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Traffic Signal Detection Techniques 2022-23


Title of the project: Arrival and departure of train

Place of Project: This project is carried out in APS college of engineering

Internal Guide: Prof. Shruthi T S

Assistant professor, Dept. of CSE.

Student name: PRUTHVI.R.SHETTY (USN:1AP20CS023)


Start date of the project: April 2023

End date of the project: June 2023

Hardware Requirements: Processor: Ryzen 5 and Intel

RAM: 8GB with 512GB SSD

Hard disk: 2MB

Keyboard: Standard 101 key keyboard

Software Requirements: Operating System: Windows XP, Windows 2000

Language Tools: OpenGL

Compiler: GNU GCC compiler/C++ compiler

IDE: Code Blocks

Documentation Tool: Visual C++ with OpenGL functions

Problem Statement: Computer graphics refers to a technology that generates images on a

screen effectively to users. The arrival and departure of train computer graphics mini project
illustrates the concepts and usage of pre-built functions in OpenGL. The various 2D vehicles
are built and are been moved by various keys based on signal light the user can obey the rules.
We have used input devices like mouse and keyboard to interact with the program.

APSCE, Bangalore 1
Traffic Signal Detection Techniques 2022-23

Existing System: 2D railway track,train,signals,railway,sky,electric wires station involving the

movement of the train with respect to the signal in one direction.

Proposed System and Objective: Implementing the movement of train with respect to the

Change.The train can be stopped in station when signal is red and can be moved when signal
changes to green.

Working Principle : Creating a Train in Computer graphics is not that much hard but logical. In
this project we are going to implement an OpenGL Projects on the running train. The best
method for building the objects is by placing the drawing code for each object in a separate
function. Each object is defined using a coordinate system that makes modelling convenient.
Sky, environment , track , electric wires , train (bogie , engine doors , windows , electrical
stimulator) are made by using mode GL_POLYGON . Pantograph and Joints are done by
(GL_LINE_LOOP & GL_LINE) mode. After we finish the drawing our next aim would be to
give motion to the train. As we are going to draw a simple train so our track will be a straight not
in zigzag manner. It is made of many boxes or rectangles while wheel is circular. The two
parallel line have the electricity flow for the train running, we have electric engine here.

Conclusion:.In this project, we constructed a running train system that can simulate fully in an
outdoor environment. Using polygon mode, we have made a virtual environment for the train.
The same mode is used for making the quadrilateral parts of the train & wheel is made up of
circles.the main idea is show how the arrival and departure of train work through the keybord
and mouse interaction,which include the movement of train with respect to signals.

Mini Project Coordinator HOD

Prof. Shruthi T S Dr Sridhara S B

APSCE, Bangalore 2

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