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1: The data based on workers salary is as 2500, 2700, 2600, 2800, 2200, 2100, 2000, 2900, 3000, 2800,
2200, 2500, 2700, 2800, 2600 and number of classes desired is 10 then width of class interval is

A. 300
Range = Maximum value - Minimum value =
B. 200 3000 - 2000 = 1000

C. 100 class interval = Range / Number of classes

desired = 1000 / 10 = 100
D. 400

Q.2: The type of variable which can take integer values is classified as

A. Continuous variable.

C. Flowchart variable

B. Discrete variable

D. Measuring variables

Q.3: The range or set of values which have chances to contail value of population parameter with
particular confidence level is considered as

A. Secondary interval estimation

B. Confidence interval estimate

C. Sample interval estimate

D. Population interval estimate

Q.4: The number of observation are 30 and value of mean is 15 the sum of all values is

A. 200 Sum of all values = Mean x Number of

observations = 15 x 30 = 450
B. 15

C. 45

D. 450

Q.5: What level of measurement does classify data into distinct categories but no ranking?

A. Nominal scale

B. Interval Scale
C. Ratio scale
Q.7: For each of following describe, indicate which the data is cross-sectional

A. Quarterly unemployment rates

C. monthly sales

B. Unemployment rates by State

D.A and B are correctly

Q.8: In sample distribution the degree of freedom is calculated as

C. df=n-3

D. df=n-2

B. Df=n-5

A. df=n-l

Q.9: Eric is a student at HUFLIT at the Semester 1, Sam reaches 7.0 marks as the mean of subjects. At
Semester 2, Sam Sam reaches 8.0 marks as the mean of subjects. Calculate the Sam's mean (average) of
Academic Year. Noted: HUFLIT is calculating following credits .Semester 1, Sam take 19 credits and 15
credits at semester 2.

C. 7.55
Semester 1 Total: 7x19 = 133
D. 7.5
Semester 2 Total: 8x15 = 120
B. 7.44
=> Average = (133+120)/(19+15) = 253/34 ~
A. 7.6 7.44


10. According to empirical rule, approximately what percent of the data should lie with u± 3 σ

A. 95%
µ ± σ => 68%
B. 68% µ ± 2σ => 95%

C. 99.7% µ ± 3σ => 99.7%

D. 90%

Q. 11: The sample has value as follow: 271, 354, 296, 301, 333, 326, 285, 298, 327, 316, 287 and 314
What is the sample standard deviation number of words per page?

D. A,B,C are wrong

C. 510.75

A. 22.6

B. 22.4

Q. 12: If the true value of population parameter is 10 and the estimated value of population parameter is
15 the error of estimation is

D. 0.67  the error of estimation= the estimated value of

population parameter - value of population parameter
C. 25
= 15-10 =5
B. 150

A. 5

Q. 13: The height of student is 1.60 m. This is an example of---

B. Discrete data

A. Qualitative data

D. Continuous data

C. Categorical data

Q.14: If the point estimate is 8 and the margin of error is 5 then confidence interval is

D. 6 to 16

C. 4 to 14
= 8-5 = 3

= 8+5 = 13

B. 5 to 15

A. 3 to 13

Q. 15: The mean absolute deviation is 5 (standard deviation) and the mean is 110 then the coefficient of
variation is

D. 1.054 Coefficient of variation=

Standard deviation/ Mean
C. 0.064
= 5/110 =0.045
B. 0.054

A. 0.045

Q. 16: If total sum of square is 20 and the sample variance is 5 then total number of observation are

D. 15
=  Variance = Sum of the
C. 25 square/ Total observation=> 5
= 20/ total observations
B. 4
=> total observation= 20/5 = 4
A. 35

Q. 17: The types of descriptive measure includes

B. Direct sampling

A. Random sampling

D. Non random sampling

C. Indirect sampling

Q. 18: You asked ten of your classmates about their height. On the basis of this information, you stated
that the average height of all students in the university is 1.67 m. This is an example of

B. Inferential statistics
A. Population
c. Descriptive statistics
. 19 The types of descriptive measure includes

A . measures of skewness

B. Measures dispersion
C .measures of central tendency

D. All of above

Q20: The population mean-25The lower quartile - 15The upper quartile-30 We know this data is

normally distributed And N-200How many data from lower quartile to upper quartile?
Q1)= 15, (Q3) = 30, => (IQR) is:
A. 100
IQR = Q3 - Q1 = 30 - 15 = 15
B. 25
Q1<mean, Q3=1/2 IQR
C. 50
the data between the lower quartile and upper quartile would contain approximately 50% of the data in the
D.150 distribution
Q.21: The median, mode, deciles and percentiles are all considered as measures of

A. Sample averages

B mathematical averages

C. Population averages
D. Averages of position

Q. 22: The upper or lower boundaries of interval of confidence as classified as

A. marginal limits

B. error biased limits

c. Confidence limits

D. estimate limits
23. A 95% confidence interval for the proportion of all market goers who are students is:

A. 15.9% ≤p≤21.7%

B. 15.4% ≤p≤22.2%

C. 14.3% ≤p≤23.3%

D. 18.7% ≤p≤26.3%

24. A 90% confidence interval of the proportion of all market goers who are students would be:

A wider than the 95% confidence interval.

B. More likely to contain the true population mean.
C. Narrower than the 95% confidence interval
d. More likely to contain the true population proportion

25. What sample size would be required to estimate the proportion of all market goers who are students
to within plus or minus 2% with 90% confidence?
n = (Z^2 * p * (1 - p)) / (E^2)
A. 1466
n = (1.645^2 * 0.5 * 0.5) / (0.02^2) n ≈ 1667
B. 1467
C.1033 z: 90% corresponds to a Z-score of approximately

26. 95% of students at school weight between 62 kg and 90 kg .Assuming this data is normally
distributed, what are the mean and standard deviation?

A. u = 76; sigma = 7

B. u = 7 / sigma = 7

C. u = 76 / a = 14

d. u = 74 / sigma = 4.5

27. Find the percentage of population z < 2.05

A. P =97.95\% use a z-table

1. P =47.98\% 2.05 is approximately 0.9798 or 97.98%

C. P =97.98\%

D. P =2.02\%

28. Computing P (0.85 < Z <= 2.23)

A. P =18.48\% P(Z <= 2.23) = 0.9884 (from the standard normal

B. P =18.76\%
CP =18.49\% P(Z <= 0.85) = 0.8023 (from the standard normal
D. P =18.23\%
P(Z <= 2.23) - P(Z <= 0.85) = 0.9884 - 0.8023

29. If mean >median, so the shape of data is

A. left-skewed

B. right - skewed

C. Symmetric

D. Cannot Identify

30. A large number or parts were measured and the mean and standard deviation were calculated as 3.2
m and 0.05 m respectively. Assuming this data is normally distributed and 99.7% of the parts were
accepted what are the upper limits?




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