination framework of FMEA and FTA. such as level sensor (LS-1) and pressure detector (PT-1, 2,
3.2 Computer software-aided FMEA and FTA 3,4) were used to detect the DEZn level in tank and pressure
The two main purpose of using computer-aided software is in piping and chambers.
to assist two safety analyses and the faster data sending PT-3 PT-4
among FMEA and FTA. Reliability Workbench has some LS-1 PT-1 PT-2
powerful features 1) help analysts to get the data faster from

PV-1 PV-2 PV-3


database to each analysis, 2) avoid the message lost by

human error when the delivery between FMEA and FTA, 3) Heating

provide a graphical interface to construct fault tree, 4) supply Mixing plate

an efficient MCS generation algorithm to analyze FTA and Chamber MOCVD
calculate the probability analysis automatically which can DEZn tank Chamber
reduce the load of staff and, 5) the documentation of all the Fig. 3. Simplified piping instrument diagram of DEZn gas
analysis data automatically is easy for revising in the future. box and MOCVD chamber.
Fig. 2 shows how the software helping analysis.
In the beginning of this safety assessment, we should
confirm that the top event in this fault tree was fire or
explosion in gas box or chamber due to DEZn leakage, and
the basic events in gas box and chamber subsystem were also
listed respectively. The relation between top event and basic
event were determined to be AND-gate and OR-gate. Then
we used Reliability Workbench software which can modular
fault tree automatically to establish a fault tree diagram base
on the top event and other components that we have selected
and explained as shown in Fig. 4. Note this fault tree,
however, is a preliminary model without any specific failure
rate, and it will be modified after FMEA is done.
FMEA was performed after the construction of fault tree to
help analyst knowing which components should be followed
closely. The content must be discussed includes the failure
modes and effects of those components, and specifically the
other failure modes that might possibly cause the same effect
Fig. 2. The linking way of FMEA and FTA with software but have been lost or did not be listed early, such as manual

June 19-21, 2013. Saint Petersburg, Russia

Fig. 4. Preliminary fault tree of DEZn leakage.

valve (MV-1) was failure to open during maintenance or Table 2. The probability of basic events
there was any leakage of the follow-up components in
process. The fault tree diagram had been revised, and the Probability
probabilities of each basic event are listed in Table 2. Middle event Basic event
(per demand)
In addition, the collection of the failure rate from data
Rupture 8.76E-5
bank was also carried on to be the foundation of next detailed
FTA. As inputting the failure models into Reliability MV-1 failed Failure to open 3E-3
Workbench software database, it is efficient to link the data Can¶t close 1E-4
among FMEA and the basic event of FTA. More basic events Rupture 1.6E-5
are discovered from the result of FMEA and added into the PV-1,2.3
Failure to open 3E-3
fault tree model to modify it. When modifying the fault tree, failed
it is easy to recall the failure modes and its specific data such Can¶t close 3E-3
as failure UDWH E\ XVLQJ WKH ³OLEUDU\´ function of Reliability Safety Smoke detector failure 6.4E-3
Workbench software that can shorten the working time and equipment Gas detector failure 4.5E-3
avoiding data missing. Also, the determination of minimal failed Pressure detector failure 5E-4
cutsets and calculation of probability of top event and cut set
both can be conducted automatically by using the software
detector Rupture 1.3E-5
which is shown in Table 3. The probability of top event (fire ruptured
or explosion) is 6.816E-8, and there were two minimal
cutsets: GT3EV6EV7 and EV6EV8GT6. GT3EV6EV7 has a
higher probability and importance obviously that shows the Table 3. The probability of FTA result
components included in GT3EV6EV7 should be the first
concerned points for safety manager; especially the one has Type Code Probability
more failure modes in it. Top event TP1 6.816E-8
The final step in this case study was to complete the GT3 0.02102
FMEA table consisting the detection, alarm, and safety EV6 6.4E-3
management of those components which are in the minimal
cutsets or within a high importance. An example of the rest Cut set EV7 5E-4
of FMEA content is shown in Table 4. EV8 4.5E-3
Although it seems not straightforward to conduct the GT6 3.9E-5
analysis follow this method, it can help the analyst to catch GT3EV6EV7 6.705E-8
the main components in the very first rather than carry on Minimal cutsets
EV6EV8GT6 1.117E-9
FMEA of entire components in the target system by
determining the top event and the basic events, and the 5. CONCLUSION
computer software can also be used to eliminate the human
errors such as data missing and calculation error. The safety One major problem in safety analysis is how to determine
manager will find the critical components readily after the important components in target system in the beginning;
reviewing the report of FTA and modify the FMEA easily in the analysis procedure we proposed is useful to find the
the future. critical ones and construct a fault tree based on a top event

June 19-21, 2013. Saint Petersburg, Russia

Table 4. A Safety management example of FMEA

Module & DEZn

Subsystem Gas Box Function Control valve for DEZn getting into gas box by manual
Component MV-1

Failure Mode Failure Effect Detection Alarm Reaction Remark

1.Failure to open 1;2 Fire or explosion 1;2;3 LS-1 and 1;2;3 Close all 1;2 Confirm and (i) Routine inspection
if during maintenance PT-1 can detect components in gas replace component is required.
or there is any leakage the DEZn level box and shut down (after combustion), (ii) Testing and
2.Cannot close in back components. and pressure. the chamber; alarm check the reading inspection 5 times per
in centre control of LS-1and PT-1. month.
room. (iii) Recoding the
lifetime and frequency
of use.
3.Leakage 3.Fire or explosion 3.Smoke detector

which is most concerned. In this paper, we showed that is Lutz, R.R. and Woodhouse, R.M. (1997, 1999b), Bi-direc-
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