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Friday, January 13th 2023

Its Friday, January 2023, a lonely afternoon, and the truth is yet to hit hard home. Joram, 22
years and 4 months old. The truth is yet to dawn on this young man totally dependent on his
parents money. The truth dawns on him that this tap will eventually dry and in return he will
have to be one of those providing the finances. Friday, greed led you to the kibandaski, out of
you desire of chapati you’ve wasted 70 shillings for bad cooked beans and half cooked chapatis.
Congratulations!! Well done. After all isnt’t it your parents money.
Well! Here is the truth. The truth is that I will be sitting my last campus exams in about three
years. The truth is that I have not been able to find a meaningful side hustle. And the truth is
that there is no plan at all. It’s a difficult pill to swallow yet it is a necessary tool so that we may
know where to point the fingers when I eventually end up broke and jobless. The truth as you
say could never be more specific than at this moment.
A short while ago you asked me what would distinguish me from other people seeking
employment at an organization. The truth is that there is none. So, what are you going to do
about it? Then you tell me that things do take time and it will not be easy and blah! Blah! Blah!
Yet every time you begin doing something meaningful you have to squeeze in an episode of
Ozark or that it is on a Friday and that you need to rest. Time as of now is rather plentiful but it
surely will decrease with the coming time.
So lets plan, lets set a plan of action, lets start off in the right direction. Unlike Chelsea this
season. Forgive me as I forgive you. Yet there is not much to do for a 4 th year to student on a
sunny Friday afternoon a week before studies begin. Cycling perhaps, journaling as it happens,
waiting on a friend that you consider successful. The wheel of time, yesterday, today and
tomorrow. Yet you tell me, I’ll start tomorrow, I promise. And tomorrow arrives and you do not
start. Such cycles. Promising development but never actually starting it. The sad reality of a
young man hooked on pornography and masturbation. The truth as it is, a sad pill to swallow.
So you tell me. Get out of your comfort zone. It provides a floor to stand on but also fixes a roof
so that you may not each for the sky. A sad state of affairs. A while back, this was not so. But
various things pushed me to the way things are. A life of regrets is not really the best way to
live. But how could a 22 year old have regrets. He has not even began really living. Yet I remind
you that choices influence how you really grow up to be. True. This not the end of a journey but
rather the beginning of it.
Perhaps, I am being too hard on myself. My parents were hard on me to get the education.
Now I am not really sure that it is the key to success. I do not know if anything is a key to
success. Seems everyone has their own different path to succeed. Others do not. They end up
in manual labour working for those who have succeeded. Others rise. Others do not. Such is
life, you know.
So here I am on a sunny Friday afternoon. Supposed to be outside but afraid of what might be.
What might not be. Hope that you are understanding what I am saying. Silent. You look tired.
Heavy eyes. Sleep? Will you give me a chance to sleep? You had your nine hours of sleep in the
night and yet you want to sleep again. Fuck you! You will not sleep! You will wait until it is
10p.m for you to fucking sleep again. A child. A mother’s child. A 22 year old. And some
months. Don’t forget. It is the monsters that we lock in ourselves that we should really be afraid
Will I succeed? Right now it seems impossible. In what avenue of the vast journalistic practice?
But wherever I go, keep the pace, keep the fight in the right direction and perhaps all may or
may not be well. Expect disappointment and you will likely not be disappointed. Adios!!

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