Double 3 2019

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% BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL Botswana General Cetficate of Secondary Education CANDIDATE a Nowe eae oe CENTRE | ‘CANDIDATE, NUMBER | NUMBER es SCIENCE: DOUBLE AWARD 0569703 Papers! ‘octoberNovember 2019 ‘hours CGandidotos answer onthe Queston Paper No Adon Mates are rues READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST ‘Wte your candidate name, Cente number and candidate number inthe spaces provided te top of this pege, ‘ite a dark bie or bick pn, Yesrmay ase 9 sok penal for any diagrams, graphs r rough working Snot doe staples, paper ele highughtors, alue or corecton fd BO INOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES, Anger all questons. ‘arte your a part question Fou may tose ma appropriate You may use season ‘Acopy ofthe Perode Tables printed on page 20. rst in the speoes provided onthe Question Pape. “omar of mort fs given n rackets Jat he end af ch question or rf you donot show your working of you donot Use “The document consisis of 18 printed pages end 2 blank pages [Turn over 1. (a) Define the term speed, = uw (b) Fig. 1.1 shows a speedtime graph ofa train T T 20 L { t il seed 20 t ms il i. Wa time/s. Fig. 1.4 1) Forwhich part of the graph was tha acceleration ofthe tran oreatest?™ Explain your answer, part explanation (a) : (i) Calculate the distance traveled by the train in part CD. Aistance = ns a i) Determine the resultant force acting onthe train in part BC. Explain your answer resutant force = N exlanation el enccane cseasgonis 2 (a) Define moment ofa force (0) Fig. 21 shows a uniform metre rue of mass 0.15kg plvoted atthe 20.0cm mark ‘Theale ie balanced by the tension in 2 string at the 60 em mark as shown cepa 209em Po vot Fig. 24 Calculate (the weight W of the rule, (g= 10Nka) {) the tension onthe string tension = im NE] Nel [Tum ove 3 Fig, 31 shows a thermostat foran electric appliance a 4 c contacts: bimetaic sito {2} State the purpose ofthe thermostat. (b) State one electrical appliance that uses a thermostat {€) Describe how the thermostat in Fig. 3.1 works (@) Suggest a reason why material Z must be an insulator. 0 mn w a " 4 (a) Define the term refractive index. (b) Fig. 41 shows a fish O at he bottom of a pond and is image T when viewed rom outside the pond. Fig. 44 (On Fig. 41, complete the path of the rays to show how the image Io the fish ‘is formed. a (i) Calouate the refractive index of water a refractive index = epec2010 [Tur over 6 5 AGOWlampis connected to a 240 mains supply and is switched an for 8 hours, (2) Calculate (i) the currant inthe lamp when itis switched on, (i) the resistance of te lam, resistance = (8) The cost of electrical anergy ie PO.80 par kWh Determine the cost of using the lamp for @ hours. Ee Ag aR) a 7 Po 6 (a) State the name af one naturally occuring radioactive materia a (b) State one danger of being exposed to radoactve emission. 1" (6) AGeiger-Mule tube detects some radiation when placed ina Gassrocm that has no fadioastve source nearby. State the name of this radiation. 1 7 Choose from the fit a substance tha fs each given description. Each susstance may be used once, more than once ornot at al. ‘ammonia carbon monoxide nitrogen rubidium chlorine lead ‘Wich substance (a) ‘is used as a reducing agent in the blast furace? 1 (0) (is 0 998 produced from a catalytic converter? m {e) is used for making nitric acis? a (a) is in period 5 ofthe Periodic Table? m1 (o) reacts wth water to form an alkaline solution? nm opec 2019 asgesone Turn ove 8 Equal volumes of water samples WX and dstiled water are tested for hardness before and tte boling using a soap solution ofthe same concentration. ‘The results are shown in Table 8.1 oe [et ents asin mi oe orale aortiha es 5 soos 2 z7 (a) State two physical properties of pure water. 8 1 2 (0) ()_ State the type of hardness found in sample X. Give a reason for your answer. ‘ype (i) Suggest how the hardness in sample W can be removed. {) Describe how the presence of carton dioxide inthe atmosphere contributes tothe 3 presence of hardness in water (8) Draw alot and erse’ diagram to show the bonding in a water molecule (H:0) 2 eoccme a a 1 8 2 B 7 Jerre 9 Ethane, CiHs an ethene, Cas, are hysrocarbons et (a) (State the name ofthe homologous sees to which ethene belongs. oT {l_State the name ofa compound with four carbon atoms which belong tothe same homologous series as ethene. a (6) Draw the structural formala fr ethane. a (6) Describe a test that can bo used to distinguish between ethane and ethene and state the ‘observation made, test ‘observation with ethane servation wih ethene a @ Ethane can be produced from athene in the presence ofa catalyst at 180 (i) State the name of the reaction that produces ethane from ethene a (i) Suggest a catalyst that can be used forthe reaction. iy) encom ceeanacon's Tumover 10 40. Excess zine metals added to 200m of 0.500mal/dm®ethancie aca to form zinc thancate, (CH.COO}, Zn and hycrogen gas. “The equation for the reaction is 2anfs) + 2CH,COOH{ag) -» (CH/COO), Zn(aa) + H:lG) (a) Calculate the number af melas in 200.m* of 0.500 mol/an" ethancic acid moles = ‘ a (©) (Calculate the number of mole of hydrogen gas, Hs, that are produced forthe reaction, 8 i role al (i) Use your answer to (bY) to calculate the volume of hyrogen produced from the reacten at room tomperature and pressure. (volume of 1 mole of gas atr.p. = 24 dm) volume = @ g (6) () A.gas's produced when cite ethanoic acid reacts wth zine. ‘Sate one observation that wil be made. a (it) The experiment was repeated using due hydrochloric acid ofthe same concentration. State and explain the ference that wil be made on the observation between the ‘wo reactions. ditference m explanation. ia omecane asencgone ae escers 414. Fe. 11:1 shows the diagram of a human circulator sytem wih blood vessels m,n. oand p 8 Fig. 144 {@) (i) OnFig. 11.1, dentfy the par labelled 8. a {i State the names of the circuits labelles X and Y. ceeut X circuit Y : : @ (ii) On Fig. 11.1, which two letters represent blood vessels caryng deoxygenated blood? m onrcmi9 ccansonvie [Turn over 2 4b) Fig. 11.2(@) shows a cross-section ofa blood vessel taken from a heathy heart of a human being. Fig. 11.2(0) shows a cross-secten of the same blood vessel taken from an unhealthy heart of a human being substance W Fig. 11.2(a) Fig. 11.216) (State the name ofthe blood vessel in hg. 11.20) (i). State the name of substance Win Fig. 11.210). a (ii) State the name ofthe disease that is caused by the condition shown in Fig. 11.210) 1 iv) Describe the effect ofthe conaliton shown in Fig. 14.200) fe) euccane scorns = satire 442. Fig. 12.4 shows a sotup used to investigate the necessity of carbon diosde for photosynthesis ___—soda ime clear glass jar — potted pant Fig. 12.4 (a) ‘State the purpose of soda ime, a 3 {b) Wiite @ word equation for photosynthesis. m {c) Slate one factor, ther han carbon dioxide, that is required for phacaymtneis to take place. m {@) Fig. 12.218 a graph showing the amount of oxygen released by te plant Fig, 12.1 ‘amount ‘of oxygen 0800 008 7200 time rhours Fig. 122 Explain the skape ofthe grap from 0800 to 1200 hours. a esecz01 ssennonre [Turn over 1“ 13. Fig.13.1 shows anistration ofthe nervous pathway trough neurones G, Hand (a cenival nervous system Fig. 13.4 (2) (State the names ofthe neurones labeled G and H on Fig. 13. 6 4 (i) On Fig, 131, use arrows to show the direction of nerve impulses (b) State two functions of he spinal cord 1 2 (©) Coozdinatin in the human body is done by both the nervous system and the hormonal system (Define the term hormone, a " ‘a io} _ es ie (iia, 122 shows the changes in blood glucose levels for a person, boos sahucose| 80 timer min Fig. 13.2 “The person was over-excted from 80 to 100 minutes. Explain the changes observed in the graph from 80 to 120minutes. i} once mie cscansonvie Trurn over 6 44 Fig.14.1 shows the structure ofthe skin, The skin i involved in homeostasis ae Fig. 144 {@) Define the term homeostasis. w= (Ml (b) Idently the structures labelled P and Q on Fig. 14:1 Pe @ a ate of arterioles and capitares under diferent af Fig. 14210) Fig. 14.215) “Suggest the environmental cndtion that resuited inthe state f arterioles and capris shown in Fig. 14.2(a) and 14.20). condition in Fig. 14.2) consston in Fig, 142() . io) socczm18 ceznenonie {@) Describe how temperatures regulated bythe arterioles in Fig. 14.2(0) ” a a a TST FREEING a Ra ea Sere eee me een ment seeansonie 8 BLANK PAGE, a sums mom “Syiauya oxy 70 oe POH MUL 133s viva x we 0 Ee] aa a9va HN 6

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