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EEEG 213 Network Analysis

Lecture 5: Series and Parallel RLC circuits (External Excitation)

Dr. Bishal Silwal, Kathmandu University

Solution of Non-homogeneous Differential
• In non-homogeneous differential equation, forcing function is not
equal to 0.
• For example

• The roots of the characteristic equation for the above, s1 = -2 and s2

= -3. Thus

• For homogenous equations

Dr. Bishal Silwal, Kathmandu University

Solution of Non-homogeneous Differential
• In the analysis of electric circuits, the term v(t) in the differential
equation is the driving force or a derivative of the driving force.
• As a practical matter, driving forces are represented by only a few
mathematical forms like V (a constant), sin ωt, kt, eat, or products of
these terms (or linear combinations to give square waves, pulses,
• Several mathematical methods are available for determining the
particular integral.
• If only driving forces of the practical forms mentioned are considered,
the method of undetermined coefficients is particularly suited to our
Dr. Bishal Silwal, Kathmandu University
Method of undetermined coefficients
• The method of undetermined coefficients is applied by selecting trial
functions of all possible forms that might satisfy the differential
• Each trial function is assigned an undetermined coefficient.
• The sum of the trial functions is substituted into the differential
equation, and a set of linear algebraic equations is formed by
equating coefficients of like functions in the equation resulting from
this substitution.
• The undetermined coefficients are thus determined by solution of
this set of equations.
• If any trial function is not a solution, its coefficient will be zero.
Dr. Bishal Silwal, Kathmandu University
Method of undetermined coefficients
• When v(t) consists of a sum of
several terms, the appropriate
particular integral is the sum of
the particular integrals
corresponding to these terms
• Whenever a term in any of the
trial integrals listed in this
column is already a part of the
complementary function of the
given equation, it is necessary to
modify the indicated choice by
multiplying it by t before using it.
If such a term appears r times in
the complementary function, the
indicated choice should be
multiplied by tr
Dr. Bishal Silwal, Kathmandu University
Method of undetermined coefficients
• Determine the complementary function ic. Compare each part of the
complementary function with the form of v(t). The rules given in the table are
modified if these two functions have terms of the same mathematical form.
• Write the trial form of the particular integral, using the table. Each different trial
solution should be assigned a different letter coefficient, and all similar
functions should be combined.
• Substitute the trial solution into the differential equation. By equating
coefficients of all like terms, form a set of algebraic equations in the
undetermined coefficients.
• Solve for the undetermined coefficients and so find the particular integral.
These coefficients must be in terms of circuit and driving force parameters.
There are no arbitrary constants in the particular integral
Dr. Bishal Silwal, Kathmandu University
Example 1
• Consider a series RL circuit with the driving force voltage of the form
v(t) = Veαt, where V and α are constants. By law, the differential
equation is, after division by L,

• Complementary solution (without excitation)

Dr. Bishal Silwal, Kathmandu University

Example 1
• From the table, choice for trail particular solution is

• where A is the undetermined coefficient

• Substituting this trial solution into the differential equation gives

• The solution is the sum of ip and ic,

Dr. Bishal Silwal, Kathmandu University

Example 1
• If = R/L, the form of the trial solution should be

• Substituting this solution into the differential equation gives

• The solution for this case is thus

Dr. Bishal Silwal, Kathmandu University

Example 2
• Consider a series RC circuit with a sinusoidal driving force voltage v(t)
= V sin ωt. The Kirchhoff voltage equation is

• or, differentiating and dividing by R

• From the table, the assumed iP should be

Dr. Bishal Silwal, Kathmandu University

Example 2
• If this assumed solution is substituted into the differential equation and coefficients of
like functions are equated, the following system of linear equations results

• Solving for A and B yields

• Substituting these values into the assumed solution, there results, after some

• To this value of iP must be added ic = Ke-t/RC for the solution

Dr. Bishal Silwal, Kathmandu University
Example 2
• The particular solution can be further simplified by defining
1/ωC = K cosφ and R = K sin φ
• And making the use of the trigonometric identity
K(cos φ cos ωt + sin φ sin ωt) = K cos(ωt – φ)
• Where, since
sin2φ + cos2φ = 1,
K2 = R2 + 1/(ω2C2)
• Finally we get,

Dr. Bishal Silwal, Kathmandu University

Example 3
• Consider the circuit shown in figure
• Complimentary solution

• Find particular solution and complete solution

Dr. Bishal Silwal, Kathmandu University

Example 3
• Particular solution is calculated as

• The total solution thus becomes

Dr. Bishal Silwal, Kathmandu University

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