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Journal of Traumatic Stress

xxxx 2020, 00, 1–11

Migration-Related Stressors and Suicidal Ideation in North Korean

Refugee Women: The Moderating Effects of Network Composition
Mee Young Um,1 Eric Rice,2 Lawrence A. Palinkas,2 and Hee Jin Kim3
School of Social Work Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions, Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona,
Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA
Bangmok College of General Education, Myongji University, Seoul, South Korea

Alarmingly high rates of suicidal ideation have been reported in North Korean (NK) refugee women living in South Korea. This population
often endures traumatic experiences and violence in North Korea as well as human trafficking and sexual exploitation in intermediary
countries. Following resettlement in South Korea, NK refugee women continue facing multiple hardships, such as discrimination, that can
negatively affect their mental health and contribute to suicidality. Support from social networks can buffer the harmful impacts of pre-
and postmigration stressors on mental health in NK refugee women. Using the stress-buffering hypothesis, the present study examined the
moderating effects of network composition (i.e., network diversity and church-based ties) on the associations among premigration trauma,
postmigration discrimination, and suicidal ideation in NK refugee women living in South Korea. Participants (N = 273) were NK refugee
women living in South Korea who were 19 years of age or older; 34.4% of the participants reported past-year suicidal ideation. The study
results indicated that network diversity significantly moderated the association between postmigration discrimination and suicidal ideation,
p = .031, whereas networks with church-based ties significantly moderated the association between premigration trauma and suicidal
ideation, p = .026. The present findings support the hypothesis that social ties can buffer the appraisal of migration-related stressors on
suicidality. These findings have implications for practitioners serving vulnerable populations that experience multiple traumatic events.

Refugees often experience war, traumatic events, violence, Premigration traumatic events can force refugees into exile and
and other life-threatening conditions before and during migra- tend to be more life-threatening and distal in nature, such that
tion (Fenta, Hyman, & Noh, 2004; Hovey, 2000) and continue their detrimental effects on mental health can decrease over
to experience stressful events during resettlement in a new host time, compared to postmigration stressors, such as discrimina-
country (Jankovic et al., 2013; McMichael & Manderson, 2004; tion, which are generally non–life-threatening but highly stress-
Um, Chi, Kim, Palinkas, & Kim, 2015); these experiences ful migration-related proximal events that continuously affect
can jeopardize their mental health and contribute to suicidal- refugees’ mental health at an increased rate over time (Miller &
ity (Jankovic et al., 2013). The literature on refugee mental Rasmussen, 2010; Wolf et al., 2017). In particular, postmigra-
health has criticized prior research for predominantly focusing tion discrimination has consistently been found to be the most
on the effects of premigration stressors while excluding postmi- salient and important postmigration stressor among refugees,
gration stressors shown to be strong predictors of poor mental accounting for the variance that is equal to or greater than premi-
health. This highlights the need to examine postmigration stres- gration trauma exposure in explaining mental health outcomes,
sors concurrently, particularly as these stressors are potentially such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression
manageable through interventions (Beiser & Hou, 2016; Ellis, (Beiser & Hou, 2016; Ellis et al., 2008; Li et al., 2016; Miller
MacDonald, Lincoln, & Cabral, 2008; Li, Liddell, & Nicker- & Rasmussen, 2010). However, ways in which premigration
son, 2016; Miller & Rasmussen, 2010; Porter & Haslam, 2005). trauma exposure and postmigration discrimination affect sui-
cidality have been understudied among refugees despite prior
research documenting that refugees exhibit higher rates of suici-
Hee Jin Kim was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea, dal behavior than the general population (Jankovic et al., 2013).
funded by the South Korean Government (NRF-2013S1A3A2042790). In a similar vein, the prevalence of suicidal behavior among
Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Hee Jin Kim at 116 Myongji- North Korean (NK) refugees who live in South Korea (SK)
ro, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 449–728, South Korea. E-mail: has been found to be much higher than what has been reported
in their SK counterparts (Korea Hana Foundation, 2016; Um,

C 2020 International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. View this article Rice, Lee, Kim, & Palinkas, in press). In particular, NK refugee
online at
DOI: 10.1002/jts.22549 women in SK have been reported to have high rates (i.e.,

Migration Stressors and Suicidal Ideation

45.5%) of suicidal ideation (J. Y. Kim, Choi, Chae, & Hwang, Pescosolido, & Borgatti, 2018). Social capital theory suggests
2013). Before migration, NK refugee women typically endure that individuals who have access to diverse sources of support
traumatic experiences in NK, such as chronic famine, political gain more returns because diverse networks stimulate a wider
oppression, institutionalized violence, and witnessing death range of interests, provide richer information, and enable indi-
caused by starvation or public execution (Jeon et al., 2005; H. viduals to develop a better sense of control of their lives (Lin
Lee & Gerber, 2009). In intermediary countries such as China, & Erickson, 2008). Hence, previous studies have found that
many of these women are easily manipulated into human more network diversity, measured by the number of types of
trafficking and sexual exploitation because of their illegal relationships in an individual’s network, is associated with bet-
status and the adverse consequences of repatriation (E. Kim, ter mental health outcomes among individuals with a high risk
Yun, Park, & Williams, 2009), as leaving the country without of trauma exposure (Platt, Keyes, & Koenen, 2014; Sripada
government permission is a serious political crime in NK (H. et al., 2015). In the case of NK refugee women, network di-
Y. Lee & Gerber, 2009). Previous studies of other populations versity has been shown to exert a protective effect on suicidal
have demonstrated significant associations between the number ideation (Um et al., in press). In addition, the composition of
of traumatic events an individual experiences and suicidal specific relationship types, such as the number or proportion of
ideation (Jankovic et al., 2013; Krysinska & Lester, 2010; friends and ties to religious or spiritual group members, have
O’Neill et al., 2014) and indicated that trauma exposure has a predicted decreased suicidality in other populations (Bearman
stronger negative influence on suicidality than genetic markers, & Moody, 2004; Tsai, Lucas, Sania, Kim, & Kawachi, 2014). In
such as the serotonin transporter promoter polymorphism (Roy, a sample of NK refugee women, having church-based ties was
Hu, Janal, & Goldman, 2007). Further, following resettlement shown to be associated with decreased suicidality (Um et al., in
in SK, NK refugee women continue facing multiple hardships, press). Churches in SK play a pivotal role in providing instru-
such as acculturative stress, discrimination by South Koreans, mental assistance to NK refugees (Bell, 2013). South Korean
and social exclusion (J. U. Kim & Jang, 2007; Um et al., Protestant missionaries provide shelter and material aid to NK
2015). South Korea is an ethnically homogenous country that refugees who hide in China (Han, 2016), and in SK, churches
has historically valued monoculturalism; hence, although NK provide tailored services and stipends to NK refugees, motivat-
refugees share the same ethnicity as their SK counterparts, ing most NK refugees to become members of churches (Bell,
discrimination has been reported to be a pervasive and serious 2013). North Korean refugee women have expressed that they
problem that hinders overall adaptation among NK refugees (J. go to church to seek emotional and material support (M. S. Lee,
U. Kim & Jang, 2007) and negatively affects mental health (Um 2005) and that their church-based ties are significant sources of
et al., 2015). Perceived discrimination has been associated with emotional support (Bell, 2013).
an increased risk of suicidal ideation among ethnic minorities The stress-buffering hypothesis posits that social support
(Cheng et al., 2010; Gomez, Miranda, & Polanco, 2011). North buffers the potentially adverse impact of stress on mental health,
Korean refugee women try to hide their identities from South primarily among individuals who are under stress (Cohen &
Koreans to avoid discrimination, but they can be easily iden- Wills, 1985; Thoits, 2011). An individual may perceive a situa-
tified due to their NK dialect. The results of a national social tion to be stressful when the ability to cope with the situation is
survey indicated that 23.5% of NK refugee women experienced not immediately available. Social support might attenuate the
discrimination in SK in the previous year, with 28.8% identify- stress appraisal response to stress exposure by strengthening
ing discrimination as one of the top factors that made their life the ability to cope with stress and preventing the situation from
difficult in SK (Korea Hana Foundation, 2016). However, to being perceived as stressful (Cohen & Wills, 1985). Moreover,
our knowledge, no study to date has examined the associations social support can most effectively protect an individual from
among premigration trauma, postmigration discrimination, the negative influence of stressful events when resources and
and suicidal ideation among NK refugee women. support provided from social networks fit closely with the in-
Social networks of migrants are significant sources of social dividual’s specific needs (Cohen & Wills, 1985). In this sense,
capital that facilitate their adaptation to new host societies by support from social networks can buffer the harmful impacts
providing information, support, companionship, and material of pre- and postmigration stressors on refugees’ mental health
aid (McMichael & Manderson, 2004; Miller & Rasmussen, (Fenta et al., 2004; Miller & Rasmussen, 2010). The caring,
2010). As a result of forced migration, however, many refugees understanding, and sympathetic presence of important social
are separated from their families and other significant social ties can reduce the impact of stress appraisal by providing
networks, which might increase their vulnerability to suicidal- aid related to the stressor, helping the refugee view an ad-
ity (Fenta et al., 2004; Hovey, 2000). Establishing new social verse situation differently, and sustaining the refugee’s sense of
networks after resettlement can be challenging, but it is an im- self-worth (Cohen & Wills, 1985; Thoits, 2011). However, pre-
portant step in helping refugees gain access to various resources vious studies have generally focused on the functional element
during times of need (McMichael & Manderson, 2004; Miller of social support by using aggregated measures of perceived so-
& Rasmussen, 2010). cial support (Smith & Christakis, 2008) rather than examining
Network composition has been shown to have direct effects the structural element of social support (i.e., network compo-
on an individual’s behavior and mental health outcomes (Perry, sition) by identifying specific individuals in a network who

Journal of Traumatic Stress DOI 10.1002/jts. Published on behalf of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.
Migration Stressors and Suicidal Ideation

provide support and have stress-buffering effects (Platt et al., slavery in addition to discrimination based on their refugee
2014; Sripada et al., 2015). The results of a national study in status (Park, 2016). Thus, the intensity and nature of pre- and
the United States demonstrated that a high level of network postmigration stressors and how these stressors affect suicidal
diversity—a structural element of social support—was protec- ideation in NK refugee women are potentially different when
tive against PTSD regardless of the level of perceived social compared with men.
support—a functional element—among individuals who had In the current study, we tested two research questions: (a)
experienced at least one traumatic event (Platt et al., 2014). How are premigration traumatic experiences and postmigra-
Thus, to better inform effective social network interventions for tion discrimination associated with suicidal ideation among NK
mental health outcomes, such as suicide, it is important to ex- refugee women who live in SK? and (b) Does network compo-
amine the people to whom an individual is connected. However, sition (i.e., network diversity and church-based ties) moderate
empirical evidence is lacking regarding the ways social network the association between these migration-related stressors and
composition can moderate the association between migration- suicidal ideation?
related stressors and suicidal ideation among refugees in general
and NK refugee women in particular. Method
To fill these research gaps, we tested the moderating effects of
Participants and Procedure
network composition on the associations among premigration
trauma, postmigration discrimination, and suicidal ideation in From April to May 2014, a sample of NK refugees living in
a sample of NK refugee women living in SK. Specifically, net- SK who were 19 years of age or older was recruited by snow-
work composition in the present study was defined as network ball sampling, whereby trained recruiters initially reached out
diversity and church-based ties. Although previous researchers to some participants (i.e., seeds) who, in turn, introduced other
have found direct effects of network diversity and church-based participants to the researchers. To reduce the initial seeds’ po-
ties on lower suicidal ideation among NK refugee women (Um tential influence on the final composition of the study sample
et al., in press), little is known about their moderating effects (i.e., recruitment bias), the number of participants seeds could
on suicidality. To our knowledge, this was the first study to recruit was limited to four, resulting in long chains of recruit-
examine the moderating effects of network composition on the ment. Participants recruited by this procedure were living in
associations between migration-related stressors and suicidality various districts across three metropolitan areas and provinces
in NK refugee women. in SK (Seoul, Gyeonggi province, and Incheon), where more
The present study focused on NK refugee women for two rea- than half (64.8%) of all NK refugees reportedly reside (Min-
sons. First, similar to the findings of a meta-analysis that showed istry of Unification, 2019). Although snowball sampling may
refugee women to have significantly poorer mental health than lead to potential recruitment bias, it is the most commonly used
men (Porter & Haslam, 2005), a national social survey found method when sampling NK refugees due to the lack of a sam-
that NK refugee women reported significantly elevated rates pling frame (Um et al., 2015). If an NK refugee’s escape from
of suicidal ideation relative to men (Korea Hana Foundation, NK is reported to the NK government, his or her family remain-
2016). Second, the experience of NK refugees is viewed as ing in NK will face severe punishments (H. Y. Lee & Gerber,
a gendered one. The population of NK refugee women living 2009). For this reason, the SK government keeps the list of NK
in SK is 2.5 times larger than that of men, but, since 2015, refugees residing in SK strictly confidential; however, many
four times more women than men have been consistently ar- NK refugees have reported being concerned that they might
riving in SK each year (Ministry of Unification, 2019). When be monitored by the SK government as they were in NK (Um
the NK public distribution system began to fail in the 1990s, et al., 2015).
women became the household breadwinners by participating A trained researcher and interviewer visited each household.
in underground markets (Park, 2016). Because NK men are Surveys were self-administered after obtaining informed con-
monitored by the government much more strictly than women, sent. Each participant received 20,000 Korean won (approx-
NK women have more mobility to cross the border to China imately $20 [USD]) as compensation for their participation.
to seek food (Park, 2016). In China, NK women are in high The institutional review board at Korea University approved
demand and are often sold to Chinese men due to a shortage of all survey items and procedures. Among 407 participants who
Chinese women; this results in NK women living in China for were interviewed, two participants with incomplete data were
significantly longer than NK men and exposes them to more removed, generating a sample of 405 participants. For the pur-
premigration trauma due to their illegal status. A national so- pose of this study, we only used female participants for the
cial survey reported that more than half of NK refugee men did analyses, resulting in a sample size of 273 NK refugee women.
not live in intermediary countries at all, whereas almost half of
women spent 5 years or more in intermediary countries, and,
of these women, 18.3% spent 9 years or more in intermediary
countries (Korea Hana Foundation, 2016). In SK, these women Dependent Variable: Suicidal ideation
face discrimination by South Koreans based on a widespread The dependent variable, suicidal ideation, was assessed
stigma that they are victims of human trafficking and sexual by a five-item scale measuring suicidal ideation (Harlow,

Journal of Traumatic Stress DOI 10.1002/jts. Published on behalf of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.
Migration Stressors and Suicidal Ideation

Newcomb, & Bentler, 1986). Participants were asked how scores indicating more frequent experiences of perceived dis-
often during the previous year they had suicidal thoughts and crimination in SK. In the present sample, the Cronbach’s alpha
attempted suicide, with response options given on a 5-point value was .90.
Likert scale ranging from 0 (almost never) to 4 (almost always).
Items were “I have thought about suicide,” “I have recently Moderating Variable: Network Composition
wanted to die,” “I have told someone that I wanted to commit
Social networks were measured using each respondent’s
suicide,” “I have thought that my life will end by committing
egocentric (i.e., personal) network data, which were collected
suicide,” and “I have attempted to commit suicide.” A total
via a name generator, in which respondents identified “alters,”
score was calculated by summing the five items. Because of
or network members, in their networks, and a name interpreter,
high skewness and kurtosis as well as a large number of 0
in which respondents reported information on the characteris-
ratings, this variable was dichotomized to indicate at least one
tics of and their relationships with each alter (Burt, 1984; Perry
experience of suicidal ideation during the previous year versus
et al., 2018; Rice, Kurzban, & Ray, 2012). The name generator
none; the suicide literature shows this to be a common method
asked, “We would like to understand your social relationships
used to operationalize suicidal ideation (Johnson, Wood,
with the most important people to you. Please name 5 people
Gooding, Taylor, & Tarrier, 2011). In the present sample, the
with whom you have stayed in contact with and have signifi-
Cronbach’s alpha value was .94.
cantly influenced you the most during the past 6 months. These
people can include family, friends, coworkers, teachers, doctors,
Independent Variables: Premigration Trauma Exposure and so on.” The name interpreter then asked about the following
and Discrimination information for each alter: type of relationship (spouse, parent,
sibling, children, other family, coworker, friend, neighbor,
Premigration traumatic experiences were assessed using a
church acquaintance, and other), gender, age, length of relation-
traumatic events checklist developed for NK refugees (Y. H.
ship (years), and nationality. We fixed the number of alters (i.e.,
Kim, Jeon, & Cho, 2010). Traumatic events included life-
network size) to five because prior research has stated that this
threatening experiences due to starvation, severe illness, or cold
can be useful for comparison and standardization in egocentric
weather; being shot or severely beaten; political punishment,
data while reducing respondent burden (Jariego, 2018) and
such as imprisonment or torture; witnessing death by public ex-
that five alters are the most cost-effective to record sociometric
ecution or starvation; unwanted separation from family due to
choices when collecting such data (Merluzzi & Burt, 2013).
searching for food or other reasons; sexual violence; and natural
disasters. Nineteen identical items related to traumatic events
Network composition
were asked regarding experiences in NK and China or other
Measures of network composition were network diversity
intermediary countries. One additional item, “Were you repa-
and church-based ties. Network diversity was defined as the
triated or almost repatriated to North Korea?”, was asked only
total number of different types of relationships. Because each
regarding experiences in China or other intermediary countries.
respondent had a fixed network size of five, the possible range
Response options for all 39 items were yes or no. These items
for the number of relationship types (i.e., network diversity)
were summed to create a total score, with higher scores indi-
was between one and five types. For example, if a respondent
cating more experiences of premigration trauma. In the present
reported that all five alters were kin ties, which indicates only
sample, the Kuder–Richardson 20 coefficient was .84.
one relationship type, network diversity would be one; like-
Postmigration discrimination was measured using the Every-
wise, if a respondent reported having one kin, one friend, one
day Discrimination Scale, which captures chronic, routine, and
coworker, one neighbor, and one church-based tie, network di-
generally minor experiences of unfair treatment (Williams, Yu,
versity would be five. Church-based ties were defined as the
Jackson, & Anderson, 1997). Measures of routine discrimina-
total number of reported church-based social ties. The number
tion have been found to be more predictive of health outcomes
of church-based ties ranged from zero to five because respon-
than those that assess acute discrimination (Gee et al., 2006).
dents could report no such ties or up to five in their networks.
The original scale consists of nine items, but 10 items were
used to collect these data. One item (“You are treated with
less respect than other people are”) that appeared to somewhat
overlap with another item (“You are treated with less courtesy Sociodemographic Variables
than other people are”) was excluded. Two items (i.e., “People The sociodemographic characteristics of age (years); mar-
exclude you from social activities at your school or workplace” ital status (1 = married or cohabiting, 0 = separated
and “People make fun of your accent/dialect”) were added to or single); years since leaving NK, which was created
better reflect discriminatory experiences of NK refugees in SK. by summing the number of years spent in China and
Participants were asked how often they had experienced these other intermediary countries and the number of years liv-
10 items in their everyday lives in SK, using a 5-point Likert ing in SK; religious affiliation (1 = Christian, 0 = not
scale ranging from 1 (almost never) to 5 (almost always). A Christian; 84.6% of Christians in our study reported attend-
total score was calculated by summing the items, with higher ing church at least 3 or 4 times a month); and perceived low

Journal of Traumatic Stress DOI 10.1002/jts. Published on behalf of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.
Migration Stressors and Suicidal Ideation

socioeconomic status in SK (1 = low, 0 = low to middle, middle, were conducted to compare whether the fit of the model with
middle to high, or high) were included as covariates. an interaction term was significantly improved compared to the
model without an interaction term. Post hoc power analyses
Self-Esteem indicated that our sample size of 273 afforded power of .80
Previous researchers have demonstrated associations be- to detect odds ratios (ORs) as small as 1.06 or, for negative
tween self-esteem and suicidal ideation (Bearman & Moody, associations, as large as 0.91 for main effects and odds ratios
2004; Johnson et al., 2011). The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale as small as 1.02 or, for negative associations, as large as 0.98
(Rosenberg, 1965) was used to measure global self-esteem. for interaction effects (α = .05). No missing data were present.
Participants responded to 10 items, using a 4-point Likert scale All analyses for this study were performed using Stata (Version
ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree). Neg- 15.1).
atively worded items were reverse-scored. A total score was
calculated by summing the items, with higher scores indicating
higher levels of self-esteem. In the present sample, the Cron- Results
bach’s alpha value was .80.
In the present sample, 34.4% of participants reported contem-
General Health plating suicide during the previous year. Participants reported
Self-rated health is also known to be associated with suicidal having experienced an average of 7.20 (SD = 5.10) types of
ideation (Johnson et al., 2011). Participants were asked to self- premigration traumatic events. With a possible range of 10 to
rate their health status by responding to one item: “Compared 50, the mean score for postmigration discrimination was 15.93
to your past (e.g., in North Korea or during migration), how (SD = 6.02). Regarding network diversity, participants re-
would you rate your health?” Responses were given using a ported, on average, approximately two types of social ties in
5-point scale ranging from 1 (very poor) to 5 (very good). their networks (range: 1–4). The average number of church-
based ties in participants’ networks was 0.60 (SD = 1.20). The
Length of Relationships mean participant age was 41.38 years (SD = 12.71; range: 19–
A social network covariate measuring the mean length of par- 69), and the majority of individuals were married or cohabiting
ticipants’ relationships with alters was included, as this variable with a partner (69.2%) and identified as Christian (69.2%). The
is an indicator of tie strength, which has been shown to be as- average time since leaving NK was 8.60 years (range: 0.75–
sociated with mental health outcomes (Perry et al., 2018). This 24.33 years). Almost half (46.5%) of participants perceived
variable was measured using one item asked for all five alters: themselves to have the lowest-level socioeconomic status in
“How long have you known [alter]?” The average relationship SK. Participants rated their current health to be between sim-
length, in years, was then calculated. ilar and worse (M = 2.85, SD = 1.12), on average, compared
to when they lived in NK or were fleeing to other countries.
The mean relationship length with participants’ social ties was
Data Analysis
7.57 years (SD = 6.94).
To compare descriptive statistics and social network variables Descriptive statistics and other study variables were com-
by past-year suicidal ideation, chi-square tests and independent- pared by suicidal ideation (see Table 1). Higher levels of pre-
group t tests were performed. Based on a similar methodology migration trauma, t(271) = 5.64, p < .001, and postmigration
suggested by Hosmer, Lemeshow, and Sturdivant (2013), co- discrimination, t(271) = 6.29, p < .001, were positively associ-
variates associated with suicidal ideation at p values less than ated with suicidal ideation. Higher levels of network diversity,
.05 were included in the subsequent multivariable models to t(271) = −2.90, p = .004, were negatively associated with sui-
avoid numerically unstable estimates and large standard errors. cidal ideation. Higher levels of self-esteem, t(271) = −6.14,
The only exception was applied to religious affiliation when p < .001, and self-rated health, t(271) = −4.73, p < .001, were
the moderating variable included a church-based tie, as it was negatively associated with suicidal ideation. A longer mean re-
important to control for this variable. lationship length with alters, t(271) = −2.34, p = .020, was
Multivariable logistic regression analyses were divided into negatively associated with suicidal ideation.
two parts: Analyses examining (a) the moderating effect of Table 2 presents the results of multivariable logistic re-
network diversity on suicidal ideation and (b) the moderating gression models that tested the moderating effects of network
effect of church-based ties on suicidal ideation. All continuous composition (i.e., network diversity and church-based ties) on
variables were mean-centered. To test the moderating effect the associations between premigration trauma and postmigra-
of network composition, each analysis started with the main- tion discrimination and suicidal ideation. Model 1 shows the
effects model before examining one interaction term of the main-effects model of all study variables on past-year suicidal
network composition variable and one independent variable ideation. Model 2 includes the interaction term of the network
at a time. If both interaction terms were significant at p < composition variable and premigration trauma, whereas Model
.05, the subsequent model would include two interaction terms; 3 includes the interaction term of the network composition vari-
however, this was not the case in our study. Likelihood ratio tests able and postmigration discrimination.

Journal of Traumatic Stress DOI 10.1002/jts. Published on behalf of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.
Table 1
Univariable Comparison of Descriptive Statistics and Study Variables, by Past-Year Suicidal Ideation
Suicidal ideation (n = 94) No suicidal ideation (n = 179)
Variable M SD % M SD % Statistical test p
Migration-related stressors
Premigration trauma 9.48 6.00 6.01 4.09 t(271) = 5.64 < .001
Postmigration discrimination 18.88 7.02 14.37 4.75 t(271) = 6.29 < .001
Social network variables
Network diversity 1.91 0.91 2.23 0.84 t(271) = −2.90 .004
Church-based ties 0.64 1.37 0.58 1.11 t(271) = −0.71 .709
Age (years) 40.03 12.07 42.08 13.01 t(271) = −1.27 .206
Married 66.0 71.0 χ2 (1, N = 273) = 0.72 .396
Christian 66.0 71.0 χ2 (1, N = 273) = 0.72 .396
Years since leaving NK 9.40 4.97 8.19 4.88 t(271) = 1.93 .054
Low socioeconomic status in SK 48.9 45.3 χ2 (1, N = 273) = 0.34 .562
Migration Stressors and Suicidal Ideation

Self-esteem 27.13 4.03 30.15 3.77 t(271) = −6.14 < .001

Self-rated health 2.43 0.99 3.08 1.13 t(271) = −4.73 < .001
Length of relationship (years) 6.22 6.04 8.28 7.29 t(271) = −2.34 .020
Note. N = 273. NK = North Korea; SK = South Korea.
a Chi-square tests for percentage difference. t-tests for mean differences.

Journal of Traumatic Stress DOI 10.1002/jts. Published on behalf of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.
Migration Stressors and Suicidal Ideation

Table 2
Multivariable Logistic Regression of Moderating Effects of Social Networks on Migration-Related Stressors and Past-Year Suicidal
Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Network diversity
OR 95% CI OR 95% CI OR 95% CI
Premigration trauma 1.10** [1.03, 1.17] 1.10** [1.03, 1.17] 1.10** [1.04, 1.17]
Postmigration discrimination 1.09** [1.03, 1.15] 1.09** [1.03, 1.15] 1.08** [1.02, 1.14]
Social networka 0.69* [0.48, 0.98] 0.69* [0.49, 0.99] 0.71 [0.50, 1.01]
Self-esteem 0.88** [0.81, 0.96] 0.88** [0.81, 0.96] 0.87** [0.80, 0.95]
Self-rated health 0.64** [0.48, 0.84] 0.64** [0.48, 0.84] 0.63** [0.48, 0.83]
Mean length of relationship 0.96* [0.91, 0.99] 0.96* [0.91, 0.99] 0.95* [0.91, 0.99]
Trauma × Social Networka 0.98 [0.91, 1.06]
Discrimination × Social Networka 0.93* [0.87, 0.98]
Likelihood ratio testb 0.23 4.92*
Church-based ties
Premigration trauma 1.10 [1.04, 1.17] 1.14*** [1.06, 1.23] 1.10** [1.04, 1.17]
Postmigration discrimination 1.09** [1.03, 1.15] 1.09** [1.03, 1.15] 1.09** [1.03, 1.16]
Social network 1.03 [0.80, 1.33] 1.06 [0.82, 1.37] 1.03 [0.80, 1.33]
Christian 0.74 [0.38, 1.47] 0.70 [0.35, 1.40] 0.74 [0.38, 1.47]
Self-esteem 0.89** [0.82, 0.97] 0.88** [0.81, 0.96] 0.89** [0.82, 0.97]
Self-rated health 0.65** [0.50, 0.86] 0.66** [0.50, 0.88] 0.65** [0.50, 0.86]
Mean length of relationship 0.95* [0.90, 0.99] 0.95* [0.91, 0.99] 0.95* [0.91, 0.99]
Trauma × Social Networka 0.94* [0.89, 0.98]
Discrimination × Social Networka 1.00 [0.97, 1.03]
Likelihood ratio testb 5.33* 0.00
Note. N = 273. Suicidal ideation is the dependent variable for all models. Model 1 is the main-effects model. Models 2 and 3 include interaction terms.
a Corresponding social network variables appear in columns. b Model 1 is the reference model; chi-square test (df = 1).
* p < .05. ** p < .01. *** p < .001.

In the models that included network diversity as the network Discussion

composition variable, experiences of premigration trauma,
The current study tested the moderating effects of network
OR = 1.10, 95% CI [1.03, 1.17], and postmigration discrim-
composition on the associations between migration-related
ination, OR = 1.09, 95% CI [1.03, 1.15], were significantly
stressors and suicidality in NK refugee women living in SK.
associated with increased odds of past-year suicidal ideation.
We found that both premigration trauma exposure and postmi-
Network diversity significantly moderated the association be-
gration discrimination were risk factors for suicidal ideation. In
tween discrimination and suicidal ideation, OR = 0.93, 95%
addition, the results suggest that network diversity moderates
CI [0.87, 0.98]. This association is graphically depicted in
the association between postmigration discrimination and suici-
Figure 1, which shows that the association between postmigra-
dal ideation and that church-based ties moderate the association
tion discrimination and suicidal ideation decreased as network
between premigration trauma exposure and suicidal ideation.
diversity increased.
The present findings provide empirical evidence that partially
In the models that included church-based ties, having expe-
supports the stress-buffering hypothesis. This study extended
rienced premigration trauma, OR = 1.10, 95% CI [1.04, 1.17],
previous literature by using social network composition rather
and postmigration discrimination, OR = 1.09, 95% CI [1.03,
than a global scale of social support.
1.15], were significantly associated with increased odds of sui-
Consistent with previous studies (Jankovic et al., 2013;
cidal ideation. Church-based ties significantly moderated the
Krysinska & Lester, 2010; O’Neill et al., 2014), we found that
association between trauma and suicidal ideation, OR = 0.94,
a higher level of premigration trauma exposure was associated
95% CI [0.89, 0.98]. Figure 2 portrays this association, which
with increased risk of suicidal thoughts. The traumatic events
indicates that the relation between premigration trauma and
that the NK refugee women in our sample experienced might
suicidal ideation decreased as the number of church-based ties
have made the deleterious consequences of trauma exposure
persist for a prolonged period and could have affected their

Journal of Traumatic Stress DOI 10.1002/jts. Published on behalf of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.
Migration Stressors and Suicidal Ideation

Figure 1 studies in samples of other ethnic minorities (Cheng et al.,

Moderating Effect of Network Diversity on the Association Between Postmi- 2010; Gomez et al., 2011). Because previous studies have
gration Discrimination and Past-Year Suicidal Ideation, After Controlling for
Covariates indicated that discriminatory and prejudicial attitudes toward
NK refugees are widespread in SK (J. U. Kim & Jang, 2007;
Um et al., 2015), the present findings indicate the need to create
multicultural educational programs and campaigns in schools,
workplaces, and the broader SK society to ensure diversity and
cultural differences are respected. Moreover, health care and
mental health practitioners who work with NK refugee women
should strive to identify perceptions of unfair treatment and
help them cope with such issues.
We found that network diversity moderated the effect of post-
migration discrimination on suicidal ideation but not the effect
of premigration trauma exposure on suicidal ideation. North
Korean refugee women with more diverse networks were less
likely to be negatively affected by the detrimental consequences
of discrimination with regard to suicidality compared to women
whose networks were less diverse. It is possible that by being
connected to people across diverse domains, these women had
Note. N = 273. Covariates include self-esteem, self-rated health, mean rela- more access to various solutions and necessary resources to
tionship length, and premigration trauma. The range of postmigration discrim- cope with discrimination, an ongoing stressor, which might
ination is plus or minus 1 standard deviation from the mean. have had less of an impact on the stress appraisal response
from premigration trauma exposure, a more distal stressor.
suicidal thoughts after resettlement. This finding highlights the Suicide prevention and intervention programs for NK refugee
need for early identification of trauma exposure that occurred women can emphasize the importance of participating in di-
before arrival in SK. It is necessary for practitioners working verse types of social settings and building relationships with di-
with NK refugee women to screen for premigration traumatic verse groups of people, which could, in turn, mitigate the stress
experiences and help high-risk women receive appropriate treat- appraisal response of discriminatory treatment. In addition, it
ment and resources at an early stage of their resettlement. may be beneficial for governmental and nongovernmental of-
The present findings suggest that perceived discrimination ficials and volunteers who interact with NK refugee women
after resettlement in SK harmfully affected suicidal ideation to try to maintain relationships and keep in contact with these
among our study participants. This is consistent with previous refugees.
We also found that church-based ties moderated the effect
Figure 2 of premigration trauma exposure on suicidal ideation but not
Moderating Effect of Church-Based Ties on the Association Between Premigra- the effect of postmigration discrimination on suicidal ideation.
tion Trauma and Past-Year Suicidal Ideation, After Controlling for Covariates
Specifically, reporting more church-based ties attenuated the
association between increased premigration trauma exposure
and increased risk of suicidal ideation. Along with the caring
and empathetic nature of Christian fellowship, it is possible that
church-based ties provided emotional support that alleviated the
stress appraisal response from premigration trauma exposure by
helping NK refugee women view their distal traumatic expe-
riences differently and improve their self-worth, which might
not have been enough to cope with ongoing unfair treatment.
To reduce the negative impact of premigration trauma expo-
sure on suicidality, suicide intervention programs that use NK
refugee women’s social networks with church-based ties could
be designed. Moreover, community organizations that serve
refugee women could collaborate with churches that many NK
refugees attend and involve church members in providing ser-
vices to these refugee women to help them better cope with
Note. N = 273. Covariates include Christian religion, self-esteem, self-rated
their posttraumatic stress.
health, mean length of relationship, and postmigration discrimination. The Our findings should be interpreted in the context of their
range of premigration trauma exposure is plus or minus 1 standard deviation limitations. First, our cross-sectional data did not allow infer-
from the mean. ences regarding causality between migration-related stressors

Journal of Traumatic Stress DOI 10.1002/jts. Published on behalf of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.
Migration Stressors and Suicidal Ideation

and suicidal ideation. For instance, NK refugee women who be conducted with larger samples of NK refugee women to
are at a higher risk of suicidality might have perceived more determine the associations examined in this study.
unfair treatment daily. Future research should seek to identify Despite these limitations, our findings represent an important
the causal association between these stressors and suicidal contribution to the literature. First, our research underscores
ideation, using longitudinal data. In addition, our data could the importance of examining stressful events experienced by
not account for respondents who had suicidal ideation prior refugees before and after migration. The results of the cur-
to migration. Collecting such data longitudinally before and rent study suggest that the detrimental consequences of pre-
after NK refugee women migrate to SK can improve our migration trauma exposure can persist after several years of
understanding of the effects of migration-related stressors on resettlement and lead to suicidal behavior, and indicate that
suicidal ideation. However, the challenging nature of data postmigration discrimination exerted an independent effect on
collection from this population before migration should be suicidality beyond premigration trauma exposure. Second, the
noted. Data collection in NK is impossible, and in intermediary present findings bolster the hypothesis that social ties can buffer
countries, such as China, these women are often reluctant to the appraisal of migration-related stressors on suicidality. More
participate in studies due to security issues related to their importantly, we generated findings not apparent at the aggre-
illegal status. Second, the use of snowball sampling prevents gate level by using network composition rather than an overall
generalization of study findings to all NK refugee women who scale of perceived social support. Furthermore, our research
live in SK. We encourage future researchers to use a more sys- suggests that intervention and prevention efforts involving so-
tematic sampling method, such as respondent-driven sampling cial networks designed to reduce suicidal behavior among NK
(Heckathorn, 1997) to minimize recruitment bias. Third, our refugee women are urgently needed.
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five may have not captured respondents who had many more
ties or those who were socially isolated. However, the network
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