I Am Aboagye Jedidiah Anobi

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The Visa Officer

The High Commission of Canada Accra, Ghana

Dear Sir/Madam,

Statement of Purpose for the Application of a Student Visa to Canada

I am Aboagye Jedidiah Anobi, a Ghanaian citizen with Passport

No.12345678, who wishes to bolster my career growth with a degree
from Canada. After immense efforts and analyses, I have been able to
secure admission to a four year Bachelor of Art International Studies
degree at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. I am therefore
writing this statement as part of a student visa application to commence
my studies in Canada.

My academic and professional background

Being passionate about learning new things, I have done a lot of

voluntary work about women and gender related issues with some
NGOs in Ghana. That has really influenced my decision to take this
course in International Studies in Canada. I completed my senior high
education at St. Margaret Mary Senior High School, where I completed
in 2014.

My family and sponsorship details

I come from a small and a well-established and progressive family in

Ghana I live with my family in Ghana and as a son of the family, they
have been very supportive to me and are always willing to give every
necessary support to see me through achieving my dreams and
aspirations. I feel very proud and honored by their unflinching support
and love.
Through hard work and dedication, my parents have been able to save
enough money that is capable of sponsoring my entire education in
Canada. With their savings and income, it would be easy for them to
manage my expenses. I have however attached the necessary documents
with this statement and I hope that you would be convinced of my
parents’ financial capability to fund the program in Canada.

Summary of a financial scenario for a total duration of 12 months

Total Funds Readily available $42,425.24 CAD
Total Tuition for 12 Months $25,121 CAD
Total living expenses for 12 months $12,000 CAD
TOTAL $42,425.24 CAD $37,121 CAD

It is however, evident from the table above that I have enough funds to
sustain me throughout my 12 months study in Canada.

Why am I doing this particular course and what is its relevance with
my future dreams?

The Bachelor of Arts International Studies at Saskatchewan University

has a lot of interdisciplinary courses which give great prospects to
prospective students. However, my decision is settled on Sociology and
Women & Gender studies. As Sociology deals with the study of social
life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human
behaviors, I see it as a good step to study the human behavior over all,
their interaction and organization to help maintain stability in our
societies. By studying sociology I will become adept in understanding
and analyzing sociological issues and devising potential solutions and
improvements, perhaps by addressing social inequalities relating to
factors such as class, gender, race and poverty in my country Ghana,
where class, gender, race and poverty of individuals are wrongly
interpreted. As part of my program, I will learn about the social causes
and consequences of common human experiences and issues. This
knowledge can then be used across multiple sectors, from politics to
social welfare, which forms integral part of socio-economic
development of any country. One of my primary focuses is on
community and youth development that is seen as incredibly important
fields in which to pursue sociology careers. The focus here lies with
social welfare amongst young and vulnerable people as well as the wider
community, on both a local and a national scale. Often these roles have
close involvement with social politics, particularly regarding social care,
education, community involvement, poverty, rehabilitation and
healthcare. A degree in such area will bolster my knowledge and ability
to take up such roles in Ghana to ensure this kind of development. I
dream of establishing a charity organization to help people in need and
also advocate for the less privileged to also have access to their basic

Why did I choose Canada?

Canada appealed to me with its world-class education, high-quality

programs and industry-relevant curriculum. While I was in search of
attaining global exposure and practical training in my field of study, I
overlooked the institutes in Ghana as the institutions in the country
focused primarily on theoretical aspects of knowledge without giving
importance to its practicality. Hence, I decided to study at a foreign
institute. Even though I initially considered the countries such as the
USA, the UK and Australia as my study destination, I chose not to study
in these countries due to their exorbitant tuition fees and living expenses.
As Canada offered affordable academic options without compromising
on the quality, I finalized my decision in favor of it. Moreover, Canada
is a safe country with friendly living conditions and a multicultural
learning environment, which would make my stay comfortable. All these
aspects influenced me to choose Canada as my study destination.
Why University Of Saskatchewan?

With its commitment to student satisfaction and graduate employment, I

believe that my academic tenure at the University Of Saskatchewan
would be enriching. The University provides real-world career training
that meets the current industry trends and I intend to benefit from it. The
state-of-the-art learning facilities coupled with industry-experienced
faculty at the University would make my academic journey a memorable
one. As the University partners with the Canada Homestay Network, I
would be able to easily adapt to the new life in Canada. Besides, I
learned that there are various benefits included in the tuition fees levied
by the University such as accommodation, bus pass, health insurance
and access to many clubs and events. As a school that is ranked among
the world’s best universities for sustainability and social impact, I
believe this is the place to be as far as my career is concerned.
Therefore, I was excited to pursue this program at the University Of

What are my future plans?

After the completion of the program, I intend to return to Ghana and

explore the opportunities in my home country. The proposed program
would build my competencies to function as an efficient and
professional sociologist and women & gender activist in both the private
and public sectors in my country. Due to the rising demand for
community development and socio-cultural changes in Ghana, I would
be able to serve as a humanitarian assistant provider, NGO officer,
consultant for international business and organizations etc. With the
accrued expertise and experience, I aspire to establish my own charity
organization in my native land, where I would be able to oversee a lot of
socio-economic changes, gender equality, community development etc.
As such, I would have a fulfilling professional journey in Ghana.
Further, I wish to stay close to my family and I intend to support them
the way they aided me. Hence, I would come back to Ghana after my
graduation to unite with my family and define my career.

Final appeal and conclusion

As per the details outlined above, I present my application for a student

visa to Canada for your kind consideration. I assure you that I would
utilise the opportunities wisely and prove myself to be a valuable asset
to the University Of Saskatchewan, Canada. I ascertain that you would
be able to arrive at a favorable conclusion for me. Thank you for your
time and consideration.

Yours Sincerely,

Aboagye Jedidiah Anobi


Phone Number

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