Exam Practice 2

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Read the text and answer the questions:

There are some special days when families get together to celebrate their love for a member of their
family. Let’s take a look at how people celebrate these days around the world.

The Twins Days Festival is a special celebration that takes place in Ohio, USA, on the first weekend of
August every year. Twins from all over the world go there to celebrate. There is a big parade and lots of
fun activities for people to do.

Different countries celebrate Mother’s Day on different days. For example, on the second Sunday in
May, mums in Australia get all the attention. Children give their mums a card with a poem in it and gifts
such as flowers and chocolates.

a. Where does the Twins Days Festival take place?

b. When do people celebrate the Twins Days Festival?
c. What happens at the Twins Days Festival?
d. Is Mother’s Day celebrated on the same day everywhere?
e. What do children give their mothers?
f. When do people celebrate Mother’s Day in Australia?












2. Ask and answer the questions by looking at the picture:

Student A

a. Everyone / wear white footwear? e. What / boy and girl in middle have
b. What / everyone / do? in common?
c. Number of flags? f. Everyone / have / notebooks on lap?
d. First girl / look like? g. What / behind students?

3. Write a short text about zoos. In your text, you must mention:
 What zoos are;
 What people usually do when they go to the zoo;
 Why some people don’t like zoos.

You should write between 50-75 words.

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