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‘Sr. | Name ofthe ProductService ‘Name of Fee! When Payable [Frequency] Amount in Rupees No Charge levied TGA Switchto@RELRNH Benchmark Rate | CorversionFees | Onconversion | On change | NIL [Nor-HousngLoars) and conespening wher the resutat | of bench spread ra ofierest | markrate remsinsthe same | andlor change of Spread 158| SwitchtoaRPLRNH Benchmark Reto | CorversionFees | On conversion | On change | Haof th spread eAerene on he prncpal (Non-Housing Loans and conesponding where the resutant | of cutstanding and unisbused amount (any) spreas rats ofirest | benchmark plus taxes, wih a minimum fee of 5% ara S lowered rate and | Max. 150% xchange of Spread 16 | switch tom Combination Rate home oan | Conversion Foes | OnConorsin | once | 1.78% ofthe Prinopal Outstanding ane fod att Variable rato Undsbursed amu (if any}+appeable ‘axes / statutory levis a the time of Conversion 17 | Switch o Lowe Rate (Non-Howsing Loans}| Conversion Fees | On Conversion | Onevery | Halal the spread aference onthe pina Variable Rates Spread | custanting and unisbrsed amount (if any) change | + apliate taxes stator loves wih ‘minimum fe of 05% ans Max 1.80% 18 | Switch o Lowe Rate (Plot Loans} Conversion Fees | On Conversion | On every | 0.5% of principal oustanding and Variable Rate Spread | undsbursed amount (any) + applicable change | laxossaoryloviosathe ie of Conversion 12 | swith te Lower Rate (Loans under HFC | Conversion Feet | Onconversin | Onavery | Upto 1.50% ofthe pincpal outstanding and Reach)-Vaiable Rats Spread | undebursed amount any) + aphcable changa | tacos! vesattnatinact conorsion. 20 | Chaqus/ACHYSI Dishonour Charge Wiscalaneous | on chequaikc! | Depends | Re. S00- Per Dishonor. Recebts siDsteraur | onno.of Dishonor 21 | Photo Copy of Documents Miscelaneous | Event Onevery | Upto Rs. St» appicabe taxes Receipts request | stator eves 22 | FeasonaccountofExtmal Opiion- | Miscelaneous | Onincuring | Onevery_| As peractuas. Such a5 egltechicalvifcatons Receipts expenses occurence 23 | Ustof documents Misclneous ‘On every | Upto Rs, S00! applicable taxes Recebis request | stator eves, 24 | pocswap Miscelaneous ‘On every | Upto Rs. S00 applicable taxes Receipis request | stator lve, 25 | Disbursement coque cancelation charge | Misclaneous Onevery | Upto Rs. 50+ appcable taxes post sbursoment Receipts oocurence| statutory loves. 26 | Reappraisal ofloan afer months om | Processing Fees | at ‘once | Rs. 2000! applicable taxes date of sanction Retopliaton stator lave. 127A] Switchio HOC Mawaniage Store | ProvessingFee | Attnetimeof | Once | 0.28% of he outstanding loan amount + Conversion applicable taxesstautory lvoe at he time of everson 1278] Reversal of Provisional Propayment under | Processing Fee | Atte time of | Onevery_ | Rs. 2501-plus applicable arelstatstory HOFC Manvantage Shame Revotsal reversal | levies al the ine of rversal

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