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SEATWORK 1 MCC 109 Analytical Chemistry Summer 2022-2023

1. A 50.0-mL solution of 0.0319 M benzylamine was titrated with 0.0500 M HCl. Calculate
the pH at the following volumes of added acid: Va = 0, 12.0, 1/2Ve, 30.0, Ve, 35.0 mL.
pKb of benzylamine is 4.66; Ve = Volume at equivalence point. (9 pts)

2. A titration curve for Na2CO3 titrated with HCl is shown below. Suppose that both
phenolphthalein and bromocresol green are present in the titration solution. State what
colours you expect to observe at the following volumes of added HCl: (a) 2mL; (b) 10
mL; (c) 19 mL. (3 pts)

3. A 0.6915-g sample of impure mercury(II) oxide was dissolved in an unmeasured excess

of potassium iodide. Reaction: HgO(s) + 4I- + H2O → HgI 42-+ 2OH- Calculate the
percentage of HgO in the sample if titration of the liberated hydroxide required 40.39
mL of 0.1092 M HCl. (4 pts)

4. Neohetramine, C16H21ON4 (285.37 g/mol), is a common antihistamine. A 0.1247-g

sample containing this compound was analyzed by the Kjeldahl method. The ammonia
produced was collected in H3BO3; the resulting H2BO 3- was titrated with 26.13 mL of
0.01477 M HCl. Calculate the percentage of neohetramine in the sample. (4 pts)

5. A 1.217-g sample of commercial KOH contaminated by K2CO3 was dissolved in water,

and the resulting solution was diluted to 500.0 mL. A 50.00-mL aliquot of this solution
was treated with 40.00 mL of 0.05304 M HCl and boiled to remove CO2. The excess
acid consumed 4.74 mL of 0.04983 M NaOH (phenolphthalein indicator). An excess of
neutral BaCl2 was added to another 50.00-mL aliquot to precipitate the carbonate as
BaCO3. The solution was then titrated with 28.56 mL of the acid to a phenolphthalein
end point. Calculate the percentage KOH, K2CO3, and H2O in the sample, assuming
that these are the only compounds present. (6 pts)


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