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Supply Chain Management

Assignment 3

1. Explain material handling in warehouse / stores?

2. Explain transport management in supply chain?
3. Define and explain warehouse traffic management?
4. How do you improve warehouse operational efficiency?
5. Discuss warehouse cost effectiveness?
6. What are the factors influencing distribution network design?
7. List the 6 design options for distribution network and discuss any 2 design options?
8. Explain distribution network in supply chain?
9. Explain models for facility location and capacity allocation?
10. Explain bull whip effect and how to overcome it?
11. Discuss impact of uncertainty on network design?
12. Explain pricing and revenue management?
13. Calculate scrap value of a vehicle using declining balance method, whose cost is Rs 80000,
depreciation is 10% per year and useful life in years is 8 years?

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