Bgcse Sda Paper 2 2001

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Candidate Name TIME 2 hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Contre Number MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, BOTSWANA in collaboration with UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education SCIENCE : DOUBLE AWARD 0569/2 PAPER 2 OCTOBER/NOVEMBER SESSION 2001 2 hours: Candidates answer on the question paper. No adaltional materials are required. FOR EXAMINER'S USE Candidate Number LT 1 Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page. 2 ‘Answer all questions. ‘Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question paper. $ INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES ‘ The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or 5 part question. You may use a calculator. 6 A copy of the Periodic Table is printed on page 20. 7 8 8 10 " 2 13 4 18 TOTAL This question paper consists of 18 printed pages and 2 blank pages. unt 451 8100 S10746 ‘OUCLES 2001 [Turn over 1 2 Fig. 1.1 shows a 20kg box resting on a smooth, horizontal surface and a force, F, of 15N is applied to it. The box moves horizontally. eter Teg Im RE Fig.1.41 (@) Calculate the acceleration of the box. Show your working. acceleration of box = m/s? 2] (b) What is the advantage of moving the box alona a smooth surface? 2 3 Fig. 2.1 shows the cooling system of a refrigerator. cooling fins _ heed cooling pipe ‘compression pump Fig. 2.1 (a) The pipe and fins at the back of the refrigerator are painted black. Explain why ())_ the pipes and the cooling fins are painted black, (ii) there are many fins fitted along the pipe. (b) Explain why the body of the refrigerator is painted white. [Turn over Fer earners Oso 4 3° Fig.3.1 shows a ray of light entering a rectangular glass block. ‘The refractive index of the glass is 1.5. light ray glass block normal ~~: Fig.3.4 (@) Draw the approximate path of the ray through the block and out the other side. [2] () (i). What is meant by refractive index? (il). The angle of incidence is 39°. Calculate the angle of refraction. Show your working. angle of refraction = fe} Q Fie ers 5 for Exaners 4 Fig. 4.1 shows a person addressing a crowd using a public address system. we microphone amplifier loudspeaker Fig.4.1 State the main energy changes involved. - 3) cesrzonot [Turn over 5 6 | Fig. 5.1 shows a negatively charged, plastic strip suspended by a thin thread and a charged | strip R made of a different plastic material, ‘The diagram shows what happens when R is brought near end Y. Fig.5.41 (a) Name the effect of bringing R near to Y. | (1) (b) Explain how the strip R was charged. (1) () How can the negatively charged strip be discharged? 7 For Examiner's se 6 _ Fig.6.1 shows an electromagnet. electromagnet ig.6.1 (a) State two ways by which the strength of the electromagnet can be increased. 1. 2, - 2) (b) Sketch the voltage-time graph for two complete rotations of an a.c. generator on the axes below. fet tt (3) (c) State three ways of increasing the size of the induced electromotive force in an a.c. generator. 13] en0 01 [Turn over 7 (@) Complete Table 1 to show the nature of each emission and state whether the effect of each emission is small, medium or large. Table 1 | particle or radiation nature ionising effect [alpha emission beta emission | gamma emission (4) {b) A radioactive source Q, emits alpha, beta and gamma radiation. The radiation travels between charged plates P, and P,. Draw in the paths followed by each radiation and label each path accordingly. settee | tteetet 3) esaminer’ Use 9 8 Table 2 shows the electronic structure of six elements, U, V, W, X, Y and Z. Table 2 element (a) Give the letters of ) two elements in the same period of the Periodic Table, . and » 2] 1 t) () (i) What is the formula of a molecule of a compound formed between hydrogen atoms and one atom of W? (ii) a noble gas, i) a Group | metal. ~- ] (ii) Draw a dot and cross diagram to show the bonding between these hydrogen atoms and one atom of W. (Show the outer orbitals only.) @ nese [Turn over For aries 10 | eat canines (c)_ An element T has a melting point of 30°C and a boiling point of 2440°C. It conducts we electricity at room temperature. It burns in oxygen to form an oxide with formula T,0,, which can react with both acids and bases. T also forms a compound with fluorine, which has a high meiting point and conducts electricity in molten form. The approximate relative atomic mass of T is 70. (i) What type of oxide is T,0,? | 1] (ii) Give two properties that indicate that T is probably a metal. Ae 2 2) (ili) Predict the formula for the fluoride of T. (1) (iv) What are the products of the electrolysis of the molten fluoride of T, using inert electrodes? . and ... 2) (V) In which group and period of the Periodic Table will T be placed? group period fal (vi) Write the symbol of the element in the Periodic Table which most closely | resembles T. m | " For varies tse (a) A and B are white powders. A is insoluble in water but B is soluble in water and its solution has a pH value of 3. ‘A mixture of A and B bubbles or fizzes in water. A gas is given off and a clear solution. | forms, (i) Which powder is acidic? ‘The other powder is a carbonate, ‘What gas is given off in the reaction? (b) Anyhdrous copper(II) sulphate is a white powder. | (i) Write its formula... ~ (1 | ‘What happens when water is added to anhydrous copper(II) sulphate? (c) Describe two tests to show that a given liquid is water. ia} creas [Tum over 2 10 Limestone, CaCO,, decomposes on heating according to the following equation. CaCO,(s) > Ca0(s) + CO,(9) (a) Calculate the relative molecular mass of limestone. relative molecular mass = fo (b) 20g of limestone was decomposed. (Calculate the number of moles of limestone used. number of moles a (li) Calculate the mass of calcium oxide, CaO, formed. mass = ~9 [2 (©) At the end of heating, the calcium oxide formed was weighed and only 10g was collected. (i) Calculate the percentage yield of the product % yield = % [2] (ii) Name a substance that would react with calcium oxide to form calcium chloride. (1) (iii) Write a balanced reaction equation for the reaction. include state symbols. 13 11. Fig. 11.14 shows an animal cell and Fig. 11.18 a plant cell Fig. 11.14 Fig. 11.18 (a) State one visible similarity and one visible difference between the two cells. | (similarity .. = i) (i) difference mu) (b) Fig. 11.2 shows how the cell in Fig. 11.1A would appear if it was left in a concentrated solution for an hour. Fig. 11.2 Explain the changes that have taken place in the cell while it was in the concentrated solution. snot [Turn over For varias 14 12. Fig. 12.1 shows the apparatus used to investigate a process taking place in yeast cells. oll yeast suspension 7 ~ + sugar Fig. 12.1 }—limewater (a) Name the process under investigation, (1) (b)_ State the word equation for this process. 1 (©) Explain why a layer of oil was put on the yeast-sugar mixture. a () (i) State what would be observed in the test-tube with limewater if a different test-tube containing a boiled yeast-sugar mixture is used in the set-up. Gil). Explain your answer in (i) above. canines 16 for Exaninors Use 13 Fig. 13.1 shows the human blood circulation, lung z— [——w right side left side Y x body cells Fig.13.1 (a) Identify the blood vessels labelled W, X, ¥ and Z. Ww. x Yu Zz [4] (b)_ Draw arrows in the blood vessels to show the direction of blood flow. fo} (c)_ State two differences in structure between blood vessel X and blood vessel Y. - 2) (d)_ State the function of the heart in blood circulation cnc.onet [Turn over 16 14. Fig. 14.1 shows half of a flower. stigma sig Fig. 14.1 (a) Describe how this flower is pollinated 13} (b) Give two features of a flower that is pollinated in this way. 1 ia} (c) Pollination can tead to fertilisation and the development of fruits and seeds. Describe the functions of the following parts of a seed. (i) cotyledon ... i) testa .. ~ {1 {d) Explain how the dispersal of fruits like tomatoes by animals is possible even though there are digestive juices in the gut. (3) aries 7 15. Conservation of both plant and animal species is of great importance to mankind, (a) Give two reasons why conservation of some species is of importance to Botswana. (b) Describe how recycling of paper contributes to conservation. (2) . 2 18 BLANK PAGE 19 BLANK PAGE (0:71) e1nssaid pue esnjesoduso} woot te ,uup ¥2 51 Se6 Aue Jo oj0ur ouO Jo ouINjon ous 20 so | [ene | weet | net | ee | nen” ] "| cm] wen) | | ee |e Te) ow [pn | wa Sa" | To" | tat fa | tiv | nat | “aN | a | ea | a fon a ee ee) 198 powNeY eO|-064 m [mw | we | ae | fa | an jp | me | us | ma | pw | vd | 20 09S PIOURYIUET 1-85. ow ew Ad | So | Se | we | er] a | eT) Se | wa | “mg” | Pow” | aw! | Ge") “RS | ig” | “ae 20 ed on 40 A uo os eo | MW on °N | "| om’ ce | A a 4 Co i noi ‘squaUlo!a yp JO 121 SIP OU, 4133Hs viva

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