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Cebu Institute of Technology - University


Department of Industrial Engineering



Lesson 1 Introduction to Cognitive Ergonomics

Performance Task No. 1 Journal Reading

1 Search
Read the
forfollowing journals stated
one (1) scientific paper/ and understand
journal howdifferent
that shows cognitive ergonomicsand
applications is applied.
2 of Cognitive Ergonomics
3 Summarize the rationale of the paper, the methodologies applied, the result, and conclusio

Journal 1
Research Title

Cognitive Ergonomics Principles for Re-Designing Function Allocation and Interfaces of

The objective of this paper is to describe and discuss, firstly, how cognitive ergonomics p
activities carried out in the main control room of a fire fighting system of a large city. The
then been applied for re-designing the allocation of functions and interfaces in order to im
working context.

Short Reflection
I reflected that amethodological approach was discussed in this paper.
based on the principle of cognitive ergonomics and a
a procedure for combining retrospective and
prospective examinations of operational systems involving
complex tasks and extensive human-machine collaboration
The methodology does not suggest any new approaches.
As the current state of cognitive ergonomics
state of the art is full of valuable theories and concepts.
models. However, the most important aspects of this
approach is based on existing correspondence
between historical studies (retrospective)
analysis) as well as the evaluation and assessment of new products
434 create systems (prospective analysis).
A methodology has been used to evaluate a
large city's firefighting system's control room
and the results of the retrospective study have been published
utilized for
Journal 2
Research Title
Applied Cognitive Ergonomics Design Principles for Fighter Aircraft

The objective of the reported work was to study the use and applicability of applied cogni
examples from the modern Swedish swing-role aircraft Gripen. Methods used were a liter
analysis of their applicability to the fighter aircraft domain as well as interviews of develo
fighter aircraft development at Saab. As a result of those activities, we can here present a b
applied in the Gripen fighter aircraft, and the development process for human-machine int
design process for fighter aircraft are discussed in the context of that description.


Short Reflection

I reflected that the goal of the reported work was to investigate the use and applicability o
Journal 3
Research Title

Comparing the Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Reduction of Social Anxiety
Disorder Symptoms in University Students


This study aims on reducing effectively of social anxiety symptoms in university students


The aim of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral gro
reduce social anxiety symptoms in college a student with social anxiety disorder.

The pretest-posttest design is used in this quasi-experimental study. The control group des
the treatment (acceptance and commitment therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy) the
(SPIN) scores as a result of combining two different treatment methods. All undergraduat
2016, he graduated from the Islamic Azad University of Marvdasht and Shiraz. The samp
were chosen based on their availability & students who used drugs. SPIN scores of 35-40
Interviewed using the Diagnostic Statistical Manual Criteria Fifth Edition of the Manual. T
University Students.
The level of social anxiety was assessed using social anxiety. Inventory (SPIN), which is
Results 0 and 68. SPIN was created by Canner et in 2000 to assess social anxiety, and it i
The over time.
covariance One ofassumptions,
analysis its applications is toastest
as well thethe treatment
final analysisresponse in social anxiety
results. Covariance anal
between people who have and do not have social anxiety. Scores greater than
two groups: experimental and control. By confirming the information in Table 2. Table 2 51 indicate
Results & Conclusion
social anxiety. Between 41 and(control
50 for and
moderate, 21 to 30
significance level, the groups experiment) arefor low, and less
significant, 0.001than 20 for
is the norT
control) between the scores of social anxieties of the two groups: Experimental and Contr
beneficial. Another factor to consider is the size of the effect is indicated as "ETA" in the
percentage terms.

The current study sought to compare the efficacy of acceptance and commitment, as well
reducing social anxiety symptoms specifically on students suffering from social anxiety d
approaches were both equally effective in lowering University students exhibit symptoms
Link therapy outperformed cognitive therapy slightly. In the treatment of social anxiety disorde
field is required to more clear results for university students.



erent ergonomicsand
applications is applied.

applied, the result, and conclusion. Limit to 300 words.

ion Allocation and Interfaces of a Fire Fighting Control Room of a Large City

ly, how cognitive ergonomics principles have been applied for the evaluation of the
hting system of a large city. The same principles, coupled with engineering creativity, have
ons and interfaces in order to improve efficiency of communication, decision making and

n this paper.




hter Aircraft

nd applicability of applied cognitive ergonomics design principles for fighter aircraft, with
ripen. Methods used were a literature review of relevant design principles together with an
n as well as interviews of developers and scrutinized system documentation of ongoing
activities, we can here present a brief description of cognitive ergonomics design principles
t process for human-machine interaction for fighter aircraft. Finally, considerations for the
text of that description.


igate the use and applicability of applied cognitive ergonomics design principles for fighter a
erapy with
ocial Anxiety

symptoms in university students. One of the most common chronic anxiety disorders with a signi

ness of cognitive behavioral groups therapy and acceptance and attachment group therapy to
social anxiety disorder.

ntal study. The control group design was employed. This study's independent variable was
ognitive behavioral therapy) the dependent variable was social changes. Phobia inventory
ment methods. All undergraduate students were included in the statistical population. In
Marvdasht and Shiraz. The sampling was carried out in two stages: in the first, 470 students
ed drugs. SPIN scores of 35-40 or higher were identified and clinically evaluated.
ria Fifth Edition of the Manual. The entry requirements for the experimental group included:

ety. Inventory (SPIN), which is a 17-item self-assessment scale. Total scores can range
0 to assess social anxiety, and it is extremely sensitive to reductions in the symptoms of social
analysisresponse in social anxiety
results. Covariance disorder.
analysis It is to
was used a valuable screening
analyze and toolthe
compare fordata.
There are
information in Table 2. Table 2 shows the value of F for the difference between at the mild
Scores greater than 51 indicate severe social anxiety, while scores less than 51 indicate
efor low, and less
significant, 0.001than 20 for
is the normal.
level. This indicates a significant difference (with pre-test factor
groups: Experimental and Control. As a result, therapy has been proven. The sessions were
ect is indicated as "ETA" in the table. The ETA value squared is 0.372, which equals 37% in

tance and commitment, as well as cognitive behavioral University group therapy for
suffering from social anxiety disorder. The findings revealed that two therapeutic
rsity students exhibit symptoms of social anxiety. Acknowledgment and commitment group
atment of social anxiety disorder, behavioral group therapy is used. More research in this

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