Recruitment Strategy To Hire The Best People For Organization

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Ahmad Azmy
Tanri Abeng School of Management & Leadership
Jl. Swadarma Raya No.88 Ulujami-Pesanggrahan South Jakarta

This study aims to analyze recruitment strategies to fulfil human resource needs. This study uses theory
and research results to explain the implications of the recruitment process to meet human resource
needs.. Research result explain that the recruitment strategy starts by determining manpower planning
which includes job design, job specification, and job description. The next process of determining
recruitment strategies includes recruitment sources, recruitment methods, and recruitment stages.
Positive implications of recruitment are high motivation, job satisfaction, and performance improvement.
So the recruitment strategy is the main activity of human resource management to hire the best talent and
own superior competence in achieving the business target of the company.

Keywords: Recruitment Strategy, Manpower Planning, Recruitment Implication

The company has several business planning will be made in more detail and
plans that must be achieved each year. formulated the resources needed at the
Business planning has stages to be implementation stage. One of the resources
implemented with a fast and precise process. needed is human resources where the
The planning process requires both human organization needs the competence and
and capital resources. Implementation of the ability to execute the planning for the
planning process requires appropriate human achievement of business targets. Vision and
resources and in accordance with the needs mission serve as a guide in the planning
of the organization. Business plan will be process so that human resources understand
able to be implemented if supported by organizational expectations and achieve
human resources with superior capability business targets.
and competence. Therefore the success of an
The process of obtaining superior
organization can be achieved through the
human resources must be created a
excellence of human resources.
mechanism or system to hire the best
Every organization has a vision and candidates. Human resource management
mission on every goal achievement. Hill and organize a mechanism or system whereby
Jones (2011) explain that vision is the dream company is able to hire desired candidate for
of the company's future is expected, while the success of business achievement. The
the mission is the stage that must be done process of obtaining candidates according to
company in realizing the company's dream. the needs of the organization is called
This vision and mission will be formulated recruitment. Dessler (2013) explains that
in the form of strategic planning. Strategic recruitment is the process of collecting

relevant information about work-related job description will help the company in
tasks and human characteristics needed to do measuring its overall performance by
the work so as to help managers determine examining the results of work already
the qualifications and types of skills needed performed by selected candidates in the
in the recruitment process. Then continued recruitment process. Companies as business
Mathis and Jackson (2010) argue that organizations will benefit from detailed job
recruitment is the process of generating a descriptions and are able to monitor all job.
pool of qualified applicants to perform an
The recruitment planning process is
organization's work. Recruitment is an early
a good first step for the company to get
process in which the organization must be
human resources in accordance with the
able to formulate human resource
capacity and business needs. A good
requirements including qualifications and
business system will not be able to run
competency needs.
optimally if it is not supported by human
Competence of human resources resources with superior competence. This is
must be tailored with the needs of company. an early challenge for a company to run a
Competence of human resources must be business competitively by recruiting the
formulated precisely how the company right people both in terms of expertise and
should be able to hire the best people for capability in achieving company's business
realizing achievement of business targets. objectives. Ekwoaba, Ikeije, and Ufoma
Initial process should be done by the (2016) explained that the recruitment link
company how to formulate the work plan, with performance is crucial to the success
qualifications, responsibilities, and work and performance of the company's business.
process. Brannick and Levine (2002) explain The right recruitment strategy and supported
that job analysis is an organized process by qualification determination according to
where companies are able to formulate the the needs of organization. So the target
nature of the work to be performed by achievement of the company can be
employees. The process of this company as achieved maximally and recruitment costs
a business organization must make the that have been issued can be offset by hiring
formulation of work and the process that the best candidate.
will be performed by employees. After
This research will analyze how
determining the type of work and the
recruitment strategy is able to hire right
process, the company must determine the
candidate according to needs of
qualifications that must be able to perform
organization. Recruitment will be seen from
the work with the best performance.
various aspects both from the theoretical
Mangaleswaran and Kirushantan foundations, company implementation, and
(2015) explain that job descriptions will be has a positive effect in improving the
blueprints capable of outlining the duties performance of human resources as a whole.
and responsibilities expected of the worker Stringent business competition requires
candidate. Job description will explain in superior human resources supported with
detail the obligations, workloads, and job competence and capability according to the
targets to be performed by the shortlisted needs of the organization. The results of this
candidates in the recruitment process. This study will create new thinking in human
resource theory about strategic recruitment and able to realize the future of company.

Methods variables. This research will analyze the

results of research related to recruitment
This research uses descriptive strategy in getting the best candidate and
qualitative method. Sugiyono (2011) implicate on employee performance.
explains that descriptive research is a Theories used are related to recruitment that
research conducted to determine the value of has strategic aspect on achieving company
independent variables, either one variable or performance targets both individually and
more (independent) without making organization. Stages of research to be
comparisons or connecting with other performed are as follows:

Recruitment Recruitment Recruitment Compare Research

Theory Research Implication research results
Results and theory

Figure 1 Research Methodology

Initial stage will be done by Second stage will conduct research

conducting recruitment theory studies in results related implications of recruitment of
accordance with research topic. Research the company's business. The results of this
theories that will be reviewed related research aims to see a relationship with the
recruitment strategy starting from the theory of recruitment is still relevant. The
planning process to the establishment of results will be analyzed how the
recruitment stages. This theory will be implications of recruitment to business
interconnected with regard to human achievement, employee performance, and
resource recruitment. Company will other aspects in accordance with the topic of
compete to hire the best candidates research. The results will be seen how the
according to business needs. Achieving strategic role of recruitment in hiring the
business targets will not be achieved unless best candidate according to company need.
there is synergy with human resource Business company must have a long-term
recruitment. Recruitment of human existence that can be developed and
resources will be seen to strategically have improved on an ongoing basis.
an effect in the company's business
Third stage is recruitment for organization to be able to hire the best
implications. Success of recruitment will be candidate for achievement business
analyzed with the results of research in company. Company reputation is always a
improving performance and productivity of consideration for applicant candidates to
business organization. Competitive join and enhance business value of the
recruitment implication becomes a challenge organization as a whole. Therefore,
recruitment implications will be recruiting employees and improving
comprehensively analyzed between company performance.
theoretical and implementation.
Stoilkovska, Ilieva, and Gjakovski
The fourth stage is to compare the (2015) explain that recruitment
results of research and reality that exist in implementation should view the
the business world. This process will understanding of gender equality, race,
analyze in a balanced way how recruitment religion, and avoid discrimination.
can improve the productivity of the Implementation of recruitment conducted in
company's business. Superior human Macedonia has been done professionally and
resources will be able to achieve business considers that everyone deserves equal
targets and become regeneration of opportunity to work in the company.
leadership within the organization. The Understanding equality of opportunity must
results of the study will explain thoroughly exist in the implementation of corporate
how recruitment can improve job motivation recruitment. Recruitment that has been done
and productivity. At this stage is expected to should view that the candidate has the same
produce a clear picture related to the opportunity and skill needs that fit with
recruitment process and the results for the company's business. The recruitment pattern
organization. The last stage generates a is still limited to provide access to disability
synthesis of research where the results of the in applying for jobs. People with disabilities
analysis will conclude how strategic have the opportunity to develop and improve
recruitment is able to get the best people for careers in accordance with the pattern of
the organization. This will clearly illustrate human resource development. Therefore,
how recruitment will affect other activities recruitment is the main activity that must be
in human resource management. done to hire the best people and give equal
opportunity to all parties
Bellionardi and Pujiarti (2013)
Results and Discussion explain that implementation of recruitment
Recruitment will play a strategic role model to hire the right people and improve
in company's business. The right recruitment competitiveness of company.
strategy will produce human resources Implementation of recruitment conducted at
according to company's business needs. The PT. Semarang Autocomp Manufacturing
accuracy of recruitment methods will have a Indonesia (SAMI) through several stages
positive effect on performance company and includes the analysis of employee needs, the
business as a whole. Adeola and Adebiyi selection process to analyze suitability of
(2015) see that there is an effect of the capabilities, and the placement process
influence recruitment activities with according to position. The right recruitment
employee performance and motivation. pattern will be in line with the company's
Effective recruitment must be able to obtain expectations. Human resources are an
human resources needed by company. The important factor in achieving company’s
effect of recruitment influence will be able business targets. The competitiveness of
to increase employee motivation in reaching organization will be enhanced through
organizational expectation. Recruitment appropriate recruitment patterns and needs
practices undertaken in the Nigerian banking of organization. Implementation of
industry are able to play a strategic role in recruitment patterns using internal and
external factors. Internal factors use several
considerations consisting of employee company performance. The results of their
needs, company policy, company resources, research explain that the criteria of
position requirements, vision, mission and recruitment and selection have a significant
corporate objectives. External factors using influence on company performance.
considerations include labor regulations and Recruitment and selection criteria are crucial
industry competition. Therefore, both of to the success of a company's business.
these factors must be analyzed and decided Business organizations that already have an
in the recruitment process so as to obtain international scale will continue to seek
employees according to the needs of the superior human resources and are ready to
organization. adapt to the rapidly changing business
trends. Superior human resources will be the
Chungyalpa and Karisma (2016) company's need to generate business
explained that recruitment process starts innovation. Therefore, the criteria of
from job analysis, manpower planning, and recruitment and selection must be analyzed
process of recruitment & selection. Job and decided to hire the best people who are
analysis is a preliminary process in which able to achieve vision and mission of the
the company conducts an investigation to company.
determine the type of job and qualifications
required to complete job process. This The employee recruitment decision-
process will determine other stages such as making process should involve Human
training, development, performance Resources Division. Human Resources
appraisal, and career systems. Therefore, job Division will conduct analysis and survey to
analysis will serve as basis for the decision see the process of job analysis and
to determine characteristics and needs of the manpower planning. Hsu and Leat (2000)
candidate's capacity to be recruited in surveyed the manufacturing industry in
accordance with the achievement of job Taiwan. The survey results explain that
target by company. human resource policies should be
integrated with company's business strategy.
Manpower planning is a process Human resource division is very influential
undertaken by companies making mapping in making decisions related to recruitment,
across different divisions to determine selection, training, and employee
number of workers. The prediction of development. The recruitment method will
worker number will determine in have positive implications on the company's
recruitment process for both short-term and business performance. The main purpose of
long term. The development of company's recruitment is how to get the right people
business will require availability of human according to the business needs of company.
resources in improving productivity and This is the main target of Human Resources
scale of organization's long-term business. Division to formulate and implement
After the labor planning process is appropriate recruitment practices and be
completed with some job analysis able to hire the best people with high
components. Then the company will start competence.
the process of recruitment and selection in
accordance with needs of the workforce. Selection of recruitment methods can
be done internally and externally in
Ekwoaba, Ikeije, and Ufoma (2015) accordance with the needs of job positions.
conducted research related to the impact of Devaro (2016) explains that the selection of
recruitment and selection criteria on internal and external recruitment methods
should be tailored to the company's the type of work the candidate will
conditions. Internal recruitment can be done undertake in the recruitment process. After
if existing human resources are able to fill going through all three stages of this
the job vacancy. Internal candidates have the process, Nestle will decide which
competence and qualifications according to recruitment source will be used to fill the job
the field of work so that the company does position. Recruitment resources can be done
not require external recruitment. If the internally and externally. Nestle builds the
internal candidate does not have the company's reputation through superior
competencies and capabilities corresponding business processes and high quality
to the job position. Then external products. The recruitment process is done
recruitment can be done where the company online and builds cooperation with several
will inform the job vacancy or use the leading universities in an effort to obtain
services of a third party. External high quality human resources. Nestle's
recruitment should be able to attract recruitment process has been linked to
candidates to apply for jobs both from recruitment theories and has a positive
corporate reputation, career opportunities, impact on the company's business
and compensation management. performance.
Company reputation has always been Low (2013) explains that recruitment
the reason for candidate to apply a job. This must be able to improve the competitiveness
will make it easier for companies to hire of the organization. Recruitment practices
superior human resources and competence already undertaken in the Eastern Cape
according to business company. Khalid and prioritize access to information and ease of
Tariq (2015) explain that the company's candidates in obtaining job vacancy
reputation has a strong correlation with information. Recruitment already done in
recruitment process. The applicant candidate South Africa should improve access to
will make observations regarding scale of online-based information. It aims to
business and its reputation in business facilitate access to information for
world. A good corporate reputation will applicants regarding job openings. Online
always be sought by job applicants and a recruitment will increase the number of
dream for candidates to join in building an applicants and the company's popularity.
organization's business. The Human Nestle and Eastern Cape are trying to use
Resources Division will undertake a number online recruitment method as the
of rigorous screenings to select candidates information base of applicant candidate. The
according to the qualifications and recruitment process will make it easier for
competencies that are appropriate with the Human Resources Division to find out
company business. Therefore, companies the applicant's profile quickly and
must build a business reputation to increase effectively.
popularity in the labor market.
The current era of recruitment can be
Implementation of recruitment that done with social media. The use of social
has been described in several research media such as Facebook, Linkedin, and
results. Li (2015) explains that Nestyle in some other social media can be used
planning employee recruitment starts from effectively in the process of human resource
the job analysis process, job description, and recruitment. Melanthiou, Pavlou, and
revision of job design. These three processes Constantinou (2014) found that social
will result in a new standard procedure for media-based recruitment has many
advantages for company. The company is research explain that the effectiveness of
able to provide broad access to information recruitment conducted by PT. Bank SulutGo
for applicant candidates to find job vacancy able to improve employee performance and
information. A good corporate reputation work productivity. Recruitment process
will have a positive impact on job applicant carried out in accordance with the stages, it
screening through social media. Job will be able to get the best candidate
applicants will easily search for information according to company needs. Recruitment
by using keyword of the company name and objectivity will be achievable in getting the
access it effectively. However, companies best people in the labor market.
should be cautious about using profile
information of social media-based Recruitment practices are able to
applicants. Companies should carefully demonstrate the significance of business
investigate and check their background and performance of Small & Medium
work experience. The profile of job Enterprises in Japan. Gamage (2014)
applicants will be main foundation for the demonstrates that the practice of Human
company in using social media as the Resource Management focused on
information base. Therefore companies appropriate recruitment practices can
should formulate effective e-recruitment improve business performance in Japan.
effectively and appropriately for the needs Small & Medium Enterprises play a central
of the company. role in the Japanese economy. The problem
that often happens many companies inform
Most companies are already the role of human resources in improving
recruiting via the internet. Kumar and Garg business performance. This implication
(2010) analyzed how the implications of on- suggests that many companies lose
line recruitment are able to improve the employees too quickly and undermine
performance of the process hiring business performance. Recruitment practices
employees. The use of information play an important role in meeting human
technology as a tool to extend information to resource needs. Target human resources in
all communities. On-line recruitment can improving motivation, commitment,
increase effectiveness in meeting human employee involvement in business process,
resource needs. The conventional product innovation, and financial
recruitment process is still needed to analyze performance will be able to be fulfilled
candidate profiles and background so as to through proper recruitment process.
obtain complete information. Recruitment Therefore, the recruitment and selection
has a high objectivity to be able to meet the process will be able to answer the company's
needs of human resources company. challenge in getting the right people
Multinational corporations and large according to the competence and business
business scales are already using on-line expertise.
recruitment to improve access to
information and are reachable by all Setiani (2013) explains that an
candidates without having to conventionally. effective recruitment process is able to
Company expectations of the recruitment obtain candidates according to the
process can improve business performance. competencies and skills required by the
Potale, Lengkong, and Moniharapon (2016) company. The recruitment process should be
see that recruitment has a positive effect on formulated by looking at the business needs
employee performance. The results of his of the company. The business process of the
company is capable of being done by human
resources with the expertise possessed by his talent for the company's long-term
the employees. Recruitment is an early assets. Recruitment strategy will be able to
process in which the company will answer the needs of companies in obtaining
determine the characteristics and superior human resources and competitive
qualifications of work that must be value.
possessed by job applicants. Stages in
looking at the suitability between the skills The success of recruitment in filling
and the needs of the company will be able to human resource needs will be in line with
be analyzed through the selection process. achievement business targets. The
However, if the recruitment process is done recruitment process must be in line with the
only to meet the needs of human resources organization's vision and mission. The
without seeing the business objectivity of company will seek to recruit employees
the company. Then the company will not be according to business needs. Yullyanti
able to recruit candidates appropriately. The (2009) explains that recruitment has an
company will only waste time and money indirect effect on employee performance
without having proper recruitment through the selection process. The
procedures. The solution to be executed is determination of the recruitment stages will
the recruitment process will check all be continued in formulating the tests to be
candidate background and track record by faced by the applicant candidate. Selection
adjusting the job position. So the will perform the process of identifying and
recruitment process will be able to produce analyzing candidate competencies with job
accurate information accuracy and retrieval positions. However, the selection process
of factual data-based information. will be done through the recruitment process
determined by the organization.
Recruitment objectivity has a high Achievement of maximum performance will
intensity in hiring the best people fit the be determined by human resources.
organization's needs. Selection of Competence, knowledge, and human
recruitment method by analyzing several resource capabilities play an important role
steps that must be considered by the in the success of a company's business.
company. Shafique (2012) explains that
recruitment should see needs and adapt
technological developments. Recruitment
through information technology is more
effective than using conventional methods.
This is due to the generation Y must use a Based on the analysis of research
technology-based approach. However, the results on the recruitment process as an
process of identifying and analyzing the effort to meet human resource needs. Then
compatibility of candidates' competencies the implications of recruitment will have a
and characteristics must be through an significant effect on job satisfaction,
interview process. Interview method is more increasing motivation, and overall company
effective for digging comprehensive performance. Recruitment is a preliminary
information related to candidate profile. The process in human resource management to
suitability of motivation and competence hire the best candidates according to
will be important information for the company needs. Identification of
organization to be able to know the recruitment planning and strategy to be done
candidate can be improved and developed must be formulated in detail according to the
company's business. The pattern of
recruitment and method will be determined
how the company's expectations of the
candidate who will run the business wheel.
Human resources management activities will
be able to continue depending on how the
recruitment is able to obtain candidates
according to the qualifications and needs of
the company. Competence and knowledge
possessed by the candidate is capable of
generating business creativity and
innovation. High business competition
always puts pressure on companies to be
able to hire the best candidates in the labor
market through proper recruitment process.
Below is the result of research
synthesis that has been analyzed to see the
pattern and recruitment strategy to get the
best candidate as follows:

Job Design Sources

Job Implication
Manpower Recruitm Job
Specification Time
Planning ent Satisfaction Recruitment

Job Performances
Stages Improvement

Figure 1 Research Synthesis Recruitment Strategy

Recruitment Strategy

Sources Method Stages

Internal Eksternal On-line Offline Screening Selection Interview &


Figure 2 Recruitment Strategy Process

Based on the results of research company. This should be the company's
synthesis related to corporate recruitment consideration in deciding the availability of
strategy must be initiated to create candidates in the labor market.
manpower planning. This process makes job
design, job specifications, and job The next process is to set recruitment
descriptions. Job design will contain the methods including on-line and offline.
work process information that will be Online recruitment methods require using of
performed by the candidate from information technology for the provision of
recruitment process. The information to be job vacancy information, the process of
included in job design consist of workload, recruitment stages, and decision making of
responsibility, job target, and job recruitment. The online method is widely
implementation process. Organization will used by companies to expand access
determine qualification standards and information for candidates regardless of
requirements that must be possessed by the territorial boundaries. The company hopes to
candidate to carry out the work. Job hire the best candidates from various
implementation requires competence and countries without any territorial boundaries
knowledge that candidates must have in the so as to implement the diversity of human
recruitment process. Job specifications will resources. Offline method is used to obtain
serve as an information material for the human resources directly by cooperating
company to determine the job requirements with institutions and institutions that can be
that must be owned by the candidate. The used as a source of recruitment. The
final process in employment planning is the company cooperates with universities and
job description. The Company will create a educational institutions to recruit the best
job description containing the students as employee candidates. Both
implementation and performance indicators methods are still used by the company and
that must be achieved by the elected adapted to the process to fulfil needs of
candidates in the recruitment process. human resources.

The process of manpower planning The last process in strategy

will serve as the basis for information to recruitment is the recruitment stage. The
formulate a recruitment strategy. The recruitment stages must be determined by
components to be defined from the the company as part of the recruitment
recruitment strategy are the sources, timing, strategy process including screening,
and stages that will be faced by job selection, and job placement. Screening
applicants. Recruitable resources that can be stage aims to investigate from several
considered include both internal and candidates through job application letter,
external. Both sources of recruitment can be Curriculum Vitae, work experience,
done according to the needs of the company. education level, and compatibility of
If the company establishes an internal competence with job position. This process
source, it must be ensured that the candidate will set a number of candidates to follow the
already possesses superior knowledge, work selection process. Selection stage aims to
experience, and competence as opposed to analyze the competence and ability of
external recruiting. External recruitment can candidates with job positions. The selection
be established by looking at the process can be determined according to the
unavailability of candidates within the level of competency requirement to carry
out job descriptions. After the selection
process, the company can determine the design, job specification, and job
chosen candidate according to the level of description. These three processes must be
competency requirement. The candidate will undertaken to identify and determine the job
then proceed to the interview and placement positions and the number of employees to be
stage. The interview stage aims to obtain recruited by the company. Recruitment
complete information related to the strategies play an important role in meeting
character, motivation, background, and human resource needs. Successful
ability possessed by the candidate. If the implementation of capital-based human
candidate is considered feasible, it will resource management should begin with a
proceed to the job placement process in recruitment strategy in order to be able to
accordance with the job position. obtain a superior and competitive candidate.
The positive impact of recruitment The conclusion of this research is
strategies implemented effectively and that recruitment has a positive impact on
efficiently involves improving morale, business performance. Recruitment must be
improving job satisfaction, and improving able to adapt to the development of business
overall performance. Recruitment strategies trends. Some research results explain with
are implemented correctly and the development of information technology,
systematically, then the company will get then the recruitment process can be done
candidates according to the needs of the with online methods in order to be able to
organization. Selected candidates have high expand access to information. Recruitment
motivation to be able to contribute in the must pay attention to equality of work to
company's business. The work process can give everyone opportunity and avoid
be done correctly and measured discrimination. Recruitment strategy must
performance according to predetermined be formulated and specified. This is all done
indicators through manpower planning. Job to improve the business performance of the
satisfaction will be able to build as part of company and able to meet the needs of
organizational culture and improve human resources.
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